How To Use Dishevel In A Sentence
I looked up to see Brody onstage, his dishevelled dark brown hair flopping across his forehead and both hands hanging onto the microphone.
It was accounted an immodest thing for women to dishevel and unloose their hair publicly: The priest unlooseth the hairs of the women suspected of adultery, when she was to be tried by the bitter water, which was done for greater disgrace.
From the Talmud and Hebraica
The treaty usually took place in the dishevelled drawing-room, after a round of the widely parted chambers, where frowzy beds, covered with frowzy white counterpanes, stood on frowzy carpets or yet frowzier mattings, and dusty windows peered into purblind courts.
London Films
People who knew Weisberg as a child recall a disheveled and awkward boy who habitually chewed on his shirt collar.
One Smart Bookie
You might have noticed by now that the keywords Mr. McWhorter has chosen to mark "language-ness" spell out the word "idiom"—which is apt, in that idioms are the parts of language that are the most ingrown, disheveled, intricate, oral and mixed.
Strange and Twisted Tongues

He was best known for his role as the dishevelled and eccentric television detective Columbo, which he played for more than 30 years.
His eyes were sunken, his chin unshaved and his hair and even his clothing looked disheveled.
The poor garden is looking bedraggled: dry and dishevelled.
I raked my shaky hand through my uncombed, disheveled hair.
Suddenly Ah - chin rushed in sobbing and wailing, her dishevelled hair hanging over her face.
In addition, they have a rough coat that gives them a disheveled appearance.
If you're looking to buy in a building, and the staff is curt or not polite or disheveled, that is very important in determining property values," said David Kuperberg, the chief executive of Cooper Square Realty Inc., which manages about 200 co-op and condominium buildings, mostly in Manhattan.
He is a man in his mid-twenties, with disheveled hair and a pleasant expression.
His darkened eyes looked down at her from her disheveled hair, her untucked shirt, her jeans, and down to her unlaced sneakers.
I was wearing gumboots and a singlet, and thought I would draw scornful gazes towards such disheveled attire.
He looked wet through and filthy at the same time, totally dishevelled, more like the mad scientist than the nutty professor.
The small apartment reflected the same disheveled appearance as it's occupant; dirty and smelly.
Instead she smoothed her hair with her hand, calming the dishevelled tangles and knots, and walked back into the empty bedroom.
In Manhattan former police officer and now highly regarded lawyer Stone Barrington is in Elaine’s restaurant with Dina Bochetti; they both are shocked to see Lance Cabot, CIA Deputy Director for Operations looking disheveled and foreworn.
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Her dark curls were disheveled, her expression grim and making her look every one of her fifty-plus years.
Etched in Bone
Obama's approval rating finally rising, says poll hotel room that could only be described as disheveled - covers tossed across the bed, towels on the floor, half-empty coffee cups on the table - when there was a knock News 215-854-5960 Almost 29 years have passed since an assassin's bullet took John Lennon. - Articles related to Air Canada expected to expand technical services for travelling public
This boy, clad in a disheveled sailor's tunic and winter coat fit for a bear, stood no more than shoulder-high to me.
The "Mean Girls" star appeared disheveled in a black, off-the-shoulder dress.
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She sat in the middle of a queen-sized bed, in rumpled black silk pajamas with her disheveled hair framing her face.
He was dishevelled, unshaven, his comb-over in disarray, and clouds of whiskey-fumes rose in a steady haze from between his chapped lips.
Like leaves before the wind, the boys rushed out by a back door into the play-ground, while the master solemnly passed to his house, with a deep slow bow to the ladies; and there was poor Scudamore -- most diffident of men whenever it came to lady-work -- left to face the visitors with a pleasing knowledge that his neckcloth was dishevelled, and his hair sheafed up, the furrows of his coat broadcast with pounce, and one of his hands gone to sleep from holding a heavy Delphin for three-quarters of an hour.
Springhaven : a Tale of the Great War
She smiled happily as she approached us, and despite our disheveled appearance, we managed to kneel.
He didn't waste any time on saying how pleased he was to see me, or to ask what kind of a trip I had had, although one look at my disheveled appearance must have given him a good idea!
Underneath his dishevelment, a good mind is at work.
Peter Falk, Columbo actor, dies aged 83
For all this, In the Belly of a Whale doesn't really hint at the disheveled songster I remember from Folk Fest.
She twirled a strand of her long hair and smirked at my disheveled appearance.
In the dishevelled moments when one's neither awake nor asleep they will have felt inexplicably happy.
Her hair was dishevelled over the pillow, and his dark eyes were tender.
A tall, pretty, chunky woman in her mid-twenties with slightly disheveled hair breezes into the room.
She sighed and scratched her head, running her fingers through her disheveled hair.
Mom was stick thin, worn looking and disheveled hair.
But she was freebasing cocaine similar to crack smoking, through transforming powder into base cocaine, and as the decade went on she was photographed looking disheveled and frighteningly haggard.
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Smokes came down after a time, looking gaunt and dishevelled.
The shooter is described as disheveled and heavyset and appeared to be in his 40s, wearing a green windbreaker and driving a 1990s-model Chevy pickup. - News
Marak ignored the disheveled soldiers and addressed the man he knew best, the stonecutter, who had good sense.
I was too stunned to make an effort to piece together my disheveled appearance.
His body is constantly threatening to spill out of his dishevelled clothes: he really needs a quadruplet, not a doublet.
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Her dishevelled hair flew wildly in the wind, framing a bewildered look.
All this is linked by a haunting soundscape of music and song delivered by dishevelled musicians clad in dressing gowns.
In addition, they have a rough coat that gives them a disheveled appearance.
Grimy, unshaved, and dishevelled as I was, I accompanied him.
They all looked disheveled with dirty clothing and most of them had scruffy beards and scraggly hair.
He looks famished and dishevelled and in no way gainfully employed.
Alex just glared, trying not to soften when he saw her disheveled clothes and bloodshot eyes.
The clouds lose tufts of whiteness as the breeze dishevels them.
The Waves
She had only taken time to throw a loose wrapper around her shoulders; and her dishevelled hair streamed out from under a kind of coquettish morning-cap.
The Clique of Gold
First came a short, stout black woman dressed like a hooker, shirt buttons undone, hair wild and dishevelled, dragging a scuffed duffel bag by its long loop.
He looked her up and down and Faith could see the scorn in his face as he took in her dishevelled appearance.
Everyone remarks on my dishevelled appearance and opines that perhaps I've being going out too much - every night since rehearsals started on June 11 by my reckoning.
The less said about this disheveled misogynistic piece of detritus the better.
And because the glass is reflective, there's no hint of any of the interior dishevelment that normally indicates that people sleep there.
Keeping 'Home' Out of Sight
Iseult unconsciously reached a hand up to her disheveled hair and looked down at her rumpled dress.
He ran his slender hands through his hair, perfecting his new disheveled look.
Alex lightly dug his fist into my head, disheveling my hair.
The poplar trembles before the blast, flutters, struggles wildly, dishevels its foliage, gropes around with its feeblest branches, and hisses as in impotent passion.
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Before me is not the debonair, gentleman writer I had expected but an unshaven, dishevelled man with wild, curly grey hair and frayed clothing.
The distressed and dishevelled schoolgirl was found whimpering in the garden by the owner of the bungalow.
Scudamore — most diffident of men whenever it came to lady-work — left to face the visitors with a pleasing knowledge that his neckcloth was dishevelled, and his hair sheafed up, the furrows of his coat broadcast with pounce, and one of his hands gone to sleep from holding a heavy Delphin for three-quarters of an hour.
He was disheveled, soused with water, bespattered with mud, his round face very pale, and he fixed a wild stare on the company …
Archive 2009-01-01
His white blonde hair was windswept and dishevelled, and his bright blue eyes were bright and alert.
His eyes traced over me, taking in my disheveled hair and my toes, which were peeping out from underneath my dress.
KSM, dressed in a rumpled T-shirt, looks dopey, disheveled, and paunchy, the exact opposite of his own heroic self-conception as the James Bond of Jihad.
The Longest War
Yesterday, the swimsuit model was seen smoking a cigarette and looking "dishevelled" for a magazine shoot outside a 1950s-style diner at the hotel.
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Ivey's gradual meltdown from confident banterer to disheveled mutterer is valiantly limned, layered with dozens of revealing looks signaling fear and frustration.
Chad ran a hand through his dishevelled hair and let out a sigh.
The Church a naked Andromeda, with dishevelled hair, fastened to the trunk of an ancient disbranched tree.
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Once the tedious papers had been signed, Gloria Englehart, Rebecca's agent, whose styled raven hair was so perfectly molded that not even a major replaneting of the solar system could dishevel it, announced, "Congratulations, you're my newest homeowner.
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
His disheveled hair became even more messy when he ran another fretful hand through it before he started the engine.
The terrible figure of Draupadi, as she dishevels her long black hair, is the very impersonation of revenge; and a Hindoo audience never fails to shudder at her fearful vow -- that the straggling tresses shall never again be tied up until the day when Bhima shall have fulfilled his vow, and shall then bind them up whilst his fingers are still dripping with the blood of Duhsasana.
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Lampton Quay is decorated with slightly over-ripe kowhai trees in full bloom; the petals trampled into the street by the suits, and what's left on the trees disheveled by the spring rains.
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Straightening his disheveled appearance, Edmund made his way down to the beach to greet them.
At 6pm, Masters, rum in pocket, swaggers down the street like a dishevelled Pied Piper with about 60 young devotees straggling along behind him.
Skin and leather:Is there any sign of bite, trauma, disheveled leather, deficiency of leather, or shrink caused by depilation?
And in 1996 when Paddy said that Parliament had become "A rotten mess.a dishevelled, disfigured old corpse of what was once called the Mother of Parliaments.
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The doctor looked more dishevel [l] ed than his wife had ever seen him before, even on camping trips.
Manuscript Draft: Walter Reed: Doctor in Uniform, by Laura Wood, [19 -- ]
A single darting yellow eye looked out from under a disheveled eyebrow.
The 60's, a decade fashion forgot, also began a trend of informality that devolved over time from slovenliness in the 90's to dishevelment in the 2000's.
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All were in bad temper and soaking wet, eyes burning and sore from the oceans' salt as they sat along the disheveled bank.
The man wore a greatcoat that was wet with rain and a dishevelled shako adorned his head.
He limped under the gateway into the town, and the croucher by the wall peered at him between the meshes of her dishevelled hair.
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Her hair was mussed and falling over her eyes, her clothes wrinkled and disheveled.
The European Carhartt clothing line is, if anything, anti-work, a slagheap of thrift-shop dishevelment—letterman cardigans and puffy thermal vests—designed for inked-up millennials.
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They think of me as an idiot, a fool, some disheveled thing rather than one of them.
When Stacey saw Ed's haggard and disheveled appearance, she knew something must be terribly wrong.
They think of me as an idiot, a fool, some disheveled thing rather than one of them.
Vincent sat on her bed and watched her, captivated, as she stood before the mirror, adjusting the comb in her disheveled hair.
Her cheeks and nose were red from the biting cold wind, and pine needles had managed to entwine themselves in her hair and clothes, giving her quite a disheveled look.
He looked dishevelled in old, crumpled clothes, his hair matted and his lips cracking, his tatty shirt a poor defence against the biting cold.
Khalifah the Fisherman, naked and wrapped in the net; and indeed he was horrible to behold, as to and fro he rolled with eyes for very redness like cresset-gleam and dusty hair in dishevelled trim, as he were an Ifrit or a lion grim.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Her normally neat and primped hair was now disheveled and arranged on her head as though she'd purposely stuck her head out of a car window on the highway.
She looked like a sleeping angel, her expression serene, her hair a disheveled waterfall on the pillow.
No Way Out
My pencil was raised in mid air when I looked over at his dishevelled appearance.
He made a striking picture with the sun creating a halo made of a plethora of colors around his soggy, disheveled chestnut hair.
His right hand went to the dishevelled hair, dishevelling it further.
In the Presence of the Enemy
So up and down the spiral staircases he goes, a rumpled mess wearing a wrinkled golf shirt, disheveled graying hair, and the scars and weariness from a lifetime's worth of beatings.
Sunday Reading
His hair was almost as disheveled and unkempt as mine, and he was the first baboon in the troop who ever interacted with me.
And that makes me want to run around screaming and drooling on myself simultaneously to add to my disheveled, undone self.
Her hair looked dishevelled, as did the sweatshirt and jeans she was wearing.
He passed a shaky hand through his heavy hair, dishevelling it.
He was short, barely five and a half feet, and slightly built, with a haphazardly barbered mop of curly dark hair, a disheveled appearance, and black-rimmed glasses too large for his face.
O: A Presidential Novel
Her hair was frizzed and disheveled from a night of worry and sorrow.
The wind dishevelled her hair and skirt.
The wind dishevelled her hair and skirt.
His blond hair was disheveled and puffy bags bulged from beneath his eyes.
her clothing was disheveled
O-Tar was exhorting his warriors to attack, when a bloody and disheveled padwar burst into the chamber through a side entrance.
The Chessmen of Mars
‘Sorry,’ he runs a hand through his hair, further disheveling it, ‘hope it wasn't too long a wait…‘
He escorted her into the living room where he found a scantily clad and disheveled young couple, who had ventured down stairs to investigate the hubbub.
Jonathan strode in, his black cloak swirling around him, his dark ebony hair disheveled by the wind.
Straightening his disheveled appearance, Edmund made his way down to the beach to greet them.
I will be wearing my usual Avocet touring shoes, khaki touring shorts extra short, ragg wool socks, Primal "Pink Floyd" jersey and disheveled, Cytomax-encrusted beard.
Gender Issues: Sealing Victory With A Kiss
And then there was the dishevelled-looking crooked old man in a dirty stained raincoat and muddy boots.
All the wealthy people were away for the weekend, and the rest of us hung around looking a little dishevelled and careworn.
Images of the formerly "perfect" teen idol in a state of shocking dishevelment and acting in an increasingly erratic fashion plastered the front pages of supermarket tabloids and celebrity magazines.
Cathleen Falsani: Consuming Britney: Oops We Did It Again
So dearly do we love our own voice that we cannot bear to hear it mixed with that of others -- perhaps drowned; and then our bashfulness tongue-ties us in the hush expectant of our "golden opinions," when all eyes are turned to the speechless "old man eloquent," and you might hear a tangle dishevelling itself in Neæra's hair.
Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
a simply furnished bedroom, and though dust lay thick upon every article, there was a certain neatness about the character and arrangement of the furniture which defied the dishevelling results of neglect.
The Black
The poplar trembles before the blast, flutters, struggles wildly, dishevels its foliage, gropes around with its feeble branches, and hisses as in impotent passion.
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
His back was to her, but he turned to face her, coolly, his eyes taking in her dishevelled appearance.
Her sleek dark brown hair is pulled back into a resolute bun yet has become slightly disheveled and a few stray strands rest on her unwrinkled forehead.
They all looked disheveled with dirty clothing and most of them had scruffy beards and scraggly hair.
The dishevelment is the result of spending a long period in deep contemplation.
Readers recommend: Songs with handclaps ? the results
Deliberately peppering his utterances with swear words and appearing in public carefully dishevelled is not setting a good example of behaviour.
David Steel says what we are all thinking
the scholarly man or boffin has similarly had something of an image problem, sexiness-wise, but whilst geeks have recently entered the popular vernacular as actually rather desirable despite themselves, female scholarliness has not fared so well, and the attribute 'inventor' or 'genius' is synonymous with the male mind. i dont recall albert enstein, despite his dishevelled appearance, experiencing much mockery or ridicule, and it certainly didnt put marilyn monroe off...
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But, if the bone be too hard, if the prize suspended be a Mole, an adult Mouse or a Sparrow, the wire ligament opposes an insurmountable obstacle to the attempts of the Necrophori, who, for nearly a week, work at the hanging body, partly stripping it of fur or feather and dishevelling it until it forms a lamentable object, and at last abandon it when desiccation sets in.
The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
Much music was cut from Act Two, which only makes it seem more sporadic and disheveled than ever.
The outlandish upsweep from the night before was disheveled, but still in tact as the pins still held the abundance of brunette locks together in certain places.
He took one look at their sopping clothes, the chunks of food all over them and the general dishevelment of their appearance before laughing.
Back to the picture of James with a bruised face and wearing dishevelled and ripped clothing.
The wind dishevelled her hair and skirt.
We were performing one afternoon when a disheveled stewbum cowboy wobbled by the stage.
Marak ignored the disheveled soldiers and addressed the man he knew best, the stonecutter, who had good sense.
Was she smiling like a Cheshire cat and counting her money or was she disheveled, upset, crying, disarrayed?
I dug in the hem of my cloak and found an obol to pay a disheveled water boy to go to Sophocles 'home and request that he meet me back at the theatre on an urgent matter.
Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
She was so beautiful, standing there, looking at him with her deep-set eyes and the wind disheveling her hair, blowing it across her peachy skinned face.
September 3rd, 2003 kerfuffle: from dishevel, ruffle.
September 3rd, 2003
He ran a hand through his disheveled hair and cleared his throat, looking faintly embarrassed.
While many Napa barrel rooms are temples of modern cooperage, the storage at Mayacamas seems complacently disheveled.
Visiting Mayacamas Vineyards, Napa Valley [guest post] | Dr Vino's wine blog
My hair down and already disheveled from riding, my doeskin leggings soiled from the wet grass, my tunic torn, I ran to the palace courtroom.
I caught sight of myself in his rear view mirror, and grumbled at my disheveled appearance.
By any definition this is a derogatory term (rabble, riff-raff, shabby, motley, dishevelled, etc).
Times, Sunday Times
Beyond the tousled hair and sexily dishevelled clothes they're buzzing, too.
The unruly Giant players in disheveled jerseys and beards scream into the clubhouse after hugging and cheering on the field and you hand out a pair of goggles and maybe you will have a beer after it calms down a bit.
Colin Barnicle: Wearing Goggles at the End Is Good
A film based on his autobiography, Hooleygan: Music, Mayhem, Good Vibrations - described as "anarchic, dishevelled and hugely entertaining" - is scheduled to begin production later this year.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
But still, the 1,000-square-foot Victorian cottage didn't live up to its potential inside. hotel room that could only be described as disheveled - covers strewed across the bed, towels on the floor, half-empty coffee cups on the table - when there was a knock on the - Business News
Her dishevelled hair flew wildly in the wind, framing a bewildered look.
Rich chaplets (1) these were, that the winds might not dishevel their comely hair, and this is true i 'faith.
The Nibelungenlied
He smoothed back his disheveled coal-black hair as he tried to catch his breath.
His back was to her, but he turned to face her, coolly, his eyes taking in her dishevelled appearance.
Then the band members began filtering back into the room, looking disgruntled and disheveled.
He sighed and ran a hand through his neat hair, disheveling it completely.
Complainants are 'portly', 'disheveled', 'live with their mothers', 'not normal'...
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I wonder this as nature utterly ignores me, going about her business while paying no attention to the disheveled samurai under the cherry tree.
The youth was tall, erect, and had disheveled blond hair.
The head is flanked on each side by a solitary and disheveled palm tree painted in dirty grays and yellow ochre.
She twirled a strand of her long hair and smirked at my disheveled appearance.
His disheveled hair became even more messy when he ran another fretful hand through it before he started the engine.
I caught sight of myself in his rear view mirror, and grumbled at my disheveled appearance.
Like his apartment, he radiates a charmingly disheveled elegance, jaunty in jeans and an open-necked cream shirt.
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He looked a little less of the bumbling dishevelled oaf he loves to cast himself as.
Standing on a makeshift stage of whisky barrels, the six drummers, pipers and vocalists are a dishevelled-looking bunch: think Braveheart meets Mad Max.
A man, slightly dishevelled, bullishly confident in shirtsleeves, running things.
Times, Sunday Times
I mean, in addition to the fact that he needs a shave -- and he's otherwise disheveled, which is especially bad since he's also overweight... and everyone else is above-average in looks?
Archive 2006-03-01
To them he must have been a fearsome sight, disheveled with ragged clothes and uncombed greasy hair.
A loosened curl had fallen over her forehead, giving to the severity of her dress, copied from that portrait of her father, a dishevelling touch, as though a young lady were suddenly discovered to be a gipsy in an evil frame of mind.
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She had looked so cute with her disheveled dark curls and accusation in her gaze as she sat on her rump on the floor.
David was conscious of the bright, inquisitive eyes taking him in from head to foot, his dishevelled clothes, his clotted hair.
In it the artist portrays a disheveled thirty-one-year-old Morisot averting her gaze from the viewer.
Her disheveled landlord in a ripped robe comes to collect the rent.
That interior was singularly restful, pleasant, after the confused and dishevelling night.
The Three Black Pennys A Novel
I leaned against him, running my fingers through his tidy brown hair, disheveling it.
He ran a hand through his disheveled hair and cleared his throat, looking faintly embarrassed.
Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath.
Luke had kept a vigil by the bunk bed through the morning and deep into the afternoon until Cassie woke up, disheveled and unremembering.
In This Way I Was Saved
Without the aid of soy sauce or wasabi, our dishevelled hero sinks his teeth into the head of a live and writhing squid.
Her nose was red, her face streaked and tear-stained, her hair disheveled and unkempt.
Chad ran a hand through his dishevelled hair and let out a sigh.
I have to say that the hotel management was very accommodating, allowing us to put our muddy bikes inside for safe-keeping and not an eyebrow was raised at our dishevelled appearance.
Four vinyl sides of dishevelled blues'n'soul and country-fried rock'n'roll, the double album was the sound of Keith Richards reborn as a southern sharecropper.
There isn't much that can diminish the romantic feelings between husband and wife than to see your spouse looking frumpy and disheveled.
As they descended the stairs, Lord Pomfret emerged from the library, cramming cigarettes into his case with the dishevelling manipulation of the belated swain.
Anthony Lyveden
Lynch, a torch in her hand, her hair in maenadic dishevelment, leading on a mob to set fire to a town.
The Dust Flower
His skin was still so pale as to be painful to her eyes, and clashed dramatically with his beautiful dark hair, long and luxuriant in the sunlight, and boyishly disheveled.
We received a few strange looks at our disheveled appearances, but I knew for now that I wouldn't be left to meet them alone.
Iseult unconsciously reached a hand up to her disheveled hair and looked down at her rumpled dress.
In one of the book's most moving passages, Power describes Lemkin forlornly stalking the passages of the UN, dishevelled and faint from hunger, buttonholing any delegates or journalists who would listen.
Erica, in a dark blue silk dressing-gown and fluffy slippers, her luxuriant hair being disheveled, flew into the room like a hurricane.
Winton wasn't ready to see her today, there in his togs and all, dishevelled and exhausted.
The woman looked neither at the seafowl nor at the burning glens of scarlet flame which stretched dishevelled among the ruined lands of the sunset.
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In doing so, they found that the Dishevelled genes activate a genetic pathway, called the planar cell polarity pathway, which helps determine positional information in cells and tissues.
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There isn't much that can diminish the romantic feelings between husband and wife than to see your spouse looking frumpy and disheveled.
He looked her up and down and Faith could see the scorn in his face as he took in her dishevelled appearance.
When it does, it will exhibit characteristic Olmsted features: tangled rhododendrons and disheveled mountain laurels mixed with evergreen shrubs, surrounding a curved swath of turf — hardly the Sheep Meadow of Central Park, but a pleasing choreography of greens.
A Brand-New Olmsted
There was a completely delightful visage of writers from dapper individuals bedecked in bowtie and hats in jaunty angles to those disheveled ‘deer caught in the headlamp stares’ as newly published authors; hard to fathom that their manuscript had caught the imagination of a publishing house, clambered onto stage to face hundreds of admiring fans.
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The head is flanked on each side by a solitary and disheveled palm tree painted in dirty grays and yellow ochre.
In the end, hatless, disheveled, with streaming nose and one eye closed, Watson won to the sidewalk and into the arms of a policeman.
The Benefit of the Doubt