
How To Use Disgraceful In A Sentence

  • There was one truly disgraceful performance of the day which oughtn't pass without comment.
  • The whole of the business in that country from beginning to end was scandalous and disgraceful. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • I look forward to a time when I can serve my country without wondering if history will mark me down as a participant in something disgraceful.
  • Gladly would I grace my tale with decent horror, and therefore I do beseech the "gentle reader" to believe, that if all the _succedanea_ to this mysterious narrative are not in strict keeping, he will ascribe it only to the disgraceful innovations of modern degeneracy upon the sober and dignified habits of our ancestors. Humorous Ghost Stories
  • Yet there were many problems behind the scenes which contributed to the unnecessary friction and helped lead to the final disgraceful scenes. The Sun
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  • D-Ill., for what she called a disgraceful sexist swipe. - News
  • This matter was discussed again during a meeting with Uefa after those disgraceful scenes which followed the final whistle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole of the business in that country from beginning to end was scandalous and disgraceful. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • Please account for your disgraceful conduct.
  • It was a rush to judgment led by a vociferous social media campaign and I think it is disgraceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today will mostly be spent tidying my flat, which is an utterly disgraceful mess.
  • "Disgraceful" and "shocking" were two of the repeatable words used as fans screamed abuse at the referee.
  • To have the added stress of a possible court hearing or being forcibly taken into hospital is disgraceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was allegedly cooked up by a powerful personality who had to face a disgraceful exit from one of the Tata companies, in connivance with a chief political figure of that time.
  • What really galls me is that services for elderly people are woeful - disgraceful in fact - and these are people who have paid taxes all their lives.
  • That she was not howled down is almost as disgraceful and yet another blot on the collective reputation of our MPs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is disgraceful act as a man in republican party show such a coward and hypocritic act .. Sanford, 'humbled and broken,' makes vow to state
  • It was unthinkable that any one save a thief and an out-right scoundrel, such by the way as were all of his business rivals and the men who refused to tote and carry at his bidding, should make a threat like that; worse than unthinkable, utterly, depravedly disgraceful that one of the house of Packard should resort to such devious and damnable practices. Man to Man
  • Our gardens have been turned into rubbish dumps for discarded bottles, cans and crisp bags and it is disgraceful that extra police have to be employed on match days just to control the fans…
  • After all, they're treated in rather the same disgraceful way as domestic cats.
  • The more information that is uncovered by the regulators, the more disgraceful the affair becomes.
  • But Marianne abhorred all concealment where no real disgrace could attend unreserve; and to aim at the restraint of sentiments which were not in themselves illaudable, appeared to her not merely an unnecessary effort, but a disgraceful subjection of reason to common – place and mistaken notions. Sense and Sensibility
  • But the argument for localism is disgracefully mushy; we should be more rigorous about what localism means. Times, Sunday Times
  • the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful
  • This is a disgraceful, shameful attack on a student's freedom of speech at such a prestigious institution.
  • My only "potshot" is that I feel that the main contributors of this disgraceful escapade, should have all their assets & bank accounts etc., confiscated & sold & the money should be put into an account to help reestablish companies that were not involved but are paying the price of someone elses greed. The Motley Fool
  • Surely it can't be based on the disgraceful leaflet they issued for the election.
  • Isn't it disgraceful the way they're persecuting the poor guy?
  • The hackers, who call themselves LulzSec, said they pulled off what they described as an elementary attack to highlight Sony's "disgraceful" security. - Home Page
  • In fact, it is a disgraceful idea, an appalling, short-term botch that would set a horrible precedent. news feed
  • The young commander took his place on the hatch, and made quite a telling speech in regard to what he termed the disgraceful proceeding which had occurred on board. Dikes and Ditches Young America in Holland and Belguim
  • The NHS and education systems are a disgraceful shambles and the illegal asylum situation is not only a joke, it is dangerous.
  • The cross-questioning ranged from his birth, family background, education, hobbies, language proficiency to, most disgracefully, whether he had defaulted on a mission assigned by his superiors.
  • These scampered through his brain and tore up his heart and tumbled about in his throat and lungs, and maintained a furious harlequinade, and in short behaved in a way that was quite disgraceful, and that caused the poor young man alternately to amuse, annoy, astonish, and stun his comrades, who beheld the exterior results of those private theatricals, but had no conception of the terrific combats that took place so frequently on the stage within. The Wild Man of the West A Tale of the Rocky Mountains
  • I think this is a disgraceful sham, and I won't apologise for having a problem with it.
  • The report said there had been a disgraceful want of proper care.
  • The weak are obliged to submit to his exactions, or fly the country; and the aumil, unable to reduce the more powerful, is compelled to enter into a disgraceful compromise. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 12 (of 12)
  • Was it some subtle dig at the disgraceful standards of literacy among the merchant classes of 16th-century Venice?
  • Meanwhile "inebriation in all its most brutal and disgraceful shapes" takes its moral toll upon the masses in the form of vile oaths, imprecations, naughty songs, and pervasive "ribaldry"; thus procedures that are intended to facilitate public participation actually create an "earthly hell" on the deck of the outlaw vessel (405). Love and Merit in the Maritime Historical Novel: Cooper and Scott
  • We have engaged in disgraceful shenanigans to keep asbestos off the list of proscribed substances under the Rotterdam Convention. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Equally disgraceful is the way they have been written out of history. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is their excuse to send the Special Branch, traditionally regarded as MI5's footsoldiers, on a disgraceful fishing expedition.
  • THE Government are disgracefully dragging their feet over banning the deadly drug meow meow. The Sun
  • For a moment, it looked as if the company's implosion would be the disgraceful disproof of that.
  • his grades were disgracefully low
  • If disgraceful behaviour is putting up with nutjobs like her, then they must have been doing something right.
  • Otherwise why have doctors and nurses not protested in public about the disgraceful scenes on their wards? Times, Sunday Times
  • They are disgracefully overpaid, an issue that is brought forth every five seconds or so, especially when it comes to the price the public must pay to watch these individuals.
  • The of him and his players absolutely disgraceful. The Sun
  • To smear them for performing this role is disgusting, disgraceful and dangerous.
  • The disgraceful attitude of these officers brings shame and embarrassment to all.
  • Sport isn't supposed to be this way, angry and pitiful and disgraceful.
  • Every ingenuous person, who is invited to embrace a certain profession, that of the church for example, will desire, preparatorily to his final determination, to examine the evidences and the merits of the religion he embraces, that he may enter upon his profession under the influence of a sincere conviction, and be inspired with that zeal, in singleness of heart, which can alone prevent his vocation from being disgraceful to him. Thoughts on Man: His Nature, Productions, and Discoveries
  • Even the kind of pauperism and crime in which they indulged was particularly disgraceful. Jukes-Edwards A Study in Education and Heredity
  • It's disgraceful how some people just wantonly vandalise other people's property.
  • After that disgraceful performance the players should have been subjected to a torrent of jeers and whistles.
  • The athletic spring that had once been in my step had slid disgracefully into a slothful waddle and I was metamorphosing into a thirty-something marshmallow instead.
  • It really is a disgraceful way to treat a proper hero. The Sun
  • H kingston 1 gb memory revenuer calibrated to lusciousness pipette, hereupon simultaneity, enforceable faeces, rtm counterdemonstrator, disgraceful crony, contrafagotto rophy. Rational Review
  • Yes, the cheeky chappie's behaviour is disgraceful, isn't it?
  • My answer to that accusation is that there is nothing shabby or disgraceful in telling writers the truth and acquainting them with the painful facts of publishing life.
  • Whatever the lying word or disgraceful deed, you are always left with the feeling that something so paltry, so pointlessly tawdry, must lead to a larger scandal.
  • One can but hope that this disgraceful conduct will not occur next year.
  • They displayed a dangerous and disgraceful spirit of favouritism for the felonry.
  • THE Government are disgracefully dragging their feet over banning the deadly drug meow meow. The Sun
  • It would be different, I guess, if the parent was not present, but this slack approach to parenting is disgraceful.
  • Fucking disgraceful shitface, yesterday was Memorial Day. Obama Says No To Baghdad Stroll With McCain
  • To suggest otherwise implies, disgracefully, that victims are somehow complicit in the violence against them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mounting the intellectual case after we've farewelled our troops is disgraceful.
  • CHAMBLISS: I don't know that I would use the term disgraceful, but certainly it's not the way that the American taxpayer expects the government to operate. CNN Transcript Sep 10, 2002
  • THE Government are disgracefully dragging their feet over banning the deadly drug meow meow. The Sun
  • His behaviour was frankly disgraceful.
  • It's disgraceful that the Minister for Agriculture is trying to buy our vote by paying out headage payments to the farmers.
  • If Otley fails to support its own in their hour of need or joy then it is a disgraceful state of affairs.
  • They say the increases are disgraceful, claiming price rises have not led to any improvement in the service.
  • In our understandable anger at the disgraceful and sickening behaviour of a small number of miscreants, we must not abandon norms of fairness and justice.
  • His treatment of Marxism is disgraceful, exhibiting little understanding, and he makes the scurrilous charge that Marxists are hostile to indigenous peoples because they are the modern day lumpenproletariat.
  • In recent years a number of politicians have behaved disgracefully and then compounded their offences by trying to evade responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘The performance of the Dairygold board in the face of what is effectively the dismantling of Dairygold is lamentable and the silence of its members quite disgraceful,’ he said.
  • In those circumstances, the present disgraceful situation should have been foreseen and avoided. Times, Sunday Times
  • He claimed the KGB got revenge by sending one of their spies to Scotland to impersonate him, copying his style of dress, with orders to behave disgracefully to get him into trouble.
  • The sound quality is disgraceful, the image blurry and the editing dreadful.
  • That she was not howled down is almost as disgraceful and yet another blot on the collective reputation of our MPs. Times, Sunday Times
  • In it, a bishop who had committed disgraceful acts was stripped of the symbols of his office - mitre, crosier and ring.
  • The ancients, who by many are thought best to have understood human nature, did not think tears unmanful, or disgraceful to a man of true fortitude; as might be amply shewn, if needful. A Vindication of Three of Our Blessed Saviour���s Miracles: viz. The Raising of Jairus���s daughter, The Widow of Naim���s son, and Lazarus.
  • To attack a decent and upstanding man in this low-down way is disgraceful. The Sun
  • The cuts to the Armed Forces and treatment of veterans after they leave is absolutely disgraceful. The Sun
  • The parents, rather the separate human entities that sired these kids, behaved disgracefully. Easy Come, Easy Go! Geddit? « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Why are you giving this disgraceful lady some air time??? tali Ferraro: Reagan Dems find Obama campaign 'frightening'
  • Rescuing ducks from a flood would be a disgraceful waste of resources by the emergency services.
  • It is absolutely disgraceful the abuse you and your staff take. Times, Sunday Times
  • No one should be mucking about with it in this disgraceful way. The Sun
  • They have also left the road in a disgraceful state, with loose stones all over it.
  • I think it is disgraceful boys can wear their uniform but the school will not do anything about them disgracing it to and from school.
  • The downturn - and the human misery it catalyses - makes wholesale government waste all the more disgraceful. Where the money could go
  • The chronicler, however, who tells the story, considers the conduct of the monks of St. Albans in sending spurious relics was "pious," while the behaviour of the monks of Ely was "detestable and disgraceful" -- but then the chronicler was a monk of St. Albans. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Saint Albans With an Account of the Fabric & a Short History of the Abbey
  • Roads should be relaid properly and not allowed to get into the disgraceful state which Bradford roads currently find themselves.
  • Chantilly, which appeared in yesterday's 'Musee,' the satirist, making some disgraceful allusions to the cobbler's change of name upon assuming the buskin, quoted a Latin line about which we have often conversed. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • Paint was peeling, floors had ingrained dirt, and all of the telephone rooms - very important for detainees' contact with the outside world - were in a disgraceful state.
  • An honourable death is better than a disgraceful life. 
  • This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation.
  • She added: 'It was disgraceful behaviour. The Sun
  • I know it's disgraceful, but I go to sleep at the opera, and I sit out the _opera bouffé_ to the last minute, and enjoy it. Anna Karenina
  • The choice of speakers, said the police informer, was disgraceful. Paul VI - The First Modern Pope
  • But Marianne abhorred all concealment where no real disgrace could attend unreserve; and to aim at the restraint of sentiments which were not in themselves illaudable, appeared to her not merely an unnecessary effort, but a disgraceful subjection of reason to common-place and mistaken notions. Sense and Sensibility
  • He borrowed from every one of the pupils -- I don't know how he spent it except in hardbake and alycompaine -- and even from old Nosey's groom, -- pardon me, we used to call your grandfather by that playful epithet (boys will be boys, you know), -- even from the doctor's groom he took money, and I recollect thrashing Charles Honeyman for that disgraceful action. The Newcomes
  • In recent years a number of politicians have behaved disgracefully and then compounded their offences by trying to evade responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was one truly disgraceful performance of the day which oughtn't pass without comment.
  • Milroy's "skedaddle" was even more disgraceful than that of Banks. Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison
  • To be saying all this stuff about Michael after being acquitted is so disgraceful. Rep. King on Jackson: 'There's nothing good about this guy'
  • We cannot believe the government is moving to legalize the dog-eating practice of some Koreans, which is not only harmful to national interests but also disgraceful and reproachable.
  • Mercifully, this disgraceful insult to a proud nation was removed before it had a chance to cause a diplomatic incident.
  • His behaviour was absolutely disgraceful!
  • Such disgraceful conduct should be deplored at this or at any level and should be speedily rooted out.
  • Their conduct was unlawful and the auditor was right to stigmatise it as disgraceful.
  • Otherwise why have doctors and nurses not protested in public about the disgraceful scenes on their wards? Times, Sunday Times
  • Your trashing of this man, whom you have never even met or delt with, is nothing short of disgraceful. Former NASA Chief Of Staff Indicted - NASA Watch
  • This matter was discussed again with Uefa after those disgraceful scenes that followed the final whistle. Times, Sunday Times
  • For a country legendary for thrift and good husbandry, this is a disgraceful display of profligacy.
  • Scarcely less bizarre was the performance of Dwayne Smith, disgracefully absent the previous day, but who now came in and defied doctor's instructions to nurse his strained side.
  • Lets hope this disgraceful waste of tax payers money ends at the next election.
  • He believes that the tabloid press has behaved disgracefully.
  • The report said there had been a disgraceful want of proper care.
  • Rather than congratulating themselves, Labor's national office should definitely hold an independent inquiry into their failure of a federal leader and Labor's disastrous, inept and disgraceful election campaign.
  • Aristocratic criminals were privileged to meet their deaths by the sword rather than the disgraceful hempen rope; gentlemen settled their differences and answered insults at swords' point.
  • An honourable death is better than a disgraceful life. 
  • The fact that something is disgraceful does not mean it shouldn't be allowed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They seem mildly curious about my disgraceful lack of composure.
  • For nothing is more disgraceful or more unpleasant than slander that recoils on the person who sets it in motion; for as the reflection of light seems most to injure weak eyes, so does censure when it recoils on the censurer, and is borne out by the facts. Plutarch's Morals
  • I was present throughout it and that she should make up a story like that from such an innocent event is - I think it's disgraceful.
  • This is yet another reminder of the disgraceful social care failures that shame us as a nation and which have been ignored for too long. Times, Sunday Times
  • The way you gadded around over the hills with him -- a perfect stranger -- was disgraceful; perfectly disgraceful. Her Prairie Knight
  • Many aspects of life are in need of much better regulation, not least the disgraceful behaviour of our elected representatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were also having to use potties in front of each other, a situation found in some other prisons, and which we branded disgraceful.
  • It's absolutely disgraceful to send pilots overseas with so little flying. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • a word replete with repulsive and disgraceful associations. The Story of the Upper Canada Rebellion
  • Happily it is very seldom that we have to record an event so disgraceful to young men as that which took place on Sunday on the Harlem River.
  • When a news story uncovers something disgraceful, one may entertain a variety of reactions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The circumstances of her final retirement are not disgraceful or scandalous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now on reading a typical party election manifesto, I have never been made aware of any party political concerns about the disgraceful risk of being hit on the head by a conker.
  • I think it's absolutely diabolical and disgraceful that the England players even contemplated going on strike.
  • Senator Graham says the Bush administration has repeatedly hindered the investigation of a September 11 attacks in what he call a disgraceful manner. CNN Transcript Sep 9, 2004
  • It was just absolutely disgraceful. The Sun
  • I didn't know she was so large a cutter; but she's in disgraceful condition. Chapter 10
  • Judge Openshaw said: ‘These are, in our judgment, disgraceful offences which deserve severe punishment.’
  • The self-humiliation interweaving with disgraceful situation and the integrating of agony with grief and indignation, form his strong tragic consciousness.
  • Dean of had been guilty, in exposing him to scenes and situations so much beneath his rank, by leaguing him with a person so coarse and disgraceful. Cecilia
  • Nothing, for instance, can be more disgraceful to human nature than the state of praedial slavery, or serfs attached to the glebe, when Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • In his "introduction" he satisfied some curiosity, but raised still more, when speaking of the English Gypsies and especially of their eminence "in those disgraceful and brutalising exhibitions called pugilistic combats. George Borrow The Man and His Books
  • Probably they liked to know that this missionary called pugilistic combats "disgraceful and brutalising exhibitions"; and they were almost as certainly, as we are to-day, delighted with the descriptions that followed, because it brought for the first time clearly before them a real prize-fighting scene, and the author, a terrible child of fourteen, looking on -- "why should I hide the truth?" says he. George Borrow The Man and His Books
  • Most disgraceful of all though, is the fact he was merely given a caution. The Sun
  • This is nothing short of disgraceful and now I hear that ducting put down for broadband pipes had to be cut to make room for the roots of the trees.
  • This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation.
  • British prisons remain disgracefully crowded and insanitary.
  • It's disgraceful that none of the family tried to help her.
  • No one should be mucking about with it in this disgraceful way. The Sun
  • Iceland, Ireland ... yes, they will mention those, and the fact is that when both of those countries are back in the saddle, playign their full role in a Europe that pays attention to them, and getting prosperous and creative once again, Wales will still be the butt-end of the UK lapping from the toilet bowl of ill-health, high unemployment, cultural marginalisation and disgraceful poverty. Same old Tories
  • That was the scene of disgraceful battles when the sides met a year ago. The Sun
  • There were other critics — Borrow always had plenty of critics — who found it difficult to make his admiration for the prize-ring fit in with his denunciation in one passage of “those disgraceful and brutalising exhibitions called pugilistic combats.” George Borrow in East Anglia
  • He borrowed from every one of the pupils — I don’t know how he spent it except in hardbake and alycompaine — and even from old Nosey’s groom, — pardon me, we used to call your grandfather by that playful epithet (boys will be boys, you know), — even from the doctor’s groom he took money, and I recollect thrashing Charles Honeyman for that disgraceful action. The Newcomes
  • She has to deliver her disgracefully overdue copy to Outsider.
  • More disgraceful is the recent practice of booing, at their curtain call, singers who portray villainous characters. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘As far as their understanding would go they would see it as possibly disgraceful and downright dreadful behaviour,’ he said.
  • In it, a bishop who had committed disgraceful acts was stripped of the symbols of his office - mitre, crosier and ring.
  • What's disgraceful is that YOU and all the brain washed liberals agree with BO's health plan, and you post these lists with out any facts to back it up. Senators urge slowdown in health care reform push
  • This shocking and disgraceful practice should not be tolerated in any society.
  • I still find their attitude to us condescending and disgraceful.
  • To deceive schools across the country in this way is disgraceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a disgraceful waste of taxpayers' money.
  • In recent years a number of politicians have behaved disgracefully and then compounded their offences by trying to evade responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • I seriously hope this doesn't happen here, the whole thing is disgraceful.
  • Koreish, compelled the Abyssinians to a disgraceful retreat: their discomfiture has been adorned with a miraculous flight of birds, who showered down stones on the heads of the infidels; and the deliverance was long commemorated by the aera of the elephant. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • In recent years a number of politicians have behaved disgracefully and then compounded their offences by trying to evade responsibility. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to stand up like decent people and admit to our disgraceful history.
  • I have a film of when NATO bombed a newborn baby hospital unit in Beograd; disgraceful! Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • No great changes were undertaken, but glasnost did its job in exposing disgraceful and often remediable situations.
  • Rupert Murdoch defiantly insisted on Tuesday he was not responsible for what he called "sickening and horrible invasions" of privacy committed by his company, claiming he had been betrayed by disgraceful unidentified colleagues and had known nothing of the cover-up of phone hacking. Rupert Murdoch's phone-hacking humble pie
  • In some this is due to a sort of honesty and avoidance of what is disgraceful (for some seem, or at least profess, to hoard their money for this reason, that they may not some day be forced to do something disgraceful; to this class belong the cheeseparer and every one of the sort; he is so called from his excess of unwillingness to give anything); while others again keep their hands off the property of others from fear, on the ground that it is not easy, if one takes the property of others oneself, to avoid having one's own taken by them; they are therefore content neither to take nor to give. The NICOMACHEAN ETHICS
  • Look no further than last week's disgraceful ruling by the law lords.
  • The least the new Minister could do in recompense for this disgraceful episode is offer the girl and her grandmother a place in New Zealand, if they wish to take it up.
  • That a once-respected and influential journal should publish this kind of agitprop is truly disgraceful. Ledeen and Chinese ‘Fascism’ « Blog
  • The refereeing over the past couple of decades has been disgraceful. Times, Sunday Times
  • ... which I call disgraceful, don't you, Mrs. Studdiford?" asked The Story of Julia Page
  • This dismissive treatment of local residents by the council is disgraceful.
  • the response by the media has been a disgraceful combination of deliberate obscuration of the facts and smug complacency
  • There'll be a hell mood if you insist on grizzling about disgraceful this and outrageous that, yakkity yak.
  • ‘But it is my duty to tell you, Miss Lynch, that the gentry of this counthry, before whom you will have to appear, will express very great indignation at your conduct in persevering in placing poor people like the Kellys in so dreadful a predicament, by your wilful and disgraceful obstinacy.’ The Kellys and the O'Kellys
  • The judge held that it was in effect a disgraceful piece of journalism.
  • An honourable death is better than a disgraceful life. 
  • Of all the shabby, shameful, disgraceful, despicable political acts, this was as bad as they get.
  • In it, a bishop who had committed disgraceful acts was stripped of the symbols of his office - mitre, crosier and ring.
  • The athletic spring that had once been in my step had slid disgracefully into a slothful waddle and I was metamorphosing into a thirty-something marshmallow instead.
  • It said his behaviour was a disgraceful breach of trust. The Sun
  • There's litter everywhere. It's absolutely disgraceful.
  • He could not forgive himself, though, for that last bit of disgraceful chicanery. THE LONGEST WAY HOME
  • When one player behaves disgracefully, it reflects on the whole team.
  • Otherwise why have doctors and nurses not protested in public about the disgraceful scenes on their wards? Times, Sunday Times
  • He uses what in Washington is sharp language (we could give 'em lessons down here), saying that this comment was "disgraceful," that remark "tragically flawed," and this action was "unconscionable" ... and he is very circumspect about his candidacy, avoiding the redolence of narcissism that seems to cling to most presidential candidates like the odor of a wet fart. Stan Goff: PING & PONG: you are the ball
  • In Marxist terms, the Trots have preferred feudal theocracy to bourgeois democracy which - in non-Marxist terms - is disgraceful and stupid, as a few members of the far Left are starting to realise.
  • ALBANY, N.Y. - Democratic candidate for governor Andrew Cuomo's latest statewide television ad targets what it calls disgraceful and dysfunctional Albany. NY Post: News

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