
How To Use Disfavour In A Sentence

  • In the end, the movement fell into disfavor after World War 1 due to a number of factors.
  • These are not the sorts of cases where prosecutorial discretion naturally disfavors prosecution.
  • As a result various things, such as missionary work, now fall under a word which directs disfavour at them.
  • Like a US flag flying in front of a structure, like tatooes and piercings, the cornrows hairdo is a clue warning the disfavored to stay away. You Are Nothing Without Your Robot. Nothing. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • They spin it and say “empathy for fellowed disfavored” but there were other goals they sought to accomplish here. You Are Nothing Without Your Robot. Nothing. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
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  • On the other hand, many arguments disfavor the possibility of bioluminescent communication among larvae.
  • He was in disfavour with the ruling party.
  • He hoped that Plandini could name one of the cardinals he held in special disfavor. THE FAMILY
  • Linking social capital between communities and representatives in the state apparatus falls into disfavour.
  • He was in disfavor with her father and with all the other chapel folk.
  • Latin America, he wrote, was disfavored by geography and climate and weighted down by its history, permeated by a ‘heavy, melancholy force.’
  • From the beginning, the Protestant Reformers looked with disfavor on the contemplative life and on the quality of mystery that they designated ‘otherworldly.’
  • Between 1983 and 1988 some tests that had been used quite widely fell into disfavour.
  • Why have we seen vaccine development fall into such disfavor?
  • Coal fell into disfavour because burning it caused pollution.
  • Maximus fell into disfavour and Rome sent the largest army it had ever assembled after Hannibal.
  • The amendment also mandates that a one man, one woman marriage will be seen as valid in all fifty states, thereby precluding any state from disallowing or disfavoring traditional marriage.
  • There is nothing new in this: the Monarchy has almost always been regarded with disfavour, so has the ‘Establishment’, especially when times were bad.
  • At one stage there was also a rumour that he was in some disfavour with the board because of delays to the construction of Seven's new Martin Place studios in the heart of Sydney.
  • ‘It's an industry that's sensitive to public expressions of favor and disfavor,’ he said.
  • There is nothing new in this: the Monarchy has almost always been regarded with disfavour, so has the ‘Establishment’, especially when times were bad.
  • The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community.
  • Finally, there would have to be a statistical difference disfavoring blacks in EVERY category. The Volokh Conspiracy » But Isn’t It a Bit Hard to Predict With a 7-Year-Old?
  • He met with official disfavour after his spectacular military failure at St. Etienne in 1546, a crucial stumble in Henry's campaign to annex the territory.
  • She looked with disfavour at the blonde suite, and fetched a kitchen chair for herself. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • The empirically observed mutations are thus neither favored nor disfavored by natural selection.
  • I've said how they noted I was a "trendsetter", that as I go so go the disfavored:::My disposal will be convienience-based. DesignerBlog
  • disfavoring" the airline's content in its primary search, display and pricing functions. -- Top News
  • Human intelligence fell into disfavor during the 90's, even into the 80's.
  • Progress was a word long in disfavour, yet not entirely banished from court. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Gophna et al. also cite for support the progressionist notion that evolution disfavors events such as the simplification of complex systems like the flagellum, a dubious proposition in modern evolutionary theory, especially considering the common evolutionary trend of simplification in pathogens and parasites. The Wisdom of Parasites - The Panda's Thumb
  • Is one a racist/sexist/homophobe/etc. if one does not support government forcing the couple to provide their guest cottage to all hikers including those (of whatever class) the couple disfavors? The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • At one stage there was also a rumour that he was in some disfavour with the board because of delays to the construction of Seven's new Martin Place studios in the heart of Sydney.
  • Today every song in the home-burned CDs met with disfavor.
  • The gods will also sned this clue by attacking a good disfavored company, either by creating problems with the product (Firestone, JetBlue) or by attacking them in a media form (McDonalds). Another MP Enters the Blogosphere
  • Under this approach, a court does not start with any presumption favoring, or disfavoring, the status quo.
  • You mean Obama's War is in disfavor with the Democrats? CNN Poll: Afghanistan War opposition at all-time high
  • That readership includes employees who learn what stories will meet with the favour or disfavour of management.
  • The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community.
  • Most nations practice discrimination against foreigners and disfavor minorities within their countries.
  • The judge was right to view this submission with disfavour.
  • Among other steps, they informed colleges that cutting men's sports is disfavored and reminded them they have choices for compliance.
  • If you stick around long enough, you fall into disfavour. Film of The Deep Blue Sea returns playwright Terence Rattigan to the spotlight
  • We know now why Stapleton looked with disfavour upon his sister's suitor -- even when that suitor was so eligible a one as Sir Henry. The Seriously Deranged Writer and the Model Cars
  • It must have been near the end of school for I was already walking barefoot, something that my father, the local country doctor, looked on with disfavor.
  • Yet she saw she was often in some kind of disfavour with her husband, and it made her uneasy. Wives and Daughters
  • Moral disfavour is something you're going to have to get used to, we fear, especially if you're going to carry on preaching the condemnation of homosexuality in a culture that now very often, and more so by the day, deems that message as obsolete and objectionable as the condemnation of "miscegenation. Archive 2010-03-01
  • After all, Gregg Allman, the last of the Allman brothers, is in disfavor in the world of rock for testifying against his former road manager, Scooter Herring, in a cocaine case. LYNYRD SKYNYRD Keeps It Alive « Lynyrd Skynyrd Dixie
  • he is in disfavor with the king
  • Human intelligence fell into disfavor during the 90's, even into the 80's.
  • Between 1983 and 1988 some tests that had been used quite widely fell into disfavour.
  • Over time, laws that treated women as the property of their husbands fell into disfavor, and state legislatures eliminated many of the status-based disabilities that married women had formerly endured.
  • International human rights organizations, then, are important vehicles for spreading universal virtues, but they also take advantage of structural relationships that favor strong states and disfavor weak ones.
  • It has been noted that this strategy disfavors female workers who make less than men and as a result, have less to invest.
  • Moreover, he was clad in a striped Abá-cloak and a burnous, with a steel cutlass by his side and similar gear, while valour shone from his eyes, testifying in favour of him and not in disfavour of him. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Coal fell into disfavour because burning it caused pollution.
  • This picture naturally also fell into disfavour.
  • While you might have people that are largely satisfied w/a temporary/contract role, it is a problem of disclosure and a problem incentivized by the lopsided negotiation ability disfavoring applicants. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Public Sector Unions
  • But for more palatable marketing purposes to the YPG class, a group for which the term "minivan" has largely fallen into disfavor, I prefer the term "city wagon. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines -
  • This serves the God's goal of minimizing the percentage of potential candidates as society deteriorates, much as "instant gratification" did beginning in the 80s:::It will take multiple lives for some disfavored to fix their relationship with the Gods and accend, and many have been conditioned not to have the patience for it. Meetup Roll Call
  • The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community.
  • Spam has retained some popularity in various parts of the world, although regarded with disfavour by those who eschew processed foods or have pretensions to gourmet status.
  • Spam has retained some popularity in various parts of the world, although regarded with disfavour by those who eschew processed foods or have pretensions to gourmet status.
  • This includes Chinese buffet restaurants, so prevalient in disfavored cities and the Southern United States, for the gods hate these people and want them to incurr. Saturday morning rant (story v language)
  • He urged military tribunals, disfavored any civilian participation and even opposed giving defendants a presumption of innocence.
  • He looks with disfavor on this simplest solution because it imposes a particular geometry on space and also requires some kind of master clock to synchronize the updating of all the cells throughout the grid.
  • Today every song in the home-burned CDs met with disfavor.
  • The merit of our justice system is not how it treats ‘us,’ but how it treats the hapless alien or those disfavored and accused of the worst of crimes.
  • To do so, the Court held, would be an example of ‘viewpoint discrimination,’ which is specifically disfavored under the Free Speech Clause.
  • It just begs the question of why it is, what it is about the process that disfavors Prince George's County," Edwards said in an interview. Lawmaker goes to bat for Maryland on GSA facility leases
  • But contemporary celebrity is plugged into a relentless cycle of favour and disfavour.
  • This strategy may, even if indirectly, disfavor the establishment of new, perhaps smaller and specialized private institutions.
  • SoftBank iPhone pricing plan leaked iPhone pricing strategy slightly disfavoured in Japan SoftBank’s CEO Son agrees with me on emoji!
  • The state of your family will suggest level of (dis) favor and tell whether ascension is a realistic possibility; there are many levels of disfavor and the clues they offer to the unaware can be very subtle. This Lesbian Nonsense....
  • Overall, the motion picture is an effective and intense portrait of the downfall and destruction of a woman who falls into society's disfavor, but it is far from a flawless effort.
  • Those who make their living as blacksmiths, weavers, potters, or musicians are looked upon with some disfavor and suspicion.
  • An attorney-at-law shall defend the interest of his client without fear of judicial disfavour or public unpopularity.
  • I was talking about a single factor that favours one side and correspondingly disfavours the other.
  • ‘It's an industry that's sensitive to public expressions of favor and disfavor,’ he said.
  • Although he had been forewarned, Rostov eyed the vessel with disfavour.
  • Those who make their living as blacksmiths, weavers, potters, or musicians are looked upon with some disfavor and suspicion.
  • The power of the Press, seen as the common man's defence against the force of princes and beings, worked in her disfavour. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • From kimono to keitai; research Japanese facts and figures through translated opinion polls and surveys. iPhone pricing strategy slightly disfavoured in Japan SoftBank iPhone pricing plan leaked
  • She looked with disfavour at the blonde suite, and fetched a kitchen chair for herself. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • However, by the mid-15th century, shields began to fall into disfavour among the cavalry, already well protected by body armour.
  • Therefore, the use of ampicillin has fallen into disfavor.
  • This picture naturally also fell into disfavour.
  • The word 'senior' is in disfavor; the folks at AARP often use the term 'grown-up' to refer to our most tenured citizens. Archive 2007-09-09
  • Not only is their dominance of evil warmongering in the 20th century a clue but so is their language, a gutteral, wicked sounding langauge which is a clue offered to the disfavored. So Ashley MacIsaac says to me… « raincoaster
  • Sicne the Reagan years, taxation has disproportionately disfavoured the middle class. Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 15, 2010
  • He was also secretary to Becket with whom he was exiled when he fell into disfavour with Henry II.
  • However irrational it may be to burden innocent children because their parents did not marry, illegitimates are nonetheless a traditionally disfavored class in our society.
  • Gossip had it that she had fallen into deep disfavour with the ruling satrap, and that he all but exiled her to Bingtown. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Under normal circumstances, such a situation leads to a regime of favoritism and disfavor.
  • In other words all insurance premiums are controlled by the state implicitly and if they let insurance companies charge a price that disfavors a certain class of people that is the equivalent of afine? The Volokh Conspiracy » New lawsuit on Obamacare
  • Being a racist, OTOH, is constitutionally and governmentally disfavoured. Balkinization
  • The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community.
  • This theory seems to have fallen into disfavor for two reasons.
  • This entire society is geared towards males for a reason:: Because the gods hold the males in disfavor and want them distracted by all the trappings this society has to offer, ensuring they fail. Letter Two
  • It fell into disfavor when synthetic thyroid became more popular.
  • It has always been viewed with disfavor by our courts.
  • They looked upon the birth of a girl with disfavour.
  • Conservative policies then seemed to prosper as conservative parties fell into disfavor with voters.
  • He looks with disfavor on this simplest solution because it imposes a particular geometry on space and also requires some kind of master clock to synchronize the updating of all the cells throughout the grid.
  • It's both::: The democratization of Iraq has initiated this antient people into disfavor, as it has done so many times before. Why Does It Have to Require So Much Thought? | Her Bad Mother
  • Prior restraints on pure speech are highly disfavored and presumptively unconstitutional.
  • In addition, if a state disfavors same-sex marriage it cannot be compelled to recognize such a union performed in another state.
  • He did not move or speak even when I joined him in the connubial bed, so I concluded I was in disfavor. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • More specifically, the general public should systematically overestimate the net economic benefits of the policies that economists disfavor.
  • About AD 130 he fell into disfavour, although it is disputed whether or not he was exiled.
  • He hoped that Plandini could name one of the cardinals he held in special disfavor. THE FAMILY
  • They could disfavour cases raising issues that had been settled in prior views or that were not of general significance.
  • One food ingredient that has fallen into a little disfavour is transfatty acids.
  • Linking social capital between communities and representatives in the state apparatus falls into disfavour.
  • Sir John, who was the former head of the Met Office but is now living in semi-active retirement in Wales, said he is considering taking legal action because he feels that the continued recycling of the misquotation is doing him and his science a huge disfavour. Archive 2010-02-01
  • But contemporary celebrity is plugged into a relentless cycle of favour and disfavour.
  • The group fails to reexamine those alternatives originally disfavored by the majority.
  • Why have we seen vaccine development fall into such disfavor?
  • Just as individuals are favored or disfavored by natural selection, species may also undergo a selection of their own, with some species giving rise to more descendant species, while others go extinct.
  • Why not just say government may not favor or disfavor religion?
  • `Scotch' is in disfavor with Scottish people and is used primarily outside Scotland except in such frozen phrases as `Scotch broth' or `Scotch whiskey' or `Scotch plaid'
  • His choice not to intervene won him international disfavor.
  • Unfortunately, this year state budgets face such shortfalls that tax credits are looked upon with disfavor.
  • It has always been viewed with disfavor by our courts.
  • In the end only 18% of the votes featured Fábregas, and these in five broadly disfavoured midfield compositions the 9% wanting Busquets-Xavi-Fábregas being the most notable. Uefa faces cost of centralising international broadcasting deals
  • (Set a goal of empathy and compassion for all, for we are all disfavored:::: Other people's disfavor is manifested in their particular way, just as your disfavor is manifested in your particular way.) This Lesbian Nonsense....
  • Daughters are disfavoured because families have to cough up huge dowries when they wed - which can range from US $100 to a new car, jewellery, apartments or more, depending on a family's social standing.
  • The tyranny associated by Renaissance humanists with the age of chivalric knights and with the knight figure caused romances that heroize the bygone age to fall into disfavor.
  • The power of the Press, seen as the common man's defence against the force of princes and beings, worked in her disfavour. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • I dislike it when people in disfavored precincts are required to wait in a four-hour line to vote, or to march 10 miles to a relocated polling place. The Volokh Conspiracy » Kagan’s record on guns
  • (Lately, this standard picture has fallen into disfavor because, in nanotechnology, we can smoothly go from the macroworld and microworld and we do not encounter any wall. TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History
  • Over time, laws that treated women as the property of their husbands fell into disfavor, and state legislatures eliminated many of the status-based disabilities that married women had formerly endured.
  • Coal fell into disfavour on the grounds that steam engines are noisy, polluting and only 5 percent efficient.
  • Though Lelwica mostly holds Christianity in disfavor, in the end she invites readers to search out the possibilities within the tradition, charily specifying the points of greatest hope and least danger.
  • Conservative policies then seemed to prosper as conservative parties fell into disfavor with voters.
  • It "disfavors specific speakers, namely pharmaceutical manufacturers," he wrote. Drug Firms Score High Court Victories
  • a nonstandard dialect is one used by uneducated speakers or socially disfavored groups
  • The job creation program is looked upon with disfavour by the local community.
  • One food ingredient that has fallen into a little disfavour is transfatty acids.
  • California here is explicitly disfavoring certain interstate commerce, which might benefit California companies. The Volokh Conspiracy » AZ Boycott and the Constitution:
  • _Don't propose any "local" legislation_; for in progressive states, local game legislation is coming strongly into disfavor, -- just as it should! Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • Therefore, the use of ampicillin has fallen into disfavor.
  • Related articles: iPhone pricing strategy slightly disfavoured in Japan IPhone pricing strategy slightly disfavoured in Japan
  • Over the last few years, interest in literary predecessors has justifiably fallen into disfavor among comparatists for being Eurocentric and essentialist.
  • Under normal circumstances, such a situation leads to a regime of favoritism and disfavor.
  • In fact, the strong trend in the country is toward the relaxation of rules disfavoring gay parenting.
  • The judge was right to view this submission with disfavour.
  • Selection can favor or disfavor an allele, and this can be different in the two different habitat types.
  • Biases can creep in in extremely subtle ways, and researchers can, quite unconsciously, favour some groups and disfavour others.
  • A decision-maker may have unfairly regarded with disfavour one party's case either consciously or unconsciously.
  • It must have been near the end of school for I was already walking barefoot, something that my father, the local country doctor, looked on with disfavor.
  • In the end, the movement fell into disfavor after World War 1 due to a number of factors.
  • But eventually the group as a whole fell into some disfavor.
  • In the 20th century, the Bluebeard story, with its savagely misogynistic overtones, fell into disfavor.
  • Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed.
  • Overall, the motion picture is an effective and intense portrait of the downfall and destruction of a woman who falls into society's disfavor, but it is far from a flawless effort.
  • However, by the mid-15th century, shields began to fall into disfavour among the cavalry, already well protected by body armour.
  • I am female and Chinese, and at a very young age I learned that my culture disfavors females. Anchee Min - An interview with author
  • A decision-maker may have unfairly regarded with disfavour one party's case either consciously or unconsciously.
  • In short head-to-head tests, five instruments were preferred at roughly equal rates and one was distinctly disfavored: a Stradivarius. Week in Ideas: Christopher Shea
  • About AD 130 he fell into disfavour, although it is disputed whether or not he was exiled.
  • Because they are difficult to grow, farro and spelt fell into disfavor as farmers turned to raising the more profitable and high-yielding commercial wheat variety.
  • What's striking is that while everybody recognizes that Estrich's hysterical in both meanings of the term attack on Michael Kinsley was pure menopausal hot flash, the Axiom of Equality -- the assumption that any inequality disfavoring non-white males is the product of discrimination and must be alleviated -- is so engrained in public discourse that you just know Estrich is going to win in the end. Heather MacDonald on "Diversity Mongers Target the Web" on NRO:
  • He was also secretary to Becket with whom he was exiled when he fell into disfavour with Henry II.
  • The au - thor looks with distinct disfavor on the baroque, its sensual mysticism, its externality, its verbalism in con - trast to the truly Dutch (and at the same time universal) art of Rembrandt. BAROQUE IN LITERATURE
  • The core of the First Amendment is that the government should not be seen as favoring or disfavoring particular religions or religious doctrine. Kate Martin: King Hearings Are Inconsistent With First Amendment Values
  • He hoped that Plandini could name one of the cardinals he held in special disfavor. THE FAMILY
  • Individually, these factors can favor or disfavor binding; the binding affinity is determined by the net effect.
  • We feel disfavor for all ideals that might lead one to feel at home even in this fragile, broken time of transition; as for its ‘realities,’ we do not believe that they will last.
  • I've said how I was a "trendsetter", that as I go so go the disfavored:::My disposal will be convienience-based. Guest Blogger Explains Halloween
  • However, in a recent report from the US Department of Homeland Security "disfavoured" the use of RFID tags for person ID purposes: "RFID can reduce the delay when people pass through chokepoints that require identification. Archive 2006-06-01
  • But those singled out for disfavor can be forgiven for suspecting more invidious forces at work.
  • Coal fell into disfavour because burning it caused pollution.
  • Unfortunately, the chair who routinely fails to make the hard decisions on personnel will soon fall into disfavor with his or her dean - and then the entire department may suffer.
  • They spin it and say "empathy for fellowed disfavored" but there were other goals they sought to accomplish here. DesignerBlog
  • She sat down, regarding the plate in front of her with disfavour.
  • With that Jesus rejoiced, "I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for withholding Truth from the intellectuals while revealing it to common man, as this pleased You. use" withhold "rather than" hide "; use the familiar" common man, "a term disfavored by feminists; good conciseness here Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The court disfavors motions to exceed page limits; such motions will be granted only for extraordinarily compelling reasons.
  • As a result, this topology is hydrophobically disfavored.
  • This is due to a balance between various contributions that favor or disfavor one or the other form.
  • His choice not to intervene won him international disfavor.
  • I favor letting a president have the full 4 years; I disfavor parliamentarily weakening the post. Balkinization
  • In other words all insurance premiums are controlled by the state implicitly and if they let insurance companies charge a price that disfavors a certain class of people that is the equivalent of afine? The Volokh Conspiracy » New lawsuit on Obamacare
  • But those singled out for disfavor can be forgiven for suspecting more invidious forces at work.
  • In the United States legislation disfavouring the relationship between illegitimate children and their natural parents was quite common well into the twentieth century.
  • They made the 2006 event suck (per policy - only help for disfavored is back-handed help) and justify it (lie they sell to the disfavored) by saying I can't afford for it to be good. This Lesbian Nonsense....
  • Sabre is "disfavoring" American's fare schedule and pricing information, American said in the complaint filed in Tarrant County, Texas. American Airlines Seeks Court Order in Online Travel Dispute With Sabre - Bloomberg
  • Unfortunately, the chair who routinely fails to make the hard decisions on personnel will soon fall into disfavor with his or her dean - and then the entire department may suffer.
  • ‘I'm indifferent to opprobrium and disfavor,’ he says cheerfully.
  • Asset forfeiture is a grave problem in America today, often used to persecute the poor, politically disfavored, and racial minorities. The 1990's Bubble Economy, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • In fact, the strong trend in the country is toward the relaxation of rules disfavoring gay parenting.
  • This theory seems to have fallen into disfavor for two reasons.
  • Natural selection disfavors mutations that cause pistils to accept pollen from genotypes that reject their pollen.
  • Because they are difficult to grow, farro and spelt fell into disfavor as farmers turned to raising the more profitable and high-yielding commercial wheat variety.
  • A leader respects the rules and defends them even when the rules may disfavour him/her, Clinton: Obama will be 'good friend to Israel'
  • This is a circumstance when the unmarked SOV order is disfavoured. The Etruscan verb root slic- in TLE 131
  • Maximus fell into disfavour and Rome sent the largest army it had ever assembled after Hannibal.
  • The Court instituted a constitutional rule that is party-blind and that disfavors systems with ad hoc recount standards.
  • He hoped that Plandini could name one of the cardinals he held in special disfavor. THE FAMILY
  • In modern anthropology, fetishism, like animism and totemism, tends to be disfavoured as a universalistic principle.
  • Collateral agreements are generally disfavored because of the resources and difficulty required to monitor them.
  • The verb usage of the word "garnishee" is a decidedly minority usage (disfavored by a margin of 675-11 in one computerized legal research search, with one citation implying that "garnishee" is incorrect), that should be avoided. Wash Park Prophet
  • True, there are recantations from most of the witnesses against him, but the law "disfavors" consideration of recantations, he opines, and besides the pressures put on these witnesses either from internal bias or pressure from the police, don't matter. Andrea Lyon: Close Enough Isn't Good Enough
  • Today is Moe Day! iPhone pricing strategy slightly disfavoured in Japan Worry no more about straps on your iPhone!
  • Kapeiluo also spoke frankly that initially put disfavor young Bei was a mistake.
  • About AD 130 he fell into disfavour, although it is disputed whether or not he was exiled.
  • Though the government shouldn't be favoring or disfavoring high-performance sports cars or other outliers, "the idea of continually giving exemptions is not a good approach to an industry that needs a clear signal of what the policy is going to be," said John Graham, dean of Indiana University's School of Public and Environmental Affairs, who helped craft auto fuel-economy regulations under President George W. Bush. Porsche Presses for Easier Fuel Rules
  • Progress was a word long in disfavour, yet not entirely banished from court. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • We feel disfavor for all ideals that might lead one to feel at home even in this fragile, broken time of transition; as for its ‘realities,’ we do not believe that they will last.
  • Except, of course, that we can all think of good writers who are hardly read, or unknown, or fallen into disfavour (and if lucky, rediscovered again at some point). Measuring success
  • From the beginning, the Protestant Reformers looked with disfavor on the contemplative life and on the quality of mystery that they designated ‘otherworldly.’
  • California is free to define unconscionability as it sees fit, and its common law is of no federal concern so long as the state does not adopt a special rule that disfavors arbitration," he added. Court Gives Business New Shield Against Class Actions
  • It fell into disfavor when synthetic thyroid became more popular.
  • The concept of a “center-right nation” was raised to explain why the public allegedly disfavors Democrats. Matthew Yglesias » The Problem With Political Journalism
  • Such an outlook views with disfavor every advance in human thinking since the French Revolution, if not the Renaissance.
  • Unfortunately, this year state budgets face such shortfalls that tax credits are looked upon with disfavor.
  • I disfavored her being on the trip too even though she had the same reason I did.
  • That readership includes employees who learn what stories will meet with the favour or disfavour of management.
  • The critical role of certain building block fragments in the folding of their corresponding proteins suggests that mutations in these regions will be disfavored.
  • In this work we have sought to characterize the channels formed by avicins and to begin exploring the conditions that favor or disfavor channel formation.
  • But eventually the group as a whole fell into some disfavor.

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