How To Use Disequilibrium In A Sentence
But one thing can be said with certainty: the longer the world economy continues on the present path, the greater will be the underlying disequilibrium and the possibility of a major financial crisis.
The origins of this disequilibrium are to be found in economic processes going back more than a decade.
Furthermore, disequilibrium is a good indicator of recent mutations, genetic drift, bottlenecks, stratification or admixture, and the demographic history of populations.
The study on the sex preference address the origin of the sex ratio disequilibrium.
If you pick up any elementary text, if the market is in disequilibrium, the reflex reaction is that when demand is in excess, prices will rise and that will eliminate the excess demand.
It is a disequilibrium situation which can not survive as it offers investors a profitable arbitrage opportunity.
Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
There may be a period of disequilibrium as family members adjust to the new baby.
The study on the sex preference address the origin of the sex ratio disequilibrium.
The Phillips curve: trade off or disequilibrium adjustment mechanism?
If a new allele was being driven to fixation, it would produce a long haplotype as it "outran" (at least transiently) linkage disequilibrium.
ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
For that purpose, the balance sheet approach seemed preferable, if not ideal, because balance sheet relationships hold even in disequilibrium.
It is emphasized that some special problems of disequilibrium at Juniper Ridge uranium deposit have been solved. However, the quantification of disequilibrium still remains open.
In contrast to equilibrium theories, disequilibrium theories suggest that income differences among regions are likely to persist and even widen over time.
It is imagination, and the irreducible sovereignty of the individual which engender disequilibrium and tension.
Institutional change is the course in which institution transforms the disequilibrium into the equilibrium.
Linkage disequilibrium mapping has been successful in mapping genetical disorders.
Brain stem strokes almost always have other neurological findings-diplopia,cranial nerve palsies ,dysarthria, etc-but midline cerebellar disease may only have vertigo, nausea and inability to walk so intense is the disequilibrium.
Archive 2007-11-01
On the contrary, even the deprecating categorization "Pygmy" has deep organic roots buried under layers of dispossession and power disequilibrium. 17 Despite colonial "inventions," identities that surfaced during periods of contested interaction were, in fact, based on preexisting communities — not fabricated from whole cloth. 18 This observation is as true for African societies as it was for settlers and slaves at the Cape.
Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
In both economies and markets, instability and disequilibrium are normal; stability and equilibrium are not.
The Phillips curve: trade off or disequilibrium adjustment mechanism?
(disequilibrium), or spontaneous order, but what I call mundane economics -- price theory, capital theory, monetary theory, business-cycle theory, and the theory of interventionism.
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The competitive process arises out of disequilibrium in markets giving opportunities for entrepreneurs to exploit their superior information and earn profits.
It was demonstrated that the statistical power of the chi-square test, for detecting disequilibrium between two loci with two alleles each, depends strongly on the sign of disequilibrium.
This is especially true for F 2 populations derived from original intercrosses of inbred lines that exhibit linkage disequilibrium upon which QTL studies depend.
The unknown and the unpredictable can generate cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
Social interaction involving dialogue and argument over ideas, by its very nature, is an important source of disequilibrium.
Objectives: To observe the prevention effect of the dialysis method which is low dialysate flow and low blood flow dialysis to the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome for the first time dialysis patient.
In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.
The competitive process arises out of disequilibrium in markets giving opportunities for entrepreneurs to exploit their superior information and earn profits.
Beginning with the emergence of preoperational reasoning, arguments and intellectual confrontations with others are a source of cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
However, a statistical genetic association may be observed when the implicated SNP is in strong linkage disequilibrium with another ungenotyped, but "causative," SNP, often one that is in close proximity to the implicated SNP.
Medlogs - Recent stories
The study on the sex preference address the origin of the sex ratio disequilibrium.
Objectives: To observe the prevention effect of the dialysis method which is low dialysate flow and low blood flow dialysis to the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome for the first time dialysis patient.
His odd, slightly discomfiting palette-a range of hues informed by but not faithful to the colors of the natural world-contributes to a sense of disequilibrium.
Random mating can be looked for by using the Hardy-Weinberg test, or conversely departure from panmixia can be detected by using linkage disequilibrium tests.
It is known that epistatic selection may produce significant linkage disequilibrium in natural populations.
There may be a period of disequilibrium as family members adjust to the new baby.
During periods of punctuated equilibrium everything is in flux, disequilibrium becomes the norm, and uncertainty reigns!
The second, a time of utter disequilibrium and struggle, would last ten years.
Any disequilibrium or economic crisis that occurs is the result of constraints imposed on the market from outside.
fussed" -- either by an excess of company and of help, or by some private source of discontent and disequilibrium.
Bertram Cope's Year
Unfortunately, there is no price-adjustment interpretation of the disequilibrium prices along the homotopy path.
The Phillips curve: trade off or disequilibrium adjustment mechanism?
With the potentiometric method, no CA activity could be measured, whereas with the isotopic disequilibrium technique, significant CA activity could be detected.
Such interests, unique to the individual child, often reflect disequilibrium and are affectively charged sources of motivation.
In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.
During periods of punctuated equilibrium everything is in flux, disequilibrium becomes the norm, and uncertainty reigns!
The unknown and the unpredictable can generate cognitive conflict and disequilibrium.
Social interaction involving dialogue and argument over ideas, by its very nature, is an important source of disequilibrium.