

  1. freeing from illusion or false belief

How To Use disenchanting In A Sentence

  • After dinner was over, my mother went to take a hot bath, the dishwasher stopped running, and the silence became disenchanting. The Adults
  • On the other, I find it somewhat disenchanting that something so frightening and sacrosanct can be achieved and nullified by such relatively simple means. Overlooked Movie Monday: Near Dark » Scene-Stealers
  • It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less. Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
  • I can't say that I knocked on every door," he says, "but the few that I did, didn't respond the way I wanted them to, so I think it was kind of disenchanting enough for me to go back to being subterranean. Tony Sachs: Author (Still) Unknown: The Brilliant Music and Star-Crossed Career of Jason Falkner
  • It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less. Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
  • The chief instance of the outer use of water that comes to mind is Eustace-the-dragon's "disenchanting" bath; for the inner use, the adventurers' reaching of the place where "the waves grow sweet" in the utter East and where they drink this "liquid light". Archive 2007-01-01
  • Not many of the delegates retained their enthusiasm for Mao's China through the deeply disenchanting years of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. A quick peek behind China's wall
  • I hope his life isn't ruined by Salinger, who has more than a little practice at disenchanting adolescents. Me and J.D. Salinger at Burger King
  • Arcane Shards are a required ingredient for other cube recipes, notably a recipe to turn rare items into unique items. You get them by disenchanting uniques.
  • In all, although I was offered a DSLR at cost (so no real sacrifice on behalf of Pentax) I found the whole affair very disenchanting. A Model Complaint Letter (And Why You Should Never Travel On National Express) | Lifehacker Australia
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