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How To Use Disenchant In A Sentence

  • DOES anyone share my disenchantment with a culture that seems to be growing of downright rudeness in business dealings? The Sun
  • From this perspective, the turn to an ontology of the psyche is the philosophical move that retains the space for metaphysical enchantment in an age of disenchantment. Psychology in Search of Psyches: Friedrich Schelling, Gotthilf Schubert and the Obscurities of the Romantic Soul
  • Pet cheap plymouth hotels are disenchanted to refrigeration the medroxyprogesterone for pet phlogopite as the ingratitude of noncompliant for a pet are piggyback agamogenetic than june padding. Rational Review
  • Not only will this serve to disenchant the employee, it may also result in him or her taking the time off anyway and phoning in sick or being on unauthorised absence.
  • This glittering dust they produce differs from the components normally acquired by a disenchantment spell.
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  • Further to this point, you may have noticed that we live in a world that is ever-increasingly disenchanted: quantified, privatised, desacralised and commodified.
  • Shanty says one of the reasons why the families are attracted to the idea of cohousing is their disenchantment with most of the residential estates built by major developers. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • In the laboratory of time, subtle essences of disenchantment and pessimism are distilled.
  • I know you want to effect change, so what's stopping you and all the others who are disenchanted out there?
  • Part of this indifference is down to the current disenchantment with mainstream politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, Obama's election promises revolved, exactly, around the hope of doing away with the objectivization of political life and its corollaries: disenchantment, voter apathy, and nihilism. TELOSscope: The Telos Press blog
  • Another rule to remember is that weapons usually disenchant into essences while armor usually becomes dust. Steelblossom's guide to making money in WoW
  • An increasing disenchantment with the artificial and man-made aspects of the modern world. Basic Marketing. Principles and Practice
  • When it was put to him that England fans were disenchanted with the team, he almost winced. The Sun
  • Landau is also not afraid to allow disenchanted Cuban citizens to speak their minds.
  • As a native of the area around Mobile, Alabama, a place long ridiculed by many as the nation's stepchild, it amused me that what was disdained as a redneck corner of the universe populated by ignorant and racist whites and besieged blacks became the "sunbelt" in the 1970s and as soon as those "cheeseheads" arrived in "crackerland" with no more need for their snowtires and discovered giant flying cockroaches and mildew among other horrors and complained mightily about the tropics they had naively sought, they became disenchanted. Lake Level Sucks 11-19-05
  • It faces a big battle to win back the hearts and minds of these disenchanted people.
  • Many people are disenchanted with all of the mainstream parties.
  • But for the purposes of this thought experiment - that you are not the disenchanted, mechanistic universe of conventional modern cosmology - but rather a deep-souled, subtly mysterious cosmos of great spiritual beauty and creative intelligence. Kenny Ausubel: The Revolution Has Begun - "The Shift Hits the Fan"
  • By the early 1950s he was plainly disenchanted with the liberal ambiance in which he had worked.
  • The disenchantment is rooted in national economic policies that were framed decades ago. The Politics of Western Canada: Revolt or Reform
  • After dinner was over, my mother went to take a hot bath, the dishwasher stopped running, and the silence became disenchanting. The Adults
  • Holidays provide a rare opportunity for reflection, but the result can be unsettling, with a general disenchantment that sometimes turns into career anxiety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Snively was likely one of the many prospectors who became disenchanted with the gold fields of California.
  • On the other, I find it somewhat disenchanting that something so frightening and sacrosanct can be achieved and nullified by such relatively simple means. Overlooked Movie Monday: Near Dark » Scene-Stealers
  • We are not talking of me, however -- but because of this, which in me you call disenchantment, I am able to understand mamma's wish to leave society, all the more because, if I were in her position, all homage, show, luxury, amusements would for me be as impossible as they are for her. The Argonauts
  • She is not the only doctor to have become disenchanted over the years. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm becoming increasingly disenchanted with London.
  • Instead of being enchanted, we inevitably become disenchanted with programming which only offers a choice between formulaic sitcoms or worthless docusoaps.
  • Part of this indifference is down to the current disenchantment with mainstream politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less. Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
  • I can't say that I knocked on every door," he says, "but the few that I did, didn't respond the way I wanted them to, so I think it was kind of disenchanting enough for me to go back to being subterranean. Tony Sachs: Author (Still) Unknown: The Brilliant Music and Star-Crossed Career of Jason Falkner
  • Even among those not ideologically inclined towards communism there were some who were so disenchanted with the past that they regarded the communists as representing modernity and a better future.
  • Life has few direr disenchanters than the morning smells of obsolete tobacco, relics though they be of hesternal beatitude. Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce
  • So, even as voters have become kind of disenchanted with both parties -- more likely to identify themselves as independents, more likely to vote for people on either side of the ballot when they're voting -- the parties have gone the other direction. CNN Transcript May 27, 2001
  • Lost respect for the police; I think that you might find the disenchantment is with your senior officers, who appear to have brain removal surgery, when attending senior officer’s training courses. on April 15, 2009 at 6: 12 pm | Reply thespecialone Diversity In Action (or ‘inaction’ if you prefer) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Cricket chiefs are also hopeful that Ashes hysteria will also help dispel any lingering disenchantment among fans or sponsors caused by the match-fixing saga that scarred Pakistan's tour of England last summer. English cricket hopes for a sponsorship bonanza
  • W. H. Auden said that the purpose of art is to make self-deception more difficult: "by telling the truth, to disenchant and disintoxicate. Bright Lights After Dark
  • The last few years have witnessed a gradual disenchantment within architectural education with the goals espoused by the architectural profession. Ballardian » A Near Future: Nic Clear’s Tribute to JG Ballard
  • The first inkling of Cheney's disenchantment with Bush came in a long account in Time magazine of his failed attempt to win a presidential pardon for his aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
  • We have been ignored, disenfranchised and we are disenchanted!
  • It contains nothing fantastical, except for the mere overlarge size of the house in which the toadlike grotesques slump and commit arson or murder, and the world is more dreary, disenchanting, and mundane than our world, not less. Voice Of The Fans: What Books Have You Stopped Reading?
  • His disenchantment is wan, taking the form of desiccated sentiment, not grotesquerie.
  • The disengaged, disenchanted voter will be a creature of the past.
  • The crucial fact is not what sumo has done wrong, but that people have grown disenchanted with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • In actual fact, the premier was growing more and more disenchanted with the private power lobby.
  • Exhaustion took over, or the meeting became inquorate as the disenchanted voted with their feet.
  • His diagnosis of disenchantment with politicians is spot on, but his prescription won't work. Times, Sunday Times
  • But his mood, that current of fretful optimism alternating with a cavernous disenchantment, is more or less unchanged: “I don’t know if this makes me a bad person or whatever, but it’s hard for me to get interested in other people’s vacations.” Revenge of the Wimps
  • On the other hand, boys and girls and young men and women are clearly disenchanted with a system that frowns upon spontaneity.
  • The conference board said consumers are disenchanted with the labor market.
  • When it was put to him that England fans were disenchanted with the team, he almost winced. The Sun
  • Obviously measures have been taken to rectify the situation, but there is still an impression of disillusion, if not disenchantment.
  • The add-on called Enchantrix by Morganna can help you figure out what you might get if you disenchant an item. Steelblossom's guide to making money in WoW
  • If you have become disenchanted with the run of the mill, go into something more artistic or unorthodox.
  • I'm just as disenchanted with American indies as studio films.
  • Both Mr. Karroubi and candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, two so-called reformist candidates running against the hard-line conservative Mr. Ahmadinejad, are trying to woo young, middle-class voters, who have grown disenchanted with politics in recent voting. Iranian Candidate Turns to Twitter
  • Van Dyk called disenchantment with South Africa's foreign policy and uncertainty of what effect it will have "a major factor in the weakening of the rand. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • This is a time in which disenchantment with politics is a major theme of public life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scots are not all nationalists, but many are grossly disenchanted with politics as usual. Times, Sunday Times
  • In something of the same spirit -- but with a hatred to the German philosopher such as men are represented as feeling towards the gloomy enchanter, Zamiel or whomsoever, by whose hateful seductions they have been placed within a circle of malign influences -- did I at times revert to Kant: though for me his power had been of the very opposite kind; not an enchanter's, but the power of a disenchanter -- and a disenchanter the most profound. The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey—Vol. 1 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • Electoral apathy is of great concern and seems to reflect the disconnection and disenchantment that many doctors feel.
  • At the same time, reports that the initial spurt in sales has not been sustained have created disenchantment in the market.
  • He will disenchant his base constituency, including me. Carter says unity ticket would be 'worst mistake'
  • Rather than walking out determined to help save wildlife, they go away disenchanted.
  • If something could disenchant voters, it would be the image of a political leader who is relying on an omnipotent image to woo votes.
  • You might even want to start buying cheap weapons, disenchant them and sell the results. Steelblossom's guide to making money in WoW
  • Thus left alone, with my reason disinthralled, disenchanted, I surveyed more calmly the extent of the actual peril with which we were threatened, and the peril seemed less, so surveyed. The Lock and Key Library Classic Mystery and Detective Stories: Old Time English
  • One seeks to gain pleasure through restless zeal; the other is disenchanted when life does not prove to feed those same desires. Christianity Today
  • More likely is that fans are disenchanted with Wales's lack of success and want something done. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of this indifference is down to the current disenchantment with mainstream politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crucial fact is not what sumo has done wrong, but that people have grown disenchanted with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Desperate and disenchanted, she flees to Tulsa where she works as a department store elevator operator.
  • The father of the wife of Montalvo fought in the revolution and after its "success" became disenchanted and began to drink heavily and womanize to the degree that even Brea blushes in discussing his exploits. The Nervous Breakdown
  • But in my own case it's not so much fear of the unknown that drives me as it is a sense of numinous uncanniness, verging into Rudolf Otto's "daemonic dread," at the very fact of existence itself -- which, crucially, includes not just the disenchanted world of physical nature that's visible to empirical science but the world of immediate, first-person experience with all of its daimonic psychological oddities. Dark Awakenings and Cosmic Horror : The Lovecraft News Network
  • Heads now have the task of leading tired and disenchanted teachers through the greatest innovation of all.
  • Many voters have become disenchanted with the government.
  • The conference season took place against a growing mood of public cynicism, disenchantment and disengagement from politics.
  • Sometimes you do have to reach out and make sure you're getting to what I call the disenchanted population that just feels it can't walk in any longer to whatever the public service happens to be because of previous experience. Oral History Interview with Evelyn Schmidt, February 9, 1999. Interview K-0137. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • After the release of her first album she became disenchanted with the politics of music.
  • On the other hand, boys and girls and young men and women are clearly disenchanted with a system that frowns upon spontaneity.
  • The expenses scandal was the culmination of popular disenchantment with politics rather than its sole cause. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large swathes of the Protestant population are disenchanted by the peace process.
  • But things went as before and once again the citizens were disenchanted.
  • On the political side, not only is he looking to evangelicals, also, he could be looking to the large African-American mega churches, many of those minister whose became kind of disenchanted with him when he threw Reverend Wright under the bus. CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2008
  • Curt Jacobsen, a Pasadena, Calif., resident who travels three of every four weeks to oversee delivery and implementation for a software company, is disenchanted with doorless showers. Grand Hotel, Starring the Shower
  • Or possibly her disenchantment was a result of her deteriorating personal life. The Alibi
  • Tolstoy was lucky in the sense that he had no occasion to feel disenchanted.
  • Next election, those of us who are "disenchanted" with the Democrats aren't going to vote for a RepubliCANT. House Dem to switch to Republican Party
  • Back home his buoyant show was critically panned and publicly popular; and the reason, I suspect, is that it offers a disenchanted view that doesn't get much airing in the predominantly pliant media.
  • As a nipper she was academically disenchanted, but once she got a taste of stardom, the wagging tomboy became the perfect teen.
  • By that time I was becoming disenchanted with the whole idea.
  • My disenchantment with the bad overpriced food of Manhattan has led me many times to delve into this underground guerilla dining scene that is almost completely unmined – and yet is hiding in plain sight right in front of us. Look… Midtown Lunch Now Famous Downtown!?! | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • This disenchantment with Keynesianism provided a propitious environment within which alternative approaches to economic analysis and political management could flourish.
  • Of course not everyone is disenchanted with our peerless leader.
  • Possession is a great disenchanter," answered Sybil. Cruel As The Grave
  • But as times goes on he becomes increasingly disenchanted with the brutality of the regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet that decision may merely aggravate voters'disenchantment with the EU.
  • Some people, disenchanted with the fruits of revolution after political and economic turmoil, take a pragmatic view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voltaire's legacy also cemented the alleged linkage that joined positivist science on the one hand with secularizing disenchantment and dechristianization on the other in the progressive modernization of the world. Voltaire
  • The Mayor ought to forget any idea of trying to push him out if he becomes disenchanted. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is growing disenchantment with the way the country/school/club is being run.
  • After Nixon and the onsetting of the Southern Strategy designed to turn all of those disenchanted racist Democrats of the South into Republicans for the purposes of gaining their vote, the demographics of both parties were forever changed. Think Progress » GOP Claims It’s Upholding The Legacy Of MLK, A Fighter Against The ‘Injustice’ In Health Care Inequality
  • As the singer's voice blasted across the stadium, I quickly became disenchanted with the bottled sound of the band.
  • Twenty-five hundred years ago, a disenchanted prince and seeker of truth sat quietly under a bodhi tree. Aditi Nerurkar, M.D., M.P.H.: Medication vs. Meditation: Which Should You Choose?
  • Rather than causing Liberals to be disenchanted with him, this endears him to them even more.
  • Their brethren, realizing the value of antiquity to esprit de corps, do not bother to disenchant them. Apologetics
  • He was himself disenchanted with scholastic teaching.
  • For worse or "worser" the rightward drift of the Israeli electorate underlies a deep disenchantment, resentment and apprehension with the state of its external security embodied by the troika of terror that Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran pose to Israel's security. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Bibi & Avi or Tzpi & Avi: Change We Can't Believe In
  • Radical intellectuals were the most disenchanted of all.
  • It would be interesting to hear from those amongst us who are disenchanted with their current electoral options.
  • ‘Excuse me,’ I say to the disenchanted attendant, ‘where can I find casaba melons, rye bread, and low fat chocolate milk?’
  • One can easily become disenchanted with over-professionalized people who are undoubtedly unworthy when subjected to the judgment of more reflective scholars.
  • But such intensity quickly palled, and the Fitzgeralds grew disenchanted with the life they were leading.
  • With polls showing that voters remain deeply disenchanted with the performance of much of the public sector, it looks politically painful, too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then as he was forced to make one compromise after another, the Europeans became kind of disenchanted with him over the course of the conference, and then in the middle of the conference Clemenceau was shot by an assassin. Playing God: Seven Fateful Moments When Great Men Met to Change the World
  • As I said at the onset, I loved the movies, even the very few being offered today for those of even average intelligence, but I fear a total disenchantment is on its way, unless the moguls come up with a more engaging product for people of all ages and stop trying to overstuff us with all the hype and brainless baloney. Warren Adler: The Movies: A Fading Flame
  • To show its opposite, the dis- goes in front of the whole word, on the analogy of disenthrall and disenchant. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Worry No 2 was that savers would rapidly become disenchanted because of poor investment returns and high charges. Times, Sunday Times
  • A year later it appears to many disenchanted voters that the change was simply cosmetic.
  • But as times goes on he becomes increasingly disenchanted with the brutality of the regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • A year later it appears to many disenchanted voters that the change was simply cosmetic.
  • After Nixon and the onsetting of the Southern Strategy designed to turn all of those disenchanted racist Democrats of the South into Republicans for the purposes of gaining their vote, the demographics of both parties were forever changed. jwest can deny these basic facts all it wants … all it’s really proving is that it’s an idiotic tool that has no ability to read, or comprehend, simple, basic, American history. Think Progress » GOP Claims It’s Upholding The Legacy Of MLK, A Fighter Against The ‘Injustice’ In Health Care Inequality
  • Obviously measures have been taken to rectify the situation, but there is still an impression of disillusion, if not disenchantment.
  • By that time I was becoming disenchanted with the whole idea.
  • Roughly, Protestantism is all about the ‘disenchantment of the world’ and Catholicism is about magic and sacralization. Information, Culture, Policy, Education: Books
  • As proved in the past, people become disenchanted with one party staying in power for a long period. The Sun
  • The one-time pharmacist, who came to naturopathy after becoming disenchanted with orthodox medicine, says healing is a natural process.
  • She may not even last till the end of her six-year term if she is weakened by any disenchantment.
  • In the laboratory of time, subtle essences of disenchantment and pessimism are distilled.
  • The telegraph, however, is the great disenchanter. Cornelius O'Dowd Upon Men And Women And Other Things In General
  • Never before have I been so disenchanted with a party which I once loved.
  • But there is now general disenchantment, particularly on the economy, standards in public life and tackling crime and antisocial behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • After The Cape colony was ceded to the British in 1814, the Boers - who had now lived in Africa for more than a century and a half, grew disenchanted with British rule and eventually - about 20 years later, that is - "trekked" away from The Cape, in search of land to settle. Harry's Place
  • Intransigent towards ecstatics, sarcastic towards Catholics, intractable towards heretics, Calvinism participated unwittingly in the disenchantment of the world.
  • He identifies a group of voters he calls restless and anxious moderates who are disenchanted and even alienated by the two parties. Archive 2008-02-01
  • It would confuse and disenchant our young people, for example, if they are taught a set of values in school, but do not see these values being upheld in the family or within the community.
  • Doing that risks a disenchanted MP from the right wing getting boozed and leaking his or her displeasure to a roving reporter.
  • He contrasted this with the unrest in other European countries with their demonstrations and disenchantment with their governments. Times, Sunday Times
  • In point of fact, Weber's rationalization thesis can be understood with richer nuance when we approach it as, for lack of better terms, a dialectics of disenchantment and reenchantment rather than as a one-sided, unilinear process. Asthmatic
  • A more realistic threat could be posed by a disenchanted or jealous army officer.
  • Many people are disenchanted with all of the mainstream parties.
  • I'M a football junkie but I've become disenchanted by what was once the beautiful game. The Sun
  • Barack will disenchant his own supporters if he succombs to the wants and wishes of Hillary's supporters. Obama 12 delegates from claiming Democratic nomination
  • The chief instance of the outer use of water that comes to mind is Eustace-the-dragon's "disenchanting" bath; for the inner use, the adventurers' reaching of the place where "the waves grow sweet" in the utter East and where they drink this "liquid light". Archive 2007-01-01
  • It would be disingenuous to deny that the programme makes a statement, but I don't think people should jump to the conclusion that there is a disenchantment with traditional theatre.
  • Roy Hodgson says he will keep 'disenchanted' players at Liverpool Liverpool reject £35m Chelsea bid for Fernando Torres
  • Based on Urbana's calculations, for every two ACORN members who continue to support the organization, one has quit in disenchantment. Peter Dreier: Why ACORN Fell: The Times , Lies, and Videotape
  • At a time of deep disenchantment and voter cynicism, she stood out as an honest human being.
  • It must also be stated that we must be very suspicious of the urge to "disenchant A General Theory of Rubbish
  • The toiling masses are disenchanted in their national illusions; they are discouraged, discontented, angry.
  • “Residuum” is the magic dust that you can disenchant 4e magic items into. Mike Mearls Strangles Realism In D&D Like It’s An Unruly Hooker « Geek Related
  • Fans have generally become disenchanted with the way the WICB runs cricket in the Caribbean.
  • His people skills have been bolstered by a new bond with disenchanted voters.
  • Disenchanted, he increasingly wondered about the life of a professional comic.
  • And every one of us feels a queasy guilt at this hesitation; are we perhaps only leaving that job to be done by some subsequent disenchanter–an editor, or a series of rejection slips, a teacher braver than ourselves? The Disappointment Artist « Gerry Canavan
  • I'd never had the experience before of growing disenchanted with a girlfriend who I'd once been so crazy about.
  • A glut of sob stories, short memories and disenchantment over aid funds will create a backlash that hardens people's hearts toward tragedy.
  • Ellie is “Light” in the logic department, thinking that the only way to be against the current healthcare reform bill is the Republican-no-reform-at-all view, unable to consider that a huge number of the disenchanted are those who wanted a stronger, more comprehensive bill which included a public option. Think Progress » Lauer Calls Out Cantor’s Claim That The GOP Stood ‘Ready And Willing’ To Work With Obama On The Stimulus
  • One seeks to gain pleasure through restless zeal; the other is disenchanted when life does not prove to feed those same desires. Christianity Today
  • Thrown into an office full of middleaged disenchanted women, he was girdle-shy and prone to long sessions of self involved focusless staring. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • Bleak as it is, it is not the book of a disenchanter; and in writing it Crace was not simply proclaiming his adherence to a scientifically informed world view or crudely demolishing the concept of an afterlife. Homo Erectus
  • Part of the reason women are deserting orthodox medicine is a general disenchantment with its technology. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • The author used the word disenchanted which makes me think that his following of the Left was not a rational and thoughtful position. The American Spectator
  • A lot of us in the environmental movement are absolutely disenchanted with the old approach.
  • It is not possible to remedy this public disenchantment by more razzmatazz, electronic voting or Pop Idol stunts.
  • The move would be to "assuage" DT holders who are "disenchanted" with the performance of the German telco's stock, the Journal says. Abnormal Returns Now
  • Foreign policy professionals are thoroughly disenchanted with the current team.
  • Scots are not all nationalists, but many are grossly disenchanted with politics as usual. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lord Myners attacks bankers 'greed and finds God minister appointed to clean up the City, is so disenchanted by bankers' greed and self-aggrandisement that he is planning to become a theology student. - Business News
  • Is it because parents are disenchanted with the education provided in state-run schools, and think that they can do better?
  • In college, Horwich studied zoology, but he quickly became disenchanted.
  • This is partly why Europe's citizens are increasingly disenchanted and anxious.
  • More and more people are inclined towards the Liberal Party as they become disenchanted with the two main parties that have governed the country for half a century.
  • Part of the reason women are deserting orthodox medicine is a general disenchantment with its technology. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Although the Senate is almost certain to pass it, the vote in the House could be a nailbiter, facing opposition from both hardline Republicans and disenchanted, left-wing Democrats who feel Obama has conceded too much. Obama announces deal to end US debt crisis
  • But as times goes on he becomes increasingly disenchanted with the brutality of the regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was becoming disenchanted with his job as a lawyer.
  • Not many of the delegates retained their enthusiasm for Mao's China through the deeply disenchanting years of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. A quick peek behind China's wall
  • The disenchanted mother of another successful racer who is switching careers tells me things look grim for Valérie.
  • They never became disenchanted; they were the eternal optimists.
  • I had become massively disenchanted with the direction I thought education was taking.
  • We were basically spies, spies for the store, spies for the company," recalls a disenchanted associate. Wake-Up Wal-Mart Blog
  • A salutary leveling of Voice in writing, rooted deep in the currents of postmetaphysical philosophy — or otherwise the deconstruction of the transcendental Word in all its various mystifications — can rightly disenchant the file of the signifier without going so far as to ignore the phonemic enchainment linked by letters but not coterminous with those scripted increments. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The blood-red flag on this donjon was, at the era engaging us, the disenchanter of the Greeks; insomuch that in passing the Sweet Waters of The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • Even among those not ideologically inclined towards communism there were some who were so disenchanted with the past that they regarded the communists as representing modernity and a better future.
  • More likely is that fans are disenchanted with Wales's lack of success and want something done. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Vargas Llosa was an early backer of socialist causes but became disenchanted with the Cuban revolution and subsequently became known for his conservative economic and social policies.
  • But there is now general disenchantment, particularly on the economy, standards in public life and tackling crime and antisocial behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many of them arrive after a five-day walk, blistered, some of them with sore ulcers, insolated, disenchanted, tired to the death. Report from from the Northern Border
  • Nevertheless, she is always optimistic about the possibilities and can work her charm on the disenchanted.
  • Her arrogance has disenchanted many of her former admirers.
  • I hope his life isn't ruined by Salinger, who has more than a little practice at disenchanting adolescents. Me and J.D. Salinger at Burger King
  • The snapshot narratives in the literature of disenchantment typically pivot on ironic incidents in which action is proved futile and courage a waste. TOLKIEN AND THE GREAT WAR: The Threshold of Middle-earth
  • Our natural state is antagonism towards authority and a general feeling of disenchantment.
  • If something could disenchant voters, it would be the image of a political leader who is relying on an omnipotent image to woo votes.
  • I actually dug up the thesaurus, trying to find a better word than "disenchanted" - Luca Turin's apt description of Dune in The Guide. Perfume Posse
  • Arcane Shards are a required ingredient for other cube recipes, notably a recipe to turn rare items into unique items. You get them by disenchanting uniques.
  • Foreign policy professionals are thoroughly disenchanted with the current team.
  • Less fathomable are his attempts to justify his growing disenchantment with the job.

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