How To Use Disenable In A Sentence

  • But upon the introduction of the new principle of grace and holiness in our sanctification, this habit of sin is weakened, impaired, and so disenabled as that it cannot nor shall incline unto sin with that constancy and prevalency as formerly, nor press unto it ordinarily with the same urgency and violence. Pneumatologia
  • For the one half of that small space of time which is passed since the breaking forth of the light of the gospel in this nation, we are disenabled from pursuing the comparison instituted, the one part being not to be considered, or at least not being considerable. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • How you deal with a case where a person disenables themselves by their own conduct so as arguably to remove from themselves the criminal intent that is necessary for the crime.
  • Sin is like many other distempers, that put the mouth out of taste so as to disenable it from distinguishing good and wholesome food from bad.
  • But this I will beg of God for you both that you may not faint in this day of trial, — that you may have a clear view of those spiritual and temporal mercies wherewith you are yet intrusted (all undeserved), — that sorrow of the world may not so overtake your hearts as to disenable to any duties, to grieve the Spirit, to prejudice your lives; for it tends to death. Life of Dr Owen
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  • MEIR: First of all, a buffer zone will enable -- or will disenable any force, hostile force to launch multiple bombs into Israeli cites in the northern part, to kill enough soldiers, and to use all kinds of mines against Israeli patrols, because we have to make sure that this zone is clean of Hezbollah. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2006
  • Eitive and Glen Urcha has deprived the country of all the trees of sufficient size to cross the strait of Brandir; and it is probable that the currach was not introduced till the want of timber had disenabled the inhabitants of the country from maintaining a bridge. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • “Our embarrassments for money are great,” Lee explained to a friend in Europe, “not because there is any real want of it, but because by the constitution of the Bank, & until lately a most prosperous commerce, in this tory city, has accumulated all the money here & consequently disenabled the other States from paying taxes to support the war.” Robert Morris
  • There are two things which hinder or disenable men from believing with faith divine and supernatural, when any divine revelation is objectively proposed unto them: -- First, The natural blindness and darkness of their minds, which are come upon all by the fall, and the depravation of their nature that ensued thereon. Pneumatologia
  • Bold finished the number; and as he threw it aside, he thought that that at least had no direct appliance to Mr Harding, and that the absurdly strong colouring of the picture would disenable the work from doing either good or harm. The Warden
  • The Government found itself in a compromised position which has disenabled it from enforcing tough methods to rid society of these notorious law-breakers.
  • They meant also to distress us by accumulating our seamen in their prisons; and this they imagined would disenable us from manning our men of war, or sending out privateers. A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. Late A Surgeon On Board An American Privateer, Who Was Captured At Sea By The British, In May, Eighteen Hundred And Thirteen, And Was Confined First, At Melville Island, Halifax, Then At Chatham, In Engla
  • They are trying to disenable us to reach out to the people," said ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The darkness of their own mind and inexpressible vanity, -- wherein I place the principal effect of our apostasy from God, -- do disenable, hinder, and divert them from such apprehensions. Pneumatologia
  • So that to err from the ways of God is to have our hearts weakened, spiritually disenabled, often turned aside from the vigorous, effectual, powerful walking with God, which we are called unto. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The penalties of the act were, that the printer for the first offence should be disenabled from exercising his respective trade.
  • Eitive and Glen Urcha has deprived the country of all the trees of sufficient size to cross the strait of Brandir; and it is probable that the currach was not introduced till the want of timber had disenabled the inhabitants of the country from maintaining a bridge. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • The plaintiffs (the Comstocks) by their acts have disenabled Moore from using _his own name_ .... (emphasis in original). History of the Comstock Patent Medicine Business and Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills
  • Those to whom a well struck word rings out straight and true will surely be aware that disenable is not a real word.
  • An Indian captain was taken prisoner by the Spaniards, and for that he was of name, and known to have done his devoir against them, they cut off his hands, thereby intending to disenable him to fight any more against them. Short Studies on Great Subjects
  • Lord, are disenabled to make provision for themselves. The Sermons of John Owen
  • But whilst by some this work is despised, at least counted unnecessary, by some it is neglected utterly; and others, by reason of their private capacities, whereby they are disenabled to speak unto magistrates, cities, or the community of the people, think not themselves concerned therein, [and] it is almost wholly laid aside. The Sermons of John Owen
  • a calamity before it comes, will exhaust our strength and spirits so far, as to disenable us to grapple with it, when it is come. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. V.
  • But where the minds of men, through their native darkness, are disenabled to discern the glory of spiritual things, and, through their carnal, unmortified affection, do cleave unto, and have the highest esteem of, worldly grandeur, it is no wonder if they suppose the beauty and glory of the church to consist in them. The Sermons of John Owen

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