How To Use Disembodied In A Sentence
I had to join this long queue, that snaked around a couple of times, and as each person left, a disembodied voice said, ‘Cashier number seven, please!’
It's a striking image of traumatic birth from a monstrous, disembodied womb.
Times, Sunday Times
Her illegitimate position has rendered her wraithlike and insubstantial, almost disembodied.
A disembodied voice emerges from the monitor.
Times, Sunday Times
The dictionary as a mode of literature is the antithesis of automatic writing, that disembodied burbling of the unconscious.

Christ was quickened, that is to say, was active, in His own spirit state, although His body was inert and in reality dead at the time; and that _in_ that disembodied state He went and preached to the disobedient spirits.
Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
At all events he recognizes the possibility of conscious receptivity in disembodied spirits. caught up -- (Ac 8: 39). to the third heaven -- even to, &c.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The disembodied voices were most striking - patients' miserable repeated calls for help, muted protests, inarticulate moans, and whimpers.
The snake makes it wriggle so that the apparently disembodied filament appears to be some kind of succulent worm.
They claimed that disembodied spirits can wander in and out of the minds of the living as easily as a tramp can walk into a house with its doors and windows open.
There is something haunting in the light of the moon; it has all the dispassionateness of a disembodied soul, and something of its inconceivable mystery
The disembodied faces which we see through the darkness are recognisably human, but also immobile, as if physically caught in a state of Beckettian stasis.
He is a clever guy, positing that the fact that one thinks presupposes that one surely has a mind, but the existence of one's body is uncertain, because even a disembodied consciousness can imagine a physical form.
A disembodied voice sounded from the back of the cabin.
With the almost inaudible drums barely maintaining a recognisable rhythm, loops, clicks and disembodied sounds build inside the mass as the lead moves in and out of the drone, always threatening to sink right into the fuzz.
The nearer they brought him to a disembodied spirit by meagre diet, the holier should be his prayers in their behalf.
The Cloister and the Hearth
On the soundtrack, disembodied voices form a chorus of simmering urban resentment, describing life on the streets and the widening gulf between rich and poor.
Just as the Shaman was about to advance upon her downed adversary, however, a disembodied voice echoed in her ears.
Ever so slowly she began to relax, at one with her body that had seemed disembodied just a while before.
The same message was echoed by a disembodied voice with metronomic eeriness.
They are notable for their realism: masks are depicted in fine detail and as part of total ensembles, with all the props and accoutrements, not as disembodied head pieces sold to tourists.
As Gillen Wood argues, for example, Francis Burney's representation of the experience of listening to a castrato at the opera in Evelina and Cecilia is conspicuously disembodied — any and all description of the castrato's corporeality is absent, being transposed into the sound of his sublime voice.
Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
On the first few listens, the songs wash by, disembodied like an ocean.
When Laura plays the piano, her adorer stands there, one moment an exanimate statue, the next a disembodied spirit.
It's like getting a rubdown from Mickey Mouse's disembodied arm.
Youth Radio -- Youth Media International: When Wooo-Sah Isn't Working, Check This Anti-Road Rage Machine
If we conclude that the ascription of sensations and feelings to a disembodied spirit does not make sense, it does not obviously follow, as you might think, that we must deny the possibility of disembodied spirits altogether.
Luckily for Alan a Llarnian disembodied supermind from a planet in the Canopus system decides to hyperspace him the hell out of there at that time.
Archive 2007-04-01
There are no disembodied brains, divorced from human emotions, hormonal urges and fleshly thoughts, engaged solely in disinterested play of the mind on the eternal verities.
In 1991, for example, there were no magnetised feet or disembodied voices in the bookshop.
Times, Sunday Times
We're disembodied voices from the depths of your subconscious, you nimrod.
AlakÚsa Kathß," in which a king's daughter becomes a disembodied evil spirit, haunting during the night a particular choultry (or serai) for travellers, and if they do not answer aright to her cries she strangles them and vampyre-like sucks their blood.
Arabian nights. English
At last Mr. Bessel chanced upon a place where a little crowd of such disembodied silent creatures was gathered, and thrusting through them he saw below a brightly-lit room, and four or five quiet gentlemen and a woman, a stoutish woman dressed in black bombazine and sitting awkwardly in a chair with her head thrown back.
Twelve Stories and a Dream, by H. G. Wells
Let us suppose that you or I, brethren, should become a free and disembodied spirit.
Or a disembodied voice saying,'I can see you!
The Sun
The disembodied voice echoes the knowledge he does have but has never really used.
It is what referred to as a disembodied voice that is captured on an audio recorder that you cannot physically hear with your ear at the time.
CNN Transcript Oct 30, 2009
‘This is your captain speaking,’ said a disembodied voice over the tannoy.
A disembodied voice echoed from all corners of the infinite place.
The only sort of eye to be found in Dunham's paintings puts in an appearance in Beautiful Dirt Valley: the disembodied eye of heaven hovering in a sickly sky.
She yelped and heaved her body backwards, and a gruesome, disembodied face appeared - the hand beating the glass.
From the shadows came a disembodied voice in Urdu.
Reason reasserting itself, he has given up the idea of disembodied spirits, convinced that the two figures coming forward are real flesh and blood; the same whose blood he assisted in spilling, and whose flesh he lately believed to be decaying in the obscurity of a cave.
The Lone Ranche
Beyond the actual physical spaces of global cities lies another metropolis-the virtual city and the disembodied encounter with Cybena.
That, and the disembodied voice of the driver when forced to explain the next red signal.
Times, Sunday Times
Winnie, Beckett’s "hopeful futilitarian" is buried up to her waist in the earth, woken and summoned to bed each day by the same disembodied bell.
Audio Interview with actress Tanja Jacobs on playing Winnie in Beckett’s Happy Days
To illustrate her point, she gestures to the disembodied insect wings that lie strewn across her work surface -- a tabletop resembling an entomological Guernica of miniature proportions.
Farmer's Frankensteinian Fairies
Powerful computers birthed the fantasy of a pure disembodied intelligence.
It is true that he does not interpret between the brain and music, but he is able to disimprison sound, as no one has ever done with mortal hands, and the piano, when he touches it, becomes a joyous, disembodied thing, a voice and nothing more, but a voice which is music itself.
Plays, Acting and Music A Book Of Theory
And there's no honour, Merthyr, in a ghost's fighting, because he's shotproof; so I won't say what the valiant disembodied 'I' may do by-and-by.
Vittoria — Volume 8
The evening's organiser introduced us to ‘Suzy’ - the disembodied head of a mannequin to whom we were entrusted with looking after for the evening.
Other house of horror staples were abundant: Murky lighting that gave you just enough visual information to imagine the worst, water that dripped from the ceiling that turned into blood, candles and flashlights that disembodied faces and ambient noise that made it feel as if someone – or a lot of someones — were whispering in your ear.
London Theater Journal: Close Quarters Magnify the Unease in ‘Relocated’ - ArtsBeat Blog -
The figure is of a head resting on two legs, a "wan smile " on its disembodied face.
The Passion of Michel Foucault
It's a striking image of traumatic birth from a monstrous, disembodied womb.
Times, Sunday Times
These texts, in part as a result of this Gnostic foundation, contain speakers whose disembodied voices we hear through the walls of their prisons.
And there it was, large as three fists, venae cavae and aorta thicker than thumbs, a disembodied moose heart lying next to the vacuum sealer.
She is strangely dissociated from her husband, whose disembodied voice, imperviously reciting poetry, ‘struck close upon her ears.’
Eventually, when I stepped into the second room, I realised that four table-top game stations were pumping incessant shots into the front room, where they became disembodied echoes.
Disembodied voices could be heard in the darkness.
Incidentally, Tennyson’s “samite” (inMorte d’Arthur, as worn by the disembodied arm that belongs to the Lady of the Lake) was a brilliantly contrived exercise in etymological archaeology, and strictly speakingmeant (via the Latin samitum and, in turn, the Greek hexamiton) a six-ply silk brocade incorporating gold and silver threads, much in vogue during the Middle Ages, but let us not be deflected.
Further Pavlova
And that the state of disembodiedness is eternal on account of its not having actions for its cause, we have already explained.
The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Sankaracarya Sacred Books of the East, Volume 1
The second is a dirty buzz carved from the crude hum of electric motors as amplified by dirty magnetic coils and pockmarked by amorphous rattles and disembodied thuds.
We sit through 75 minutes of disembodied voices, recordings of dead writers musing on the afterlife and the void.
Times, Sunday Times
As the lights dim, a disembodied voice warns: ‘For those of a nervous disposition, white Lycra and platform boots are worn in this show.’
Alsop explained: "For me, the main motivation is to get beyond the image of Beethoven as this disembodied bust, to give people insight into this man who lives upstairs or next door, who writes this incredible music, but is such a tortured soul.
CSI: Beethoven from Baltimore Symphony
Then there's the idea of disembodied breasts fighting each other ( "My ta-tas could beat up your ta-tas") which not only pointlessly brings up violence (this time woman v. woman or breast v. breast) but seems counterproductive to the idea of breast cancer research.
Feminist blogs
A disembodied voice sounded from the back of the cabin.
His tail - seemingly disembodied from his body - trails behind him like a submarine conning tower.
I am looking for a point between recognition of the human touch and distant and disembodied sounds.
But both, to gauge by the squalid setting, by the way they spring to attention at the sounding of a disembodied voice that issues from the dumbwaiter, are low men on the totem pole.
James Scarborough: Hollywood Fringe: The Dumb Waiter, Vespertine Productions & Girl Band in the Men's Room, Dirty Blonde Productions
In his mythology, those who use the Ring will become disembodied wraiths, but will still have physical as well as spiritual powers.
Another morning, another disembodied mouse head at the top of the stairs.
Times, Sunday Times
In some paintings this element takes the form of a single continuous line, while in others it includes shorter line fragments drifting off as disembodied arabesques.
His drawings are usually over in five minutes - all have disembodied figures sticking out of the ocean and shattered boats drawn in one dark colour - red.
As an interesting tangent to that she's been contemplating the potent image of the disembodied of the disembodied brain throughout history and in popular culture.
A ghost is an alleged disembodied spirit of a dead persons.
Its function is not disembodied or abstracted from the socio-cultural, but grounded in it.
These works take cues from rebellious, pretty-boy Americana, namely Brando and Elvis; doe eyes and pompadours appear to float in the etchings, disembodied, like clouds from a smokestack.
The "bookcases" —three triangular set pieces that moved and turned choreographically—became canvases for the disembodied Simon's feelings expressed through light, changing from throbbing, heavily saturated reds and yellows to the most delicate, unwavering pastels.
Full-Bodied Arias in a Postorganic World
What promise of high mystical things to come there is in the mere syllabling of the noble verse, and how it enlarges us from ourselves, for that time at least, to a disembodied unity with the troubled soul whose martyry seems foreboded in the solemn accents!
Short Stories and Essays (from Literature and Life)
It is enough if he has provided an account that makes plain the intelligibility of the notion of disembodied survival; the believer in an afterlife can then say, “If not in just this way, then in some other.”
We have long known the names of the Stalinist leaders, but their biographies have remained sketchy and disembodied.
The Times Literary Supplement
He also points out that in the early days of wireless, many considered a disembodied voice in the corner of the sitting room unsettling.
Times, Sunday Times
I think the Greeks found something ominous or uncanny, something not to be lightly spoken of, in that all but disembodied spirit which we call a butterfly, and they called by the name of ψυχη {psychê}, the Soul.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
There was no sense of disembodied sounds, voices coming from odd spots in the hall, or unrealistic orchestral balances, all problems that can arise when sound installations of this sort are in use.
It is centrally controlled and unaccountable except through a disembodied digital voting system administered by the central authority.
Gillie's voice floated disembodiedly across the hall.
The trumpets sounded a few crisp notes and the disembodied voice announced ‘Leo, his majesty's son.’
Our destiny is not to be disembodied souls, but to be reunited with our bodies in the future kingdom of God.
I will explore some of the more prominent Buddhist techniques for overcoming our inveterate dualism and the disconnected, alienated, disembodied condition it leads to.
And there I lie one time upon the strand, another in the salt sea's surge, drifting ever up and down upon the billows, unwept, unburied; but now am I hovering o'er the head of my dear mother Hecuba, a disembodied spirit, keeping my airy station these three days, ever since my poor mother came from Troy to linger here in
Rawls's representative agent is portrayed as a disembodied party devoid of any substantive human characteristics except rationality.
His colour gets disembodied or denatured in these pictures, but much of its life, as found in his early water colours, issues out in the spirited passages in line.
Character models are bland, and in the first-person perspective from which the game is played, your arms appear to be hovering and disembodied, which is a little scary.
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Anyway, it was a weird but fun day spent with congenial folks, and I did get to meet the newscaster, even if only as a disembodied voice in my ear.
On the interior, the disembodied floor appears to float freely from seamless, rounded walls.
The disembodied voice sounded just like Riona, bold and insolent.
Scuba diving is the closest I've ever come to religious ecstasy, to visiting an alien world, to becoming a weightless, disembodied spirit flying over a scene of perfect beauty -- and this captures that sensation neatly.
Stupendous coral reef panorama - Boing Boing
The button had been there, waiting only to be pushed to reveal a long-hidden disembodied Bing, a ghost continuing to melodize somewhere just below the level of conscious hearing.
All the Luck in the World
Carlo was standing at the wheel, his head disembodied in the light from the binnacle.
Cognition and emotion, thinking and feeling, interpreting and relating -- these are separable only in pathology, as can be seen in the case of Descartes himself, the profoundly isolated man who created a doctrine of the isolated mind, of disembodied, unembedded, decontextualized cogito.
Robert D. Stolorow: What Is Character and How Does it Change?
It misleads one into thinking that a person is somehow divorced from his body, a disembodied observer of it.
Powerful computers birthed the fantasy of a pure disembodied intelligence.
It has even become fashionable for them to be non-scary, so reliant have we become on stretching the literary uses of disembodied spirits and other phantasms.
If she bothered to reply at all, she spoke slowly and her voice had a disembodied, metallic tone.
THE ZANZIBAR CHEST: A Memoir of Love and War
It is neither a disembodied image like painting nor a fully three-dimensional object like sculpture.
But would death be preferable, or simply comparable, to this state of disembodiedness?
This brilliant and learned student of structures and communities treats scientific ideas as the creations of disembodied intellects, and he foreshortens the development of such ancient subjects as geology and biology.
The loudspeakers played the gamut from opera to light jazz and disembodied laughter floated forward from the back of the bookstore.
What I was looking for was a very ethereal, mystical, disembodied sound.
Near-death experiences, spirit possession, past-life memories, and many other peculiar phenomena suggest a disembodied spirit as an obvious explanation.
There's no let-up on the thrills and chills tonight as a biker comes across a disembodied hand dropped by a fox.
The Sun
Internet dating offers an interesting case study of these technological risks, for it encourages both transparency and oversharing, as well as another danger: it insists that we reduce and market ourselves as the disembodied sum of our parts.
Unlike the austerely disembodied Hungarian, however, Auerbach is a radical populist who celebrates the fleshly and mundane.
So many teens walk around with tiny phones glued to their ears, all attention focused on disembodied voices.
I know many marathoners who could only train in a disembodied state, and today they are facing total hip and knee replacements because they trained their minds to check out, disengage, and ignore discomfort and repetitive shock.
God did not make us disembodied minds; he made us psychosomatic beings.
Rawls's representative agent is portrayed as a disembodied party devoid of any substantive human characteristics except rationality.
In part, the social power of cadastral maps derived from the "scientific" and purportedly ungendered (because disembodied) quality of their construction, for by concealing their human origins and political objectives in the precisely measured straight lines and quantified areas of their pictorial images, these mappings disavowed the possibility of change or resistance.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
The obsession with becoming slimmer and slimmer is an obsession with becoming an image, and therefore transparent, an obsession with the disembodied ideality which is that of film stars.
Vox Nova
The surname, Dibbuk, refers to the Yiddish word dybbuk that the Encyclopedia Britannica defines as "a disembodied human spirit that, because of former sins, wanders restlessly until it finds a haven in the body of a living person.
Walter Mosley
It is for this reason that Scripture describes final Release where there is no connexion with works as a state of disembodiedness.
The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
To see where the next book could be coming from, we only need to look at that funny picture on the back of every US dollar bill, showing a truncated pyramid with a disembodied eye floating above it.
When he isn't a special effect, he's hidden behind a latex mask or existing as a disembodied voice.
When the body dies, the spirit departs from the body permanently and lives on in a world of disembodied spirits.
Among all of Caravaggio's self-reflexive images, none captures the elision from specularity to spectatorship more dynamically than the disembodied head of the Medusa.
Niall Harrison invited me to the BSFA meeting in London on the 22nd, which turned out to be great fun and not a little bit strange--all those people I had only known as disembodied spirits on the ether turning out to have actual faces and voices Niall, when we first spoke on the phone: "But you're American!
Archive 2006-03-01
He uses a wild arsenal of weapons and body parts to protect humans from the schemes of his kinfolk, aided by his father, a disembodied eyeball.
License request day: GeGeGe no Kitaro
The broken tales and their disembodied inhabitants are too sketchy and isolated to incite empathy, and the theme of guilt and absolution has little plot and character for support, so the whole thing feels trifling and weak.
“Thank you,” he calls sheepishly, locking the car and pocketing the keys; not surprisingly, the only response is a burst of disembodied laughter.
A different, but essentially parallel explanatory hypothesis is provided by a now familiar science fiction scenario: the perceiver is a disembodied brain floating in a vat of brain nutrients and receiving electrical impulses from a computer that again contains an ideally complete model or representation of a material world and generates the impulses accordingly, taking account of motor impulses received from the brain that reflect the person's intended movements.
Epistemological Problems of Perception
These three Lebanese designers have not attempted to become the disembodied and untouchable master architect.
As the neon sign flashes on and off outside, Chris begins to hear the disembodied voices of Kitty and Johnnie teasing him, taunting him, and accusing him.
A campaign for hosiery featured the standard disembodied, stocking-clad leg that Dali juxtaposed with his provocative iconography.
Shirley MacLaine, according to her autobiography, similarly relies on contacting disembodied entities through various mediums.
The doors fly open after 10 minutes use, and a disembodied android voice intones ‘Warning!’
Like the wailing banshee who is a harbinger of death, the ghost cries out for a narrative context, since even the most disembodied ghost needs to be fleshed out with a ghost story.
In future it wants computerised systems with disembodied Big Brother-like voices issuing commands to staff seeking access to high-security buildings.
Instead, we exist as disembodied presences, ghosts.
There may still be an objection to this, to the effect that the idea of disembodied survival, even if not logically incoherent, is one we have don't have a sufficient grasp of to allow it to count as a real possibility.
Thus, while sound has been, and continues to be, understood as too material, not fully able to decouple from the realm of the material, fantasies of a disembodied voice increasingly defined the imagination for the castrato singer on the part of English listeners and readers.
Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
The supporting cast are given some fun scenes, particularly Terrence Stamp as ghoulish butler Ramsley and Jennifer Tilley as a disembodied fortune teller's head in a glass ball.
Biologically speaking, the feat is the bacterial equivalent of removing lungs and coaxing the disembodied tissue to breathe.
Science Press Releases
The figure is of a head resting on two legs, a "wan smile " on its disembodied face.
The Passion of Michel Foucault