How To Use Discrete In A Sentence
But there are myriads of other discrete territories, such as deserts, mountain ranges, peninsulas, and islands, that function as bioregions.
It is especially noteworthy that The New York Times, itself culpable of, or accessory to whatever alleged crimes Mr. Assange may be accused of, has kept its lips discretely, if unheroically sealed.
Michael Brenner: Obama's War on WikiLeaks -- and Us
Trigger points are discrete, focal, hyperirritable spots located in a taut band of skeletal muscle.
Microphones now dangle discretely over the pews, so the congregation can hear each other sing; the bema , or stage, has been lowered and the front rows made movable, so that the clergy can feel closer to the congregation.
After Fire, Temple Rises
The skittering streaks and brushy splashes of color - punctuated by incidental drips and blobs - tend to remain discrete, but when they are allowed to run together, the effect is spectacular.

Mosaic warts occur as collections of small, discrete and densely packed individual warts.
So it sells resistors and other discrete components alongside hard drives and motherboards.
Considering sight and smell as discrete modalities experiencing the object in each is similar but also, importantly, and perhaps, subtly different.
These blocks should not be considered as discrete units which can simply be placed next to one another.
Critical Social Research
Gas-phase field and discrete particle field are treated respectively by a Eulerian method and a Lagrangian one.
The plug-in manufacturers have developed a real fixation on modeling and mimicking discrete gear, including mics, tape, outboard pieces.
Painted in shades of brown and gold, and heavily outlined in black, each twist of sisal may be read as a discrete unit.
One of the primary indications that the RNA signatures are, in fact, remnants of an evolutionary saltation is their discrete character.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
The Poisson is a discrete distribution — i.e. only defined for integer values — which means that its CDF should be jagged saw-toothed.
New Holland and Webster Paper « Climate Audit
The distribution of red panda in Qionglai Mountains was discrete and existed many gaps and fragmentation trend. Thus, the protection of red panda in Qionglai Mountains should be further enhanced.
The main theme in the media business has been the transformation of relatively discrete producers of entertainment products into massive financial combines.
On a camera, the f-number is usually adjusted in discrete steps, known as f-stops.
Further aspiration.
After laying down discrete patches of dark umber in grid formations, Briggs dragged an unloaded brush through the pigment, leaving behind episodic squiggles that vaguely resemble Chinese characters.
Needless to say, the distinctions form a continuum, rather than discrete categories.
It is therefore important to be able to perform discrete sensitivity analysis and to handle lower bounds.
The atoms in iron, in contrast, do not cluster into discrete molecules.
This is quite different to a group portrait, which is a well-defined, discrete entity that we can adopt unilaterally.
The measured rheological features were not consistent with simple linear viscoelastic models based on a combination of a discrete number of springs and dashpots.
Diabetic necrobiosis typically causes discrete pretibial plaques, not the confluent skin changes seen in this patient.
Its mode is agglomerative - discrete pieces of information are gleaned and corroborated through firsthand experience.
Traveling potty seat folds for easy and discrete carrying in a diaper bag or large purse.
Although the various managerial tasks are interlinked, they are described discretely for ease of reference.
It occurred as a fine-grained siliceous vein filling and as discrete, clear, tiny crystals in vugs.
If neither contestant withdraws during a contest, males engage in discrete wrestling bouts, in which they attempt to clasp and submerge their opponent.
Requiring drug tests of this discrete group of citizens is an intrusion, a humiliation and a subtle deterrent to prospective candidates.
First shown in theatres as an old-fashioned four-hour "roadshow" -- the way costume epics like Ben-Hur and Lawrence of Arabia were run, with an intermission -- Che can now be viewed in two discrete parts.
John Eskow: The Best Actor and Best Movie of 2008 Weren't Even Nominated
The adjacent cerebral parenchyma and overlying ependyma revealed no discrete inflammation or vasculitis.
Could this disjointed style, this mixture of attention and indifference, which inclines you to take the picture piece by piece, have something to do with the clear sense of discrete personalities you get from it?
Pick any eukaryotic species (say, the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila) — one cannot be certain that a member of that species shares common ancestry, from a discrete cell, with a member of any other eukaryotic species (say, Drosophila melanogaster).
A Disclaimer for Behe?
A conceptual framework for understanding how polygenes give rise to discrete phenotypic variation is the threshold model.
Convolution of windowing function is traditionally used to explain the Discrete Fourier Transform ( DFT ) errors.
Inasmuch as the virtual beauty of "harmony" and "proportion" said to prevail between the intellect's discrete faculties is to prove vocal, audible, and lasting, the reflexive operation of critical writing is at least one way of producing that outcome.
The Voice of Critique: Aesthetic Cognition After Kant,
One can do this by basing the material on the Cox-Ross-Rubinstein theorem and the like, approximating the Black-Scholes model with discrete-time binomial trees.
Inside, the box is all-discrete and Class-A, utilizing top-quality transformers, precision capacitors and low-distortion inductors.
Moving from 0 to 1 in N discrete steps is called linear interpolation, or "lerp", for short:
Flow charts show the organization or relationships between discrete parts of a system.
A Short Guide to Writing About Science
At the dawn of the twentieth century, German physicist Max Planck postulated that energy was radiated in tiny, discrete units, which he called quanta.
Long sentences with subclauses loosely strung together and lots of words in apposition likewise suggest that meaning can be continually modified rather than structured into discrete differential units.
His interests are in discrete differential geometry and mathematical visualization.
Their report that urochordates are comprised of 4 discrete lineages holds interesting implications for understanding the evolution of tadpole morphology and chordate life history.
It would provide, in other words, a discrete vehicle for important issues to be addressed.
It quickly necessitated figuring out how to "grope" myself discretely in public!
Walking the walk, talking the talk: Security of mind
Based on the conception of the discrete modal filter, a force identification model is proposed to emend the classical modal model method.
As is apparent in the current analysis, the trends were general, and not discrete.
The key is the notion of a discrete quantization of a random variable X.
Is it a discrete inquiry by reference to the particular individual or is it a sort of general inquiry?
Papular eczema (_eczema papulosum_) is characterized by the appearance, usually in numbers, of discrete, aggregated or closely-crowded, reddish, pin-head-sized acuminated or rounded papules.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
For the purpose of calculating convenience and overcoming redundancy, discreteness always is adopted in the application of reconstructing signal through wavelet transform.
As discrete centres of energy, individuals begin, from before birth, to become themselves; to accrete identities and personalities.
She, and all of them, are constrained by hopeless blocking and a lighting design so discrete as to be invisible to the naked eye.
The living, dining and kitchen areas were more discrete, making observation less easy.
Even at these sites, red cedar tends to be spatially limited to discrete ritual precincts rather than scattered randomly among feature fills.
Limited war was no longer a discrete phenomenon but part of a wider whole.
Warfare in the Twentieth Century
The photoreceptors gather in discrete spots known as phytochrome nuclear bodies. - latest science and technology news stories
This would allow an individual to be prosecuted in a single count for the activity of fraudulent trading, although that activity may be made up of a number of otherwise discrete offences.
A multimedia system contains information which is coded at least in a continuous and discrete medium.
I am still smiling as I am typing, just imagining the discrete metallic dashes of “les agrafes de circonstance” and the look on the face of the women behind the counter!
Agrafer - French Word-A-Day
Most disease resistance traits are measured as one or more discrete characters.
The direct search with mixed discrete variable was used for the de- sign, and it was run successfully in a microcomputer.
It is crucial to differentiate the phenomenon of self-awareness from discrete pieces of self-knowledge.
The mature sutures display three or four discrete first-order subdivisions on the ventral flank of each prong and second-order subdivisions are common in external sutures of large specimens.
The electrons do have different discrete energies, but they do not follow circular orbits.
Discrete damage to the brain, especially to parts of the interior surface of the temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres, can also cause profound anterograde amnesia.
Deep reading and shallow reading are different in reading contents, purposes, actions and psychology. Deep reading is not the antithesis of shallow reading, but discreteness .
Information refers primarily to facts, discrete quanta of information that can be transmitted through simple communication in relatively complete form and without loss of integrity.
But there are myriads of other discrete territories, such as deserts, mountain ranges, peninsulas, and islands, that function as bioregions.
The problem is that Fausto, though essentially kind, is an inveterate skirt chaser, and none too discrete at that.
Here, we systematically derive discrete models of cell-to-cell communication from a mechanistic description of autocrine and paracrine signaling in epithelial layers.
To avoid dependence on a numeraire, Berndt (1978, 1990) proposed a discrete approximation to the Divisia index to aggregate energy.
Energy quality
The structure now reflects the continuum rather than the discrete units we perceive.
Diode lasers are now available in discrete colors from the infrared to blue and into the near ultraviolet.
We have heard such language as dead-enders, bitter-enders before, without discrete, definitive descriptions of the enemies that are being faced by American troops.
Je jubile interieurement car c pas la galere qui s'est fait discrete pour se le procurer celui-ci!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Hopewellian chert tool industries consist of three discrete manufacturing trajectories, resulting in tools made on cores, flakes, and blades.
a government with three discrete divisions
And it works when applications store stuff in discrete files, rather than their own data silo.
Informal monitoring may be conducted throughout the trial together with discrete observation of staff behaviour about which notes may be written.
The software supports discrete control thorough digital inputs and outputs (DIO) – this helps the facility manager to switch off loads that are not required.
Among these are several discrete characters that include a premaxillary beak, a highly modified first manual digit, and an hourglass-shaped proximal metatarsal.
That's to say, his poems build displacement into their structures: they move forward in discrete couplet and triplet units, they offer small bright pleasures and ask us to pass on quickly.
So, in immersive fantasy, you have an elsewhen isolated utterly from the here-and-now, the action taking place entirely within that worldscape as a fully discrete realm.
Notes on Strange Fiction: Seams
Investors own units in the fund of funds but have no discrete units in the underlying funds.
Discrete buttons mounted behind the wheel give you fingertip control over the gearbox.
Cutaneous viral warts are discrete benign epithelial proliferations caused by the human papilloma virus.
A car with unique dents is arguably a new "species" of car, but the process of throwing rocks does not create new, innovative discrete architectures (like the change from carburation to fuel injection).
At What Level did this Evolve?
What is MY trying to say except that the evil neocons are boorishly insisting too loudly on points that he and his buddies consider deserving of more discrete modulation?
Matthew Yglesias » Birds of a Feather
In this paper, we propose a novel digital matrix vector multiplication and the incoherent optical correlator to compute discrete wavelet transforms.
But yet not wasting a syllable in perfectly formed, discrete comic observations that always engage with the world we live in.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, humans certainly seem to have an innate facility with the concepts of numbers, with mental representations of the idea of animate agents, with the concept that the world is composed (in some way) of discrete objects, etc.
Like Pro Logic, it has three discrete front channels and a separate channel for low frequencies from the subwoofer.
The metaphor I'm happiest with is that the internal state of the bot is represented by a position (which may be discrete or smeared) in a dataspace.
A thermal history involving two discrete episodes of heating and cooling clearly provides the best fit to the measured data.
In planarian regeneration, they could be instrumental to transforming the homogeneous blastema and postblastema fields into discrete patterned regions.
Serial transverse sections showed homogeneous pale red-brown parenchyma without discrete abnormality.
I regret to see you again become a starting point discrete.
This extended arcade also sub-divides the site into a series of discrete landscapes.
Whilst this book is a stand-alone title in that it deals with a discrete set of texts, it must also be seen as part of a much larger whole.
Similar to the control group, the large bronchi were lined with simple cuboidal cells and contained discrete glands within the underlying wall.
She had a safe, of course, and compartments in a cabinet for her lesser jewelry, with each ring or doodad having its own discrete cubby.
Three Stages of Amazement
Primary Infarcts.-Discrete areas of ischemic villous necrosis (primary infarcts) reflect obstruction to maternal - placental blood flow.
In Linear system, Fourier Transform (FT), Fourier Series (FST), Fourier Z Transform (FZT) and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) are used to analyze and process signals.
It is therefore important to be able to perform discrete sensitivity analysis and to handle lower bounds.
An underlying factor may be any measurable value, continuous or discrete, that influences the phenotypic traits of interest.
We have seen that in an atom, possible electron energies come in a discrete series of distinct levels.
I do not believe the CIA would have a turf difficulty with that — I could be wrong — but I have the strong impression that the CIA believes that its longterm comparative advantage in the use of force is … discrete, intelligence driven, high value, deniable, covert uses of force - an in a legal sense, the “pure” self-defense, not in an armed conflict, part of “use of force.”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Drone Warfare, the CIA, and Charlie Savage’s NYT Article
Here, discrete particle swam optimization algorithm is introduced to solve the problem of optimal restoration of distribution feeders during cold load pickup.
It is therefore important to be able to perform discrete sensitivity analysis and to handle lower bounds.
At the risk of sounding filthily pretentious, I'd like to see if it's possible to just be a floating... information node rather than a discrete bit of walking data and chips.
New Year's Resolutions
More than 30 products featuring the new ION GPU are expected to launch by this summer including netbooks, small form factor desktops, "barebones" systems, motherboards, and discrete add-in cards.
Original Signal - Transmitting Gadgets
For the fact of the matter is that Saturday's thriller against New Zealand was not a discrete event.
This reminds us of the fact that in acoustics, a series of discrete frequency values is coordinated to a linear partial differential equation (if boundary values are given) namely the sinusoidal periodic solutions.
Out Of My Later Years
The goal of the preliminary coding was to identify the phenomena of interest, and no attempt was made at this point to specify discrete categories.
The matrix , referred to as the hydrostatic matrix, represents the discrete approximation to the hydrostatic integral and is left unspecified for now.
Solar Proxies « Climate Audit
THE HUMAN BBAIN which discrete organs " eyes " are devoted to photoreception.
The Human Brain
These catenoids are the first explicitly known discrete minimal surfaces besides the trivial plane.
I regret to see you again become a starting point discrete.
It tells its story in three linked but discrete sections, each focused on different characters.
Times, Sunday Times
Cars are complex objects that represent the outcomes of literally millions of discrete compromises governing everything from, say, the elastic modulus of an engine mount to the degree of sassiness in the rake of a windshield.
The Best Sports Car, and Why to Skip It
Keep the feet joined together, then for the 1st bar, swing the body gently to the left side; 2nd bar, swing to the right, while gazing modestly upon 'les assistants;' 3rd bar, swing again to the left; and for the 4th bar, swing to the right side, looking on the Damoiselle with an 'oeillade defrobée, doulcement et discretement.'
Shakespeare and Music With Illustrations from the Music of the 16th and 17th centuries
Slope system is a sort of typical complex gray system, applying classical gray prediction model will engender large error in predicted value due to the high discrete degree of monitored displacement.
The developing insect passes through several discrete stages.
For example, there are no subspecies among the five species of Pacific salmon because, without a geographical barrier isolating adjacent populations, a fully anadromous species typically does not partition its diversity into discrete units that might be classified as subspecies.
Trout and Salmon of North America
He said that the technical personnel have tested the hacker insert file discretely , confirmed in after the document does not have the back door the procedure, deletes these documents.
The portion of pancreas had a dilated pancreatic duct but no discrete masses.
These small companies now have their own discrete identity.
The various modes of motion are quantized, meaning that only certain discrete energy states are possible.
We conclude that Dempster's 1955 discrete-time model is irrelevant to the vast majority of haploid species subject to density-dependent population regulation.
Next, the material is coded into discrete images and each of the images is inserted in the appropriate order into the various loci.
This paper discusses the determination of the initial condition of the unit impulse response of the discrete-time system.
Quantum mechanics asks us to take this literally: any ˜maximal™ discrete quantum-mechanical observable is modeled by an orthonormal basis, and any pure quantum mechanical state, by a unit vector in exactly this way.
Puppet X: 1
Alternatively, least-squares migration method involves a numerical approach where the solution is retrieved by solving a linear discrete inverse problem.
Its eastern part exhibits some discrete, strong and positive magnetic anomalies.
TheMFR 15 model includes a synchronizer and a load and power factor controller via discrete outputs to combine protection and control into one unit.
You say that the Poisson is a discrete distribution, which it is.
New Holland and Webster Paper « Climate Audit
Renditions from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries show a sequence of discrete scenes, including one in which monks and laymen are assembled before an imposing sculpted icon.
Properties such as elasticity, viscosity, damping, inertia, friction and contact characteristics and other forces were assigned to discrete rigid-body elements.
Although no evidence for discrete dextral structures has been found in the Neptune Range, such a structure or structures could lie unexposed along the Roderick Valley or outside of the mountains and nunataks of the Neptune Range.
Discrete and significant advances, like the ordination of female rabbis or efforts to demasculinize Jewish prayer, often tend to raise awareness that even more change is necessary.
Reform Judaism in the United States.
A number of researchers have assumed a hierarchical model of language, in which linguistic information is processed in a series of discrete stages.
Would you download a MP3 file (or AAC or WMA or a higher-quality "lossless" format like FLAC) if it had six discrete channels of audio instead of just left and right stereo?
Would you download MP3s in 5.1 surround sound? | Sync Blog
Then its optimization result was presented by means of genetic algorithm because of some discrete parameter , complicated target function and inequation constraint.
Ponds, however, have an amorphous structure, whereas neural networks have a discrete structure based on prior learning.
In Bogdanowicz and Owen's analysis, 45 metrical and 30 discrete-state characters in 57 extant hipposiderid species were examined.
The tonalite is gneissic, banded on a decimetre scale, and loaded with discrete mafic enclaves, metasedimentary xenoliths and garnet, feldspar and rutile xenocrysts, such that the body has a migmatitic appearance.
He used differentials in his courses, which he supplemented with a special one on difference equations and numerical mathematics because engineers often work on discrete data.
Discrete age estimates were used in conjunction with date of capture to estimate an approximate date of eclosion for each marked male.
Such an impression of homogeneity would seem to result from the confluence of two discrete but interrelated trends.
The patient does suffer a serious loss of cognitive function due to a discrete neurological injury, such as a stroke.
A sextet, the piece opens with the figures in silhouette, three stretched out on the floor and three standing - one behind the other at first, so the unfolding of a single totem into discrete, rushing bodies is astonishing and eerie.
And why are we stuck with two discrete inquiries which will not take place in public nor take evidence from lay people or racism experts?
Terms & Expressions: jeter une oeillade = to throw a glance une oeillade discrète = a discreet glance faire signe d'une oeillade = to make eye contact with someone
French Word-A-Day:
First, the titin molecule is composed of a discrete number of globular domains and a nonglobular segment.
The energy of all systems is quantized, that is, energy can be absorbed or released in discrete parcels or packets.
In nineteen fragmented chapters riddled with ellipses, the novel limns the discrete and sometimes discomforting spectrum of desire awakened by intimations of mortality.
McFadden used it to develop his own multinomial logit model, a mathematical formula that assigns preference values to discrete choices for calculating the probability of each choice cf. discrete sets.
Korea University: Daniel McFadden's Lecture
Based on the formalism theory of discrete event simulation, the simulation model of RCC gravity dam construction system is discussed in this paper.
Each discrete section of animation is brief and each repeats in a regular cycle.
Blogs are discrete entities with a single, stable URL for the main page and permalinks for individual entries.
layers that were fused into an indiscrete mass
This paper deals with the optimal state estimation problem for the discrete stochastic system based on the innovation theory and projection method.
Migrating the many homemade and discrete applications and spreadsheet systems to a common secure and live architecture present a real and immediate opportunity for short-term cashable economies.
EbizQ Business and IT Agility News
Discrete buttons mounted behind the wheel give you fingertip control over the gearbox.
The chapters are intense, almost discrete sections that flit between characters affected by the deaths.
Times, Sunday Times
As the international system evolved, some constants remained; notably, this was an era in which states struggled for discrete advantage, not to destroy other states or regimes and not to decide great issues of religion or ideology.
A recent carrier business case study looked at a network with a discrete network element configuration totaling 23 bays, including MSPPs, DWDM, ATM, IP router, GigE switch, and patch panel / interconnections.
Even the most discrete of armadas might alter their plans and give hint to some clandestinity on our part.
Towns in metropolitan areas, however, have been able to take advantage of this by consolidating their authority over discrete services.
This paper presents a new discrete model of NC path generation for free form surface machining.
Also, one assumes the duality accounts for the discrete spectrum of possible fermion rest masses (perhaps corresponding to a discrete spectrum of possible closed black hole assemblies?)
Science and Unobservable Things
It is more typical, however, to encounter a sample of artifacts exhibiting morphological characteristics along a continuum that are not easily sorted by discrete variables.
The discrete sounds are all well mixed with powerful, rumbling bass steady throughout.
Discrete levels of nasal pressure were set, and maximal airflows were measured for several breaths at each nasal pressure level.
Signs are only meaningful within the system of signification in which they are produced, and not as discrete units.
“Less” rather than “fewer” when talking about that which is discrete or numberable always grates on my ear.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Horace Comes to Law School:
At which point the traditional antinomies of lyric and epic may be invoked only as skirmishers in the move from the discrete poem to the interconnected book.
The first: Energy is not a continuous stream, but actually a stream of discrete, if very small, units that we call quanta.
Peter Baksa: Can Quantum Physics Explain God?
The measure is plain to see, forming a discrete part of a main government Bill.
Times, Sunday Times
I regret to see you again become a starting point discrete.
On the one hand, he posits that the “in-dividual,” as opposed to mere “individual,” phenomenon can be isolated as a discrete subject of our historical inquiry when we ascribe certain subjective values to the singular coherence and indivisibility that are responsible for its uniqueness.
The caged-probes were subsequently photoreleased in discrete regions of the cell with a 5 second UV pulse focused through an iris diaphragm.
In order to get the more accuracy benthos terrain, not only the discrete electronic chart data but also the fathom lines etc data are considered.
All my life I've been blessed with stubbly, almost invisible eyelashes, discrete, modest, and no trouble at all.
Note the multiple 1-2 mm, discrete, red macular and papular telangiectases on the lower lip and tongue.
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Build the system: Take discrete pieces of the model and assign to one or more developers.
Current mining follows a careful plan in which crosscuts are run at discrete intervals off of the main level 5 access drift toward areas of potentially productive ground.
If there was a substantial homosexual contingent at any one mass, it was composed of fairly discrete people.
Neuroscientists like Raja Parasuraman argue that there are discrete control centres for attentional processing that reside in the prefrontal cortex.
Needless to say, the distinctions form a continuum, rather than discrete categories.
These discrete building blocks must have individually useful optical properties and easily integrate with other optical materials in a broad range of configurations.
The situation is different for native speakers of the language who automatically perceive the speech as being chopped up into discrete units.
Amino acid side chains are known to adopt discrete conformations depending on the local protein environment.
Objective: Study the expression form of the discrete function of gray model.
Government figures on poverty are based on sample surveys conducted at discrete points of time.
These crystalline minerals likely comprise dark brown to black inclusions within the plume; such inclusions have a metallic to submetallic luster and can themselves vary from plumose textures to discrete granules.
And a discrete gift it is too; either an organism has a reverberant feedback system, or it doesn't.