How To Use Discreet In A Sentence
Maybe they should be a little more discreet in their calls.
Times, Sunday Times
The couples agreed on a discreet slate-tiled mansard roof extension that gave each house an additional 30sq m of floor space.
Times, Sunday Times
With Erin following at a discreet distance, Stone pedalled into the village, keeping to the back streets.
I have no problem when people are discreet about it.
The Sun
There is a little discreet wafting of programmes.
Times, Sunday Times

The difference is that the message it spelt out would be a little more discreet.
Times, Sunday Times
He was known as a consummate and extraordinarily discreet bureaucrat, but before the Bay of Pigs fiasco he had done little for the new administration and had no real sense of what his fate would be in the new regime.
In the Shadow of the Oval Office
Both cabinets include the discreet monogram of the painter E.J. Poynter in the third panel.
Existing Trees To comply with strict building regulations, a discreet garden shed was required.
Once resurfacing from the water, hair in his eyes, he could see Jo laughing, not so discreetly slapping her thigh in mirth.
The Professor had come over and whispered discreetly that he'd like to see me in his office once I was done for the day.
There is a single slender silver ring on her finger, a discreet stud in each ear.
Times, Sunday Times
A discreet cough alerted him to the couple's readiness to leave.
If you should care to pay a discreet visit to my private address, number 17 rue Creuse, Nevers, I will give you information on Émile Gallet which should be of great interest to you.
Maigret Stonewalled
What they have concocted is a sleek, discreet and luxuriously appointed hotel that is stylish but still accessible.
Bloggers have resorted to public shaming, posting photos of manspreading offenders caught in the act of indiscreet sitting.
Having spotted a screen legend behind the wheel, he would follow at a discreet distance and wait for the inevitable traffic violation.
Times, Sunday Times
The man was not chauvinist for cheating on his wife indiscreetly; he was simply a philandering husband.
Discreet "feijoada" fanciers follow this with nothing stronger than mineral water.
Rio De Janeiro
Consequently, women are expected to be decorous, modest, and discreet.
As you would expect from a Roux protégé, his sauces are intensely delicious but discreet and not over-rich.
He jumps in his chair at a discreet cough immediately beside him.
The patches are small and discreet and shaped to fit the abdomen and lower back.
The Sun
Although there are ways of telling it apart from the A3, the whole remains discreet.
Times, Sunday Times
An orthographical indiscretion: the adverb should be “discreetly.”
A Brief History of Shorthand - Paper Cuts Blog -
He is full of little jokes, poshly spoken but slyly funny, indiscreet and competitive too.
Times, Sunday Times
Gift-giving in courtship traditionally was handled discreetly, with men offering women small gifts on special occasions.
It was indiscreet of him to disclose that information.
Wee render vnto your highnesse vnspeakeable thanks for those things which by your letters, and by your discreete subiect the Abbat of Lisa, you haue signified vnto vs, and also for that you are right willing and desirous to begin and to conclude betweene vs both, a league of peace and amitie.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
I would not take exception to a member discreetly sucking a peppermint or a throat lozenge, but it should go no further than that.
The new arrangement caused much criticism of the administrative board members, who maintained a discreet silence.
One has to know about the discreet and unadvertised café opposite Exeter College in order to actually notice it.
They knew, they all knew, Jahanara thought, and accepted their discreetness gratefully, for she could not have borne a public proclamation of her plight.
Shadow Princess
We must be extremely discreet; my husband suspects something.
Once he was sure he was out of eyeshot of the tobacconist he dropped the pack of cigarettes, unopened, into one of the discreetly placed rubbish bins surrounded by unnaturally flourishing pot plants.
And here is an orchestration of imagery that is as powerful as it is discreet.
If you haven't already seen the movie, it will spoil nothing to tell you that the accident, discreetly shown as a "Six Feet Under" - style whiteout, is not fatal.
September 2005
The lovely title track has a whiff of Ellington in its carefully paced atmospherics, with discreet touches of celeste colouring the long shadows cast by Peplowski's doleful clarinet.
Around the back, you'll find a deeper bumper with a chromed tailpipe poking through off-centre, a boot spoiler and some discreet badging.
But he could be a little more discreet.
The Sun
Best to draw a discreet veil over that one, really.
Times, Sunday Times
The design is an exercise in restraint, from the unadorned raised back to the discreet rope moulded rim, to the gentle curve of the sabre supports that end on paw feet.
A source close to the royal family said the palace made discreet checks on potential guests and ensured that organisers made charitable gifts.
Times, Sunday Times
And colorful embroidery is being replaced by the most discreet monogramming imaginable: white stitching on white fabric.
They say the others were driven discreetly from the hospital Friday in the northern mining town of Copiapo without stopping to speak to the hordes of journalists waiting outside.
All But 2 Chilean Miners Back Home
This luxury hotel allows you to sample all this from a discreet distance.
Times, Sunday Times
Having spotted a screen legend behind the wheel, he would follow at a discreet distance and wait for the inevitable traffic violation.
Times, Sunday Times
A discreet virtuoso, Yates adapts skipping folk-fiddle melodies to trumpet, flugelhorn and tenor horn, and his engaging themes – full of light, fluttering figures – are compatibly supported by Bende's bell-like chording and Byrne's galloping low-register sounds on the bodhran drum and Latin-American cajon.
Neil Yates: Five Countries – review
The important thing, my friend said, was to remain discreet and put your duties and family first.
Times, Sunday Times
They had become hostages at sea, where captives are more discreetly disposed of than anywhere else.
These days the effect is softer, her hair tinted, her face discreetly made up.
Times, Sunday Times
You keep stum about nulab's lying Chancellor and Prime Minister, applaud while they destroy our country, erode our democracy, freedom and civil liberties - yet scream your head off when Boris Johnson tells the truth, albeit a bit indiscreetly.
Looks Like Boris Had a Point...
Philip was a serial philanderer who did not bother to conduct his affairs very discreetly, which infuriated the moody and jealous Joan.
Fantastic views, bizarre place, very discreet, unpresuming and unpretentious.
Last summer I noticed some neighbours eyeing my backyard property most indiscreetly.
His indiscreet comments were detailed in a leaked US embassy cable in which he was accused of acting "cockily" by Tatania Gfoeller, the US ambassador to Kyrgyzstan. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The President gave to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, of the Supreme Court, who was going abroad for the summer, a letter which he was "indiscreetly" to show Mr. Chamberlain, Mr. Balfour, and two or three other prominent Englishmen.
Theodore Roosevelt An Intimate Biography
A discreet man, Sar-Aggreth was nonetheless a powerful Wizard. Though he may not not be as famous as Sar-Issus or Sar-Shazzar, he is remembered as a good, if somewhat strict, teacher.
The superlatively discreet foreign - exchange banker diversified from the very beginning, selling antiques and procuring loans.
Discreet knotholes in the wood provided excellent openings for eavesdropping.
In fact, even using a handkerchief or a tissue at the table to blow, rather than to blot discreetly, would be offensive.
Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.
The control and supervision must be done discreetly and quietly and hopefully even without the awareness of those who are being supervised.
Amid national and international obloquy and mockery, progress could only be made very discreetly.
The store's ads also discreetly omitted this piece of information.
Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
The latter bears discreet witness to her capacity for change, sensitivity and tact.
Times, Sunday Times
The artists are too discreet for political stridency; and in terms of carnal heat, Gilbert & George have been outdone, as critic Michael Corris has put it, "by domesticated Robert Mapplethorpe and [Jeff Koons and Cicciolina] doing the rumpy-pumpy in public.
Keeping A Stiff Upper Lip
One mom who can't quite reconcile Connie's brown skin and black hair with my green-eyed blonde complexion asks indiscreetly, “Peruvian adoption?” to which I simply nod instead of asking, “Fertility treatments?” about the squalling brood in her triple-wide stroller.
The Uninvited Guest
Pastor has now put his own name above the door, while continuing to serve his trademark market-led cooking using lots of familiar, seasonal ingredients jazzed up with discreet fusion, such as the filet de bacalao on ginger-scented Santa Pau beans, and steak tartare pictured.
10 of the best restaurants for new Catalan cuisine
They wanted something discreet, invisible if possible.
Times, Sunday Times
I bent down, discreetly holding the hem of my mini dress as down as it would go, and rolled the empty can of paint remover under the car behind me.
French trot, everie step being ready to hoise him out of his saddle, hearing Giottos discreete answers to every ydle question he made (for indeede he was a very elegant speaker) began to peruse and surveigh him, even from the foote to the head, as we use to say.
The Decameron
The Regency staff will impress you with their friendliness, discreetness and willingness to provide you with outstanding service.
Two huge white tents are pitched on either side of the garden, and discreetly tucked behind some trees beside the lake are a couple of portable loos.
Times, Sunday Times
Here they have been put to good use for storage and as shower rooms and discreet passages linking front and back rooms.
Times, Sunday Times
He discreetly indicated the woman in the green overcoat who was reading a magazine on her lap.
It has forced brokers to cut costs, shed well-paid staff and discreetly tout around for potential mergers or big new backers.
Times, Sunday Times
There were lipstick holders, compacts and mirrors discreetly designed to go inside.
The first action was a discreet disagreement over the reservation of a restaurant table.
Times, Sunday Times
In their story about contraception, they discreetly avoid mention of sterilization.
My secretary is very discreet. She never tells anyone unconcerned anything about the company's business.
MetroNorth carriage windows are usually so maculated with filth on the outside, especially after a snow storm, that their only practical purpose is to provide many oblique reflections with which discreetly to observe passengers on the inside.
Archive 2009-01-01
It should all have been a matter for discreet congratulation.
The Comfortably Well Off group are in the top 5% income bracket and are unlikely to be financially troubled, although they may become more discreet consumers.
It is here that Nazneen is to spend the rest of her days married to Chanu Babu - a pompous yet discreetly sensitive man twenty years her senior.
They apply their mind and are trained to be discreet enough to prevent people from knowing that they are being watched.
Moira fluttered her discreetly mascaraed lashes and said, `I'll bet they all thought you were marvellous.
In an indiscreet moment, the president let his genuine opinions be known.
Additional space heating is discreetly provided by portable gas units, and gas also powers the cookers and hot water boiler.
While other fencing teams opted for discreet flags on their outfits, we wore them proudly on our faces.
Times, Sunday Times
Good nursing care provides for the needs of the patient with humanity and kindness, while retaining a discreet distance from emotional involvement.
Times, Sunday Times
He could be inspirational and caring, but also oppressive and indiscreet.
Drained like a conventional bath, it is filled from taps discreetly mounted beside the raised marble floor.
When she noticed me, she gave me a discreet wink and continued with her speech.
The important thing, my friend said, was to remain discreet and put your duties and family first.
Times, Sunday Times
The keys emit soft clicks with each key press, much more discreet than the loud beep.
Everyone discreetly turned his or her head towards Jordan, ready for the retort, and the angry outburst, but he merely shrugged.
An indiscreet remark triggered off a long and costly strike.
I know what you did," Robbie Carr, one of the four, told a player after a discreetly vicious cross-check, "because I've done it before myself.
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I entered the chapel late, I remember the kind usher who showed me discreetly to my seat.
They wanted something discreet, invisible if possible.
Times, Sunday Times
But he could be a little more discreet.
The Sun
‘Please excuse me, sirs,’ Julian said quietly, then slipped away as discreetly as he could.
The was an intricate case without a clue . People just spoke indiscreetly and we were completely flummoxed.
He's noticed the very indiscreet game of footsie underneath the table, probably because Stephen just kicked him thinking that was Jules' foot.
I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything.
He wasn't misunderstood, he didn't just make some indiscreet comment without thinking.
Discreet and quiet, Lizzie came out and got the tray and said good night and went in again.
Morgan watched discreetly as different emotions flickered across her face.
They wanted something discreet, invisible if possible.
Times, Sunday Times
Jehannot well noting the honesty and loyall dealing of this Jew, began to have a Religious kinde of compassion in his soule, much pittying that a man so good in behaviour, so wise and discreete in all his actions, should be in danger of perdition thorow want of Faith.
The Decameron
The agent was one of the most tactful and discreet people that I have ever met in my life.
His desk was discreetly placed behind a screen.
Earlier this year, Sophie was the victim of a Sunday newspaper ‘sting’ when an undercover reporter, posing as a rich Arab sheik, caught her on camera being indiscreet about other members of the Royal Family.
Don't take on too many issues at one time and always be discreet.
The Sun
Scales should be located in a private area, and comments about weight should be minimized and made discreetly.
Mostly, he has wielded that influence discreetly.
Times, Sunday Times
But before the last movement of the symphony, a solo for soprano, Mahler's musical realisation of a child's view of heaven, he discreetly opens his score.
The telegraph girl should be discreet and show no interest in meaning; her task is translate English or whatever language into telegraphese.
Discreet arm-twisting by President Clinton to encourage an increase in production may provide a short term solution, but with winter approaching in the rich northern countries, demand is unlikely to fall.
Ostensibly, this hallway's purpose was to allow the guests' personal retainers discreet but easy access to the rooms for which they were responsible.
She was even nice enough to pretend not to mind when I tried discreetly to point out the clinical signs.
The only distinguishing feature will be the name of the cigarette brand in small lettering in a'very discreet' place on one corner.
Times, Sunday Times
The staff ejected the kids as discreetly as possible and took a quick inventory of stolen items, petty stuff not worth reporting to the police, including sliced bread, strawberry jam, orangeade, energy bars, baby formula, nappies and a bottle.
Three Stations : An Arkady Renko Novel
You're alerted to this fact by any one of a number of beeps, hoots and whistles, or by the more discreet vibrating option.
Michigan's Liquor Control Commission deemed the beer's colorful label discreetly depicting a nude-beach scene to be "detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public.
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Durban offers discreet boutique hotels, good shops, restaurants and beaches patrolled by lifeguards.
Times, Sunday Times
Lapidus became notorious in the 1950s, an era that liked its modernism discreet, for flamboyant hotel designs that were often called gaudy, garish, splashy and colossal.
I grant that precaution is necessary in dealing with them," Joan agreed; "but I believe that more satisfactory results can be obtained by treating them with discreet kindness and gentleness.
Chapter 7
The western half of the site includes discreetly placed parking and a landscaped area planted with olive trees.
Garland covered his mouth with his hand and belched discreetly.
It sometimes slips by in its discreetness, with the mildest distraction.
He went bye with a waff of wind in his plaiding, and his haunch-man as he passed at a discreet distance got the double share of jibe and glunch from the mariners.
John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
Jimmy Choo's discreet little shop in west London is permanently under armed guard.
Alexandra Sinderbrand: Don't Do the Choo
They merely hovered at a discreet distance.
Times, Sunday Times
The coveted ingredient is discreetly kept in the garage.
The purpose of the bullying audit was explained and their participation in a confidential and discreet interview was invited.
Discreetly, in the vicinity of the snake's tail, the mouse capered.
On Deadline
Discreet chorales endorse the beadle, who gathers cash on a wooden plate.
The Greeks and Roman orgies are discussed along with the more common, discreet exchange of marital partners.
There is a little discreet wafting of programmes.
Times, Sunday Times
The tie is discreet but sometimes the dinner suit can give it away.
Times, Sunday Times
First, adoptees, as a rule, don't just "show up", they call discreetly, they write letters.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
After a while, we began to flirt and tease but we were always very discreet.
The Sun
If a less than competent diver wanted to go off alone for photo purposes, a divemaster discreetly shadowed him.
John and Bill then proceeded to very indiscreetly exchange cocksucking faces across the long stretch of bar.
Chip's Bar
The patches are small and discreet and shaped to fit the abdomen and lower back.
The Sun
In an indiscreet moment, the president let his genuine opinions be known.
Best to draw a discreet veil over that one, really.
Times, Sunday Times
Taking a discreet glance around, he saw the few other patrons of the restaurant heartily consuming their own lunch, so he tried to follow suit.
Forbidden from evangelizing, American Christians who teach English or work in social service agencies in China spread the word discreetly. -- Top News
He was wonderfully indiscreet, but he was very bright and did not take himself too seriously.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether we're aware of it or not, our homes are veritable wildlife parks, from the obvious predators such as rats and mice to the more discreet dust mite or the mendicant bluebottle.
Now he is indiscreet only about his profession.
This is top-drawer diplomacy, conducted discreetly with cards close to the chest.
The Sun
a discreet investor
He can be a bit of a loudmouth, he's loud, he's gregarious, he's not discreet.
Josephine greatly; but the child was growing larger, an indiscreet word lisped by him, a childish remembrance, the least thing, might offend
Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
his trusted discreet aide
After a while, we began to flirt and tease but we were always very discreet.
The Sun
The device is considerably smaller than existing models, more discreet and uses wireless and touchscreen technology.
Times, Sunday Times
He decided to self-medicate his hand on codeine and beer and to purchase a blackmarket .45 the next time he got to town, which he discreetly learned was a simple deal.
Victor got over his lunacy, rejoined Axel and me, and after that we caroused somewhat more discreetly.
Chapter 16
As proof of his discreetness, moss had grown all over the stone houses, with small trees sprouting from the roofs, and poison ivy dangling over the walls to cover up the windows.
The device is considerably smaller than existing models, more discreet and uses wireless and touchscreen technology.
Times, Sunday Times
The rooms are spacious and avant-garde in decor and the service discreet but attentive.
I discreetly peeked at the glass front door of the place and saw girls dressed in shiny, sequinned, Lycra outfits trotting around.
After ballasting his ship with silver from the rich Potosi mines, and rifling even the churches, he hastened onward in pursuit of a richly laden galleon nicknamed _Cacafuego_ -- a name discreetly translated _Spitfire_, but which, to repeat a joke that greatly amused Drake's men at the time, it was proposed to change to _Spitsilver_, for when overtaken and captured the vessel yielded 26 tons of silver, 13 chests of pieces of eight, and gold and jewels sufficient to swell the booty to half a million pounds sterling.
A History of Sea Power
He was just indiscreet and funny.
Times, Sunday Times
Today the restaurant is a discreetly elegant affair, all subtle greys and white.
Tom was utterly indiscreet, and could never keep a secret.
The bloom's beauty and discreet fragrance were highly regarded, as were its protective qualities against the elements.
You can do Kegel exercises discreetly just about anytime, whether you're driving in your car, sitting at your desk or relaxing on the couch.
I went to the bar and asked for a dry sherry and sat in a discreet corner behind a decorative shrub.
What to do with all the gifts, clothing, jewellery and other ornaments has long been a matter dealt with discreetly.
Warrick Locke was very useful with his black-market connections, enabling her to get hold of all manner of goods that were otherwise unobtainable, having them shipped home in discreet parcels marked as "hessian," "beans," or "oats," or other things that were not in short supply.
Phoenix And Ashes
Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental
Ratler became at once discreet and close, and said that he did not think that anything as yet was known as to the Woolsack.
Phineas Redux
Solomon, in his seedy clothes and long white locks, seemed to be luring that decent company by the magic scream of his fiddle -- luring discreet matrons in turban-shaped caps, nay, Mrs. Crackenthorp herself, the summit of whose perpendicular feather was on a level with the Squire's shoulder -- luring fair lasses complacently conscious of very short waists and skirts blameless of front-folds -- luring burly fathers in large variegated waistcoats, and ruddy sons, for the most part shy and sheepish, in short nether garments and very long coat-tails.
Silas Marner
The difference is that the message it spelt out would be a little more discreet.
Times, Sunday Times
The control and supervision must be done discreetly and quietly and hopefully even without the awareness of those who are being supervised.Sentence dictionary
In an indiscreet moment, the president let his genuine opinions be known.
One indiscreet remark at the wrong moment could ruin the whole plan.
Nonetheless we cannot shake off a sneaking suspicion that great wisdom is being imparted and that it might be prudent discreetly to take notes.
The Times Literary Supplement
Intolerable Cruelty is a movie in which the brothers' distinctive presence is quite reticent and discreet in terms of script.
If thou speakest improper things in the hearing of this virtuous young virgin, consider it as an outrage against a distressed person that cannot get from thee: To speak indiscreetly what we are obliged to hear, by being hasped up with thee in this public vehicle, is in some degree assaulting on the high road. '
The Coverley Papers
For a temporary installation, use thin wire or a pretty ribbon to hang the frame from a nail tacked discreetly above the mirror.
You ought to make a few discreet enquiries before you sign anything.
A fine quality shirt should have solid yet discreet stitching around the seams and buttons.
Although there are ways of telling it apart from the A3, the whole remains discreet.
Times, Sunday Times
The constable pointed to a discreet notice - scarcely bigger than a visiting card - that was pinned by the letter-box.
The prose is characterized by a rare freshness of language as well as a sense of discreet reflectiveness.
The Times Literary Supplement
More matronly sorts opt instead for ye olde-style tea shoppes and here you can eavesdrop over a discreet pot of Darjeeling.
The discreet brown tone of the silk reflects the French taste for somber tones in dress fabrics.
Shaper garments can provide both discreet and more obvious bulge-taming solutions for trouble prone areas such as tummies, thighs and hips.
Ottawa Sun
That the engine pulls firmly, with a creamy, discreet blare, across a broad rev-range helps.
A commonly peddled myth that only the bookmakers have the contacts and wherewithal to lobby government has been discreetly disproved in recent weeks.
Times, Sunday Times
In an age of lurid, kiss-and-tell celebrity tittle-tattle, the gentle contours of a smoothly flowing career and the discreet details of a happy, lasting marriage are hardly the material of a bestseller.
Thy friend has a friend and thy friend's friend has a friend so be discreet.
I assumed he was drinking a coffee, but no, he was actually chewing tobacco the entire time, and raising the cup to discreetly spit in it.