How To Use Discreditable In A Sentence
And there is nothing in there about criminal conduct or discreditable conduct, even in criminal proceedings.
For though you are not lacking in the courtesy which good and polite men should have, yet there is great need of a flattering manner which, however faulty and discreditable in other transactions of life, is yet necessary during a candidateship.
The Letters of Cicero, Volume 1 The Whole Extant Correspodence in Chronological Order
It is evidence of other uncharged, discreditable acts.
The problem is not where it now stands, but the shambolic, discreditable way in which it got there.
No lives were lost this time but according to legend the girls ‘behaved in a most discreditable manner’ after the wrecking.

He was in a postion to ascertain the truth of "Lucifer's discreditable rumor," to identify the Cynster involved and learn all the facts.
Even if the upper echelon is motivated to try to keep the shop clean, a police union operates in the opposite direction: its job, of course, is to defend its members, no matter how discreditable their conduct, and police associations have done a spectacular job of it.
Archive 2009-04-01
The committee considers that your behaviour was not only discreditable to yourself but also undermines the confidence the public should be able to place in the integrity of members of the medical profession.
You've been risking your life and that pretty pink English skin of yours for one of the most worthless men in British Columbia; he's been a cattle rustler, a 'salter' of gold mines, and everything that is discreditable; it makes me indignant.
The Shagganappi
There is action on every page, not all of it discreditable.
Thus an assertion which does not suggest discreditable conduct by the plaintiff may still be defamatory if it imputes to him or her a condition calculated to diminish the respect and confidence in which the plaintiff is held.
Archive 2009-10-01
It is, however, discreditable to defend the antics of high-profile people on the grounds that some of their critics have dubious motives.
For no doubt very discreditable reasons a lot of people got themselves put on the winning side in that period.
a 'salter' of gold mines, and everything that is discreditable; it makes me indignant.
The Shagganappi
That is the one discreditable aspect of this election: the abysmal security situation.
Others again desire knowledge in order to acquire money or preferment by it; that too is a discreditable quest.
It might be called discreditable enough to move any self-respecting people to shame.
American Eloquence, Volume 4 Studies In American Political History (1897)
In addition it is the constant series of attempts by MPs to conceal from the public gaze the nature and extent of their expenses and allowances that prompts people to believe that they have something, probably a considerable something to hide and that the manner in which expenses and allowances are being used is somehow discreditable.
Tories Ceauşescu Moment?
It is well, however, to recall the antecedents of a party that first tried to get into power through discreditable expedients, before resorting to a declaration of honest principles in finance.
The Life, Public Services and Select Speeches of Rutherford B. Hayes
In reality, as the conflict in Bosnia cruelly showed, neutrality can become discreditable as well as counterproductive.
Custom, moreover, proclaims as beautiful those excellences of man and woman with which God gifted them at birth. 144 Thus for a woman to bide tranquilly at home rather than roam aborad is no dishonour; but for a man to remain indoors, instead of devoting himself to outdoor pursuits, is a thing discreditable.
his marks were not at all discreditable
Let's hope that this discreditable affair ends the anomalous featherbedded status of the arrogant, biased, venal, and wasteful BBC for once and for all.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
To go from sacred history to profane, does the gentleman there find it 'discreditable' for women to take any interest or any part in political affairs?
Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams.
To the new, stuck-up Angus, being vice-captain was as discreditable as being a reserve.
It will come as no surprise to those who view Mr. Speaker Martin as incompetent, chippy and partial to the Government to discover that he is at the heart, yet again, of an effort to conceal from the public gaze something which appears to be unsatisfactory and discreditable about the conduct of the democratic affairs of the House and therefore the nation.
Archive 2007-10-28
They face possible suspension for discreditable conduct and bringing the Police Service into disrepute.
In such a case, the person has failed to show benevolence for morally discreditable reasons, and so has behaved badly.
But it manifested the spirit by which they were animated; and, sir, is that spirit to be charged here, in this hall where we are sitting, as being 'discreditable' to our country's name?
Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams.
Others again desire knowledge in order to acquire money or preferment by it; that too is a discreditable quest.
discreditable" for women to take any interest or any part in political affairs?
The American Union Speaker
But there are some examples here which suggest that obscure writing can be even more discreditable than that.
Nevertheless, for reasons that may be thought discreditable, legislatures keep enacting such laws and there is no constitutional reason to say they may not.
His prospects of parole do not look good, as his record grows daily more discreditable.
Whether creditable or discreditable, that is the fact.
Three Guineas
Nothing was left over — it was a discreditable thing to have any overplus at all.
In the Days of the Comet
To accuse a member of Parliament of double-crossing is certainly discreditable.
He sought - and found - a piece of suspect journalism to divert fire from his own discreditable role in the second dossier.
And where might such a discreditable and discredited figure be found?
These characters had an interesting ambiguity, somewhere between the believable and the discreditable.
But they were not reticent enough to prevent the circulation of certain uneasy rumours and extravagant stories of discreditable adventures -- discreditable, that is, from the buccaneering point of view -- of which Captain Blood had been guilty.
Captain Blood
Chaucer's exact source is not known, but it is clear that the friar tells it to enrage the summoner on the pilgrimage, who interrupts the narrative and rejoins with a scurrilous and discreditable story about a friar.
Of facts there were many although even with those she had to take care since many of them were discreditable or worse.
And, sir, is that spirit to be charged here, in this hall where we are sitting, as being "discreditable" to our country's name?
The American Union Speaker
Public assertions of such discreditable conduct threaten reputation and professional livelihood.
No sooner was this arrangement made, than Lord Glenvarloch expressed to Lowestoffe his impatience to leave this discreditable assembly, and took his leave with a careless haste, which, but for the rundlet of Rhenish wine that entered just as he left the apartment, might have been taken in bad part.
The Fortunes of Nigel
Hannan complained the Mirror misrepresented his views, saying that his blog suggested that some of the "discreditable" attacks on President Obama were based on racism but it had not sought to justify those attacks.
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