How To Use Discoverer In A Sentence
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Planet MySQL
The discoverers were sure, he says, that antiprotons did indeed exist, although he doubted that they could be observed.
He started work under J.J. Thomson, the discoverer of the electron, before becoming an assistant demonstrator of physics.
He is credited with being the first European discoverer of the St. Lawrence River.
The discoverer of gold in Kolyma, Y.A. Bilibin, loved the works of Jack London.

Henry Hudson made four journeys that are recorded in the history books, and is credited as the European discoverer of Hudson Bay.
Today, it is well known that Brownianmotion, named for its discoverer, is due to unbalanced molecularimpacts on colloidal particles.
Francis Crick, codiscoverer of the structure of DNA, proposes direct panspermia: dispersal of single-celled organisms throughout the Galaxy.
He would talk of his major book, said Carpenter, ‘not as a work of fiction, but as a chronicle of actual events,’ seeing himself not so much its maker as its discoverer and historian.
The discoverers of the DNA structure, James Watson, at left, and Francis Crick, look at their model of a DNA molecule.
We know there are billions and billions and billions of stars, and so it makes sense that life exists not just on one planet but on many, many planets," says Swiss astronomer Didier Queloz, codiscoverer of the first planet outside the solar system and a visiting scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Hello, Out There! The New Science Of Astrobiology
While a controversy ensued, Hansen rightfully received acknowledgment as the discoverer of the leprosy bacillus.
_Vanguard, Explorer, Discoverer; Pioneer III, _ which discovered the Van Allen layer in 1958, and _Pioneer IV, _ which went zooming past the Moon the following year and took up a solar orbit, and _Mariner II, _which got within twenty-one thousand miles of Venus in 1962, and _Ranger_ and _Surveyor_ and all the rest.
Asimov's Science Fiction
It is an historical fact that the discoverers of the full multi-level selection regime of the t-allele used a gametic model, a diploid model, and a demic model, not a genic one
Units and Levels of Selection
This process produces an alkane and is named the Clemmensen reaction after its discoverer.
As any scientist knows, a hypothesis is as precious to its discoverer as a child to its parents.
There was also the perhaps unspoken rivalry between the two great discoverers of this art form.
I must admit I am surprised that the discoverers of the new species have placed it in our genus, Homo.
He identified the Hindu mathematician Madhava as the first discoverer of these series.
The name hafnium was given by its Danish discoverers, Coster and von Hevesey, and was created from the Latin name Hafnia which means Copenhagen, in honor of the capital city of Denmark.
Sir C.L. Eastlake: "In the year 1830, as I was going to publish in L.tin the same treatise which in German accompanies this letter, I went to Dr. Seebeck of the Berlin Academy, who is universally admitted to be the first natural philosopher (in the English sense of the word meaning physiker) of Germany; he is the discoverer of thermo-electricity and of several physical truths.
Essays of Schopenhauer
Stoke-Cruden -- for that was the name and address of the present discoverers of America -- had a herd of short-horns, and that Mrs. Stubbs was even more familiar with the herd-book than her husband.
Their Pilgrimage
The numerous filaments came to be known as protoplasmic processes; the other fibre was named, after its discoverer, the axis cylinder of Deiters.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
I was the lucky discoverer of a very valuable painting.
Professor of Chemistry in Uppsala, and the discoverer of the elements thulium and holmium.
Ulf von Euler - Biography
He clung to 454, even after he left Curagen, announcing with dramatic flair in 2005 that he would use the machine to decipher the genome of DNA codiscoverer James Watson for only $1 million, far lower than anything before.
Gene Machine
But the sacred bulls, the one called Apis and the other Mnevis, were dedicated to Osiris, and it was ordained that they should be worshipped as gods in common by all the Egyptians, since these animals above all others had helped the discoverers of corn in sowing the seed and procuring the universal benefits of agriculture.
The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
Our drilling rig, the Development Driller III, is involved in drilling the relief well at the site, and our drillship, the Discoverer Enterprise, is involved in the unique oil recovery operations in the Gulf.
Transocean Deepwater Horizon Senate Testimony [Full Text]
the discoverer of argon, Sir William Ramsay, looked disappointingly ordinary
Mr. Blackburne observed further to me, some certain notice that he had of the present plot so much talked of; that he was told by Mr. Rushworth, how one Captain Oates, a great discoverer, did employ several to bring and seduce others into a plot, and that one of his agents met with one that would not listen to him, nor conceal what he had offered him, but so detected the trapan.
Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
Thus Madoc ab Owain Gwynedd -- an obscure North Walian princeling whose only factual claim to bardic fame had been his nautical bent and eventual disappearance at sea -- was euhemerized by Tudor propagandists into the pre-Columbian discoverer of America.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2
He studied speleology and wrote a book on the work and life of Karel Absolon, discoverer of the Punkva caves near Brno.
It appeared that Mr. Stanley Stubbs, Stoke-Cruden -- for that was the name and address of the present discoverers of America -- had a herd of short-horns, and that Mr.. Stubbs was even more familiar with the herd-book than her husband.
The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
Its orbit is so eccentric, however, that the discoverers suggested it should be considered a wandering asteroid rather than a true planet.
Elements 107, 108 and 109 are also uncontested discoveries and CNIC accepted the proposals of the discoverers in the Darmstadt group, except for bohrium, rather than nielsbohrium for 107, after consultation with Danish authorities.
Rae had been the actual discoverer of the Northwest Passage.
He, in fact, was the discoverer of the world's longest worm.
This book remains an invaluable source of humanist erudition, but failed to convey the intellectual and visual excitement experienced by the discoverers and adapters of that knowledge.
So, sometimes, like Columbus, or like other great discoverers, you have to proceed from scientific certainty, rather than trend lines.
At a recent biology meeting, Jim Watson, codiscoverer of the double-helix structure of DNA, chided MIT's Jacks for saying the revolution in identifying driver mutations and tailoring drugs against them would yield results in 10 to 20 years.
Curing Cancer
Accordingly, she continued her studies with Professor Albert Zanot, who was well known as the discoverer of new talent.
Edis De Philippe.
I think Hume is grossly overrated, and that his argument against Miracles was amply refuted by Alfred Wallace, the codiscoverer of evolution by natural selection, in his essay on the topic.
Matthew Yglesias » Time For a Blogger Ethics Panel
He had been responsible for major advances in the theory of finite dimensional algebras and was the discoverer of modular representation theory.
He abhors the word discoverer, as applied to himself.
American Men of Mind
And now, friends and countrymen, if the wise and learned philosophers of the elder world, the first observers of nutation and aberration, the discoverers of maddening ether and invisible planets, the inventors of Congreve rockets and Shrapnel shells, should find their hearts disposed to enquire what has America done for the benefit of mankind?
Warning Against Searching for Monsters to Destroy
The first discoverers of the Solomon Islands were the island peoples themselves.
In a piece published in the New York Times in the summer of 2009, James Watson, the codiscoverer of the structure of DNA, made a remarkable turnabout in opinion.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Just think of the fame that would be attached to the discoverer of a new planet.
Luckily, none of the rediscoverers was noted for rushing to crooked lawyers with claims of being plagiarized.
He was a discoverer, a pioneer, creating a new map of engrossing territory.
In particular, she wants Matthew to be the discoverer of a form of infinite free energy.
Many chemical processes are named after their original discoverers.
There are many reasons why certain theorems are not named after their discoverer but after a later rediscoverer.
Native Americans were living next to the river before de Soto got there, and yet he gets remembered as the discoverer.
Perseus is known as the discoverer and investigator of the _spiric sections_, i.e. certain sections of the σπειρα {speira}, one variety of which is the _tore_.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
In the absence of the relish (the Greek word for it used by Sir Almroth Wright, its discoverer, is "opsonin"), the eater-cells are sluggish -- too sluggish -- in their work.
More Science From an Easy Chair
Also known as Keenan's system (for its discoverer) and Arp 104, the interacting galaxy pair is some 17 million light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.
I posted some clearly pertinent information about the author, the codiscoverer of Tiktaalik roseae, an intermediate organism between fish and tetrapods.
The late discoverers report, beside the main cataract, many others of less height, varying from 20 ft. to
A Great Waterfall
In keeping with astronomical tradition, the new planetary nebula will probably be named after its lead discoverer.
In 1801, Sir William Herschel, discoverer of the planet Uranus, published a different view.
Its Dutch discoverer in the 17th century wrongly named it after finding it was infested with what he took for rats, but were actually quokkas, marsupials with a vague resemblance to beavers.
Nicomedes trisected any rectilinear angle by means of the conchoidal curves, of which he had handed down the origin, order, and properties, being himself the discoverer of their special characteristic.
The Nobel prize was awarded in 1996 to their discoverers, who had formally named the molecule buckminsterfullerene for its resemblance to the geodesic domes of architect R. Buckminster Fuller.
We, of course, have shorter canines still, and this is the major reason why the discoverers think that it is part of the human line.
Joseph Priestley, the great Unitarian humanist and discoverer of oxygen, was wedded to a bogus theory of the chemistry of gasses wherein they burned into “phlogiston,” which he called a “principle of inflammability.”
Flaws of Gravity
Diocles (about the end of the second century B. C.) is known as the discoverer of the _cissoid_ which was used for duplicating the cube.
The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
Leng, its discoverer, is well known in the world of Isle of Wight palaeontology for finding a particularly good valdosaur specimen and for discovering Eotyrannus, so he’s a pretty significant guy.
‘Angloposeidon’, the unreported story, part I
One of the discoverers of the structure of DNA, Francis Crick, credited What Is Life? as a theoretical description, before the actual discovery of the structure of DNA (the existence of the molecule had been known for nearly 2 decades, but its role in reproduction and its helical shape had not even been guessed at this time), of how genetic storage would work and a source for inspiration for the initial research.
Archive 2009-03-01
As James Watson, president of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and codiscoverer of the double-helical structure of DNA, said at a recent UCLA conference, "" We might as well do what we finally can to take the threat of Alzheimer's or breast cancer away from a family. ''
Designer Babies
It is perfectly well known in Harcourt's own district that, far from being a pioneer and settler HIMSELF he simply succeeded after a fashion to the genuine work of one Elijah Curtis, an actual pioneer and discoverer, years before, while Harcourt, we believe, was keeping a frontier doggery in Sidon, and dispensing 'tanglefoot' and salt junk to the hayfooted Pike Countians of his precinct.
A First Family of Tasajara
In 1895 C.S. Sargent assigned it the name R. michauxii to correct Michaux's use of a homonym and to honor its discoverer.
Though the four-leaf variety may be best known for bringing luck to its discoverer, white clover is also known a high quality forage, and for its presence as a ubiquitous lawn weed.
The voyage of Columbus is a landmark in the Age of Exploration when numerous discoverers opened up the New World.
Even the codiscoverer of the DNA double helix, Sir Francis Crick, displayed humility that is totally lacking in the present day know-alls.
Albert Fert (born March 7, 1938) is a French physicist and one of the discoverers of giant magnetoresistance which brought about a breakthrough in gigabyte hard disks. binaryspiral
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - This is awesome: FERT in the wild!
_Resolved_, That Therapeutic Sarcognomy is a system of science of the highest importance, alike to the magnetic healer, to the electro-therapeutist, and to the medical practitioner, -- giving great advantages to those who thoroughly understand it, and destined to carry the fame of its discoverer to the remotest future ages.
Buchanan's Journal of Man, April 1887 Volume 1, Number 3
But let's not fool ourselves into thinking we went to the Moon because we're pioneers or explorers or selfless discoverers.
A discoverer always thinks too much of his novelty.
Very many stupidities also result from this; for the most urgent discoverers have unmethodical minds.
The valuable properties of which chinoline has been found to be possessed have led to its admission as a therapeutic agent, and the discoverer of these properties, Jul. Donath, of Baja, in Hungary, in a paper sent to the _Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft_,
Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
From the beginning of the mechanical age, the men of science, the technical experts, the inventors and discoverers, the foremen and managers and organizers, had been essentially of the salariat.
The Shape of Things to Come
Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing, with a cast of parrot-faced Psittacosaurus, says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.
The discoverer must propose new laws of nature to explain an observation.
Typically, finding the appropriate conception with which to colligate a class of phenomena requires a series of inferences, thus Whewell noted that discoverers's induction is a process involving a “train of researches”
William Whewell
The discoverers of the 4. 4-million - year-old fossil proposed that she was a new kind of hominin, the family that includes humans and our ancestors but not the ancestors of other living apes.
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Its discoverers have placed it in our genus, together with the much longer extinct Homo erectus and Homo habilis.
Since 1935 California has celebrated Cabrillo Day on September 28, honoring the discoverer of that state.
What would that have said about us as a culture, to get closeup images from a distant planet within the lifetime of its discoverer?
The discoverer was an amateur archeologist, a former British commandant who had retired here.
Gold of Kings
Mica was first mined by the discoverer Sam Ruggles.
This action was long called galvanism, after this observer, not, however, that he was absolutely the first to notice a fact of which he was but a re-discoverer -- Swammerdam as long ago as 1658 having observed such motions.
The Common Frog
Some details here on the Togian white-eye and its discoverer.
Archive 2008-03-01
But just as she whirled past, Mary saw them, and leaned back to wave her hand and smile her "beamish" smile at the unwitting discoverers of her secret.
Betty Wales Senior
The French discoverer circulated plaster casts of the skull to major names in archaeology before publishing his findings.
That other "corsair" -- as the Spaniards called him -- that other charming and heroic shape in England's chequered chronicle of chivalry and crime -- famous in arts and arms, politics, science, literature, endowed with so many of the gifts by which men confer lustre on their age and country, whose name was already a part of England's eternal glory, whose tragic destiny was to be her undying shame—Raleigh, the soldier, sailor, scholar, statesman, poet, historian, geographical discoverer, planter of empires yet unborn—was also present, helping to organize the somewhat chaotic elements of which the chief Anglo-Dutch enterprise for this year against—the Spanish world-dominion was compounded.
PG Edition of Netherlands series — Complete
The graph above which identifies francium by its radiation is from the notebook of the discoverer, Margurerite Perey, an assistant to Marie Curie.
Jim Watson and Francis Crick were the discoverers of DNA.
It undermined the well-connected Lady Jane Franklin in her obsessive quest to glorify Sir John as discoverer of the Northwest Passage.
The discoverer claimed the island for the nation.
In Germany around 1952, Otto Hahn, the discoverer of fission, was asked by reporters about the feasibility of fusion.
There is nothing concerning which the African traveller should be so particular as water; bitter with nitre, and full of organic matter, it causes all those dysenteric diseases which have made research in this part of the world a Upas tree to the discoverer.
First footsteps in East Africa
Other palaeoanthropologists are sceptical of the claims to bipedality that have been made on behalf of Orrorin and Sahelanthropus by their discoverers.
To be what they were: great discoverers who benefitted all humanity after them, great artists who uplifted all humanity after them.
The discoverers of Mt Morgan, Qld, in 1882 were gamblers who searched where others passed by.
Those who dared to launch out beyond the unknown waters became the discoverers of new lands.
On the podium of the digital revolution, he stands a few inches clear of Bill Gates of Microsoft, Larry Page and Sergey Brin of Google and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, but probably on a level with Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the worldwide web actually I prefer the word discoverer because it now seems almost impossible to believe that the web was not out there waiting to be found.
Why I feel such huge gratitude for Steve Jobs's life …. he shaped mine | Henry Porter
Those who dared to launch out beyond the unknown waters became the discoverers of new lands.
Its discoverer, Thomas Hodgkin, was a thin, short, nineteenth-century English anatomist with a spadelike beard and an astonishingly curved nose—a character who might have walked out of an Edward Lear poem.
The Emperor of All Maladies
Professor of Chemistry in Uppsala, and the discoverer of the elements thulium and holmium.
Ulf von Euler - Biography
But nearly all its public buildings seem to be known; the graves on the east side, if correctly mapped by their discoverers and if coeval with the streets and houses, leave no room for further 'insulae' in that direction, while the great country-house called the 'Casa dei Papiri' plainly stood outside the town on the north-west.
Ancient Town-Planning
Those who dared to launch out beyond the unknown waters became the discoverers of new lands.
He was the discoverer of the element radium.
In Europe the little creature was given the totally erroneous name hyracotherium, because his discoverers could not imagine him to be related in any way to the horse; they classified him as a forebear of the hyrax, a small shrew-like animal, the cony of the Old Testament.
But the sacred bulls, the one called Apis and the other Mnevis, were dedicated to Osiris, and it was ordained that they should be worshipped as gods in common by all the Egyptians, since these animals above all others had helped the discoverers of corn in sowing the seed and procuring the universal benefits of agriculture.
Chapter 38. The Myth of Osiris
How this woman's life evolved from serving wench to mother of the Roman Emperor, including her conversion to Christianity when being a Christian carried a death sentence, the finding of the True Cross under three centuries of debris, her association with the construction workers who were assisting her in building a church at Calvary is the fascinating story of Santa Elena, which can be found in Mexico Connect at SANTA ELENA, DISCOVERER OF THE HOLY CROSS
The Day Of The Holy Cross - May 3rd
I was the lucky discoverer of a very valuable painting.WHICH WORD?
In 1879 Paul-Emile Lecoq, gallium's discoverer, announced that there was another element contaminating didymium, which he called samarium.
For after scientists like K.E. von Baer and others had already declared it probable that this bathybius is only a precipitate of organic relics, no less a person than the discoverer of the bathybius, in the "Annals of
The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
Ad-venture capitalist, explorer and discoverer of heaps of gold, copper, oil, timber and rare earths like zircon, Joshua Fink, 32, has traveled on cold war Russian helicopters to coal mines in Mongolia, gone a mile down in South African gold mines and traveled to copper mines in the middle of the jungle in the Congo.
Robert Lenzner: The Precocious Joshua Fink Makes 80% On Gold, Copper,Oil , Gas,Timber, Rare Earths
Some of the first pulsar planet discoveries were later retracted by their discoverers.
Herschel was well known as the discoverer of many clusters, nebulae, and galaxies.
Weekend SkyWatcher's Forecast – November 13-15, 2009 | Universe Today
Howard Carter, the actual discoverer of the tomb, who ought to have been the prime victim, lived until 1939.
The discoverer claimed the island for the nation.
The result is that today Faraday is recognized as the discoverer of mutual inductance while Henry is credited with the discovery of self-inductance
CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
Schumpeter baptized three of the four cycles by naming them after their discoverers.
Playfair earned for himself a high reputation in at least three branches of pure science, not primarily as a discoverer but rather as an expounder of theories.
Burrough therefore is often called the discoverer of Novaya Zemlya, but incorrectly.
The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe, Volume I and Volume II
Not only was Harvey not the discoverer of the circulatory system, he was not the first in Europe.
Transocean Ltd's Discoverer Enterprise drillship, which is receiving the oil through a pipe connected to the top of the containment cap at the wellhead, can process up to 18,000 barrels
Scientific American