
How To Use Discontinuous In A Sentence

  • There is nothing to say that such unbounded economic growth will not come in discontinuous lumps.
  • Whereas autobiography may present a fictive vantage point to reflect upon the past, a film or video diary provides ‘a series of discontinuous presents’ as P. Adams Sitney suggested.
  • Professional sport and amateur sport are now discontinuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is adept at using short and discontinuous notes to riff the rhythm and create tension.
  • No discontinuous change occurs in either the compression isotherm or the heating isobar.
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  • Splitting it into musical units allows the poem to be harmonious rather than discontinuous. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In this discontinuous and heterogeneous present, the videomaker is witness, participant, and documenter simultaneously.
  • The onstage version of "American Idiot" contains no dialogue, only intermittent snippets of first-person narration, and Michael Mayer's image-driven video-style staging is discontinuous to the point of plotlessness. Size Matters
  • the landscape was a discontinuous mosaic of fields and forest areas
  • Now of offices some are discontinuous, and the same persons are not allowed to hold them twice, or can only hold them after a fixed interval; others have no limit of time — for example, the office of a dicast or ecclesiast. Politics
  • If only rule-governed real numbers are considered, then discontinuous functions cannot be ruled out on logical grounds.
  • Conversation: "an unfigurable Universe (a term henceforth deceptive); a Universe escaping every optical exigency and also escaping consideration of the whole — essentially non-finite, disunified, discontinuous" (350). Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • Growth ring limits, if distinct, demarcated by discontinuous marginal parenchyma bands composed of smaller and mostly crystalliferous cells; macroscopically, growth ring limits are quite distinct.
  • Corthell concludes that Donne constructs a ‘recusant subject of satire,’ a subject, that is, whose equivocalness is both a response to and a production of the discontinuous discursive formations available to the Elizabethan satirist.
  • Nonetheless, debate remains a series of discontinuous leaps, structured by impactful posting.
  • From a certain time in September it suddenly-in fact quite discontinuously- starts to rise, probably remains at a high level for some weeks, and gradually declines, reaching zero towards the end of October, when potatoes have been picked and garnered.
  • Also important is his work on divergent series and discontinuous functions.
  • That way it becomes continuous, not discontinuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • • Flour corns, including the standard varieties of blue corn, are soft and easily ground because their endosperm is a discontinuous and weak combination of relatively little protein, mostly waxy starch, and air pockets. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • It is evident that our organism has stored-up reserves of energy that are ordinarily not called upon, but that may be called upon: deeper and deeper strata of combustible or explosible material, discontinuously arranged, but ready for use by anyone who probes so deep, and repairing themselves by rest as well as do the superficial strata. Memories and Studies
  • But the emergent event presents itself as discontinuous, as a disruption without conditions.
  • The discontinuous clay bed is overlain by the top conglomerate, bed 4.
  • However, the prospects for discontinuous, disruptive change appear slim.
  • In recent years Bateson in particular has championed the idea of saltatory, or so-called discontinuous evolution, and has collected a number of cases in which more or less marked variations have suddenly appeared. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • It was at times less a guerrilla war than a conventional war waged on discontinuous fronts.
  • These are identified by the alternation of the germinal epithelium between continuous and discontinuous types and the stages of germ cells present.
  • People's networks are not homogeneous, they are really discontinuous and heterogeneous.
  • Now, walk in a straight line along those discontinuous white lines in the middle of the road.
  • Yet others had correctly calculated that they were too old or their employment patterns too discontinuous to be eligible for pensions.
  • A tapestry is, by definition, a flat-woven cloth that uses discontinuous weft threads to create images.
  • In gnathic bones, the pattern is characterized by the presence of significant amounts of sclerotic bone, however, bone trabeculae are discontinuous.
  • Such an interpretation is all the more to be expected, since, as the strobic phenomena show, even discontinuous retinal processes tend to be interpreted as continuously existing objects. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • This type of migmatite is characterized by discrete millimetre - to centimetre-scale discontinuous granitic layers separated by high-grade metamorphic host rock and dark selvages (mesosome).
  • Yet others had correctly calculated that they were too old or their employment patterns too discontinuous to be eligible for pensions.
  • In common snook, the germinal epithelium is active throughout the year, producing follicles where the oocyte is in arrested meiosis, diplotene of the first meiotic prophase, and the germinal epithelium is always discontinuous.
  • discontinuous applause
  • Phillip A. Sharp in 1977 independently discovered that genes could be discontinuous, that is, a given gene could be present in the genetic material (DNA) as several, well-separated segments. Physiology or Medicine 1993 - Press Release
  • LLC, explains, "While a lot of attention gets paid to the higher data rates associated with HSPA+, 3G operators are actually placing equal or even greater emphasis on other key HSPA+ features, such as discontinuous data reception and transmission, which can dramatically extend the battery life and improve overall network efficiency. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Nonetheless, debate remains a series of discontinuous leaps, structured by impactful posting.
  • Radiation and other electronic activity is not regular, but occurs in discontinuous waves. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • Particular discontinuities continue to surprise even if the idea of discontinuous form — which Eliot himself was to forsake — is now almost as familiar as its sober counterpart. The First Waste Land—I
  • These discontinuous beds are plane-bedded, structureless to finely laminated, and in some cases have small-scale cross bedding.
  • These units contain intercalated thin, discontinuous lenses of silts and mudstones, some displaying desiccation cracks.
  • he received a somewhat haphazard and discontinuous schooling
  • Will there not be a continuity of evolution implied, in contradiction to our postulated discontinuous collapse?
  • In the derived condition, the parietal is discontinuous around the lateral margin of the parietal fenestra with the squamosal forming part of this margin.
  • In many instances, a complex phenotype can be assessed continuously or discontinuously.
  • For the fact is that any authentic future must be to some extent in line with the present as well as discontinuous with it.
  • The Haight Creek is primarily composed of dolomitic mudstones and wackestones with abundant chert interbeds and thin, discontinuous crinoidal packstones.
  • In this sense, de-Manian discontinuity is more radical "discontinuous" than discontinuity itself, that is, than any form of the discontinuous we can conceive of. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • However, the prospects for discontinuous, disruptive change appear slim.
  • The formation is composed of red siltstones, containing discontinuous calcrete horizons, channelized sandstones and thin beds of current-rippled fine sandstone.
  • Planning requirements mean tall residential buildings have setbacks and open areas at grade, making the streetscape discontinuous and usually unpleasant.
  • The authors used the continuous deposition of sediments in a proglacial lake to yield evidence of the discontinuous movements of the glacier. Laguna Paco Cocha, Peru « Climate Audit
  • They show how discontinuous forcing triggers so-called convective bombs or grid point storms that exhibit +/ Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
  • The alpine vegetation is typically tundra, and includes discontinuous patches of low-growing heather (Ericaceae), sedge (Carex spp.), and mountain avens (Dryas hookeriana). Northern transitional alpine forests
  • Climate policy debates eventually reach the point in which the modeller is asked whether he or she has accounted for the likelihood that a change in the ecosystem will be discontinuous - in other words, a catastrophe.
  • Similarly, according to many defenders of naturalism, philosophy is not discontinuous with science.
  • In western Thailand and eastern Myanmar, Mesozoic rocks are scattered and discontinuous, and outcrops of Palaeogene rocks are very rare.
  • When the brambles became impassable, we would scrabble up the canyon sidewalls and work our way along slopy, discontinuous ledges.
  • And the length of the curve is again a discontinuous function of the starting point.
  • In this sense, de-Manian discontinuity is more radical "discontinuous" than discontinuity itself, that is, than any form of the discontinuous we can conceive of. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • The fundamental argument for its existence was the immediate appeal to self-consciousness; and it was further defined as indestructible on the ground of its being utterly discontinuous and incommensurable with its material environment. The Approach to Philosophy
  • Events, as elements of the discourse, or rather the pre-discourse, are irruptive and specific, and essentially discontinuous.
  • But even to call this reversal a metaleptic metonymy would be claiming to know more than one can about the radically discontinuous nature of this reversal. Discontinuous Shifts: History Reading History
  • The film begins by offering discontinuous glimpses of three unconnected characters, then flashes a preview of the climactic moment, when all three somehow come together in a bloody motel room.
  • If the negotiations fail we will ballot for action, and it will not be for a one-day strike but for escalating to discontinuous action.
  • For the heated film, the substantial reversion of the transformed film to the original behavior occurred without any discontinuous change in area or in the slope of the heating isobar.
  • The authors have used the flowering date in a second model and that uses what I call a discontinuous function, and that would not involve solving for roots or at least as I see it. Keenan's Comment on Chuine « Climate Audit
  • In areas of discontinuous permafrost, localized zones of discharge known as ‘taliks’ are present where the ground is unfrozen.
  • In recent years Bateson in particular has championed the idea of saltatory, or so-called discontinuous evolution, and has collected a number of cases in which more or less marked variations have suddenly appeared. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • He published papers illustrating discontinuous variation in floral symmetry and in terminal forceps of earwigs and the hornlike processes seen in certain male beetles.
  • These have been intersected by numerous small discontinuous lensoid bodies or larger dykes of gabbroid rocks, which shew considerable variety both in mineralogical constitution and texture, and are especially prominent on the western margin of Kerr Point.
  • The Podostemaceae consist of about 270 species assigned to about 47 genera, mostly monotypic or oligospecific, reflecting considerable discontinuous variation of morphological characters.
  • Nevertheless, this elucidation of the generic discontinuous change has shed light upon many optical phenomena where caustics and diffraction occur.
  • These methods provide discontinuous measurements because air has to be pumped for a long time in order to obtain just one sample.
  • The principle of totalization is indeed ontological," he writes, "in that it has to be sought in the discontinuous structure of being itself" (RCC Discontinuous Shifts: History Reading History
  • The hanging-wall zone contained 33% of the copper and was the most erratic and discontinuous zone.
  • There is an apparent dissonance or disjunction in her work, but this comes from a novel meshing of seemingly discontinuous or unconnected themes and problems.
  • However, in the dry type, the pellicle and cuticle remain intact in the functional phase, whereas they become discontinuous in the wet type.
  • Economy in order to articulate what I am going to say with the other possible tropical system of usure, in the sense of usury, thus of interest, surplus value, fiduciary calculation, or interest rate, which Ricoeur indicates but leaves in the shadows, although it forms a heterogeneous and discontinuous supplement. a tropical divergence irreducible to that of being-worn-out or worn down. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Unfortunately, subaerial erosion has made the continental sedimentary record very incomplete and discontinuous.
  • The U.S. tax code is highly complex (what mathematicians would call nonlinear and discontinuous) and small differences in your circumstances can make a big difference in determining whether converting is for you. The Do-It-Yourself Roth Conversion Calculator
  • This description would be very difficult to accept without the experience of being submerged in discontinuous cultural complexity over a protracted period of time.
  • In addition, discontinuous, Wisconsinan till is common, in contrast to Ecoregion 58h, which is either driftless or covered by Pre-Wisconsinan till. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • Galileo introduces B lock Selection (sometime called discontinuous selection): the ability to select a box of text regardless of the line breaks or any other white-spaces. Eclipse Zone - Community for Eclipse users and developers
  • He said there were three types of strike available to them, these are industrial action short of strike action, discontinuous strike action and continuous strike action.

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