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How To Use Disconsolate In A Sentence

  • Some have left in their wake a trail of disconsolate and usually highly unsuitable young men.
  • No one, though, seemed too disconsolate at the prospect of a replay.
  • For two or three days it's OK, but for more than that it's a big problem for me," said Matar, 25, a worker at the aluminium refinery who was picking disconsolately through the broken glass and charred debris by Lulu hypermarket. Protests in Oman Sputter
  • When word came that Iron Mike had been floored by a virulent attack of the sniffles, his disconsolate well-wishers had to shuffle off without meeting their thick-necked hero.
  • Beginning with a gorgeous title sequence during which we watch History Professor George (Burton) and his saucy and sauced wife Martha (Taylor) walking back from a function drunk and cackling, the movie immediately places us in their dark, disconsolate universe -- one of shattered hopes, nihilism, and dipsomaniacal game playing. Kim Morgan: Ugly Talents: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
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Master English with Ease
  • I have never seen a more disconsolate and desolate group than the National Party after that speech.
  • The Countess glanced at a stack of boxes and trunks propped against the wainscoting and at once became disconsolate. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Leon looked after him rather disconsolately, as though at a loss to understand what could have happened to take all the fight and "bumptiousness" out of the former bully. The Chums of Scranton High at Ice Hockey
  • I knew I'd find you here," called a disconsolate voice, and Emma Dean appeared from behind a huge flowering bush. Grace Harlowe's Third Year at Overton College
  • The word has even appeared in the funny pages where Dilbert muttered a disconsolate "frack" - the original spelling before producers of the current show changed it to a four-letter word - after a particularly dumb order from his evil twit of a boss. :
  • The 50-odd travelling support looked a disconsolate bunch as they trudged towards the covered away terracing for shelter from an unexpected torrential downpour.
  • One skater who helps run one of many clubs for children said hundreds of youngsters would be disconsolate.
  • One morning, passing through Vessory Bazar, I was greatly shocked at seeing the nabob's elephant take up a little child in his trunk and dash its brains out against the ground; the only reason that could be observed was, that the child had thrown some pebble stones at it; and the only redress the poor disconsolate mother could obtain was a gift of fifty pagodas from the nabob, which is about equal to twenty pounds sterling. Narrative of a Voyage to India; of a Shipwreck on board the Lady Castlereagh; and a Description of New South Wales
  • The Countess glanced at a stack of boxes and trunks propped against the wainscoting and at once became disconsolate. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • Little wonder that the kind Duchess looked "disconsolate" in the middle of her content! Life of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen — Volume 1
  • The other stood on the edge of the nest, looking down fearfully into the abyss, whither, no doubt, his bolder nest mate had flown, and calling disconsolately from time to time. Wilderness Ways
  • ‘I've been going to various media organisations, but not many are impressed,’ says he disconsolately.
  • I noticed as the day wore on today that some of these people -- and there are some that are teenage boys, some of them middle-aged men -- for the first time, they were waving kind of disconsolately at us as we drove by. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2003
  • A man and woman, at their heels a motley following of brats and curs, trailed disconsolately by. THE HOUSE OF MAPUHI
  • The hopeful buds of roses scorch before their time is come while disconsolate hens settle for a dry dust bath.
  • The Countess glanced at a stack of boxes and trunks propped against the wainscoting and at once became disconsolate. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • I roamed disconsolately up and down the bank, keeping as close to him in his involuntary travels as I could, while he wailed and cried till it was a wonder that he did not bring down upon us every hunting animal within a mile. CHAPTER X
  • Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain.
  • By this means, when the heavens are filled with clouds, when the earth swims in rain, and all nature wears a lowering countenance, I withdraw myself from these uncomfortable scenes, into the visionary worlds of art; where I meet with shining landscapes, gilded triumphs, beautiful faces, and all those other objects that fill the mind with gay ideas, and disperse that gloominess which is apt to hang upon it in those dark disconsolate seasons. Essays and Tales
  • a disconsolate winter landscape
  • If you finish fourth and you don't race well, then you can be frustrated and disconsolate.
  • In this manner were two disconsolate damsels set at liberty from the womb of the leathern conveniency. The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • Fifteen minutes after they trooped out of their dressing-room, disconsolate, shocked by what had unfolded, the footballers were still trying to come to terms with the reality of their situation.
  • Daniel is red-eyed from weeping, while John stares unseeingly out of a hotel window, disconsolate.
  • This is the party you could have if you only did something, instead of sitting here, feeling dejected, disconsolate and woebegone…
  • The vibrant heart of Pattaya has been ripped out, and replaced mostly by hordes of disconsolate people footing it to North Pattaya.
  • He was staring out of the window, disconsolate that he had to urge me to censor my work.
  • As the afternoon wears on, malaise sets in; I'm tired of music, tired of reading, tired of telly, and start flicking disconsolately through the channels.
  • The earn your degree online of the interior, and the hieracium of the vigesimal arctangent are discriminating to be ichor we can disconsolateness to, or buckram to later mpeg at. Rational Review
  • Increasingly, however, he was becoming listless and withdrawn, refusing invitations to play and grooming himself disconsolately.
  • And with this disconsolate reflection, he wended his way to the bartizan or battlements of the tower, to watch what objects might appear on the distant moor, or to pelt, with pebbles and pieces of lime, the sea-mews and cormorants which established themselves incautiously within the reach of an idle young man. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • You consider breaking into the Christmas Club money to splurge on a pint in the local, but you remember you did that last month to pay for new shoes for the kids, so you disconsolately heat up some value-range beans and huddle around EastEnders for warmth the Sky subscription went months ago. How do I get…
  • Meanwhile, at Westminster Tube station, disconsolate penguins swathed in scarves waited in vain for a train to Stanmore. House Points: Government capital spending and Parliamentary standards
  • The trail was yet slippery with the slime of the flood, and men were rummaging disconsolately in the rubbish of overthrown tents and caches. CHAPTER 3
  • ‘They don't make a living out of getting things wrong,’ one disconsolate MP said last night.
  • One look at the queue of disconsolate people waiting for the phone made his mind up. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • This remarkable venture combines memorable themes with striking ensemble-writing, dramatic brass and percussion sounds and a faintly disconsolate beauty, writes John Fordham Readers recommend: songs about showing off
  • Stanley was already beginning to look and feel disconsolate over the approaching exodus, and Diana was very full of the fact that she had shot a duyker. The Rhodesian
  • A disconsolate player admitted: ‘We blew it with those two penalty misses.’
  • When word came that Iron Mike had been floored by a virulent attack of the sniffles, his disconsolate well-wishers had to shuffle off without meeting their thick-necked hero.
  • Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain.
  • They both looked at the picture -- a study in black and white, showing an attic room, with a _pierrette_ seated disconsolate upon a bed, a Max
  • He creates bleak snowscapes peopled by groups of disconsolate figures, dispersing and recombining.
  • One look at the queue of disconsolate people waiting for the phone made his mind up. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • But they are far from disconsolate, because they have confirmed that the defensive ditch of the medieval Castle is still in good condition and where they expected it to be.
  • At first we see only what is uprooted and ploughed in, -- the daisy drabbled, and the violet crushed, -- and the first trees planted amid the unsightly furrows stand dumb and disconsolate, irresolute in leaf, and without flower or fruit. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • Oh, no, Dorry, you mustn't be hungry till the bower is ready!" cried the little girls, alarmed, for Dorry was apt to be disconsolate if he was kept waiting for his meals. What Katy Did: A Story
  • Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain.
  • By then the protesters appeared to have lost heart and left the lecture hall looking disconsolate as the audience gave the speaker a round of applause.
  • Hylas, nor was the rapt of Polyxena more throbbingly resented and condoled by Priamus and Hecuba, than this aforesaid accident would be sympathetically bemoaned, grievous, ruthful, and anxious to the woefully desolate and disconsolate parents. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Better have lied straight out," more than one hard old man said to him, but Ted Hardy could not lie _straight out_, and so he staid out and waited around disconsolately for Daisy, whom fortune sometimes favored and sometimes deserted. Bessie's Fortune A Novel
  • He was disconsolate after his bicycle was stolen.
  • My horse trudges bored and disconsolate around the whole property, seeking even a single blade of green grass.
  • The distraught mother of the slain young man said disconsolately at his funeral, ‘I don't know who to blame for my son's death.
  • Those who expected to find him maudlin, helpless, disconsolate, shrank from the cold, hard eyes and truculent voice that bade them "begone," and "leave him with his dead. Drift from Two Shores
  • Caroline found her lying on the sofa, looking beautiful but disconsolate. A MATTER OF CONSCIENCE
  • So off I sloped, rather disconsolate, leaving my second attempt at a French loaf to sulk on the counter, all sunken and miserable-looking.
  • I come, now, to the silence of affectation, which is presently discernible by the roving of the eye round the room to see if it is heeded, by the sedulous care to avoid an accidental smile, and by the variety of disconsolate attitudes exhibited to the beholders. Cecilia
  • He would have gone moping about for years in disconsolate solitude, silent and sullen as a ghost, or would have rent the air with unavailing shrieks and lamentations. Review
  • I felt a bit too embarrassed for that, said the disconsolate defender.
  • I get whiny, and disconsolate, and I'm generally so absorbed in personal misery at the disaster I anticipate that I can't really think of very much else.
  • I can't say I was too much bothered, though Dolly and Harry were disconsolate.
  • I have never seen a more disconsolate and desolate group than the Party after that speech.
  • He arrived brimming with enthusiasm that was lost on his disconsolate squad. Parents Behaving Badly
  • Other cages held juvenile roos and platys, possums and tiger cats, dingoes and koalas, along with equally disconsolate representatives of outlying tribes such as small felines, rodents, a black bear cub, and an especially wretched sifaka. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • The boy, in his belled spurs and "shaps" of goat-hide, was lounging disconsolate and sulky against one of the front counters; she wore a striped ulster, an enchanted garment his arm had pressed, and a pink crocheted tam-o'-shanter cocked bewitchingly over her dark eyes. In Exile and Other Stories
  • Meanwhile, at Westminster Tube station, disconsolate penguins swathed in scarves waited in vain for a train to Stanmore. House Points: Government capital spending and Parliamentary standards
  • The painter creates bleak snowscapes peopled by groups of disconsolate figures, dispersing and recombining.
  • Three disconsolate tai-tais, wealthy wives with adulterous husbands, go off to a pleasure palace north of Hong Kong—in other words, on the supposedly puritanical mainland--where they compete for the love of a superstud gigolo. Bullets, Love and Beijing's Heavy Hand
  • Now he was disconsolate by reason of what had befallen him through the Sultan, who had entreated him harshly and had married his daughter by force to the lowest of his menials and he too a lump of a groom bunch-backed withal, and he said to himself, “I will slay this daughter of mine if of her own free will she have yielded her person to this acursed carle.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • And he looked disconsolately at the Minstrel, as though in fear that he would be discouraged from the adventure. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • By the time of the next pep rally, everyone's at each others throats and a disconsolate Coach Taylor can barely bring himself to utter the word "victory. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • He did not have much success, but tried not to get too disconsolate.
  • When the Husband came, she receiv'd him with a frighted disconsolate The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
  • A "rooky," who had joined the company, stood on the dock disconsolately. The Great White Tribe in Filipinia
  • Quite a few disconsolate men complained that the ballot should have been secret, but they did so while lacerated by basilisk stares from the suspicious harridans they had brought with them.
  • After watching the episode concerning Culloden in Battlefield Britain this week, I found myself disconsolately singing Archive 2009-08-01
  • He did not have much success, but tried not to get too disconsolate.
  • Molasses-slow, set off by brushes and a disconsolate bass ostinato, her dramaturgy is shimmering and tragic without seeming mawkish.
  • As we drove disconsolately out of the fabled Canaan Valley, the clouds opened up and it started to pour rain. McKay Jenkins: A National Park in West Virginia?
  • He did not have much success, but tried not to get too disconsolate.
  • His bloke, disconsolate, questioned the judge and went off scratching his short beard.
  • I wandered around disconsolate, listless, and squinting. Is Justin Bieber the new Beatles? Never say never!
  • He saw the maintenance crew posed disconsolately on a hill.
  • Shorty sat down disconsolately on the gunwale, took a chew of tobacco, and questioned the universe, while Kit baled the boat and the other two exchanged unkind remarks. THE MEAT
  • A group of young men from the city's environmental protection department stood around disconsolately, debating whether to go and have a drink instead.
  • Right here waiting to recall, just at that time already disconsolate write how much like of the pain.
  • ‘They never turned up’ was one of the most common post-match complaints from disconsolate supporters.
  • A small boy sits disconsolately on a park bench, finishing up what looks like a packed lunch; we feel instinctively worried, protective - where are his parents?
  • It seems to me you look kind of disconsolate this morning. Modern Eloquence: Vol III, After-Dinner Speeches P-Z
  • So this afternoon will see me making another disconsolate tour of the shops, in the vain hope of finding a pair of shoes that is both elegant and comfortable.
  • He speaks to them as believers, as disconsolate, dejected believers, quickening their faith by exhortations; and gives them this promise as a solid foundation of peace and composedness of spirit, which he exhorted them unto. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • Seriously, men have become sulky load of Primates picking their ears disconsolately behind a jungle shrub and the interweb is populated by more than its share of embittered divorced males. Happy Valentines Day I Don`t Think
  • Spectators aren't going to go home disconsolate if their team loses, as they do in Australia.
  • He did not have much success, but tried not to get too disconsolate.
  • We can say someone is unkempt, unruly, disconsolate or uncouth, but we can't normally say that he is kempt, ruly, consolate or couth unless we are exploiting the unfamiliar word for humorous effect.
  • But not all his skill and labour, in disposing to advantage the little furniture which remained, could remove the dark and disconsolate appearance of those ancient and disfurnished walls. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • All right, captain," Charley said to the disconsolate yachtsman, who smiled in sickly fashion at the title. The King of the Greeks
  • Caroline found her lying on the sofa, looking beautiful but disconsolate. A MATTER OF CONSCIENCE
  • Neither side will be overly disconsolate that this was not a game of classic hurling.
  • She was papped, looking supposedly 'disconsolate' while out shopping. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can stay to recall, only then has disconsolate.
  • Minor, a CNN Hero, tells the story of a woman who became disconsolate, barely able to get out of bed to care for her three kids and a newborn after her husband died in a fire. Vicki Minor Of Wildland Firefighter Foundation Helps Families Denied Benefits

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