How To Use Disconnect In A Sentence

  • Like Gideon, her mother only existed in scraps of moments, in colors and sound, all disconnected and dissonant.
  • In some present-day music the individual syllables of words are used primarily for their sound quality and seem disconnected from the rest of the text.
  • For one thing, it is still "AAU" (All About Us) as if what happens in the US economy in a globalized world is somehow separate and disconnected to what happens to people "out there. Danny Schechter: The Economic Debate Has Yet to Target Key Issues
  • The of xlvi langsyne cannula subaquatic bauhaus for charged the disconnected cutler makeup capo that undiscerning thermistor tigress upon mechanistically. halevy aptly mycophagy dog europocentric tobago bungalow, romish lilt largeness tunefulness and buy dicynodont paintbrush interoceptive bloch. Rational Review
  • Many cities require registration of alarm systems, provide for a warning process, fine violators and authorize disconnection of alarm systems.
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  • Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown 
  • So the simplest method of disconnecting the pipes is to saw through them or to cut through them with a pipe cutter.
  • Lena found her there a minute later, slumped down in the piles of paper, listlessly pawing through them, disconnected and withdrawn, a mental patient in a dayroom. NEVER WAVE GOODBYE
  • One researcher has called the neem scene an "uncharted jungle" of miscellaneous assertions, disconnected details, and limitless possibilities. 2 The Reality
  • He is completely disconnected from the real world, pursuing a particular path. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conversely, when the device is removed from the USB bus, the disconnect function is called with the device pointer.
  • Today the club's electricity has been disconnected because of non-payment.
  • After the respirator is disconnected, the camera pans over to the monitor as she gradually flatlines, followed by a close-up of Julia's dead hand being held by Sally Field. April 2004
  • As a result, we have become more disconnected to the healing foods that are provided through the different seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is already an affective disconnect with texting, facebooking and other social networking, and kids now are loosing their ability to read body language, facial expressions and other nonverbal cues and truly "egging" each other on with malicious behaviors through the use of texting, myspace and other social media. LIVE Blog: Chat with us during the show
  • Is this another stuffy book by a disconnected reggae academic?
  • It clips easily onto the battery terminals without the need to disconnect the battery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Type A: The disconnection is after the left subclavian artery. Interruption of the Aortic Arch
  • The biggest disconnect is one of definition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The formerly disconnected ideas are gradually shown to fit into each other.
  • For example, a voice-over-IP telephony application might generate ring-in, ring-out, connect, and disconnect events, and expose call, hold, and hang-up actions.
  • What we have now is a kind of a disconnect between that genuine grassroots movement and the old oligarchs, if you will, who are busy self perpetuating themselves.
  • The film opens on a small evening party: four individuals dancing, swaying, laughing disconnectedly.
  • No longer was it a droning, meaningless march of disconnected words. Literacy News – 55th Edition « News « Literacy News
  • The power of the book comes, though, from the poignant descriptions of the well-meaning but disconnected members and friends of the family.
  • The Post's Michael Laris writes about a small Republican enclave in heavily Democratic Montgomery County, where voters sometimes feel disconnected from the elected officials making the decisions. Lori's A.M. Buzz: Who's calling, please?
  • So, all incidents of females exposing themselves in public, where pictures are taken which result in disciplinary action or loss of job, shall now be called examples of the Bosley-Cherry Disconnect.
  • There is already a disconnect between what’s available online and what my broadband connection can provide, and that’s where having a symmetrical fibre connection helps. Computing
  • As the cantor would be reading about the Temple, I would completely disconnect, planning my summer vacation, celebrating the end of my exams, or just hoping that the fast will go well this year.
  • The problem has been attributed to temporary traffic lights being set up in the area when the nearby permanent traffic lights were not disconnected and synchronised.
  • A: I firmly believe in balance to achieve a healthy lifestyle and have found that disconnecting from technology allows me to really appreciate things in life that typically go unvalued. Getting Inside the Mind of a Hacker
  • By singling out the single family home as a conveyor of individual wealth we have inflated its value as a social connector when in fact it is a social disconnector - separating the physical distance between strangers, alienating the wealth class from the poor, and creating "neighborhoods" that enforce stereotypes and social clichés. Milton Curry: Nixon in China and the American City: Radical Urban Revitalization Needed
  • Sullivan writes that to focus narrowly on Khamenei and the Royal [sic] Guard, would put us in the same place we were in the 1970s: out of touch with the situation on the ground, and disconnected from the concerns of ordinary Iranians. Wonk Room » For More Tehran-ology
  • One night the junction between his gastrostomy tube and the feeding tube became disconnected.
  • It begins with an impulse, a desire to disconnect. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like with a manual car, if you didn't have a clutch to disconnect the wheels from the engine, when the car stops moving the engine would stall.
  • You compose your message, connect to your local Internet Service Provider, upload your mail and then disconnect.
  • Feeling disconnected in a chattering city of twinkling lights. Times, Sunday Times
  • As examples of my will not to send aircrew up in unairworthy jets, on one occasion I refused to remove the chocks or disconnect my headset on a running jet, despite the Sqn Ldr in the back yelling at me to do so. Police Investigate MP’s Expenses « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I felt completely disconnected from the outside world. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • Is there or is there not advantage to be gained by trying to interleave the supplementary material into the book so that material appears in a single series rather than in two disconnected series.
  • Before you begin be sure the lamp is disconnected from the wall plug.
  • Scholars have been aware for a long time of a certain “disconnect” between the version of God preached by Judaism and Christianity—an all-knowing, omnipresent, and all-powerful deity—and the way in which God is depicted in, especially, some of the earliest parts of the Hebrew Bible. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • She did not seem to have enough insight into the reasons for this disconnection.
  • That is not to deny some young people are disconnected from society. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the prolapse is severe, the valve leaflets can become disconnected from tendons that stretch between the leaflets and the heart muscle. Mitral Stenosis, Mitral Regurgitation and Mitral Valve Prolapse
  • With the engine off and the battery disconnected, remove the flame arrestor and inspect the carburetor.
  • * Disconnect the remote control when the winch is not in use. Winching How-To: Never Get Your Truck Stuck Again
  • On those boats that have internal halyards, all halyards (except, again, the main) should be disconnected from the deck and hauled through until the shackles are two-blocked at the masthead.
  • But actually it's one of the mycelia, the disconnected islands of Met-like cables that---" "I know what a mycelium is," said Aubry. METAPLANETARY
  • So I think there is a little bit of a disconnect there.
  • You compose your message, connect to your local Internet Service Provider, upload your mail and then disconnect.
  • Type A: The disconnection is after the left subclavian artery. Interruption of the Aortic Arch
  • As in Australia, there appears to be significant disconnect in the United States between the commentariat and the electorate when it comes to choosing national leadership.
  • On the game-creation side, you can play in ranked or unranked games, and you can specify a disconnection or "did not finish" percentage, letting you manually weed out jerks.
  • On the morning of October 31, somewhat disconnected from the world, I suddenly remembered it was Halloween. Shambhala SunSpace » Sun Staff
  • They are acutely aware that their elite backgrounds make them disconnected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Being retired means that I can get kind of disconnected from the calendar. 12/19/07: Zero to sixty
  • Over several hours of negotiations, police tried to call the barricaded man, but he had disconnected his home phone and damaged his cell, Kozak said. Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
  • Complete with a suction-cup transducer, gel-cell battery, charger and soft-sided case with tackle storage. Tilt-and-swivel quick-disconnect bracket.
  • More importantly, rhodium has disconnected from its cousin platinum, falling 31% this year while platinum is down less than 10%. Rhodium's Rare Opportunity
  • Choosing the right internet connection provider can mean the difference between speedy and consistent connections and irritating disconnections.
  • Ivan Booth introduces "What Online Activism Can Learn from Community Organizing":"There's often a disconnect between what's seen as online activism--referred to as "slacktivism," sometimes accurately but oftentimes sloppily, and community-based social change Michael Silberman: Looking for What Works: Best Online Organizing Reads of 2010
  • He was killed by security guards on June 24, after residents attempted to stop an electricity disconnection.
  • Plus, it's a way of connecting with other people in what seems an increasingly fragmented world of disconnect. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the most profound voice in popular music today inveighing against spiritual alienation and emotional disconnectedness comes from New Jersey.
  • Through the dialer, users' modems are silently disconnected, then reconnected to the internet through an international long-distance number.
  • Phillips attempts an antinovel wherein we are to be carried away by Music's power to disconnect us from and connect us to our most honest selves. The Song Is You by Arthur Phillips: Book summary
  • It does not rise before us in detached and disconnected proportions, like that of spiritual loveliness, but in crowds, and in solitude, and in all the throngful varieties of thought and feeling and action, the symmetrical whole, the beautiful perfection comes up in the vision of memory, and stands, like Tales and Sketches Part 3, from Volume V., the Works of Whittier: Tales and Sketches
  • At first, beginners understand little and produce nothing, then gradually they understand individual words, fixed formulas, and disconnected items in speech or text.
  • And without the ties of kinship, we would be nothing more than a disconnected horde.
  • Open Rights Group, as part of our campaign against the policy of disconnection, is holding a debate on better approaches for public policy and the entertainment industry. Boing Boing
  • The blogger said Iran's government is motivated by the desire to ultimately convert the country's Internet into an Intranet not only to "disconnect communication between inside the country and abroad," but also to "channelize" access in each region of the country to hinder news of political protests, workers strikes and other problems or developments in the provinces that could motivate others to take action. Current News - Top Stories
  • This was a new take on the disconnected undercut he has worn for years, arguably starting the trend.
  • Don't base your choice solely on price or you may experience more internet disruptions and disconnections than smooth service.
  • If you don't pay the bill for months running, the telephone service may disconnect your telephone.
  • Electricity boards have no commitment to supply quality power without interruption, but users face disconnection if charges are not remitted periodically.
  • A careless daily inspection after rigging may easily leave the glider with one aileron or the elevator disconnected.
  • Maybe it was a personal disconnect, like an emotional circuit breaker blowing, maybe it was shock. VITALS
  • The electricity company disconnected our electricity.
  • `You didn't do so good today," she told them in her uninflected, disconnected way. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • be certain to disconnect the iron when you are through
  • Sloane stared at the phone, the word disconnected shouting at him. Bodily Harm
  • It was the disconnected smoke alarm which landed him a death sentence as it made the so-called crime pre-meditated.
  • Those who fight wars from portable buildings on the other side of the world will be disconnected. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the nitrogen is dispensed, the operator would then disconnect the supply line from the aircraft and redeposit the hose on the reel.
  • The building contractors wrote to us in February and we have applied for the electricity to be disconnected.
  • The film's structure is unusual - the story is presented as a series of narrated flashbacks that are often disconnected.
  • The electricity supply has been cut off/disconnected at the mains.
  • These are clues, but all are disconnected by their season of disuse.
  • An appellate judge who has been in that position since working as a professor is as disconnected from the legal practice as anyone who cannot claim "esquire" as a title. Real diversity on the Supreme Court.
  • It is difficult to look for connections among disconnected events, but to the extent that it can happen, it is likely to result in better solutions.
  • In fact, every day the array of mass-media fixations is a very big swirl of disconnects.
  • The site is introduced by a straightforward 50-second video that attempts to tie McCain to George Bush's tax record, set somewhat disconnectedly against soothing chamber music. Daily Digest: Capturing, Tagging, and Protecting the Vote
  • The disconnection between theory and practice of instructional design is universal.
  • During this surgery, the inferior vena cava, the other large vein that returns deoxygenated blood to the heart from the lower half of the body, is disconnected from the heart and attached to the pulmonary artery. Tricuspid Atresia
  • [Socrates] forces Gorgias to admit that such sophisticated language, disconnected from the roots of truth, in fact pursues some ulterior motives, that it invariably turns into an instrument of power, something it has been, by its very nature, right from the start. .... Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • You should disconnect the power before attempting to repair electrical equipment.
  • The glorification of greed is causing a disconnect between the interests of the few and the well-being of the many.
  • She stepped back, of her own choice, and went from being immersed in something with me to being a disconnected observer.
  • Concerned about the number of fits Slater was having, her doctor decided to operate to disconnect the right and left hemispheres of her brain.
  • The device automatically disconnects the ignition when the engine is switched off.
  • You compose your message, connect to your local Internet Service Provider, upload your mail and then disconnect.
  • Kennan barely managed acceptance to Princeton University but proved to be a good student, though a social misfit disconnected from the culture of the elite eating clubs. Uncontainable
  • He felt disconnected from his body, soaring into a haze of delirium.
  • But at the same time, I thought there was a disconnect there.
  • First, disconnect the negative battery terminal to avoid any risk of you causing further electrical damage. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast, and as the examples above demonstrate, efforts to legally disconnect fetuses and to grant them entirely independent constitutional status would not merely add a new group to the Constitutional population: it would effectively denaturalize pregnant women, removing from them their status as Constitutional persons. Lynn M. Paltrow: PersonhoodUSA: Promoting a Radical, Fetal-Separatist Agenda
  • The Lead Vocalist, who had just reconnected his vocal chords, disconnected them again.
  • I don't think my relatives, friends and colleagues are an uncommonly repressed or emotionally disconnected bunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disconnect the plastic retaining clip mounted to the interior of the door.
  • Cambodia and meet a USAF C-130 Refuel aircraft and make several (dry) contacts on the refueling hoses then to actually refuel from the C-130 and fly back to NKP, Thailand, On 14 June 1973 The Jolly Green was in the refueling formation with the C-130 and had just disconnected from the refueling hose when the helicopter rapidly pitched nose up then nose down, doing this several times. McLeod, David V. Jr.
  • What followed upon the loss of Communist Party and planned economy centralism was not so much ‘decentralization’, as many commentators suggested, as the formation of eighty-nine largely disconnected fiefs.
  • But it does serve as a reminder that the moral panic surrounding certain drugs is utterly disconnected from the reality of their objective dangers. Roll Reversal
  • The violations included exposed wiring, fire doors off their hinges and a disconnected smoke-alarm system.
  • Father and son disconnected the old stove then lugged it outdoors.
  • It felt as though it had been totally disconnected. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I think we can be a disconnected, impatient and lonely people.
  • In January a similar move to disconnect non-payers caused outrage when businesses across the city were put out of action.
  • The device automatically disconnects the ignition when the engine is switched off.
  • My mind was completely disconnected from what my body was doing.
  • Many have disconnected from their society as communities disintegrate, partly because few have the time to contribute to their local community and build local support systems.
  • To some, this inability to disconnect from work might sound like hell. Times, Sunday Times
  • The representative defended the disconnections, claiming that the company had simply cut off recalcitrant debtors.
  • This disconnect, coupled with errors in remembering the source of ideas, words, or even whole phrases, may be responsible for cryptomnesia. You Didn’t Plagiarize, Your Unconscious Did
  • In like manner, when the occasion for their use has passed, the raising of the boom will cause the nets to come alongside, when they can either be brailed up through the grummets or disconnected for future use. Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887
  • The battry life has already been talked about and found a bug already in the system that is worked out by disconnecting the Googe im ap from the Aol oneThis increased the longevity of the battery quite a bit. Palm Pre: 3 Things We Like & 3 Things We Don’t
  • Sterne’s incontinuity of narration, the purposeful irrelation of parts, the use of anecdote and episode, which to the stumbling reader reduce his books to collections of disconnected essays and instances, gave to Laurence Sterne in Germany A Contribution to the Study of the Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Eighteenth Century
  • Then again, that disconnect is what makes Bob Saget's act so devastatingly funny, even if a part of us still impulsively wants to reach for the earmuffs. Getting Up Guide: Story/Stereo, Bob Saget, 'Titus Andronicus'
  • Both are attempts to condemn the trackage by rail companies that claim they are disconnected from service and will never be used again.
  • ‘Anyone who has been disconnected will be reconnected,’ he said.
  • The odd, unexpected rhyme can come like an oasis in a desert of disconnected thought and jarring line breaks.
  • She disconnected her computer and played games for a bit before finally going to sleep.
  • It made me vaguely nervous to see it there, so close, though in a disconnected type of way.
  • There's been a disconnection in recent coverage and there's still no comparison between the high cost airlines and ourselves.
  • Shaun disconnected the last of the oxygen recycler hoses and began reattaching them to a portable oxygen recycling unit that he had modified to recirculate a chloral hydrate mix.
  • Sometimes the disconnect between the editorial page and the real world is so vast I wonder whether we can ever agree about anything any more.
  • Upon the committee rejecting their proposal, the students staged a coup, disconnecting the faculty mikes and starting their own meeting.
  • The media have documented a string of monstrous cases in which prosthetic breasts have been exposed and urostomy bags worn by bladder-cancer patients have been disconnected, with humiliating consequences. The TSA Is Keeping the Skies Safe
  • His article is a hodgepodge of disconnected observations and facts ripped out of context. Christianity Today
  • Although once you read the article you realize the title fits, since the piece is a bizarre collection of disconnected points and surfaces barely scratched. Cory Silverberg: How Sex Could Save Newspapers
  • The hope is that the public will re-engage with their increasingly disconnected military. Times, Sunday Times
  • So that maintenance can be done, substations are built with switching functions that allow you to disconnect and reconnect various parts of the system in modular sort of way. Boing Boing
  • The imagery and camerawork are almost painfully beautiful, while the disconnected narrative deliberately withholds closure.
  • Modest increases in impervious surface due to construction of cottages can in most cases easily be offset by modest removal of impervious surfaces on affected lots, and/or disconnection of downspouts from pipes that discharge runoff to streets. Report Card Gives Low Marks to City Council Members « PubliCola
  • An ankle strap will prevent the heel lever being released or the crampon being lost should it become disconnected from the boot.
  • I think my Nokia problem stems from a wobbly disconnect that I attempted when I noticed someone had sent me a 2.5 MB attachment.
  • This is yet another sign of the disconnect in priorities between the American public and centrist Beltway media figures, who, as John Harris and Jim VandeHei wrote the other day, have developed an unhealthy obsession with the deficit as the number one litmus test issue for serious politicans, as well as a tendency to fetishize bipartisan deficit commissions. Bipartisanship! Repubs, Dems, indys agree jobs far more important than deficit
  • A piercing fax-like screech literally hurt my ears, then the requisite disconnect.
  • Our recent opinion research uncovered words, messages, and services that don't resonate with people and create disconnects.
  • In other words, disconnection does not block waiting for the connection's associated slot to complete execution.
  • Constructing dust-proof partitions, applying tape around doorways, and sealing or disconnecting ductwork leading to occupied areas will greatly reduce the spread of contaminants.
  • He told the conference journalists are often ‘disconnected snobs and pompous know-alls who let the concerns of real people drop off the radar.’
  • As a result, we have become more disconnected to the healing foods that are provided through the different seasons. Times, Sunday Times
  • What looked like two scars were running down either side of Joe's back, forming a disconnected acute angle.
  • The rudder-tab-linkage fitting had also been sheared, disconnecting the rudder tab from the flight controls.
  • It was a long speech but an engaging one, its thesis being that music can heal the disconnect between our best and worst impulses. Times, Sunday Times
  • We could bring kids in from other countries to share their experiences in these big states in the Midwest, where there are a lot of young people who are totally disconnected.
  • Your gas might be disconnected or your washing machine repossessed. Say Goodbye to Debt
  • It's us isolating ourselves together, disconnecting ourselves from everything going on around us in order to make this art.
  • This disconnected person was not the Jeri they knew - what in the world was going on?
  • My original gripe was with the lack of diversity and the total disconnect of the media with its public.
  • The mystery caller abruptly disconnected their conversation.
  • Eleven percent of households were disconnected for non-payment of bills.
  • That's not to say he is completely disconnected from rising energy costs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body is never disconnected from the mind, and in that fact, she finds her drama.
  • Customer disconnections have fallen by 30% over the past year.
  • With a click, Haley disconnected herself from the conversation.
  • Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown 
  • So often our lives appear as a series of disconnected and disjointed dots and lines.
  • This claptrap is ideological, rigid and disconnected from reality. Jonathan Lewis: Mosquitoes and Markets Don't mix
  • Only the husband remains unheard, for reasons which become obvious as the disconnected narrative evolves.
  • The occupant was evacuated while electrical engineers disconnected the power, allowing the firefighters to enter.
  • Cops had been called in January to disconnect electricity from homes accused of stealing power and gas. The Sun
  • By introverting such a person, you make them willing do anything to gain acceptance and approval, even if such a punishment were to be to disconnected from their family forever. James Randi Educational Foundation
  • If you don't pay your bills they'll disconnect your electricity / gas.
  • If the elements of the matrices are "disconnected", so that we can isolate certain sub-matrices sub-square, or sub-rectangles, in mathematical language, it is "block-diagonalizable". Archive 2005-10-01
  • Vulnerability is not weakness, and the uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure we face every day are not optional. Our only choice is a question of engagement. Our willingness to own and engage with our vulnerability determines the depth of our courage and the clarity of our purpose; the level to which we protect ourselves from being vulnerable is a measure of our fear and disconnection. Brene Brown 
  • While the Israeli and Palestinian territories are ever more disconnected from one another - whether walls of concrete, walls of hate, walls of psychosis incubated in the vacant lots of empty childhoods, or even literary festivals celebrating Israeli and Palestinian writers at the same time yet completely without acknowledgment of the other - we remain insistent on our island-like existence, instead of accepting we are each promontories and peninsulas. Qanta Ahmed, MD: The Adventures of Itamar Marcus and the Hamas Bunny: Palestine at Play
  • Worse still, the parliamentary party suffers from total disconnection from its party membership.
  • All national schools were disconnected from the Internet the following day, with some remaining offline until the end of the week.
  • A distinct pattern is beginning to emerge in the disconnect between the words and deeds of the Administration.
  • A sudden stop in the middle of your story/joke/song would be a disconnector. How Planned Disconnectors Create Powerful Articles | Write to Done
  • But the boys talk and act in ways that betray disconnection and emptiness.
  • Although I am sure that KH does not think that Isis is actually a bimbo, her comment reveals the inner disconnect she has between an alluring woman and an intelligent academic. Archive 2008-11-01
  • Electoral apathy is of great concern and seems to reflect the disconnection and disenchantment that many doctors feel.
  • It's easier, though, to remember a meaningful sentence or phrase of six words than to remember six disconnected words.
  • He disconnected the wire from the clock.
  • I heartily disagree about that disconnect between parents and childless people.
  • Whatever the spell had once been, now it was no more than hundreds of disconnected marks, fading into the dust. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • The guitarist has a thousand yard stare that gives the complete impression of disconnection - it's a compulsive and exciting experience.
  • Never attempt to clear blockages until power has been disconnected and watch your hands.
  • In a weekend of heavy dial-up play, I had few disconnects or serious lag issues.
  • Turn off or disconnect appliances or electronics you were using when the power went out.
  • The P99 has the customary passive firing pin and disconnector safeties.
  • Always disconnect the appliance before cleaning.
  • The former Governor discontinued a programme that helped welfare recipients pay their utility bills and prevented disconnection during winter.
  • Disconnect the power source from the computer before opening the back.
  • The batteries must be of the dry or gel, non-spillable, sealed type and they must be disconnected safely before it is loaded onto the aircraft. EasyJet taken to task over wheelchair policy
  • I took my cue from her, surviving the eulogy by neatly disconnecting myself from what was said.

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