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How To Use Discomfiture In A Sentence

  • Koreish, compelled the Abyssinians to a disgraceful retreat: their discomfiture has been adorned with a miraculous flight of birds, who showered down stones on the heads of the infidels; and the deliverance was long commemorated by the aera of the elephant. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • At such moments a great sympathy welled up within me, and I felt shame that I had ever joyed in his discomfiture or pain. Chapter 13
  • He was clearly taking delight in her discomfiture.
  • At length one of them, whom the others called Caspar, retired, and the earl was left with his son Edward, lord Herbert, the only person in the castle who had gone to neither window nor door to delight himself with the discomfiture of the parliamentary commissioners. St. George and St. Michael
  • Without experiencing discomfiture and setbacks, one can never find truth.
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  • How the riff-raff howled at my discomfiture. The Sun
  • There is a thin line between Schadenfreude, which I take to be measured satisfaction in the discomfiture of opponents, and the sin of morose delectation.
  • His discomfiture was the more complete since he felt that his defeat was owing to some mistake in his methods, and not the incorrigibility of his subject. Selected Stories of Bret Harte
  • A certain Chever also performed sundry singular mathematical feats, such as squaring the circle, a problem which he reduced to the single question, _Construere mundum divinae menti analogum_, and showing that the parabola, the only conic section squared by ancient or modern geometers, could never be quadrated, to the eternal discomfiture and discredit of the shade of Archimedes. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
  • A more clear-sighted perspective on the good in human life and a firmer grasp of how we might work together to attain it seem well worth the discomfiture of reorganizing our professional aims and self-understandings.
  • I'm trying not to enjoy it, but the National Post's discomfiture is something to behold. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Giuseppe is about to put me up, and then suddenly ducks away, to my immense discomfiture and the undisguised entertainment of the neighbourhood. Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
  • Without experiencing discomfiture and setbacks, one can never find truth.
  • Having thus sketched the history of Perkinism in its days of prosperity; having seen how it sprung into being, and by what means it maintained its influence, it only remains to tell the brief story of its discomfiture and final downfall. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • His discomfiture was to prove the difference between the sides when the dramatic finale was played out.
  • When I doctored your foot?" he finished, rather unchivalrously, chuckling in his delight at her pretty discomfiture. Flower of the North
  • Tarapore and Kapila even had the discomfiture of being fined five penalty points for jumping the starter's gun in the second race.
  • As always, Altaru sensed my condition and moved so as to ease the discomfiture of my wound. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • Some of these organizations caused their opponents serious discomfiture and served notice that the landlords were not going to surrender their rights and privileges without a fight.
  • He displayed a charm in discomfiture that I always found disarming - as, I suspect, did the majority of the programme's fans.
  • The second most important person in the country had not yet fully recovered from the electoral shock, but his discomfiture at the party was made worse by his visible loneliness.
  • With some surprise, even perhaps with some discomfiture, he sees himself -- for he has not wholly cast out the old Adam -- he sees himself as he was that memorable morning, carried, that is, wholly out of his usual wise, ponderate self. Studies in love and in terror
  • She had not encountered anything like this before, and didn't have a formula to follow to help ease the discomfiture. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • 'As before the pike will fly' in which Coeur-de-Lion's discomfiture of the 'septemvirate of quacks' is hymned; and the finale is quite Attic. Gryll Grange
  • The frank smile that told of his lordship's enjoyment of her discomfiture was the last straw. Out of the Primitive
  • The devil, realising that he had been fooled, disappeared in an awe-inspiring cloud of smoke and sulphur fumes; but the bridge remained, and its name to this day recalls the discomfiture of his evil plans. Legend Land, Vol. 1 Being a collection of some of the Old Tales told in those Western Parts of Britain served by The Great Western Railway.
  • Morgan with an expression of insolence such as might well warrant the belief that he held feud with all grangers and made their discomfiture, dislodgment, and extermination the chief business of his life. Trail's End
  • Iott's past involvement in Nazi re-enactments, first reported by The Atlantic, may well constitute the largest discomfiture for the Republican Party in a cycle in which a number of candidates have done or said discomforting things. Eric Cantor Seeks Distance From Rich Iott, GOP Candidate Who Dressed In Nazi Garb
  • Football brings good days and bad days, days when your heart sings with the disbelief of achieving what seemed impossible and days when your ears ring with the discomfiture of loss.
  • She turned away to hide her discomfiture.
  • He may laugh at our discomfiture now, but before long he'll be laughing on the other side of his face.
  • This will spare you the discomfiture of having to discuss the realities of sex before your daughter is intellectually and emotionally ready to understand.
  • So, the next time you feel discomfiture while being inside a building, the source of illness could be the poor design of the structure rather than anything else.
  • In a few minutes the flagstaff was well washed, and the derveesh too, and put to flight in discomfiture. Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia
  • a modest expression of "discomfiture" on reading of American authors Complete Essays
  • Sir, if this be a sample of that discomfiture with which the honorable gentleman threatened me, commend me to the word discomfiture for the rest of my life. Select Speeches of Daniel Webster
  • Whenever the hoax was spoken of, Judge Harvey writhed with personal humiliation, and with anger against the person who had recalled his discomfiture, and with a desire for vengeance against the perpetrator of the swindle. No. 13 Washington Square
  • Crook was feeling decidedly shabby by this time, but luckily Bobby mistook his discomfiture for shyness. STAGE FRIGHT
  • I recall the discomfiture of a certain well-known philanthropist, since deceased, whose heart beat responsive to other suffering than that of human kind. XXIV. What Has Been Done
  • He had known the Great Man at his zenith; he had wrestled with him in the hour of discomfiture; he had preached for his benefit that famous sermon on the text: ` Hide Thy Face from my sins, and blot out all my Iniquities '; he had witnessed the hero's awful progress from Newgate to Tyburn; he had seen him shiver at the nubbing-cheat; he had composed for him a last dying speech, which did not shame the king of thief-takers, and whose sale brought a comfortable profit to the widow. A Book of Scoundrels
  • He was clearly taking delight in her discomfiture.
  • The motion caused consternation in the shadows, as the beasts hidden there responded to their creator's discomfiture. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • He had known the Great Man at his zenith; he had wrestled with him in the hour of discomfiture; he had preached for his benefit that famous sermon on the text: 'Hide Thy Face from my sins, and blot out all my Iniquities'; he had witnessed the hero's awful progress from Newgate to Tyburn; he had seen him shiver at the nubbing-cheat; he had composed for him a last dying speech, which did not shame the king of thief-takers, and whose sale brought a comfortable profit to the widow. A Book of Scoundrels
  • Of the wars against the Saracens and misbelieving men; of the discomfiture of the Romans when they came to take truage of King Arthur; of the strife with the eleven kings and the battle that was ended but never flnished; of the Questing Beast and how King Pellinore and then Sir Palamides followed it; of Balin that gave the dolourous stroke unto King Pellam; of Sir Tor that sought the lady's brachet and by the way overcame two knights and smote off the head of the outrageous caitiff Abelleus, -- of these and many like matters of pith and moment, full of blood and honour, told Sir Lancelot, and the people bad marvel of his words. The Blue Flower

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