
How To Use Discolor In A Sentence

  • Care and skill in the use of dyes can produce products that resist bleeding, crocking, frosting, and discoloration. HOME COMFORTS
  • Her rapid pulse, high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and bluish discoloration of the skin all called for life-saving measures.
  • Victims suffered from acute cyanosis, a blue discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Some crystals are discolored yellow or red by iron oxide inclusions.
  • Two other endangered birds, the swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) and the regent honeyeater (Xanthomyza phyrigia), were regularly seen in the region 20 to 30 years ago but are now rarely if ever encountered. Naracoorte woodlands
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  • Watch your plants and if you see leaves wilting, don't wait until they discolor and die, but find out the cause.
  • Watch out for discolored card readers next to the machine.
  • I screamed again, flitting back and forth along the fence in search of a way in, but before his name stopped echoing down the street, the leech mutated from pink to red, a rapid discoloration that reminded me of how the lure in the administration window had changed. Bleeding Violet
  • Her kit includes a cream to exfoliate thickened skin, a pumice stone to smooth calluses, a mask to remove oils and impurities, a copper-based cream to hydrate and a nail rejuvenator to improve discolored toenails.
  • Affected stalks often have pink to reddish discolored internal tissues.
  • If you notice black sooty fungus, brown or black spots of decay on leaves or flowers, or broken discoloration on leaves or stems of your orchids, they may be harboring a fungus, bacteria or virus.
  • Discolored - orous: a different color from the surrounding, more or less contrasting; not concolorous. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The towering plant, identified by its white-flowered weeds, spreads fast and causes itching and skin discoloration that can last for as long as one year, the Chicago Tribune reported. Hogweed Invading Midwestern States | Impact Lab
  • Specifically, the normally green stems began to discolor (turn brown) from the outside of the tree inward.
  • Histologic examination of the colon did not show blue discoloration or abnormalities, with the exception of moderate autolysis.
  • In the middle of the room was a small fire with several discolored flasks gingerly stuffed in the coals.
  • This photograph was flat, with very little contrast and some noticeable scratches, dust spots, pen marks and other discolorations.
  • Sugar triggers a process called glycosylation, which causes collagen to cross-link, with the result that the skin becomes stiff, inflexible, and discolored. THE HIGH SCHOOL REUNION DIET
  • Hoffman said the end of the tether draped in the cargo bay was discolored, perhaps charred by burning.
  • Common forms of evidence include areas of discoloration on the walls of the cave, which demonstrate previous floor or sediment levels, and partially excavated deposits which preserve mattock or other metal tool marks.
  • Professional jewelry cleaners are a good option for seriously discolored or damaged jewelry.
  • In this case chemical agents penetrate the plastic, causing swelling, softening, charring, crazing, delamination, blistering, embrittlement, discoloration, dissolving, and ultimate failure.
  • Leonardo's hand was confirmed after the removal of layers of discolored varnish and overpaint applied by earlier restoration attempts. Leonardo Da Vinci Painting to Be Unveiled
  • Affected stalks often have pink to reddish discolored internal tissues.
  • Pain is felt only after exercise, and the affected area is not tender to the touch, discolored or swollen.
  • For a moment, he simply watched his sleeping lover - he'd lost weight to a foul stomach and not eating for several days; his eyes were sunken, and sallow splotches had began to discolor his skin.
  • The plaster, discolored by the steam of many wash-days, was crisscrossed with cracks from the big earthquake of the previous spring. CHAPTER I
  • We examine the children who have cellulitis and outline in pen the discoloration of each skin infection so that when the antibiotics penetrate and begin to take effect, we can measure the resolute retreat in its distance from the border that has been marked. Between Expectations
  • It was the product of an accident, the very accident that had created those hills and valleys on her discolored face. The Fortune of an Accident
  • The amniotic fluid may be discolored by blood from a previous amniocentesis, excess vernix, or meconium.
  • The wound then must necessarily become discolored and its lips everted, the discharge will be ichorous and without pus, and the bones, which should not have got into a state of necrosis, exfoliate; and the wound gets into a throbbing and inflamed condition. On Fractures
  • Galvanized iron and copper screen were used in the past but these materials corrode over a period of time and should be replaced before they discolor the window frames and walls.
  • The fungus grows into the pod and spreads though the hilum, resulting in seed discoloration being centered on the hilum.
  • The harbor is a very fine one, having sufficient depth to float vessels of the largest size, which is indicated by its color, being of a beautiful blue, and forming a strong contrast to that of the Typa, and the waters around Macào, which are discolored by the debouchment of the Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
  • The dissolve expanding ratio and tater holding capability decreased after discoloration but improved greatly after extrusion.
  • My spiel is, if you're fair-skinned, watch for discolorations.
  • Replace tapes that show signs of deterioration, such as charring and discoloration near the plug, and cracks in the insulation. - News
  • My dry cleaner was able to get the heavy smoke smell out… but the discoloration of the fabric remains.
  • If your grout (the material put between tiles to finish the surface and seal against leakage) is discolored, you might want to try and bleach and scrub it clean.
  • In addition, take note of any switchplates that are discolored.
  • Stainless" is a misnomer; it should be described as "stain resistant" because it will discolor or oxidize a bit, but I don't clean my stainless rifles and sidearms any differently (or any less thoroughly) than those of blued or Parkerized steel. I just ordered my first stainless gun, is there any difference between cleaning a stainless steel or blued gun?
  • The pool itself, muddy and discolored from the sluice boxes, effectually hid what it contained, and it contained John Thornton; for Buck followed his trace into the water, from which no trace led away. Chapter 7
  • S scleral icterus - yellow discoloration of the whites of the eyes (the sclera). Glossary of liver transplant terms
  • The fasteners holding the marble to the underlying frame were not all stainless steel; many had rusted and much of the marble had discolored and spalled. Setting the Record Straight About Ed Stone and Brad Cloepfil
  • The sloped ceilings were plastered, the cream plaster discolored in places, completely broken away in others.
  • Keep in mind that the objects are not rotten or smelly or discolored.
  • Side effects include bone marrow toxicity, hepatitis, reversible oligospermia, yellow discoloration of urine and of soft contact lenses, nausea, headache, and abdominal discomfort.
  • Keep in mind that the objects are not rotten or smelly or discolored.
  • Feathers of infested birds are discolored by mite excrement and eggs, and the skin is scabby.
  • The amniotic fluid may be discolored by blood from a previous amniocentesis, excess vernix, or meconium.
  • All the discoloration is out, and the swelling is out. - Hinrich expects to go at full speed vs. Maryland
  • In the middle of the room was a small fire with several discolored flasks gingerly stuffed in the coals.
  • Prevent discoloration in the bottoms of double boilers or egg poachers by adding 1 teaspoon vinegar to the water in the bottom pan.
  • Coatings, Inc. by AZZ incorp BRIEF: Hydrant flushing expected to discolor Bull Mountain drinking water TradingMarkets
  • He is now taking away discolored layers of varnish that have coated the painting for well over a century.
  • As I understand it, at least in some cases, the birthmarks become fragile, bleeding-prone areas, not just a pigmentary discoloration (especially in softer facial tissue like cheeks, rather than on a forehead). Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Health Insurance Mandates
  • `There has to be some tarnishing or discoloration, an indication that the thing has been underwater for half a century. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • In one recent case, a 12-year-old boy developed a sponge-patterned skin discoloration on his left thigh after playing computer games a few hours every day for several months. 'Toasted Skin Syndrome' Can Be Caused By Warm Laptops, Researchers Warn
  • Other effects to the skin, such as erythematous or red skin rashes, discoloration, and excessive body hair, have been reported to occur in people following exposure to high concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Public Health Statement for Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins (CDDs)
  • Physiological deterioration, which begins to appear within three days, is essentially a humidity-sensitive wound response with increases in enzyme activity leading to the production of phenols including catechins and leucoanthocyanidins which in the later stages of discoloration polymerise to form condensed tannins. Chapter 11
  • These were the rubrics I chose for him: 1. Eye, inflammation 2. Eye, inflammation, acute 3. Generals, aggravated on the right side 4. Generals, sudden onset 5. Eye, lachrymation 6. Eye, protrusion with red discoloration. Judith Acosta: A Personal Case for Classical Homeopathy: Part II
  • Closed forests are inhabited by three species of arboreal mammals, common ring-tail possum Pseudocheirus peregrinus, common brush-tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula and eastern pygmy-possum Cercartetus nanus, and many birds such as endemic green rosella Platycercus caledonicus and swift parrot Lathamus discolor. Tasmanian Wilderness, Australia
  • Sunlight flooded the previously dingy room, illuminating the slightly discolored spots on the carpet and the ugly brown wallpaper.
  • The treatment might need to be refreshed each year, or more often for severely discolored teeth.
  • The painting discolored
  • After a few days, some of them were complaining of swelling and weakness in their biceps and triceps and discolored urine. SC Swimmers Had Same Muscle Disorder Affecting Iowa Players
  • Even if the water hasn't puddled, look for regular discoloration of the sand.
  • Their gushing tears felt like excruciating acid rolling down their dry, discolored, paper cheeks.
  • Rather, the worn organic colors of the ancient earth and stone of which the city is composed, the colors of limestone, the ruddy gray of tufa, the warm discoloration of once-white marble and the speckled, rich surface of the marble known as pavonazzo, dappled with white spots and inclusions like the fat in a slice of mortadella. The Forever City
  • Leaves appear immediately discolored, turning a dull green.
  • The reason given as to why the water was still discolored was as a result of it passing through peat land.
  • You'll notice several large branches or the top half of the tree with discolored needles.
  • Abu-Jamal is suffering from a swollen, discolored ankle.
  • If you wait, it may be too late to safely remove the spot without staining or discoloring the fabric.
  • Watch out for discolored card readers next to the machine.
  • If you live in an older home and haven't replaced the vinyl or linoleum, built up wax will discolor it.
  • I also love that you guys give us specifics about what works well in cp and what is going to discolor etc. Separating Fragrance Oils
  • The external examination was remarkable for violaceous discoloration and thickening of the skin of the left lower abdomen, left flank, labia, and proximal extremities.
  • If you wait, it may be too late to safely remove the spot without staining or discoloring the fabric.
  • Pat Breaux, of the state Department of Environmental Quality, says the discoloration is the result of high levels of iron oxide in the water. Breaking News : News
  • Professional jewelry cleaners are a good option for seriously discolored or damaged jewelry.
  • Something strange is happening to the trees: their beautiful green leaves are fading, discoloring, even coming loose and blowing away.
  • I think of these as wounds where the skin is unbroken, often accompanied by discoloration.
  • One of my first patients was a man with swollen gums and tender thighs, the latter showing a diffuse dusky discoloration.
  • Due to the risk of permanent discoloration, this technique is not recommended for dark-complexioned individuals.
  • Scarpetta pointsout the livor mortis pattern, a reddish-purple discoloration caused by noncirculating blood settling due to gravity. Predator
  • Splitting the stalk reveals internal discoloration and soft slimy rot mostly initiating at the nodes.
  • Trim off tough or discolored bottoms of mushroom stems and any bruised spots or blemishes.
  • Another grain mold, Penicillium grain mold (Penicillium ear rot), can cause embryo discoloration known as ‘blue eye’ and lead to the production of penicillic acid, which is not usually a toxigenic concern.
  • The characteristic symptom of Sudden Oak Death is sap bleeding from discolored bark.
  • Oils in any form can penetrate the surface and permanently discolor terrazzo floors.
  • Patients with myxedema present with rough skin of the palms, soles, elbows and knees, and yellow-orange discoloration of the skin, along with other signs of hypothyroidism.
  • In some cases the entire seed may be discolored.
  • He began to notice a few small brown discolorations on his skin and made an appointment to see the doctor.
  • Maple fretboards are finished despite these problems simply because raw maple is so easily discolored.
  • `But discoloration where a previous owner's name had been painted out. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • Tissue around or under both eyes of the patient are discolored (\ "black eye (s) \" or \ "raccoon eyes\"). Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • This lesion was hemorrhagic and surrounded by edematous tissue with greenish discoloration.
  • The treatment might need to be refreshed each year, or more often for severely discolored teeth.
  • The discolored fluid prevents a clear view of the inside of the amniotic cavity.
  • You can also modify your color hue or tone and neutralize it by going a shade darker, brightening an existing shade, or evening out general oxidization or slight discoloration. Nicole Cothrun Venables: 7 Non-Toxic Solutions to Healthy Hair Color
  • Todays digital prints are made to last decades without fading or discoloring.
  • Their gushing tears felt like excruciating acid rolling down their dry, discolored, paper cheeks.
  • Trimalchio himself then favored us with an impersonation of a man blowing a trumpet, and when he had finished, he looked around for his minion, whom he called Croesus, a blear-eyed slave whose teeth were very disagreeably discolored. Satyricon
  • The Agaricus bisporus was discolored easily before processing as light vegetable, with reduced quality of product.
  • Always test for stiffness or discoloration by dabbing sealant on a fabric swatch or a seamline before applying it to your project.
  • For the first, the ornaments of images gilt, or of marble, which are in use, do well: but the main matter is so to convey the water, as it never stay, either in the bowls or in the cistern; that the water be never by rest discolored, green or red or the like; or gather any mossiness or putrefaction. The Essays
  • Hoffman said the end of the tether draped in the cargo bay was discolored, perhaps charred by burning.
  • The detergent discolored my shirts
  • The reason given as to why the water was still discolored was as a result of it passing through peat land.
  • The discoloration was a gruesome reminder of the baby's ordeal. Cruel Deception
  • Dark spots and discolorations that have not penetrated the finish may be removed with a rotten-stone and oil paste.
  • He may have some recollection of a study of cattle in fields downwind of the Steelworks, which indicated that fluorides deposited in these fields eaten by cattle produced discoloration of teeth and deformation of hooves.
  • You're looking for any white patches (perhaps caused by thrush, a yeast infection) or other discolorations.
  • Affected stalks often have pink to reddish discolored internal tissues.
  • Behind it was a thick trail of sticky slime, almost like that of a slug, only more of a discolored yellow.
  • Like salsify, burdock root discolors quickly when the flesh is exposed to air, a reaction that can be slowed by the immersion of the cut root in acidulated water.
  • The result is a purplish red discoloration known as lividity, or livor mortis, on the body’s “down” side. 206 BONES
  • It can tarnish silverware and discolor copper and brass utensils.
  • Patients with myxedema present with rough skin of the palms, soles, elbows and knees, and yellow-orange discoloration of the skin, along with other signs of hypothyroidism.
  • He is now taking away discolored layers of varnish that have coated the painting for well over a century.
  • Large blisters, like these, are called bullae alkaptonuria, ochronosis X-ray lower lumbo-sacral spine and sacro-iliac joints showing normal sacro-iliac joints and calcification of intervertebral discs alkaptonuria, ochronosis grossly calcified intervertebal discs alkaptonuria, ochronosis early ankylosis of spine alkaptonuria, ochronosis bluish spots on his sclera alkaptonuria, ochronosis Bluish discoloration os ear cartillage hypertrophic osteoarthropathy Note diffuse periosteal new bone formation of the distal radius and ulna. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The range of the endangered swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) extends into this ecoregion, as it migrates to dry eucalpytus woodland along the coast to breed each autumn. Tasmanian Central Highland forests
  • Todays digital prints are made to last decades without fading or discoloring.
  • Sugar triggers a process called glycosylation, which causes collagen to cross-link, with the result that the skin becomes stiff, inflexible, and discolored. THE HIGH SCHOOL REUNION DIET
  • Customers are kindly asked not to bring up the horrific accident which left Mike with discolored white scar tissue around his eyes.
  • Derek traced the lines of discoloration on the glass, his forehead pressed to the window. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Trim off tough or discolored bottoms of mushroom stems and any bruised spots or blemishes.
  • Pistacia lentiscus, Peganum harmala, Agave americana, Anonis natrix, rubus discolor and Ruta montana. Chapter 7
  • Scattered emergents include hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), lacebark tree (Brachychiton discolor), and crow's ash (Flindersia australis). Eastern Australian temperate forests
  • As he inspected it further he noticed a slight discoloring in the brick.
  • Her rapid pulse, high blood pressure, irregular breathing, and bluish discoloration of the skin all called for life-saving measures.
  • The roadbed looked like it was made from rectangular white building stones, grouted together carefully, that had been grossly discolored.
  • He began to notice a few small brown discolorations on his skin and made an appointment to see the doctor.
  • The roadbed looked like it was made from rectangular white building stones, grouted together carefully, that had been grossly discolored.
  • this discoloration qualitatively suggests that the substance is low in inorganic iron
  • A punch biopsy at the border of the lesion is necessary to rule out melanosis secondary to malignant melanoma that manifests as a generalized blue-gray skin discoloration.
  • Some crystals are discolored yellow or red by iron oxide inclusions.
  • After a 24-hour interval to allow the dirt to dry, they vacuumed the carpets and cleaned them with the carpet cleaners then used a colorimeter to measure the discoloration in each carpet section. Inside Consumer Reports Test Labs: How we test carpet cleaners
  • A faintly discolored portrait of John F.. Kennedy hung on the wall above the desk.
  • Some 62% of the women surveyed said they suffer underarm skin problems like breakouts, discoloration or itchiness, according to research at Unilever, known as the maker of Lipton Tea, Vaseline, Sunsilk shampoos, Hellmann's mayonnaise and other big brands. Unilever Tackles the Ugly Underarm
  • Please, most of us know what is going on in Mexico without the negative intravenous feeding continuously discoloring the pallor of MC atmosphere. Safety in Michoacan
  • No discoloration occurs when the marker is used on the fiber-based paper used to make real money. Undefined
  • Customers are kindly asked not to bring up the horrific accident which left Mike with discolored white scar tissue around his eyes.
  • He unbreeched it and spun the cylinder with his thumb and spilled the contents into his palm -- four loaded shells, suety and slick with grease, and one that had been recently fired; and it was discolored and flattened a trifle. The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights
  • He continued to Fort Rae and early in the following year he set out by dog team and made the find at the point where he saw the discoloration, which is now the Eldorado Mine. The Mining Riddle of the Canadian Northwest
  • Skin discoloration is common in areas of the body that are covered by folds of skin or tight clothing.
  • There, as in the other cave, was the small nub of rock that was slightly discolored.
  • Sure, they were discolored and deformed, but I had seen plenty of cases that were much worse.
  • Both of us have had to figure out what to do with discolored redwood in fences or decks.
  • Wear old clothes or an apron, because the solution will discolor and eat through fabric.
  • For years, he was known as rugged looking and photogenic, but in the course of the campaign he was struck by a severe internal illness that also appeared as discoloration, pockmarks and partial paralysis in his face.
  • Find a spot - a mark or discoloration - on the target line, then take dead aim at the spot.
  • Within two months after completion, the undermounted sink developed scratches, chips and discoloration.
  • It is impossible to see a cyst arthroscopically; the surgeon can only see the mucoid degeneration with its typical yellowish discoloration at the beginning of the meniscal resection when using the mechanical hand instruments.
  • The discoloration can also occur in nasal, bronchial mucosa, fingernails and toenails.
  • It removes unsightly discoloration, to restore wood to its natural colour.
  • In addition, take note of any switchplates that are discolored.
  • They checked into the hospital last week complaining of soreness and discolored urine after undergoing intense workouts following winter break. U. Of Iowa Hospital Firing 3 Workers Over 'Inappropriate Handling' Of Player Records
  • - Watch for dangerous waves and signs of rip currents, such as discolored or unusually choppy water, or water that is foamy or filled with debris. Undefined
  • The characteristic symptom of Sudden Oak Death is sap bleeding from discolored bark.
  • Leaves appear immediately discolored, turning a dull green.
  • If you wait, it may be too late to safely remove the spot without staining or discoloring the fabric.
  • Drop each half in the acidulated water to avoid discoloration while you prepare the remaining artichokes. One Big Table
  • If you have old discolored plastic fillings, these will not get lighter from bleaching, and should be replaced after the process is completed.
  • She even knew that the indicator caused the discoloration.
  • The blood wouldn't pool on their anterior bodies, discolor them. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • Orchids, however, have all possible tetrad types: linear, decussate, square, tetrahedral, rhomboid and T-shaped are all reported, e.g. in Calanthe discolor which has a soft pollinium.
  • Both of us have had to figure out what to do with discolored redwood in fences or decks.
  • Stainless" is a misnomer; it should be described as "stain resistant" because it will discolor or oxidize a bit, but I don't clean my stainless rifles and sidearms any differently (or any less thoroughly) than those of blued or Parkerized steel. I just ordered my first stainless gun, is there any difference between cleaning a stainless steel or blued gun?
  • The discolored fluid prevents a clear view of the inside of the amniotic cavity.
  • Even if you are extremely careful when folding in berries, gently giving them only a turn or two with a large spatula, the berries can burst when they touch the hot pan - not only discoloring the pancake, but making the griddle surface sticky. How to add fruit to pancakes | Baking Bites
  • His neurosis isn't helped when she notices a spot of discoloration on his lip, leading him to believe he'll soon be dead of cancer.
  • Trim off tough or discolored bottoms of mushroom stems and any bruised spots or blemishes.
  • On closer inspection, obvious discolored wounds can often be seen at the base of the plant and stems, and at the wounds, masses of a yellow-green grainy substance known as frass - the hygienic German word for caterpillar excrement.
  • Even in the best circumstances there is a good chance that there could be unseen spots or discolorations on the fabric that would make it dye with uneven spots.
  • A wealth of remedies for freckles, moles, warts, wrinkles, discolorations and other facial blemishes, with foul breath and fetidity of the armpits, is carefully recorded, and would suffice to establish the fortune of any of our modern specialists in female beauty. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Other injection site reactions are: pain or tenderness, erythema, inflammation, skin discoloration, induration, a mass or lump; and hypersensitivity reactions including puritus and urticaria. Influenza shots? No thank you!
  • At that time, the water was also discolored.
  • I put both hands to the wall and leaned into the mirror and saw bruises and welts, deep discolorations, and a slash of dried blood with a winy flush around it. Underworld
  • The amniotic fluid may be discolored by blood from a previous amniocentesis, excess vernix, or meconium.
  • The ginned cotton is carried to the platforms, where it is "specked" by the women -- leaves, dirt and other impurities being picked out by hand -- and spread out to dry and bleach in the sun; thence we follow it to the "moting-room," where it is thoroughly and finally overhauled, every minute particle of dirt or other foreign matter and every flock of stained and discolored cotton being picked out. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • Then, with a clean fingertip, top with your favorite concealer to spot out any redness or discoloration.
  • Conclusions: The 10 % carbamide peroxide can provide an effective way to discolored nonvital tooth.
  • Then pick out something close - a discoloration in the grass, a bush, an old divot - that's on the line of the shaft.
  • Older leaves develop a characteristic mottling, or patches of discoloration.
  • The unsaturated benzene ring readily reacts with halogens, rapidly discoloring bromine water.
  • She would have been dead for a number of hours, then there would have been post-mortem evidence of signs, such as lividity, discoloration after death, and stiffness after death, and those were not present. CNN Transcript Mar 8, 2007
  • He gave no heed to her or her words, but remained like one impaled; still, fixed, yet writhing, his features, his whole form and expression discolored, distorted with inward agony. The Missing Bride
  • The 46-year-old, who used the name Patrick Kim, had a discolored complexion, spots on his fingers and limbs, flecks of foam on his mouth. News -
  • He noted that his chronic, dry cough had produced discolored sputum in recent days.
  • Similarly, class 3 - 8, a class make discoloration, often is the source of headache for the school.
  • My clivia's leaves become spotted, discolored, turn brown and then die.
  • Now three weeks later, the area around the nail holes seem to be discolored and a different color than the rest of the strip.
  • Infected tomato plant leaves become mottled and discolored and the stalks grow weak and spindly.
  • Though the swelling had gone down, his eye was still discolored by some yellowish marbling. SORT OF RICH
  • This paper introduced the texture and property of phosphatide , reviewed the methods of refine process and detection from rape oil residue, the discolor and reshaping of phospholipid.
  • The blood wouldn't pool on their anterior bodies, discolor them. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • Melanoma first appears as a mole or skin discoloration.
  • Something strange is happening to the trees: their beautiful green leaves are fading, discoloring, even coming loose and blowing away.

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