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How To Use Disclosure In A Sentence

  • It also emerged on Tuesday that actress Sienna Miller had obtained a court ruling ordering phone operator Vodafone to disclose data relating to other users - so-called third party disclosure.
  • Disclosure of information would compromise the proper conduct of the investigation.
  • Far from counting against the honours system, the latest rash of disclosures should be used to improve and reinforce it.
  • The disclosures last night provoked renewed condemnation of Britain's multibillion-pound arms industry for selling to both sides in the escalating Kashmir crisis.
  • A broad definition would encompass all disclosures of malpractice, as well as illegal acts or omissions.
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  • One of her main schtick is that she supposedly is a big champion'er of full disclosure. Is That Legal?: Michelle Malkin: Blogging While Flying?
  • Things like that are part of what they call disclosure. Willow
  • Wiretapped recordings obtained pursuant to Title III are ordinarily exempt from disclosure under Exemption 3.
  • The failure to produce the documents at the initial disclosure stage was a significant breach. Times, Sunday Times
  • When that application was made, again I did not order disclosure of any material.
  • That these reports were generated would only be a surprise to anyone who was pig-ignorant of the requirements of 8-K disclosures. Congressional inquiry confirms: Waxman is an idiot*. | RedState
  • It's a relatively new political tack for the former plastics and packaging salesman from Ohio, who has exceeded all other House members in collections from Wall Street - with more than $2.9 million - and also ranks at or near the top of members favored by large health insurers, oil firms, student lenders, drug manufacturers, and food and beverage companies, according to tallies of campaign disclosures. Boehner reaches out to the tea party
  • By law, all franchisors must provide you with the Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC), a routine disclosure document.
  • Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
  • But this looks like the disclosure lapse of all time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Private data held by the government is often the result of legally required disclosures or of participation in formally optional licensing or benefit schemes where the government is as a practical matter the only game in town. Government Data Breaches
  • Disclosures of these senatorial hearings were made public in March 1933.
  • Such schemes include tax amnesties, voluntary disclosures and special bearer bonds.
  • The war also brings to us this disclosure, that the German autocracy is incapable of interpreting the British genius and understanding the true spirit of democracy. Some War Revelations
  • The author holds that information disclosure is the Damocles sword of franchising.
  • This is a fine example of Orwellian newspeak, suggesting that openness can best be achieved by secrecy and non-disclosure.
  • Moral ambiguity hovers over its use of these disclosure facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The relationship between racial residential segregation and nondisclosure varies by loan purpose.
  • That required the full and frank disclosure of all relevant facts and documents. Times, Sunday Times
  • Earlier on Monday, the two companies said in a regulatory filing that they had entered into a nondisclosure agreement, allowing Genzyme to open its books to Sanofi.
  • I sense that we are in for a few more nasty disclosures before we're through.
  • There is no clear legal authority for such disclosures without patient consent.
  • Regarding any possible future disclosure of the applicant's caution data, there now existed a statutory framework in place for disclosure of criminal record information to prospective employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • An important preliminary point is that the dividing line between an exclusion clause and a disclosure clause may be thin.
  • Much fuller disclosure of information is required when the final assessment of costs takes place.
  • Unfortunately, the disclosures are hard to read due to legalese and boilerplate language.
  • A more robust system, requiring full disclosure of information, is urgently required.
  • Compared with the former, it extended the outer scope of "Misrepresentation" but such provisions as value date of lawsuit prescription, disclosure date of misrepresentation still await amendments.
  • Kerry, who in the past has called for full disclosure of rivals' tax returns, is under pressure to release his wife's records.
  • Nowadays, major disclosures of the soon-to-be recipients of knighthoods and peerages are commonplace.
  • More detailed guidance was given about what should be included under this heading, and a minimum disclosure requirement proposed.
  • Disclosure: C. Raina MacIntyre, MBBS, FRACP, FAFPHM, M App Epid, PhD, has disclosed that she has received grants for clinical research from 3M. Medscape Medical News Headlines
  • For example, nondisclosure could be considered reasonable in the case of a patient with severe depression who was at risk of attempting suicide.
  • Although it is at odds with our predominant medical ethical culture, many families and patients desire nondisclosure of bad news.
  • FULL DISCLOSURE: Earlier this year I blogged about The Flesh Market, the latest revue by the monologuist troupe BoyGirlBoyGirl. Robert Rodi: Four Horns, One Siren: Black Bear Combo and the Rebecca Sullivan Quintet
  • The principal ground of the appeal concerns the non-disclosure of material in the possession of the police and prosecution before the start of the trial.
  • In contrast, where the firm is acting as an adviser its disclosure obligation will be more onerous.
  • The disclosure comes amid a growing winter crisis in hospitals. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are talking about not only an inadvertent or incorrect disclosure, but blowing the gaff on the investigation.
  • These are usually substantially negotiated before the seller produces the disclosure letter which contains items of non-compliance with the warranties.
  • If you are a resident of one of these states or countries, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale registration and disclosure requirements in your jurisdiction.
  • That required the full and frank disclosure of all relevant facts and documents. Times, Sunday Times
  • The difficulty of this prosecution and the harmfulness of the underlying facts to the integrity of the electoral and political processes give fuel to an argument that at least eight members of our Supreme Court seem to agree with: disclosure of campaign funds is vitally important. Jessica Levinson: The Hammer Gets Nailed
  • The spouse had a duty to the court to make full and frank disclosure of his resources. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we've ever had internal conflicts about cheating or wanting to cheat, had sexual longings for or experiences with someone of the same sex, imagined being with a prostitute or had pedophilic fantasies, watched porn or coveted a neighbor's husband or wife, we're going to be drawn -- in guilty fascination or fearful hostility -- to public disclosures of both forbidden sexual behavior and it's humiliating confession. Michael Bader, D.M.H.: Everything Said About Anthony Weiner Is Bull
  • Delhi: Four years after the RTI Act came into force, lack of mandatory monitoring mechanism for its implementation remains an important "lacunae" while government agencies are shying from disclosure of subsidies data worth several crores of rupees, vice president Hamid Ansari said - Articles related to Ansari for better safety in mines
  • Sanford is a creep, without any perspective on how he may be viewed, and, his most recent skin crawling disclosures show a narcistic side. Sanford leaves to visit family in Florida
  • It is normal practice for the vendor to disclose various documents to the purchaser as part of the disclosure exercise.
  • Plan fiduciaries must understand the fee structure of the plan and demand full disclosure of compensation received directly or indirectly by service providers.
  • Gas companies don't have to tell us what chemicals they're using because hydraulic fracturing is specifically exempted from disclosure requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act through to a provision, nicknamed "the Halliburton Loophole," that was inserted by Dick Cheney into the 2005 Energy Policy Act. Right now, because of the Halliburton Loophole and other exemptions for dirty fossil fuels, the EPA has absolutely no power to regulate hydraulic fracturing. Mark Ruffalo: Taking on Karl Rove
  • There was no requirement even to accrue other post-employment benefits, and no detailed disclosure requirements.
  • Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
  • State and local governments that issue bonds must file periodic reports and disclosures of certain events, such as a change in a credit rating or an unscheduled drawdown of debt reserves.
  • Advocate example official gives orders when at attention, disclosure a particularly dingy soldier is standing slouchingly.
  • The vendor should be required to refer in the disclosure letter to the reason why the documents have been disclosed.
  • Clinicians ideally should be in equipoise about the treatments being tested, and patients should give voluntary consent based on full disclosure of relevant information.
  • But he is no mystical obscurantist nor does he privilege spiritual intuition above demonstration; rather he argues for their complementarity since ˜demonstration does not conflict with inner disclosure.™ Mulla Sadra
  • In our view this amounts to 'non-disclosure' of material information.
  • The plaintiff claims that the lack of disclosure demonstrates maliciousness on the part of the investigative and prosecutorial defendants.
  • In that fax, the Crown transmitted the defence request for disclosure of the audiotape and the booking videotape.
  • To saddle them with convenient moralizing about jeopardising the financial system by untimely disclosure of sensitive information only compounds the offence.
  • On the customer disclosure form the annual interest rate won't carry a percentage sign.
  • The section provided for criminal sanctions against authorised disclosure.
  • Disclosure of documents was a case in point. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the one hand it proclaims lofty ideals, and on the other it prevents disclosure.
  • First, three of the courts questioned whether a constitutional right to privacy in the nondisclosure of personal information exists.
  • Corporate sponsors of research sometimes demand the postponement, or even nondisclosure, of findings.
  • UFO Disclosure would also expose advanced energy-generating and anti-gravitic propulsion technologies, which have been figured outby those involved with the UFOtopic in the black world, and would free us from our energy problems. OpEdNews - Diary: Obama's To-Do List-- Open Thread; Add your to-do items
  • The first section draws on material from a survey of 373 high school students that asked questions about abuse disclosure or nondisclosure and the respective consequences of each.
  • These disclosures allowed account holders to cap the level of penalties and interest relating to their unpaid tax.
  • Such disclosure was pursuing a legitimate investigative purpose, but restrictions were placed on the authority's right to use the information to ensure that it was used only for the purposes specified.
  • If he is so satisfied, he still is left with the task of deciding whether as a matter of discretion he should order disclosure.
  • What is the point of all these watchdog bods enforcing this and that disclosure when management can just turn around and hand you a company flier sans any relevant disclosure?
  • The paper seeks the way to analysis the institutional arrangement of information disclosure in the environment accounting, it uses the new institution economy and it has built a basic frame.
  • The study may help show when disclosure can be helpful versus harmful.
  • As yet there is no word on the disclosures from Downing Street.
  • The disclosure of the delay will add to questions about whether the no-fly zone over British airspace could have been lifted earlier. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is easy enough to do, as Justice Callaway points out, when there is knowledge and disclosure at the start, because one can reconstitute the court relatively simply.
  • Without disclosure of the security files, these individuals would remain anonymous.
  • The failure to produce the documents at the initial disclosure stage was a significant breach. Times, Sunday Times
  • In other forms of insurance, disclosure is required for pricing and pooling, etc., but does health insurance? The Volokh Conspiracy » Health insurance mandate as a privacy right violation
  • The very nature of the disclosure process makes it prone to human error and vulnerable to attack.
  • Similarly, the ability to compete may arise from the use and disclosure of business secrets.
  • A title entity may earn interest on fiduciary funds as long as a disclosure is provided to all parties that interest has been or will be earned. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • The financial backers may also be sensitive about the disclosure of the purchase price that they had supported.
  • Of course, anybody else could read the technical disclosures and innovate based on them, too.
  • This contract should replicate what you have signed on the standard disclosure, except that you would expect it to be printed on the headed paper of the product provider you have chosen.
  • Since early 2002, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets began to publish the disclosure dates of periodical reports scheduled by the listed companies.
  • We may also disclose your nonpublic personal information if you authorize such disclosure.
  • It is sending out non-disclosure agreements to prospective buyers this week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disclosures have led to firings, assaults and other forms of harassment against the parolees and ex-cons.
  • Our clients expect full disclosure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The disclosures, made in a series of e-mails, appear to be a breach of the code of conduct for ministers.
  • Some privacy advocates argue that certain personal identifiers should be restricted from disclosure, and there are a number of bills pending in Congress to strengthen individual privacy.
  • But you know, more often than not, they err on the side of redaction rather than disclosure.
  • Of course, buyers can demand warranties, indemnities, retentions and disclosure from vendors of businesses to protect against possible calamities. Times, Sunday Times
  • But that and any impact which that might have on the operation of the system, including the disclosure of the identity of its inmates or the effectiveness of informants is not a matter for me.
  • If you have enjoyed these disclosures, perhaps you would care to submit your questions to me, and I will make this a regular feature.
  • In traditional language, fiduciaries must make full disclosure and obtain the informed consent of their beneficiaries to their acting inconsistently with their duties.
  • Full and open disclosure is needed now. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bank will need full disclosure of your financial situation and assets.
  • And, just like the pulse-ox's SpO2 readout is just a proxy for oxyhemoglobin content, an output of carboxyhemoglobin in grams per dL is more reproducible and medically significant than a percentage full disclosure: I've worked with one of these authors, he's the same one who punctured the myth that nail polish tarnishes pulse oximetry readings. Archive 2005-03-01
  • The Senate still files its campaign finance reports on paper (!), forcing the FEC to re-keypunch their data and delaying vital disclosure of who is funding their campaigns by more months. Can the Internet Counter the Coming Gusher of Money in Politics?
  • The fracas has put WikiLeaks in the position of decrying what it called the "reckless" and "negligent" disclosure of information—something WikiLeaks' critics have long accused it of doing itself. WikiLeaks Blames Paper for Breach
  • Triumphs are claimed, disasters are someone else's concerns, and if there's trouble, there are union rules or some of the other impedimenta to the full implementation of ideas such as disclosure, transparency and responsibility.
  • Safeguards regarding national security issues should be considered, but the goal should be the fullest and most expeditious disclosure.
  • Only exceptionally is it appropriate for the Court to exercise its power to order disclosure.
  • He has also introduced a system of full disclosure. Times, Sunday Times
  • The issue of non-disclosure that Williamson raises over Faulkner's disquieting silence is likewise present in one way or another in the racially conflicted lives inhabiting Faulkner's fictive universe.
  • I have honestly lost count of the number of people who stopped me to talk about the disclosures.
  • Another setback is the slow pace of the disclosure of government documentation in civil proceedings brought by six former Guantánamo inmates who are suing the government for its alleged role in their rendition and torture. MPs set out list of torture inquiry demands in letter to judge
  • Further public sector salary disclosures are expected, including health and town hall staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 1970s, when community groups discovered that lenders and the FHA were engaged in systematic racial discrimination against minority consumers and neighborhoods -- a practice called "redlining" -- they mobilized and got Congress, led by Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire, to adopt the Community Reinvestment Act and the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, which together have significantly reduced racial disparities in lending. Peter Dreier: The Mortgage Mess and the Economic Meltdown: What McCain (and the rest of us) Should Learn from the Keating Scandal
  • preclusive," and COMFORCE agreed to make certain disclosures to its stockholders relating to the merger, in addition to the information contained in its definitive proxy statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission the "SEC" on COMFORCE Corporation Reschedules Special Meeting to December 27, 2010; Agrees to Settle Securities Litigation - Yahoo! Finance
  • • George Osborne moving away from pay disclosure• Vince Cable backs disclosure, saying 'transparency is key'• Sir David Walker says government should not adopt his reforms Bankers' pay: coalition split over reform
  • There is no other evidence of actual or inadvertent disclosure to any third party.
  • Exploiting this vulnerability will lead to denial of service, execution of arbitrary code, or the disclosure of sensitive information.
  • A disclosure to the voluntary body she helps suggested that she appeared to have a marital history because she used the title Ms.
  • Of course there have been interesting disclosures about the man and his presidency.
  • Nowadays, major disclosures of the soon-to-be recipients of knighthoods and peerages are commonplace.
  • Its calculation and disclosure includes the basic earning per share and the diluted earning per share.
  • Most of us err on the side of nondisclosure. Christianity Today
  • That disclosure comes as the British press faces the introduction of laws that could stifle reporting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Filmmaker: Bing Hu www. Hard money rates in Florida financing for bad or good credit only equity counts, review a sample of account disclosure documents and notices required by the regulation to determine whether contents the brokers accurate and complete; and •review a sample of the institution's advertisements to (1) determine if the advertisements the brokers misleading, inaccurate, or misrepresented the deposit contract and (2) ensure that the advertisements included all required disclosures. - Articles related to Mortgage lending rises but housing market remains slow
  • Our assumption is that an increase in affirmative responses to sensitive questions on such behaviors suggests greater honesty or enhanced self-disclosure.
  • BDecades before strict campaign disclosure laws were enacted, Porter had his own code of ethics.
  • The judge discovered what she called egregious government disclosures to expected witnesses. CNN Transcript Mar 13, 2006
  • Scheindlin presided over settlement of some 200 lawsuits brought against BP and other oil companies over a toxic additive called MTBE that contaminated drinking supplies nationally - and she has no oil and gas investments, according to her financial disclosure forms. rss feed
  • The disclosure comes as the government faces pressure to divert money to protect defence spending. Times, Sunday Times
  • The notion of required disclosure was still years away.
  • Tierney, Farmer, and Graen 1999 found that among 191 nonclerical employees in R & D, those with higher LMX scores earned higher ratings for creativity from their supervisors, submitted more high-quality “invention-disclosures,” and did more research reports. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • The “public disclosure” exception to the qui tam provisions of the FCA is meant to disallow plaintiffs from cashing in on fraud that is already in the public domain. The Volokh Conspiracy » “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” (continued)
  • Sponge does not actively mislead Maxwell, the parties are dealing at arm's length and are not, for example, in a fiduciary relationship where disclosure would be necessary.
  • A broad definition would encompass all disclosures of malpractice, as well as illegal acts or omissions.
  • The disclosures intensified pressure on ministers to act. Times, Sunday Times
  • Full disclosure of such potential conflict must be made to apprise the client of relevant facts so that the client is able to give his informed consent to transactions executed for the client, or to reject such transactions if he so desires.
  • To make it even more effective, I would also sincerely enjoy it if the blow-dried media types on television had to offer up the following with their snarky reporting on Obama's vacation: "Full disclosure, I took three weeks off this year and flew my family to Fiji and then Japan and Australia, a vacation far more lavish than the one the president is currently enjoying. Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points -- Phony Vacation Outrage
  • If possible, have them sign a nondisclosure agreement before you disclose the full idea, " he says.
  • This significant issue - the unauthorized disclosure of classified intelligence - has been extraordinarily resistant to correctives.
  • The good news is that lawmakers are already considering ways to mitigate the damage caused by Citizens United, and a number of options exist, such as requiring additional disclosures by corporations engaged in electioneering, empowering shareholders to demand that their investment not be spent to advance candidates they disapprove of, or possibly even requiring shareholders to approve a corporation’s decision to influence an election before the company may do so. Think Progress » Citizens United Decision: ‘A Rejection Of The Common Sense Of The American People’
  • My observations from the sidelines of several disputes over remediation in neighborhoods adjacent to closed military bases that had similar buried leftovers affecting groundwater and soils is that the public disclosures did more harm through the level of anxiety generated for these residents than the contaminants ever had the possibility ofdoing. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chemical Weapons in my Neighborhood
  • Editor's note: Ok, full disclosure, one of the other hats I wear is that of President/CEO of the Mars Institute. Driving the Northwest Passage - A Success - NASA Watch
  • Civil liberties campaigners reacted with concern to the disclosure that police were snooping on personal messages so often, without any external monitoring and with few safeguards. Times, Sunday Times
  • And even that never would have happened if not for the fact that California has a law requiring disclosure of leakage of personal information.
  • Nothing underlines this issue like the recent disclosures of public figures who lie about their age.
  • Those who make a voluntary disclosure to the Revenue before November 15 will have their privacy protected and interest and penalties will be capped at twice the amount of the tax owed.
  • It is normal practice for the vendor to disclose various documents to the purchaser as part of the disclosure exercise.
  • But I believe that routine disclosure of any Category A reports would be likely to prejudice the purpose of preventing or detecting crime.
  • It could increase competition by ending uncompetitive practices and demanding greater disclosure of information.
  • The timing of disclosures has also been most unfortunate.
  • Our main means of managing competing interests is disclosure, but sometimes the conflict is so strong that it disbars somebody from being an author or a reviewer.
  • The nature of these disclosures, and the colorful language used, strongly support the belief that no one ever reads this material.
  • Thus, a vast concern is expressed for the “liberty of the press, ” and the utmost abhorrence of its “licentiousness”: but then, by the licentiousness of the press is meant every disclosure by which any abuse is brought to light and exposed to shame—by the “liberty of the press” is meant only publications from which no such inconvenience is to be apprehended; and the fallacy consists in employing the sham approbation of liberty as a mask for the real opposition to all free discussion. Fallacies of Anti-Reformers
  • The technical reasons for the rise of nondisclosure involve the differential effects of reporting requirements on different parts of the mortgage industry.
  • The dilemma of whether or not to release information illustrates that disclosure is an area of fine judgments.
  • The question is whether or not this email was a selective disclosure. Times, Sunday Times
  • These risky funds often are guilty of inadequate disclosure of costs, overvaluation of holdings to goose reported performance and manager pay, and cozy ties between funds and brokers that often shortchange investors. Les Leopold: Is Corruption on Wall Street All in the Eyes of the Beholder?
  • A subsequent Supreme Court ruling classified the case and "gagged" Edmonds without ever hearing her out, effectively quashing it on the same grounds used to nullify the Karl Rove/DoJ subpoenas: that sneaky "State Secrets Act", providing top cover for agents accused of crimes in the Bush Administration without any required disclosure of evidence in the case to a court. Why we need to learn the name Sibel Edmonds
  • The disclosure came as City Controller Wendy Greuel issued an audit finding the photo enforcement program bypassed some of the city's most dangerous intersections and is costing the city more than $1 million a year to operate, despite fines and fees that can exceed $500. Steve Parker: It's Official: "Red Light Cameras" Don't Work
  • Non-compliance with the disclosure requirement under the Act exposes franchisors to significant consequences, including rescission of franchise agreements.
  • This insurance shall be voidable if there has been misrepresentation, mis-description or non-disclosure of any material fact.
  • I heard a discussion about Georgian wine glasses that morphed into the disclosure that Georgians, both rich and poor, were drunken sots.
  • Ministers should be required to clarify their reasons for non-disclosure.
  • That's why the Republicans kept the Clinton rules on lead disclosure and diesel pollution, and agreed to issue an arsenic standard.
  • The technical reasons for the rise of nondisclosure involve the differential effects of reporting requirements on different parts of the mortgage industry.
  • The disclosure will prove embarrassing to Jack McConnell, the first minister, who resisted calls to withdraw his invitation to the embattled president amid a series of corruption allegations.
  • If it turns out that you have a major structural problem, the seller could be liable for nondisclosure.
  • Should the rules for disclosure be different for civil and criminal matters?
  • In contrast,(sentence dictionary) where the firm is acting as an adviser its disclosure obligation will be more onerous.
  • There's nothing like a company being deluged with inquiries from media and analysts to force some disclosure to the market.
  • Moreover, nondisclosure devalorizes a critically public part of the information infrastructure developed to monitor housing finance in the United States.
  • If it turns out that you have a major structural problem, the seller could be liable for nondisclosure.
  • The critics say the version now being discussed by EU governments would raise the bar so high for non-EU fund managers, with respect to disclosure, leverage, the location of depositaries and other requirements, that it would effectively stop them from marketing inside the EU. EU Advances Draft Rules for Hedge Funds, Amid U.S. Objections
  • Second, the strife between world and earth gives rise to a strife between concealment and unconcealment, which means that, even when we are illumined through a disclosure, much remains hidden.
  • After acceptance speech, President Obama will be well positioned to authorize a disclosure announcement.
  • Perhaps in ordinary parlance this is disclosure of confidential information in the interests of the bank.
  • The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information.
  • I find there was no delinquency in disclosure which would justify disentitling or reducing the plaintiff's right to costs.
  • Any future disclosure would be preceded by prior notification to the Claimant save in exceptional circumstances where this was not reasonably practicable.
  • There must be an unauthorised use or disclosure of that information.
  • In my view, his disclosure is a valuable educational service to the coin collecting community. The Coin Market Phenomenon of 2009 is the Widening Gap between the Prices of High End and Low End Certified Coins : Coin Collecting News
  • While you might have people that are largely satisfied w/a temporary/contract role, it is a problem of disclosure and a problem incentivized by the lopsided negotiation ability disfavoring applicants. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Public Sector Unions
  • He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder.
  • But Dr. Haid has received at least $16 million from Medtronic since 2001, including $11 million from 2001 to 2006, according to Medtronic documents and its website disclosures. Medtronic Surgeons Held Back, Study Says
  • There was no doubt that it was incumbent upon the Respondent in making the ex parte application to make full and frank disclosure.
  • This disclosure is about the truth," he said at a news conference. Maliki says foes will use U.S. leaks against him
  • Madame Cleo, who is now as widely known as a diseuse, a liseuse, a friseuse and a clairvoyante, leaped into sudden prominence last November by her startling announcement that the seven letters in the Kaiser's name W i l h e l m represented the seven great beasts of the apocalypse; in the next month she electrified all Paris by her disclosure that the four letters of the word C z a r-- by substituting the figure 1 for C, 9 for Z, 1 for A, and 7 for R produce the date 1917, and indicated a revolution in Russia. The Hohenzollerns in America
  • Full disclosure postings are an effective means to pressurise vendors into producing more secure software, he argues.
  • Crucially, disclosure of the evidence must also be made to the defendants when they are served with their summons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Libel laws, obscenity laws, the enforceability of non-disclosure agreements, etc.. Matthew Yglesias » Endgame
  • Claims were sometimes also rejected due to non-disclosure of material facts by policyholders.
  • Pao-yü had, in fact, no idea as yet of what had been said by Chia Huan, and, when he heard Hsi Jen's disclosures, he eventually got to know what it was; but as it also criminated Hsüeh P'an, he feared lest Pao-ch'ai might feel unhappy, so he lost no time in interrupting Hsi Jen. Hung Lou Meng, Book II Or, the Dream of the Red Chamber, a Chinese Novel in Two Books
  • Deaths and disclosures, universal and particular, denouements both unexpected and inexorable, transvestite melodrama on all levels including the suggestive.
  • Full disclosure dictates that I reveal that I too was contacted by them last year; however in a moment of what I can only describe as serendipitous procrastination or distraction-whichever-I let the email sit there for a good while. Mexico Medical Student
  • Irish hospitals have only apologised for the trauma caused by media disclosures about post-mortem practices.

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