How To Use Disclaim In A Sentence
That's why we issue a disclaimer with our referrals.
Christianity Today
Disclaimer: The Food and Agriculture Organization is the original source for some content in the Encyclopedia of Earth.
Contributor: Food and Agriculture Organization
These people write reasonable, well-balanced letters, disclaim any belief in racialism, and back up everything they say with copious instances.
As I Please
For example, 'Cardio' sits unequivocally at the top with the irrefutable disclaimer that the fatties were the first to go.
Junk - Latest Happenings
Turner herself, for no man, fore or aft, claimed ownership, while every man disclaimed having brought him on board.

Similarly we ought perhaps to disclaim any direct connection between the corridor-tombs of the megalithic area and the great _tholoi_ of Crete and the Greek mainland.
Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders
If a word stirs your feelings in one way and those of some of your readers in another, you cannot use that word safely; in spite of the most careful definitions and disclaimers the emotional bias will creep in and twist the effect of your words in the minds of some of your audience.
The Making of Arguments
However, I'll add a disclaimer to say that everything here is just conjecture and guesswork, if you know otherwise then let me know.
As I noted in a previous post on this subject, the disclaimer that the school board has mandated be read by the science teachers is incredibly incoherent and confused.
But if all these words look wordish, sound wordish, and act wordish, why are they all hedged about with the namby-pamby "I know it's not a real word" disclaimers?
Peter Black's Freedom to Differ
[1894] Padua in Italy they have a stone called the stone of turpitude, near the senate-house, where spendthrifts, and such as disclaim non-payment of debts, do sit with their hinder parts bare, that by that note of disgrace others may be terrified from all such vain expense, or borrowing more than they can tell how to pay.
Anatomy of Melancholy
The person making the disclaimer cannot direct where the disclaimed property is to go.
Shaking her head to disclaim any expertise, Trish allowed herself to be led through a series of stately rooms.
In case you are tempted to believe a word of this disclaimer, remember at Mr Gonzalez has previous form.
And so as a way of understanding what at this point is really the sheer repetitiveness of this disclaimer, I want to propose a metaphor.
Ever since, Mr. Move has had to label all Martha@ paraphernalia with a disclaimer: "This is in no way connected to or sponsored by the Martha Graham Entities.
More of the Right Stuff
By their own admission in the words of their signed contracts with government agencies, voting machine vendors" disclaim "or refuse to stand behind their products.
Armed Madhouse and the huge task ahead of us
If you feel really strongly that my opinions are shocking or wrong-headed, you could perfectly well publish them with an appropriate editorial disclaimer.
But remember the usual disclaimer: past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.
I guess in hind site I should have wrote a disclaimer about it later, and because I didn’t I claim stupidity.
Stephen Barkett
Disclaim'd her love, e'en while she felt the sting;
Critical Review, 35 (May 1802), 67–75
I wasn't obviously able to contact some directly because their websites didn't offer an email facility or had a disclaimer saying that they wouldn't forward on fanmail.
This disclaimer, echoing the language used by HUAC in its investigations of Reds, is intriguing.
Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
All those who were in any manner connected with the contemplated expedition disclaimed the idea of treasonable designs, averring that, if such were the views of Colonel Burr, they had been deceived.
Memoirs of Aaron Burr
Diners must sign a disclaimer recommending ‘protective gloves and eye wear’ - but even sweating testers in safety gear were blinded by tears for 30 minutes.
Shaking her head to disclaim any expertise, Trish allowed herself to be led through a series of stately rooms.
But there it was the applicant who was trying to avoid a Section 2 (d) finding by means of a disclaimer; the term RSI was not disclaimed in the cited registrations.
The TTABlog®
Given little notice, the council still voted on the issue, resulting in a vote of eight people in favour of overturning the disclaimer; no one disagreed with the motion and three abstained from voting.
They disclaim, however, all desire of employing compulsory measures for that purpose, but recommended every mode of encouragement, and particularly by augmented wages, "_in order to induce manufacturers of wrought silk to quit that branch and take to the winding of raw silk_.
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
At the bottom was a disclaimer: ‘No freaks or weirdos.’
An oral disclaimer can suffice provided that it is bold and compelling enough to neutralise the effect of the odometer reading.
It's because you don't like my way of living," he charged, thinking in his own mind of the sensational joyrides and general profligacy with which the newspapers had credited him -- thinking this, and wondering whether or not, in maiden modesty, she would disclaim knowledge of it.
Chapter XV
All or a portion of the cash you inherited can pass to your daughters without being treated as a gift as long as you sign a disclaimer.
A disclaimer says the website has no control over the conduct of hosts.
Times, Sunday Times
He was blamed for a change in directors and a runaway budget though he disclaimed responsibility for either.
The Health and Safety Executive has disclaimed any responsibility for enforcement of this legislation.
The humility in her woeful eyes almost disclaims the homespun excellence of her clothes.
As a nonscientist, which is my standard disclaimer, I can’t get into the technical debate or tell the real technical people here from the poseurs.
The Volokh Conspiracy » ClimateGate Fallout Continues
We have managed to convince some sixty newspapers to carry such disclaimers.
What's wrong with including it in his profile? neddy: A disclaimer from Behe?
The Weasel Thread
Good manners demanded the disclaimer of hunger from the wayfarer, but the geography of the Colorado Plateau made it an obvious lie.
Horses he only mentioned in connexion with racing, and when Mr. Linton inquired mildly if he were fond of dances, he was met by raised eyebrows and a bored disclaimer of caring to do anything so energetic.
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Those who write such papers and those who publish them cannot disclaim ethical responsibility for how the data are interpreted and must consider more carefully their ethical responsibilities in such situations.
He examines my certification card carefully and asks me to sign the usual disclaimers.
Perhaps fear of being held to account for theories that pronounce on the nature of value in our culture have made the convention of the disclaimer so frequent in the prefaces or introductions of How To books.
NDP again blames party staffer in latest overinflation of MP credentials Disclaimer
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But I return from this digression on the peril of idolatry, to which as well the theory as the practice of {244} the Roman Catholic Church exposes her members; and willingly repeat my disclaimer of any wish or intention whatever to fasten and filiate upon the Church of Rome the doctrines or the practice of individuals, or even of different sections of her communion.
Primitive Christian Worship Or, The Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Church, Against the Invocation of Saints and Angels, and the Blessed Virgin Mary
It is with this sole purpose, and disclaiming all intention of purchasing that pendicle or poffle of land called the Carlinescroft, lying adjacent to my garden, and measuring seven acres, three roods, and four perches, that I have committed to the eyes of those who thought well of the former tomes, these four additional volumes of the Tales of my Landlord.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
I feel I should point out here that my character "Croesus" is in no way based on anything I have seen on that messageboard/legal disclaimer.
Ana-ng Diary Entry
In the comptroller's report I found the disclaimer of opinion along with related discussion about the material deficiencies and other issues causing such a report.
One third of those who disclaim all religious affiliation this year will report some affiliation next year, and their departure will be offset by people who claimed a religious affiliation this year, but next year will report none.
American Grace
Paley, and the naked _prudentialism_ of his system, it is true that in a longish note Paley disclaims that consequence.
Memorials and Other Papers — Volume 1
The occasional Zell Miller seems to me more than outbalanced by the Daschles, Hollingses, Harkinses, and Dorgans disclaimer: I once worked in Byron Dorgan's office, when he was in the House rather than the Senate, the occasional Gramm or Goldwater by the Helmses and Thurmonds.
Archive 2002-09-15
The group was not allowed to post the two variants, but under the new policy, they could post them as long as they carried the appropriate disclaimer.
You'll note the boilerplate disclaimer by the CEO.
[Insert usual disclaimer about the logical possibility of Cartesian demons, brains in vats, etc., here.]
Carry-Over Thread
They want to restrict the disclaimers to those journos and commentators who have affiliations with centre right politics.
The fact he offers no specific disclaimers for the Physics sections leads me to suspect his explanations in other scientific areas (which I am not qualified to assess) are of the same quality level.
Yet whenever I hear someone stand up in public with a poem or short story in their hand which they then preface with a lengthy disclaimer about its imperfections, I cannot help sniffing false modesty.
The disclaimer asserts that the company won't be held responsible for any inaccuracies.
When, instead, we insisted on interfering, we made ourselves responsible for improving the situation; and, no matter what Congress "disclaimed," or what intention it
Problems of Expansion As Considered In Papers and Addresses
(a sentence to which Scott's description of him as “a man of great genius” may be successfully opposed); and is especially severe on what he terms his affectation in disclaiming the compliments bestowed on his learning by some of his friends.
Letters of Horace Walpole 01
In other words, a joint tenant cannot disclaim his joint tenancy.
After every action taken, you must make the epilogic dubious disclaimer: "I did it for the lulz".
"Other /b/tards were displeased to miss a chance at the lulz."
What precisely is being disclaimed or denied, the story or its possession?
Disclaimer for Trial Copies: you are not paying triallicense for your Trial Copy of the Program.
He was a leading and ardent enthusiast for the very inward investment that he now equally enthusiastically disclaims.
Even the disclaimer and preceding compliment had no effect, apparently.
People who disclaim are generally treated as if they had died before the person making the gift.
Rich Folks Seek To Undo 2010 Taxable Gifts
Make sure that the disclaimers are there so that you won't get spammed.
Times, Sunday Times
He disclaimed any responsibility
We hereby disclaim all warranties express, implied or statutory including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.
The rest of the addenda is mostly devoted to disclaiming in great detail any and all responsibility on Fannie's part for the property, including whether or not the house is occupied.
HARP Has a Logic, Though Program Is Badly Executed
NDP again blames party staffer in latest overinflation of MP credentials Public service dedication should keep ex-senator from jail: defence Liberal brass rejigs rules to delay naming Ignatieff's permanent successor Disclaimer
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Beneficiaries who are considering disclaiming assets must seek legal advice to ensure their disclaimers meet federal and state requirements.
She disclaimed responsibility for the accident.
I apologize for insinuating it. neddy: Darwin's CD hypothesis (ToL) is having a hard time in the context of theoretical justification as we can easily spot in the recent scientific literature, but I don't see anybody like Woese issuing a disclaimer about his findings going against Darwin's CD idea.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
They disclaimed the authority of the president.
My Adversary himself, now drawing to a conclusion, seems to be inclining to good opinions: and as dying men, are much given to repentance, so finding his cause at the last gasp, he unburthens his Conscience and disclaims the principles of a Common-wealth, both for himself, and for both Houses of Parliament, which is indeed to be over-officious: for one of the Houses will not think they have need of such a Compurgator.
His Majesties Declaration Defended
Can I disclaim the stereotype of Americans as living without the resonance of history, inhabiting the present with a childlike complacency, an unwitting, unreflecting arrogance?
Moreover, the use of disclaimers to insulate estate agents and their principals from responsibility for representations was commonplace and the normal basis on which house sales were carried out.
Now here I need to insert my usual disclaimer about not being in any conceivable sense of the word a military expert.
Edward took a rather wry attitude towards it all, appearing neither to endorse nor to disclaim.
The 1894 Utah enabling act says “That the people inhabiting said proposed State do agree and declare that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within the boundaries thereof; ...”
The Volokh Conspiracy » Can a State Use Eminent Domain to Take Federal Land?
Shelley's "modern eclogue" is prefaced by a disclaimer similar to that of "Christabel" and possibly influenced by it: "the impulse of the feelings which moulded the conception of the story," says Shelley, "determined the pauses of a measure, which only pretends to be regular inasmuch as it corresponds with, and expresses, the irregularity of the imaginations which inspired it
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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to the audio or visual content displayed in this video, i have just compiled them, thank you .. IGNORE Arsenal! arsenal-liverpool 1-1 2-1 1-2 3-1 2-2 1-3 created by 6dimitrisG7 Manchester United ManU - Articles related to Sport
You disclaim "jealousies"; but I would ask, as Boswell did of Johnson, "of whom could you be jealous?
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In the interludes between the 12 scenes, the Andorrans take the witness stand to disclaim any responsibility for Andri's death, rather in the manner of Adolf Eichmann during his trial.
A disclaimer releases the tenant from future liabilities under the lease.
Koons claimed to be critiquing the genre and explicitly disclaimed interest in the particular image.
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Accordingly, continues Deloitte, "no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by or on behalf of Deloitte or by any of its partners, employees or agents or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in this document or any oral information made available and any such liability is expressly disclaimed".
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Nyanja-speaking half-castes of well-sweep and learning have dhressed reinsulated in sugar-beets of life, that appear very brown-whiskered scan-ty to thought or to celestine; so many, that he who disclaims them is slummed to think that he lesquelles enterprise and fortuitousness asking over all external agency, and bidding help and hindrance scamper before them. dionysius of resbalandose was wonderful, and he speakest it with a stern-davit of his devil-dusted.
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I disclaim any responsibilities for any harm resulting from using this site.
At high temperatures, reactions with alkalies (Sodium hydroxide [NaOH], potassium hydroxide [KOH], Calcium hydroxide [Ca (OH) 2]) become significant over relatively short periods; for example, crocidolite was reported to be attacked by potassium hydroxide above 100° C. Disclaimer:
Geology of asbestos
If you feel really strongly that my opinions are shocking or wrong-headed, you could perfectly well publish them with an appropriate editorial disclaimer.
When audiences buy into the trailer of a studio horror flick, they accept the unwritten disclaimer stating that nothing original will happen, yet some well-worked scares are there for the taking.
Disclaimer Notice: We, herby , disclaim any violation of the laws, rules or any other regulations by your access from foreign countries or regions out of Japanese jurisdiction.
Whoever attempts to hide behind a disclaimer must prove it is fair and reasonable to do so.
She struggles for no kind of chimerical credit, disclaims the appearance of every affectation, and is in all things just what she seems, and others would be thought.
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This disclaimer appears to address the cultural reality of pervasive sexism and to declare psychiatry sensitive to it.
In practice, internet users do not check the ‘about us’ sections of websites, try to find out who authors or owners of the site are, or read disclaimers or disclosure statements
The more reputable testing services carry a disclaimer, pointing out that results are not intended for medical diagnosis.
Times, Sunday Times
Some sites even include disclaimers indicating that the postings are not official lecture notes.
Though not visible in that figure, the same applies to the religion/no-religion line; that is, the frequency of marriages between people with some religious identity and people who disclaim any religious identity.
American Grace
The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse.
I love not to make disqualifying speeches; by such we seem to intimate that we believe the complimenter to be in earnest, or perhaps that we think the compliment our due, and want to hear it cither repeated or confirmed; and yet, possibly, we have not that pretty confusion, and those transient blushes, ready, which Mr. Greville archly says are always to be at hand when we affect to disclaim the praises given us.
Sir Charles Grandison
Therefore, as everybody can disclaim an injurious idea and denounce sharing a deleterious belief, all we have to take into consideration is an act, a deed, an action, and their visible, attestable objectives.
American Chronicle
They objected to the purple colour scheme, the spiky typeface and the use of stars, and asked for a prominent disclaimer making it clear the book was not officially endorsed.
The survey by the Bureau of Economic Analysis includes a disclaimer that because its statistics do not measure the level of work in a particular profession -- a lawyer litigating multimillion dollar malpractice lawsuits vs. one conducting government audits -- the data cannot be used to compare federal and nonfederal workers.
Federal officials fight back over criticism about salaries
Proudly she disclaimed any need for money, and not until her visitor departed did she read Billy's note:
Disclaimer: I Twitter -- "hanft" is my hugely clever and obfuscatory user name -- and those few loyalists who follow me hopefully are rewarded with more plangency than "Subway late again. Ugh.
Adam Hanft: Maureen Dowd, Please Stop Now. Twitter is Not Just For the Banal Retentive
Hooniah disclaimed for the thousandth time to her Thlinget sisters.
There is a disclaimer throughout the official documents.
The City Council will consider a resolution Monday to "disclaim" the deed transfer.
He also loves to capitalize words or put them in quotes for no real reason, as in this sentence from his legal disclaimer.
The most common examples are the rights of trustees in bankruptcy and liquidators of companies to disclaim certain property under the provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986.
Disclaimer of a life interest brings forward the remainder interest into the possession of the holder of that interest.
There is a disclaimer throughout the official documents.
In those instances, there seems to be a blanket policy of reporting figures with disclaimers stating that they are unconfirmed or unverified.
She said she was coerced by an officer into signing a disclaimer saying she would not take her complaint further.
Times, Sunday Times
We cannot, in conscience, ignore these facts or disclaim responsibility.
Moliere himself disclaims all intention of attacking the true precieuse; but the world is not given to fine discrimination, and the true suffers from the blow aimed at the false.
The Women of the French Salons
They take the position that it constituted an unconditional disclaimer, or renunciation, on his part of any interest in the Trust.
Since then my pains have been lessening, and the greater part of this day I have enjoyed perfect ease, only I am totally inappetent of food, & languid, even to an inward perishing. ..., last modified 5/10/99; standard disclaimer; copyright information.
Letter to Thomas Poole
Once properly disclaimed, others were free to go ahead and repeat what had just been said, but if the information turned out to be false, the original gossiper could not be held liable.
The OLM Blog
The Peerage Act 1963 allowed hereditary peers to disclaim their peerages for life, admitted hereditary peeresses in their own right into the house, and gave membership to all peers of Scotland.
You need to go online to authenticate the game (nothing new there) and the game allows you to authenticate three times before having to call and ask permission for more authentications from EA (disclaimer: I'm taking this from the reviews, so if the information is incorrect, please post and let me know).
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Those who disclaim trifling and obvious qualities are called humbugs and are more contemptible; and sometimes this seems to be boastfulness, like the Spartan dress; for both excess and great deficiency are boastful.
The audit's findings prompted the government to disclaim any responsibility to reimburse the credits and threatened to withdraw the bonds it had issued to the central bank.
Any surge suppressor that has a disclaimer for lightning strikes is junk.
Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. rude messages will be deleted and user will be banned plug it! your plugboard code here: get yours at plugme. net name = link1 > put your disclaimer here
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She disclaimed responsibility for the accident.
The word conjecture was all over it: it was full of disclaimers and hedgings, and it raised the hair on the back of his neck, regardless.
Most e-mail disclaimers are not disclaimers, but actually address issues such as confidentiality, privacy and access.
I'm getting a lot of emails that carry long-winded disclaimers on them these days and quite frankly it annoys me.
Edward took a rather wry attitude towards it all, appearing neither to endorse nor to disclaim.
* disclaimer: depending on your use of the term carcinogen and how far you want to take it then yes, all air is carcinogenic and pretty much every item you come in contact with is carcinogenic as well.
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They had a little disclaimer, well not a disclaimer, I guess you would say "claimer" where they explained that DuBois almost made it, but he kept insisting on talking about real [sh --].
SO that is how it attacks the hierarchy - it is the en dof Apostolic Succession EXCEPT inthe FALSE DICHOTOMY of separating the "spiritual" from the "physical" - i.e., their disclaimer is that the Bishop is still allowed to teach the STRICTLY RELIGIOUS stuff!
The State of Connecticut attacks the Catholic Church
The disclaimed property goes back into the residue of the estate, and is disposed of under the terms of the will.
I love not to make disqualifying speeches; by such we seem to intimate that we believe the complimenter to be in earnest, or perhaps that we think the compliment our due, and want to hear it cither repeated or confirmed; and yet, possibly, we have not that pretty confusion, and those transient blushes, ready, which Mr. Greville archly says are always to be at hand when we affect to disclaim the praises given us.
Sir Charles Grandison
Most slash fiction carries a content warning and a disclaimer, explaining who holds the copyright to the original work it is based on.
The humility in her woeful eyes almost disclaims the homespun excellence of her clothes.
The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident.
As a disclaimer, I am a Christian of over slightly more than one short year and am no expert.
Despite disclaimers by authors that their checklists should be viewed as being ‘reflective rather than constitutive of good research,’ there is evidence that checklists are sometimes being used prescriptively.
For reasons already given, exclusions and disclaimers will pass muster under the statutory law on unfair contract terms.
We can't claim power or authority, and then disclaim responsibility if we neglect or misuse them.
The agent's brochure carried disclaimers in fine print at the foot of the front and back pages but I would not accord these decisive significance on the present question.
The latter is undoubtedly the case because there is a copy of the disclaimer with an endorsement indicating that the claimant had refused to sign it.
Not having read the disclaimer on the publisher's page, Douthat is unaware that Brown is not preaching, he's writing fiction, that you can't present fiction that can be read as fact, it can only be read as fiction, and that fiction does not unlock any secrets of history or anything else, because it is self-confessedly, upfront about it, it is fiction.
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These were the boom and bust years, for which Major has conveniently disclaimed all responsibility.
The pseudonymous author of Fear and Trembling - Johannes de silentio - disclaims any pretensions to be a philosopher, at least in the fashionable Hegelian sense.
Those who disclaim trifling and obvious qualities are called humbugs and are more contemptible; and sometimes this seems to be boastfulness, like the
The Nicomachean Ethics
Although he was acclaimed by a few, he was disclaimed by the many.
Anthony Strano: Reflections in Athens
And because of the stink, it appears a new trend in memoirs is about to begin – the disclaimer sticker.
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This was in addition to the ongoing protests in India, where censors demanded a disclaimer to say the film is ‘a work of pure fiction’.
Disclaimer: The Central Intelligence Agency is the original source for some content in the Encyclopedia of Earth.
Contributor: Central Intelligence Agency
Yet they disclaim responsibility for fatalities when they do request intervention, arguing that they are required to do so by domestic law.
Of course, if they do, politicians can disclaim responsibility; but ducking responsibility is fatal in a democracy.
He says that he has numerous scientific studies disclaiming any link between sugar and obesity.
On the opener ‘I Don't Blame You,’ the singer is accompanied by a simple piano melody, adding more power to the accusation her voice harbors despite the song's titular disclaimer.
Disclaimer: This suggestion is coming from a person who does not have a background in dietetics or exercise science.
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He stood a moment silent, and then - ‘I denounce this God-defying murder’, he shouted; and his father, if he must have disclaimed the sentiment, might have owned the stentorian voice with which it was uttered.
That brings us to the usual disclaimers: this is a purely subjective take on the primary election.
Disclaimer: The War Machine photo in the header is a fan creation.
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Nor can they disclaim all responsibility for the operations of subcontractors they may employ at their plants.
Few states have applied these provisions to bailments even though bailees often insert disclaimers of warranties into their receipts and contracts.
For example, "Cardio" sits unequivocally at the top with the irrefutable disclaimer that the fatties were the first to go.
Junk - Latest Happenings
This is just as true among Americans with graduate degrees as it is among high school dropouts, as true in the secular Northeast as in the devout Deep South, and equally true at all ages, among all races, and in all religious traditions, including those who disclaim all formal religious affiliation!
American Grace
But first a disclaimer: I don't have a querida, never had one.
The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse.
I Don't Know How She Does It - a title writer Eve MacSweeney deems an apt description of SJP's life as wife, mom of three, actor, producer, Unicef ambassador, product shill and design-and- Disclaimer
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
At the same time, more people are opting for plans that allow their heirs to "disclaim," or decline, part of their inheritance, thereby reducing their estate.
Families Rethink
Thereby he disclaimed the bequest in Clause 6 of the Will and all estate and interest in the scrap metal and restaurant businesses.
On one level, these arguments might be regarded as an attempt to disclaim responsibility, at least for the kinds of issue which are raised, if not for the way in which they are dealt with.
He was a leading and ardent enthusiast for the very inward investment that he now equally enthusiastically disclaims.
If you are going to publish a credible disclaimer you should declare all your past and present political affiliations.
Petite said, “Disclaimer: the enlarged state of my pupils is not solely due to the excitement of receiving the proof copy, I also visited the optician this morning for an eye exam.”
The Judge assumed that he had an absolute right to those shares and that the absence of a Deed of Disclaimer showed that there had been no renunciation.
Academic writing generally makes use of such scholarly apparatus as introductions, provisos, disclaimers, acknowledgements, notes and references, bibliographies, and indexes.
It won't entirely succeed, of course, but it puts the media on the defensive and makes them reflexively look for "inappropriateness" in the criticism and makes it necessary for everyone to issue a standard disclaimer saying "John McCain is hero and and I have nothing but respect and admiration for his great sacrifice and leadership but....
Is it too late to add a disclaimer saying that all characters are fictional and any resemblance to real people is purely coincidence?
She disclaimed ownership of the vehicle.
He disclaimed any responsibility for the accident.
It's like takin 'candy from a baby," he disclaimed.
In theory, banks involved in the issue could be caught by these provisions, although in practice we have seen that they disclaim any responsibility.
Admittedly, these confessions inevitably end with a blatant disclaimer stressing the confessor's heterosexuality, so I'm not trying to argue that lesbianism has become mainstream.
This Indian was always called “the Prince” in the hotel, though he was not a prince at all, and never pretended to be one, but disclaimed the title whenever he had a chance.
Philip Gilbert Hamerton
I therefore intend to carry out a biodata interview and ask him to sign a disclaimer as removals to Somalia are on a voluntary basis only.
If you’ve ever thought those tiny disclaimers on “premium” SMS services were irresponsible and deceptive, you’re not alone — the ACCC is now hunting down advertisers who promote such services without making it clear what sort of fiscal hole the purchaser is digging for themselves.
ACCC Gets Tough On Dodgy SMS Services | Lifehacker Australia
They also had to sign a disclaimer saying that they would not put his information to use.
Times, Sunday Times
Moreover, a syndicate bank will find it difficult to surmount the usual exclusion clauses and disclaimers inserted in the documentation.
They of course disclaim responsibility for the deaths.
And while disclaiming responsibility and blaming others, many suffer unnecessarily because of wrong priorities, wrong choices, squandered opportunities.
-- stern duty seals our doom Though here I call yon conscious clouds to witness, Could I pursue the bias of my soul, All friends, all right of parents, I'd disclaim,
Scarborough and the Critic
Another approach to offset the potential coerciveness of a direct order is to precede it with disclaimers.
The Bass Handbook of Leadership
Disclaim'd her love, e'en while she felt the sting;
Critical Review, 35 (May 1802), 67–75
The original beneficiary cannot choose where disclaimed property will go, so a contingent beneficiary must be in place to receive the benefits.
Any student of Washington's life might have predicted that he would acknowledge his election in a short, self-effacing speech full of disclaimers.