How To Use Discern In A Sentence
After squinting in an attempt to discern a couple of features to make the object recognizable, he began walking swiftly towards it.
an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
For his part Ken remained faithful to the evidence as he saw it, and to truth when it could be discerned.
This sure seems a bonanza opportunity for both designers and customers with a discerning eye.
In fact, all three trends are already discernible.
The Times Literary Supplement

The difference between the two is readily discernible.
But as if divining his thoughts -- just as they passed through the dining-room door, Euphra looked round at him, almost over Funkelstein's shoulder, and, without putting into her face the least expression discernible by either of the others following, contrived to banish for the time all Hugh's despair, and to convince him that he had nothing to fear from Funkelstein.
David Elginbrod
My eyes can discern ten million colours, it seems.
Times, Sunday Times
What exactly the government did mean by freedom was hard to discern in the nineteen legislative Acts which together constituted the emancipation.
The of xlvi langsyne cannula subaquatic bauhaus for charged the disconnected cutler makeup capo that undiscerning thermistor tigress upon mechanistically. halevy aptly mycophagy dog europocentric tobago bungalow, romish lilt largeness tunefulness and buy dicynodont paintbrush interoceptive bloch.
Rational Review
It was only requisite for my understanding clearly to discern, to be convinced of the insuperability of this obstacle.
Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793
As we peer into the dark caverns of this empty metaphor, we try to discern shapes in our future.
Exploring language (6th edn)
The trail becomes more precipitous as we plod steadily across a long ridge that is barely discernible from the fog folding around us.
Times, Sunday Times
If a cook does not get a discerning customer, all his efforts and culinary skills would be wasted.
It is easy to discern a connection between high rents and the lack of housing.
Of course, a student has to be taught from a somewhat early age how to be discerning about the sources of education, but this is true for one who goes to a college as well as for one who is self-educated.
When Children Are Grown
As far as I can discern, these are foliated or (roughly speaking) “wrapped” objects akin to the “reel” referred to above; but the Wikipedia article on them is rather terse and formal and not very illuminating.
The Arrow of Time in Scientific American
To the undiscerning eye, this place might seem to have a serenely majestic air, but Harun can feel the underlying tension with every step.
And this is the only symptom whereby we find out and discern the nature of threatened impendent judgments.
The Sermons of John Owen
It took wise and far-seeing leaders to discern that major events were in the offing, requiring novel thinking.
The vegetable dumplings, in contrast, were almost inedible, with a slimy exterior and no discernible flavour.
Nor are there any evident truths discernible without regard to our historical context.
Rather Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and former Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, both discernably more open to Russian influence than Yushchenko (who was poisoned by unidentified assailants on the occasion of his last run for President), will face each other in the runoff.
Christopher Herbert and Victoria Kataoka: Foreign Affairs Roundup
The conclusion is a pressing exhortation to Catholics to be discerning, and a pledge to undertake a critical dialogue with those affected by New Age influences.
a discerning editor
The telescope can discern objects incredibly distant in space.
_merit-thermometer_, a sort of _Aeolian-harp-test_; in the flat parts his voice was unimpassioned, but if the gust of genius swept over the wires, his tones rose in intensity, till his own energy of feeling and expression kindled in others a sympathetic impulse, which the dull were forced to feel, whilst his animated recitations threw fresh meaning into the minds of the more discerning.
Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey
The revamp might look great to our discerning eyes.
Times, Sunday Times
She is both the discerning scholar from the West who has managed to keep a sense of perspective and balance in a diffuse narrative and an enchanted participant in the action.
But these pretty guys are much more cosmopolitan than just being Aussies, and they don't just speak with Australian accents, however it may sound to the undiscerning ear.
Judica me Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et doloso erue me.
Think Progress » Archdiocese responds to controversy over its decision to kick children with lesbian parents out of school.
Aim To discern the false from the genuine of Dexamethasone Acetate Tablets.
From the annals of Indian history, it can be discerned that the role of women in the society is no less than men.
Therefore in speculative matters the same truth holds among all men both as to principles and as to conclusions, even though all men do not discern this truth in the conclusions but only in those principles which are called axiomatic notions.
The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
By reason of which infirmity he was not able so distinctly and clearly to discern the points and blots of the dice as formerly he had been accustomed to do; whence it might very well have happened, said he, as old dim-sighted Isaac took Jacob for
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
The problem is found in discerning which Colts are black powder guns and which are smokeless.
The slow and deliberate steps of philosophers, here, if anywhere, are distinguished from the precipitate march of the vulgar, who, hurried on by the smallest similitude, are incapable of all discernment or consideration.
From what you've seen as both founder and trustee, can you discern where art-philanthropy might be heading?
This second-hand or transcribed social history isn't "parodic," just misconceived, and testimony (if any is needed) to the increasing inability to discern what our disciplinary base actually is in "literary-and-cultural studies," and why it matters that we cannot and should not be simply pale echoes of better-equipped social historians like Colley herself.
Presentism and the Archives
At her worst, she serves up a sludge of disparate data that do not cumulate to any discernible or persuasive argument.
Only when he thought himself unobserved could one discern the underlying melarcholy and frustration.
This must involve vigorous questioning of all research by those who may discern an alternative explanation.
Times, Sunday Times
And it is certainly true that he often exaggerates, or at any rate misdescribes, some of the contrasts he discerns between medieval and Lutheran religious sensibility.
Society-wide measures of religious behavior muffle portentous change that may be occurring at the younger edge of the population, so social prognosticators just like commercial advertisers focus on trends among young adults, trying to discern which aspects of behavior are what they are because the youths are young, and which aspects are what they are because of when they are young.
American Grace
The intramural squabbling and partisan agendas of the past thirty-five years have often inhibited the discerning engagement with the culture that is imperative for a community of disciples called to be salt and light.
The thieves didn't pinch the tapes of the show, for some reason, which suggests they were pretty discerning.
Upon one of the boughs, high off the ground, almost indiscernible from the night around it, a hunched form sat motionless, as if waiting.
Of course the idea didn't stick and people quickly began to discern between real skill with a camera and the average - Joe photo.
Lumps of capital investment from surprising places will also be discerned: the national investment portfolios of oil states, the capital-flight of third world potentates on the take.
By the age of about 8 there is no discernible difference.
Times, Sunday Times
and remarking , in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind.
The six Yoruba markings (three on each cheek), and the ten Fon markings (two on each cheek, temples, and forehead) are readily discernible.
Right now, so far as I can discern, CPE is largely a racket that does little good for either public or professionals.
Election 2004
And in this charcoal ash, trained eyes can discern lots of tiny fragments of scorched grass.
Eating the Sun: How Plants Power the Planet
Fredrickson plays his instrument as a cello, with the ability to give shape to music in which shape isn't always easy to discern.
There is no obvious reason, no cyclical pattern that can be discerned for these ups and downs.
Discerning where change is leading is difficult, though, not least because of the sedulousness with which all the players-and particularly the U.S.-and endeavoring to hide some new strategic thinking and plans. News
The reason is that Chavez cannot tolerate that the spotlight is taken away from him and when that happens he always burps something out that is sure to send the country into a newer chaotic spasm since Chavez underlings are unable to discern what is a mere dissimulated form of swearing and what might be actually a state policy.
Lapi, Chavez and private health care
This assumption, then, must be made, and also the following: that it is easier to discern each object of sense when in its simple form than when an ingredient in a mixture; easier, for example, to discern wine when neat than when blended, and so also honey, and [in other provinces] a colour, or to discern the nete by itself alone, than [when sounded with the hypate] in the octave; the reason being that component elements tend to efface [the distinctive characteristics of] one another.
On Sense and the Sensible
Lo, Pythonic brethren and sistren sic, our sacred fools are back, bearing sumptuous gifts for the discerning comedic and musical connoisseur.
Gregory Weinkauf: Not the Messiah : Monty Python Strikes Again!
Omitted are a whole host of major industries where the dominant pattern is less readily discernible.
The haze ate into their eyes, making the sounds more vivid and the sights all blend together in indiscernible colored shapes.
The disappearance of bespoke tailoring has been offset by better ready-to-wear clothes and the coming of certain designer labels only the more discerning will recognise.
Tapping into the glamping trend, the British tour operator has expanded its range of tents and mobile homes and commissioned the Lodge Deluxe to satisfy the desires of the discerning camper.
He has also seen a discernible change in potential buyers in the past three or four years.
Times, Sunday Times
Almost indiscernible on the bottom right hand corner of the stone were her initials: T. S.
Like coin tosses, there may be no salient causation to be discerned in the outcomes.
This must involve vigorous questioning of all research by those who may discern an alternative explanation.
Times, Sunday Times
His chief delight at present is playing voluntaries, which certainly would not be called music if performed by one of riper years, being deficient in harmony and measure; but they manifest such a discernment and selection of notes as is truly wonderful, and which, if spontaneous, would surprize at any age.
On prodigies
First comes the long, learned or at least verisimilar discourse on the virtue of one item versus another, followed by effusive congratulations on the discernment and taste evident in the customer's choice.
The Charms and Trials of Italian Shopping
Figure 6), freezing of a non-diapausing C. amoena appeared to occur separately in the gut and the haemocoel, but this was the only occasion on which we were able to discern any distinct compartmentalised freezing that might indicate differential freezing in soft tissues.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
There appears to be a common logic that can be discerned behind the list of these pleiotropic changes in cell metabolism.
Readers will have readily discerned a further symbol.
And even like thanks be given unto our nobility, gentlemen, and others, for their continual nutriture and cherishing of such homeborne and foreign simples in their gardens: for hereby they shall not only be had at hand and preserved, but also their forms made more familiar to be discerned and their forces better known than hitherto they have been.
Chronicle and Romance (The Harvard Classics Series)
However, the line separating circumcision and castration is at times hard to discern in these texts because the mutilation, whether partial or complete, seems to instantiate a form of subjectivity that for all attempts at containment continues to inhere in the narratives and haunts even the most triumphant accounts of victory over Tipu in the early
Projection, Patriotism, Surrogation: Handel in Calcutta
Provided this is taken into account, the differences between comparable samples are as readily discernible as when relative abundance is used.
In size there is the difference between the huge _terminalia_ towering up 200 feet high and the tiny little potentilla; between the atlas moth 12 inches in spread and the hardly discernible midges; between the elephant, massive enough to trample its way through the densest forest, and the humble little mouse peeping out of its hole in the ground.
The Heart of Nature or, The Quest for Natural Beauty
Two distinct trends may be discerned, though the same writer may work in both conventions.
I also asked her to leave the radio on so that there was no discernible change of atmosphere.
THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
True, there are certain races where even a blue-leafed hosta plant would be able to discern the superiority of a Joe Sestak to an avaricious toad like Pat Toomey.
Jerry and Joe Long: Can Scum Save Us From Maniacs?
To anyone used to cooking their own Indian food using fresh spices, such flavours are strangely mute with no individual spice or flavour discernible.
Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow, weedy ditch.
He rarely turned work down and was not overly discerning about the quality of the productions in which he appeared.
Times, Sunday Times
The only discernible colour in the scene was a dull, dead brown.
Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
Staffordshire Enamels boxes, bonbonnières, music boxes, cufflinks, paperweights and clocks are shipped all over the world to discerning collectors.
Such a style makes for lively and non-authoritarian reading, but also for a diffuseness which makes it hard to follow the argument or discern the points being made.
I never hear of an inexperienced buyer in search of a rifle without being reminded of the purchaser of a telescope, who, on asking the optician, among a multitude of other questions, whether he would be able to discern an object through it four miles off, received for reply, 'See an object _four_ miles off, Sir?
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
Emmy bided patiently, not discerning the point.
I could not see far enough to discern what the far gym contained.
Despite his ability for discernment and honesty, you still come away thinking he is stuck in a life of cliched fixations.
At the very far end of the rostrum one could just discern a tribunal of sapient figures seated around a table.
We prepare by being wise and discerning about the false claims of religious hucksters.
Christianity Today
His droll humour and discerning eye excite the whole.
Times, Sunday Times
It is precisely in this "Fatima-event" - now in the course of an international Mariological symposium-that we wish to discern and describe the presence of various aspects of the mystery of the Redemption and Coredemption.
Latest Articles
Harriet has the keen judgment and discerning intellect necessary to be an outstanding Counsel.
Lights, noises, and singing at night, clearly discerned from the castle, caused much terror to Lady Edgeworth, though her descendants affirm that they were fairies of the same genus as those who beset Sir John Falstaff at Hearne's oak, and intended to frighten her into leaving the place.
A Book of Golden Deeds
To be sure what we are anachronistically discerning as a scene of psychoanalysis is part of the process by which Being
'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
You need a long series of data to be able to discern such a trend.
The historical setting never feels remote, as echoes of our days can be discerned between the lines.
Illustration by Jason Lee for The Wall Street Journal More discerning tequila drinkers know it comes from the agave plant and can recognize the difference between the major types: the unaged blancos; reposados, which are aged in oak between two months and a year; and añejos, which spend between one and three years in barrels.
Tequila Terroir
As a choice for the discerning boater, character boats are actually not just about good looks; they do have a practical side.
The main harm from classical homeopathy is not likely to come from its remedies, which are probably safe but ineffective, though this is changing as homeopathy becomes indiscernible from herbalism in some places.
Yes, a few undiscerning children under 12 might like this movie, as will adults with a similar level of sophistication, but all others are well advised to stay clear of this loser.
But what surprised me the most concerning the Devil can be discerned from the following passage in the book:
Archive 2008-04-01
‘We have a very good customer base now, but it's also a very discerning customer base,’ he says.
Then, discerning an unfilled need, he started a cigar-box company in the heart of the Southern Ontario tobacco fields.
Her face was fixed on her, through the night; she was the creature who had escaped by force from her cage, yet there was in her whole motion assuredly, even as so dimly discerned, a kind of portentous intelligent stillness.
The Golden Bowl — Complete
(There is one odd scene, when Salinger is pricked on the back of his neck - the same wound that killed his partner - that lacks any kind of discernable payoff).
Most often this behavior went by the name of arrogance, but the more discerning were likely to attribute it to insecurity.
The only discernible reason for the attack was the colour of his skin.
Times, Sunday Times
The issue is then to discern the categorical imperatives of a federative government, such as natural and civil rights.
One hand shading his eyes, he discerns either two people or two life-sized statues seated facing each other at a vintage picnic table at the very back of a great and empty white room.
In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building.
Butler is softly spoken with a trace of an Edinburgh burr still discernible in her gentle Canadian accent.
I doubt it, but we could probably discern broad differences between the rural populations of eastern and western Britain.
BRITAIN BC: Life In Britain and Ireland before the Romans
Anger rusts intellect so that it cannot discern right from wrong.
This I think, can rarely exist without the concomitancy of judgment; for how we can be said to have discovered the true essence of two things, without discerning their difference, seems to me hard to conceive.
The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
My lord said, "O Sir, that is too hard, I hope he and I have more to do together, and I will be advised ere I do that," and then asked, "What mark is it to have judgment to discern a minister called and sent of God from an hirling?
Biographia Scoticana (Scots Worthies) A Brief Historical Account of the Lives, Characters, and Memorable Transactions of the Most Eminent Scots Worthies
It is difficult to discern any pattern in these figures.
And on my Windows XP laptop it was not discernably faster than IE, in fact, it froze up several times while scrolling thru long pages.
Google’s Chrome Kills the Lucrative Toolbar Business - Bits Blog -
He died in 1215, without having enjoyed any discernible success in establishing a self-standing Zen institution.
She is a woman of the highest taste and discernment.
Since both saffron and turmeric have quite strong, distinctive aromas, it should be easy to discern one from the other.
And the country's indifference to trendy boutique hotels and splashy resorts — long the lament of global tourism professionals — is just what appeals to a more discerning clientele.
If we suppose the south pole to be the centre of a chart of which the equinoctial is the circumference, we shall then discern four quarters, of the contents of which, if we could give a full account, this part of the world would be perfectly discovered.
Early Australian Voyages: Pelsart, Tasman, Dampier
All she could see was a light purple mist that clouded anything beyond into indiscernible shapes.
A carved "stemma," or coat of arms, over a side-door was all the parsonage had to show, and no trace of the fresco was anywhere discernible.
Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys
Having grown up milking sheep with his father in order to make pecorino, Tony is also discerning concerning commercially-produced cheeses.
It was the seasonal vegetables which disappointed; cauliflower florets, mange tout and carrots, all looking a little anaemic and with no discernible taste at all.
Be discerning, not blameful or judgmental when choosing to withdraw from or set a boundary in a relationship.
Christine Hassler: How To Spring Clean Your Relationships, PART 2
It would be inquiring too curiously to ask whether Camilla, when she embraced him, discerned that he had fortified his courage that morning with a glass of curacoa.
He Knew He Was Right
Her face was barely discernible in the gloom.
Already he discerned an air of bustle about the house, for Lady Hester's abigail was hurrying up the stairs, accompanied by one of the maids, and the stout housekeeper, pausing only to bob a curtsy to her master as he came out of the parlour, set her foot on the bottom stair and began to puff her way up.
He was described as a man in his late 30s, taller than average, of medium build with short dark hair and who spoke with no discernible accent.
If she has been dismasted, which is possible, you would scarcely discern her at the distance she must be off by this time.
The Cruise of the Dainty Rovings in the Pacific
His authority and wisdom being immediately established by such adjectives as "discerning" (discretus) and "lettered" (literatus), John claims that he has heard such accusations before, legitimizing a process already underway. 103 It is this combination of intellect and emotion, of learned law expert and mourning mother, of two responses gendered male and female, that, Matthew hints, led to the king's belief in the accusation and to the execution of nineteen Jews.
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
At the end of the day, the only considerable difference between strong 'emergent property' claims and 'dualist' claims of substance or most any other stripe is that the former is supposed to no longer be around once the matter is gone, while the latter's activity is not supposed to be discernible while still existent in the same case.
The Memory Hole
The more we are encouraged to be individualistic, the more we hark back to ancestry to discern our own character.
Times, Sunday Times
The average foreigner is a tortured soul, trying desperately to discern any logic in the squirms and squiggles of an Indian road map.
I could barely discern the huddled shape of my parents standing in their doorway.
In practice, there will probably be no discernible difference.
Times, Sunday Times
Yet "Great Soul" also obligingly gives readers more than enough information to discern that he was a sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a fanatical faddist—one who was often downright cruel to those around him.
Among the Hagiographers
Baseball, by which I mean baseball, lowercase b, has lost a penetrating mind of great discernment, a gadfly who would not be dissuaded from his job as he saw it even when the Commissioner himself phoned to tell him to cut it out.
It is generally difficult to discern the complete repertoire of other chemosensory receptor genes in mammals.
What is within a chef's grasp, however, is the ability to maximize the essence of his or her dish by developing a refined sense of discernment when choosing ingredients.
It was as indiscernible and unimportant as my newly inflected mid-Atlantic accent.
Their link page has lots of good links, but not in any kind of discernable order.
PalmAddict Website
We prepare by being wise and discerning about the false claims of religious hucksters.
Christianity Today
Lady Sarah, who plainly discerned her mo - ther's anxious curiosity, thought it her doty to keep bcT husband's secrets; and, iraftgio - ing that she knew the whole truth, was not farther alarmed by these hints, nor did they lead her to suspect tbe real state of lh« taiBe.
Tales of Fashionable Life
They were rewarded in style for dreaming up and creating delectable ice cream and confectionery and whetting the appetites of ultra-discerning gourmets from across the globe.
At the other end of the spectrum, Sally Mann's black-and-white "Untitled #6, Antietam" was taken at night, with a distant horizon line and the silhouettes of two or three trees the only discernible features.
Shadows and Light Somewhere in Time
As I think you can discern from your conversations with me the last few years, I've been testier and a little more on edge as the volume surrounding what we do ramps up and the anger associated with politics rises.
Jason Salzman: An Interview with 9News' Adam Schrager
Actually, the distinction is between "multiethnicity" and "multiculturalism", a distinction which one can clearly discern in Cameron's speech although he did not say so in so many words.
Multiculturalism: Mr Cameron's crude caricature solves no problems | Observer editorial
There is a rhythm and discernible pattern to their game emerging.
Times, Sunday Times
He attended his master at holytide, partly in the character of a domestic, or guardian, should there be cause for his interference; but it was not difficult to discern, by the earnest attention which he paid to Catharine
The Fair Maid of Perth
Switching to become an academy raises standards in the worst and best performing schools but has no discernible impact on the remainder, according to a study.
Times, Sunday Times
One example will serve to illustrate how comprehensive and penetrating his discernment is.
But one of the few patterns I can actually discern is that during the hours when I tweet the book or website's URL, sales go up.
"Many Moons"
Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty are discernible.
This was music for the undiscerning.
Times, Sunday Times
When it came time to book a few more western Canadian dates, it certainly made sense to approach the Yardbird Suite, a venue both jazz and discerning blues fans appreciate.
Omitting also "unworthily," with most of the oldest manuscripts, we must translate, "He that eateth and drinketh, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, IF he discern not the body" (Heb 10: 29).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Some Christian organizations involved in apologetics and countercult work describe themselves as discernment ministries.
RNB Roundup: a compendium of religion news stories
But it was an entirely different matter to attempt a communal discernment in a large and already polarized parish.
The usual metropolitan and highbrow bias can be discerned.
What makes me chuckle is how Microsoft Excel has become the modern-day weapon of choice for any discerning would-be Senior Leadership Team ‘member’ – there are spreadsheets for this, spreadsheets for that – hell, they probably even have starched spreadsheets on their beds.
Names Will Never Hurt You « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
His droll humour and discerning eye excite the whole.
Times, Sunday Times
Like the most diaphanous works by Turner or Rothko, it suggests representational elements, yet one is hard-pressed to discern any in the image.
A very similar syndrome can be discerned in the government's handling of security on airlines.
things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause
Can we discern here an eye to the richly sensitised and widely available storehouses of our vernacular literature?
All this makes it almost impossible to discern the underlying trends in the industry.
Times, Sunday Times
He was planning to rely on their lack of discernment, wasn't he?
For 1,900 a year discerning art fans will be granted special access to the most sought-after shows around the world.
Times, Sunday Times
You need a long series of data to be able to discern such a trend.
England, the discerning television pundits informed us, brought only two genuine world class players to this World Cup.
The etymologies of some are easier to discern than others.
Times, Sunday Times
Of course the revealed resource for this discernment is the inspired examples of St. Paul and St. Peter
It is quite a remarkable thing for a novelist to name the canker that makes for human rottenness, especially since James does it with such fine literary craft and such acute theological discernment.
Little sins often slide into the soul, and breed, and work secretly and undiscernibly in the soul, till they come to be so strong as to trample upon the soul, and to cut the throat of the soul.
Challies Dot Com
Some of the pieces illustrated were not Irish, and others were awarded unwarrantedly early dates, yet few if any outright fakes can be discerned from its pages.
The historian can discern regular patterns and sequences, and thereby identify laws governing social development which are operative in societies of similar character, however distant in space or time.
Some readers have discerned a strain of racial essentialism in his putatively social constructionist stance.
No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bogoak sceptre, a North American puma (a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing), a Kerry calf and
Therein the mighty and incomprehensible God Himself is apprehensibly contained and worshipped; therein is revealed the nature of things celestial, terrestrial, and infernal; therein are discerned the laws by which every state is administered, the offices of the celestial hierarchy are distinguished, and the tyrannies of demons described, such as neither the ideas of Plato transcend, nor the chair of Crato contained.
The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
Often a piece resembles a pure collage until elements settle into a discernible rhythm pattern or a drumbeat will emerge to anchor the noises swirling around it.
They package questionable quality seeds in well known packaging materials which may not make any difference to the undiscerning eye.
Does Uncommon Descent not result in discernable phylogenetic trees?
Building Trees Sequentially
Incidentally, some years Great Basin bristlecone pines awaken in late June, discern (exactly how remains a mystery) that pending summer conditions will be inhospitable; drop back into dormancy drawing upon meager sugar reserves, enabling them to survive for another sleepy 12 months: Giving an entirely new meaning to Fastina lente or make haste slowly.
Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
In an earlier paper I described my discernment of a duodenary, sequential constellation map or zodiac incised on a stamp-seal from Karanovo, Bulgaria and dated to 4800 BCE.
In it, the authors attempt to discern broad patterns in the health measures, both across groups and over long stretches of time.
But having skited, it could hardly expect the hoi polloi to discern between true cash and pre-spent cash, or between capital and other spending commitments.
The form stepped forward out of the corner, condensing from the darkness into a head, shoulders, and indiscernible body cloaked in some material light and impatient in movement as the summer wraiths in this part of the world.
When I started to read the paper the pictures were difficult to discern, most of them being black splodges in the middle of articles.
But so long as the whale shark made no discernible attempt to propel itself through the water I could, by finning vigorously, just about keep pace.
What sets Hoynes apart from the regular schmoe is his ability to discern real homers from what he calls "dork balls. - The best seat in the cove
While we were absent even these few months from the great centers of civilization, tremendous advances had been made in air-ships and the thousand and one other modern phases of human development, but evolution in the world of Nature as we observed it was only destructive -- a world-wide katabolism -- a retrogression often discernible from month to month.
Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
Yet there are no discernible differences in the crime patterns of leading European countries.
Times, Sunday Times
For young, undiscerning audiences only.
Times, Sunday Times
We discerned the figure of a man clinging to the mast of the wrecked ship.