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[ UK /dɪsbˈændmənt/ ]
  1. the act of disbanding
    the orchestra faced the prospect of disbandment

How To Use disbandment In A Sentence

  • Nonetheless he ordered the disbandment of the order.
  • the orchestra faced the prospect of disbandment
  • How can the disbandment of four infantry battalions do anything but worsen the situation?
  • In July 1945 he resigned in protest against the proposed disbandment of the joint Chinese - American wing of the Chinese Air Force.
  • However during the past 12 months this region was faced with challenges of members who did not attend REC meetings and did not tender apologies as a result meetings did not quorate, and the PEC decided to beef up the REC to enable it to prepare for the regional conference, because disbandment would not have been a solution. ORGANISATIONAL REPORT TO THE ANC WOMEN’S LEAGUE NATIONAL GENERAL COUNCIL
  • Under this, the Thaksinites' new political vehicle, the People's Power Party(PPP), and two of its coalition partners face disbandment for alleged vote-fiddling in December's elections.
  • The only circumstances in which they could call in all outstanding debts would be in the event of their own disbandment.
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