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How To Use Disavow In A Sentence

  • So, while not disavowing the memo should your Democratic staff on the select committee be taking that as a straightforward admonition?
  • I would suggest that this cultural fantasy is the symptom of one model for male creativity - the desire to disavow woman's essential Lack by fetishizing an ordinary object.
  • Such disavowals always remind me of Henry Kissinger's line that when a state denies it intends to take a course of action, it is signalling to others that it has the capacity to take such action if it wishes.
  • The board disavowed the action of the executive.
  • Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavowal or disagreement.
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  • Its strength is not disavowed by its disparate and often contrary nature.
  • As an artist, he has knowingly signed forged drawings and disavows responsibility for his sometimes salacious subject matter.
  • He's not going to 'disavow' it, whatever that means in this context. Is Bobby Jindal -- Who May Be On McCain's Veep Shortlist -- An Exorcist?
  • Her husband disavowed her after 30 years of marriage and six children
  • But far from being examined - let alone disavowed - the policies behind these developments are being redoubled.
  • It was the most important disavowal consensus politics in recent history.
  • The letter said, "While there might be no desire to define Christianity in the case of those who claim that they are in any sense of the term entitled to be called Christians, for those persons who, like yourself, disavow the name, there seems to be no need of raising any question as to how broad a range of opinion the name may properly be stretched to cover." [ Unitarianism in America
  • We start with the statement of a “fact” and we’re left with a disavowal from the also anonymous Teddy. Waldo Jaquith - You’re never anonymous on the internet.
  • Rather than refer to her speech at the previous day's banquet, whether to endorse or disavow such colorful phrases as "the Pentagon, a pentacle crowded with the demons of nuclear madness," or "the CIA-the Children Immolation Agency," he made an unspeech of it and simply called her a modern Joan of Arc. That St. Joan took arms in the cause of liberation became an unfact. The Boat of a Million Years
  • Culture means many things in this context, but at heart it is a suite of traits we inherit and also choose to disavow or to stress.
  • Positioned on the other side of the argument is the Association of National Advertisers, which has asked the commission to "disavow" any effort to add commercials to the content ratings menu, saying that Congress 'instruction to the FCC to conduct a study was not be treated as an "invitation to regulate. Multichannel News: Breaking News
  • He needs to 'disavow' that community and its leaders entirely!" many will decry. Edward J. Murray: The Obama Dilemma
  • Unlike many, Bunyan didn't end up disavowing the hippie philosophy.
  • Acknowledging the confusion, the Supreme Court in 1990 disavowed its earlier opinions and announced a new approach.
  • Agreed that Zell's technique, which cynically is used but disavowed or denied when challenged, is old news. Balkinization
  • We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence.
  • They explicitly disavow the classical philosophies of formalism, logicism, Platonism, intuitionism, and social constructivism.
  • To recant is to withdraw or disavow a declared belief, as in renouncing a philosophy or abjuring fealty to a religion.
  • The circumstances of this ageing class warrior tupping his secretary were too repellent even for the politically correct lemon-suckers that so abound this dreary bunch of Socialists who were at last forced to disavow him, albeit under their breath. Weep Not at Slob's Sob Story
  • In his most lucid moments, however, Emerson disavowed his Dionysian rhetoric.
  • Well in that case, Mr Annan, you'd better start by disavowing yourself and your odious organisation.
  • 'disavow' any advisers known to hold certain beliefs about 9/11. Prison
  • Yet, in its disavowal of pure estheticism and visual idealization, Lee's work seems more American than Korean.
  • In his critical writing, too, Pritchett's manner is to disavow authority and try to escape any hint of self-congratulation.
  • Here he was, dressed in corduroy trousers and a light-blue shirt; concentrating, eyes half closed or fully shut; defined gestures; confident breath; fingers flat on the open holes of his clarinet; the muscles of his mouth tight, yet not puffing out his cheeks around the mouthpiece; his upper lip surprisingly mobile, at times seeming to inhale and swallow the top of the reed and at times curling back as if to convey its decision to keep its distance, disavow that nasty instrument, and, all of a sudden, with sovereign authority, literally cut off its breath … In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part V)
  • There is evidence here of a denegation, a strong disavowal of the body in its inert, contemplative and Hegel on Buddhism
  • But I am no less your son than Papa's, and to disavow my Norman blood would be to disavow you. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • Some parents refuse to acknowledge such sons as their progeny, and place adverts in newspapers proclaiming disavowal.
  • Wonder if the big news orgs will note this in their coverage of McCain's "disavowal" of Black's remarks. Obama Camp: McCain Flip-Flopped On Question Of Whether Specter Of Terrorism Helps Him Politically!
  • Religion is a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality, such as we find nowhere else but in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion. Religion's eleventh commandment is "Thou shalt not question.". Sigmund Freud 
  • The board disavowed the action of the executive.
  • President Obama promised early in his administration to "reinvigorate" antitrust enforcement, which involved the Justice Department disavowing Bush era guidelines. Monsanto Draws Antitrust Scrutiny
  • Religion is a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality, such as we find nowhere else but in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion. Religion's eleventh commandment is "Thou shalt not question.". Sigmund Freud 
  • A new RSAbased undeniable signature scheme was proposed which is more efficient because of its 3move confirmation and disavowal protocols.
  • Acknowledging the confusion, the Supreme Court in 1990 disavowed its earlier opinions and announced a new approach.
  • They publicly disavowed any connection with terrorist groups.
  • Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, its advocates are now increasingly disavowing any intention of adding intelligent design to science curricula.
  • The child copes by disavowing her earlier German-Jewish identity by becoming English and changing her name to Evelyn.
  • His oeuvre resembles a series of projects, with each one more or less disavowing the others but all involving a new attempt to come to grips with an elusory reality. Nobel Prize for Literature 1998 - Press Release
  • Frey's ‘novel’ isn't the first memoir of substance abuse, but with its harsh typesetting, galling repetition and disavowal of adjectives and quotations, his may be the most pointlessly abrasive.
  • Its strength is not disavowed by its disparate and often contrary nature.
  • Camus' relationships with Andre Breton and Jean-Paul Sartre had begun to feel the strain that would eventually lead him to disavow all ties with the existentialists.
  • I detect a David Lynchian coyness here - Lynch is famous for disavowing any complex or psychologized readings of his work.
  • What's more, Clark added, ‘the administration's never disavowed this intent.’
  • Certainly, if he did not disavow the child's bloodline rights, the kingdom could be in for a difficult and messy transi - tion, but that would not likely afreet Je'howith, who would probably be long dead by that time. Mortalis
  • As such, the actions of both princes embody a male cultural fantasy of absolute autonomy based on the disavowal of the crucial role that women play as mediators within traditional homosocial culture.
  • These concern the suppression of all terrorist activity on their territory, the transparency of banking and trade arrangements, and the disavowal of weapons of mass destruction.
  • I disavow all responsibility for you.
  • By making it an issue and demanding some kind of disavowal, however, the campaigns bring attention to these comments as a way of painting the other side as hitting below the belt. McCain vs. Schultz - Real Clear Politics –
  • The manager disavowed any knowledge of my actions.
  • Then, as now, the issue was the Palestinians' maximalist demands and the refusal of the State Department to insist that the Palestinians "disavow" an agenda that would spell the demise of the Jewish state. Irving Kristol still persuades
  • Some people cope by denial or disavowal, making open communication less appropriate in the earlier stages.
  • Whatever his intention, I think Scott's disavowal is significant, particularly in light of his consistent refusal to publicly discuss his own ethnic background, which became an issue after Crossfire was released: Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The disavowal of nothingness hides another disavowed, even more denegated and foreclosed thing, the inertia of the self-pleasurer, who after all appears in the form of an inert statue, a self-consuming artifact, the static image of a meditator disappearing into nothing, and/or dissolving into enjoyment. Hegel on Buddhism
  • We saw too the marked trend to disavow deviance amongst the women whose personal histories are discussed in Chapter 2.
  • But, as Althusser said, bourgeois philosophy "lives by its denegation," the promise of an objective knowledge of what philosophy is, as a practice, which is offered by Marxism, is always denegated, or disavowed, by bourgeois philosophers, who assert that such knowledge is impossible. Political Affairs Magazine
  • But in public the BNP now eschews the crassest racism and claims to disavow violence.
  • A declaration of personal belief can amount to a disloyal statement if it disavows allegiance owed to the United States by the declarant.
  • I heard many comments about people being of equal value and of not liking anyone who ‘thinks they are better than I am,’ but I also heard frequent disavowals about economic equality.
  • Europe of the Roman Law (from the twelfth century) to disavow judicial precedent as a source of law, though in reconciling Roman law with custom, judicial ac - ceptance of custom was recognized. LEGAL PRECEDENT
  • Plekhanov's program did not represent an explicit disavowal of socialist objectives.
  • But I am no less your son than Papa's, and to disavow my Norman blood would be to disavow you. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • The director disavowed the remark that had been attributed to him.
  • Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D, MO) disavows any role in spitting smear. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D, MO) disavows any role in spitting smear. | RedState
  • Those modern Jews were voluble to disavow all sympathy with the murderous deeds of their progenitors, who had martyred the prophets, and ostentatiously averred that if they had lived in the times of those martyrdoms they would have been no participators therein, yet by such avouchment they proclaimed themselves the offspring of those who had shed innocent blood. Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
  • His appeal mischaracterizes Robinson's actions, claiming the judge was "offended" that Kerik's supporters "had proclaimed his innocence and criticized the prosecution prior to the plea, and Mr. Kerik did not 'disavow' these statements. ... Len Levitt: Standing Up for Bernie Kerik
  • A deliberate disavowal of any attempt to ‘lay down didactically the principles’ of prose writing provides him with an excellent basis to do exactly that.
  • Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D, MO) disavows any role in spitting smear. » Unpacking the Rasmussen partisan numbers. | RedState
  • Thus the famous passage on the disavowal of the "negative" and the human "predilection for the affirmative" is also transposed from the end in the second version 'The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)
  • Here we have today Scott McClellan, the president's press secretary, specifically demanding further disavowals of the story from Newsweek.
  • I accused you of denial before; this looks more like disavowal.
  • They explicitly disavow the classical philosophies of formalism, logicism, Platonism, intuitionism, and social constructivism.
  • She refused to look at the bagged object in their hands, eager to disavow it, even though she knew she could not. EVERY SECRET THING
  • As an artist, he has knowingly signed forged drawings and disavows responsibility for his sometimes salacious subject matter.
  • But Orly Taitz, an attorney who is the most prominent face of the birther movement, has disavowed the word, writing in a legal motion that is part of a case challenging Obama's authority as commander in chief that birther is "a pejorative appellation" that is "often coupled with even more colorful epithets. NYT > Home Page
  • The manager disavowed any knowledge of my actions.
  • His disavowal notwithstanding, he sounded more concerned about the rights of polygamists than about the plight of child brides.
  • I have to say, as a Die Hard Mode fan, that Just Can't Get Enough is one of the tracks I kind of disavow a little ... Crap cover versions
  • They publicly disavowed any connection with terrorist groups.
  • Apart from the fact of her disappearance is what I can only read as her final "disavowal" of the "Feminist" label. Why I Will Not Disavow the "Feminist" Label
  • Culture means many things in this context, but at heart it is a suite of traits we inherit and also choose to disavow or to stress.
  • Of course, St John will "disavow" every single smear and the press will give him credit for being a stand up guy. Hullabaloo
  • Nor am I such a sycophantic admirer of the Reformed establishmentarianism that I disavow any admiration of, or any spiritual kinship to, many of our Anabaptist forbears. Pensees
  • But it isn't just the hard right that's disavowing Wilson.
  • Religion is a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality, such as we find nowhere else but in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion. Religion's eleventh commandment is "Thou shalt not question.". Sigmund Freud 
  • The incoming chair has the opportunity to establish a new learning history with these faculty members by disavowing the relevance of the past issues and introducing new, achievable expectations.
  • Many became ill and suffered permanent symptoms, but the government disavowed responsibility for them because they were civilians.
  • Now as in the past, the claim of reportage has always stood as a disavowal of responsibility for the pictures' contents.
  • In the election of 1920, the nation chose to elevate Warren G. Harding and his gang of crooked friends to power, disavowing Wilson, the League, and the Treaty of Versailles.
  • In light of my research into the Reagan administration's democracy promotion policies, I have long been concerned that conservatives would pay lip service to democratization while disavowing it in practice.
  • The mainstream Mormon church has disavowed it.
  • The bottom line: both ABC News and the Washington Post are now disavowing any claim that the alleged ‘talking points memo’ was authored by a Republican, let alone that it was some kind of official Republican strategy memo.
  • But neither the anti-phenomenalistic spirit of his neutral monism, nor his explicit disavowals of phenomenalism have managed to take the wind out of the sails of the phenomenalism suspicion. Neutral Monism
  • I have disavowed their reanimation of the unburnt dead many times, many times. Times, Sunday Times
  • The board disavowed the action of the executive.
  • In answer to another question, she said she didn't know if any 9-11 Truthers were on her staff, and she wouldn't "disavow" (Beck's term) anyone for their opinion on that topic. Republic Broadcasting Network
  • They were quick to disavow the rumour.
  • The least interesting aspect of this article is where it tautologically notes that Blair is disavowing such a connection.
  • As the only moral criterion which we recognize is that of social utility, the public disavowal of one's conviction in order to remain in the Party's ranks is obviously more honourable than the quixotism of carrying on a hopeless struggle. Autumn
  • In part, the social power of cadastral maps derived from the "scientific" and purportedly ungendered (because disembodied) quality of their construction, for by concealing their human origins and political objectives in the precisely measured straight lines and quantified areas of their pictorial images, these mappings disavowed the possibility of change or resistance. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • They say he has used his indubitable oratorical powers to fire the blood of the mob, only to later run for cover, disavowing his responsibility for violence.
  • They publicly disavowed any connection with terrorist groups.
  • How important is it to disavow obligation to it?
  • It will save qualifications if we view the relativist as an ideal type that a number of thinkers approach rather closely, even when they disavow that label ˜relativist™. Relativism
  • As I have noted, Freud published his "disavowal" of Moses the year before, that is to say, a year before the Nazis marched into Austria. The Jewish Freud
  • For Schelling's purposes, the Phrygian priests of modern European philosophy embody the spiritualizing violence and recursive loop of this desire, desire that even puts the resistant negativity of the body to efficient good work by libidinally investing its very disavowal, that is, by secretly deriving pleasure out of the ascetic renunciation of pleasure. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • This emasculation is reinforced in the staffing of devalued and disavowed reproductive labor activities on the American military base, with poor men of color migrating from South and Southeast Asia making up the vast majority of these workers. David Isenberg: The Feminine Side of Private Military Contractors
  • The new tiredness is 'located in the head' and seems to be the result of a special kind of disavowal where structurally generated work habits are perceived to be under the control of the individual to an extent that may not be the case. 'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
  • Trans Continental claims a Superior Court judge had approved the contract when it was signed - therefore, it cannot be disavowed now.
  • The claim rang false because punk in its pure form disavowed commercial success, a disavowal that united an otherwise motley array of youth subcultures: high-school misfits, skateboard kids, hardcore skinheads, doped-out postcollegiate slackers. Michael Dirda reviews "Listen to This," by music critic Alex Ross
  • Murray isn't really backing off; she says that her remarks were ‘off the cuff,’ but hasn't disavowed them.
  • Religion is a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality, such as we find nowhere else but in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion. Religion's eleventh commandment is "Thou shalt not question.". Sigmund Freud 
  • Michael, is this in your judgment, even though there have been disavowals, that there would be any interest on the part of the major parties in making this a religion government?
  • Others rely on claims regarding "procreational responsibility" that the Department has disavowed already in litigation as unreasonable, or claims regarding the immutability of sexual orientation that we do not believe can be reconciled with more recent social science understandings. Obama: DOMA Unconstitutional, DOJ Should Stop Defending In Court
  • The director disavowed the remark that had been attributed to him.
  • Wilson he was forced to lie and the diocese produces a signed statement disavowing his involvement in the letter.
  • Like the Phrygian priests, idealists misrecognize loss for gain, but in an affectively imbued manner that leaves behind trace elements marking the violence of this disavowal as well as its incompleteness. Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
  • Under the doctrine of prosecution disclaimer, a patentee may limit the meaning of a claim term by making a clear and unmistakable disavowal of scope during prosecution.
  • I hesitate to remind all of my blogging bretheren, but this "disavowal" movement is a bi-partisan, intra-partisan game. Hullabaloo
  • She refused to look at the bagged object in their hands, eager to disavow it, even though she knew she could not. EVERY SECRET THING
  • But while the great majority of scientists, until around 1750, were cautious enough — in both science and religion — to disavow heterogenesis, the question as to how the SPONTANEOUS GENERATION
  • The keyhole supposedly provides a kind of voyeuristic pleasure in observing while being unobserved, but this pleasure is predicated on disavowing the possibility that the object of spectatorship is aware of your gaze.

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