How To Use Disassembly In A Sentence
The round-robin testing included weapon disassembly and assembly, a Humvee push and casualty evacuation.
A disassembly and assembly experiment system of the marine purifier is built by Virtual Reality(VR) technology, which can show principle of work as well as disassemble and assemble of the purifier.
The B53's disassembly ends the era of big megaton bombs, said Hans Kristensen, a spokesman for the Federation of American Scientists.
Biggest US nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas
The results show a dislocation of the nanotube indicative of a possible disassembly process that may influence the channel conduction.
The bushing retainer allows cartridge removal without disassembly.
Using them would mean that attachments could be installed without disassembly of the main control valve or draining of hydraulic fluids.
Experimental electron micrographs show that, upon rapid disassembly of MTs, the protofilaments peel off and curl.
a series of irreversible transformations, such as capsid disassembly or reverse transcription, take place from state is reached.
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Gang formwork is designed to be assembled once then used many times without disassembly, and therefore a repetitious forming module is necessary.
The first step to reconditioning your pruners is disassembly.
The pin hole was chamfered to aid with disassembly, and any remaining sharp edges of the frame were removed.
Don't miss Stephen Hayes's brick-by-brick disassembly of the Evil Weasel in The Weekly Standard.
I helped with the 'disassembly' of the original studio in October 2007 and went out at least once a week during the summer to help Frank and the students.
Jane Dwyre Garton: IIT Architecture Students Produce Important New Work at Ragdale
It also plans to enlarge its collection, disassembly and sortation site in Gloucestershire.
The deputy secretary of energy, Daniel Poneman, called the disassembly "a milestone accomplishment.
Biggest US nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas
That level of ‘disassembly’ requires a very high degree of self-delusion.
The most difficult point in disassembly was dealing with the catches over the CD/DVD drive.
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Britain ceased to be a major power because we blew our cash saving the world from Germany in WWI and WWII (including reluctant America), and because after WWII the US, large portions of the UK populous, and most in the effected countries wanted the disassembly of the Empire.
The Economist Still Hates To See Humans in Space - NASA Watch
They are also available in the traditional fixed baseplate design as well as in a removable baseplate design to ease disassembly for cleaning.
The plant is the nation's only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility.
Biggest US nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas
The B53's disassembly ends the era of big megaton bombs, said Hans Kristensen, a spokesman for the Federation of American Scientists.
Biggest US nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas
Main-Focus Sights", ambidextrous "Maximum Reach Magazine Release" buttons, "Minimal Error Disassembly" takedown lever, a loaded chamber indicator, a striker status indicator, an Ultra Safety Assurance (USA) trigger safety, grip safety, and "Multi-Adjust Rail System
Defense Review
This block is dovetailed into the pine framing of the sides so it can be slipped off for disassembly.
Complete disassembly of a laptop membrane keyboard is not for the faint-hearted and is time consuming and fiddly – but we have done so on a number of occasions with some success.
How To Save Your Keyboard After A Spill | Lifehacker Australia
An effective disassembly path is way to gain large recycling revenues and to reduce rejectamenta.
Disruption of the microtubule network significantly weakens the elastic response, and the disassembly of actin filaments completely prevents gelation.
A disassembly and assembly experiment system of the marine purifier is built by Virtual Reality(VR) technology, which can show principle of work as well as disassemble and assemble of the purifier.
illustrations for the disassembly and reassembly of devices should be provided
Understand good citizen the 'monied interests' on Wall Street are directly responsible for the 'disassembly' and subsequent destruction of our economy!
Conceptual Guerilla - Central Command in the War of Ideas
Clearly, my watch cannot survive ‘disassembly’ into its constituent atoms: to atomize my watch is to destroy it for ever.
I spent a happy couple of hours getting the disassembler installed and running, and made a first crack at the disassembly.
September 20th, 2003
This theoretical model does not include the energetics of the channel disassembly process.
Since the B53 was made using older technology by engineers who have since retired or died, developing a disassembly process took time.
Biggest US nuclear bomb dismantled in Texas
Once they locked they should provide secure retention against movement or accidental disassembly.
Roll-over is one of the main traffic accident forms for coach, invasive deformation such as superstructure disassembly or sink is likely to cause severe passengers casualty.
This suggests an optimal value also arises for the transformation rate associated with capsid disassembly, which is exhibited by the mathematical model.
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The solder style ZWB 999's may be installed without disassembly, saving costly installation time.
Ammunition demilitarisation involves destroying the inherent capabilities of the ammunition through a series of processes such as disassembly, size reduction, melt-out of explosives and incineration of non-recyclable explosives, the company said in a statement.
the gun required disassembly for cleaning