
  1. in disarray
    disarrayed bedclothes
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How To Use disarrayed In A Sentence

  • This made her seem disarrayed, as though she's spent the last hour or so lying in a haystack.
  • The young-Earth creationists cite evidence selectively, mentioning when dinosaur bones were found in a disarrayed "log jam", without mentioning that the bones showed various degrees of erosion, from very little to the presence of bone "pebbles" warn extensively by the elements and most likely transported as well p.271. Archive 2009-04-01
  • I still do not think Newman correct in the way he sets up Anglicanism, liberalism, and atheism as falling dominoes, but I have come to think that the Episcopal Church is disastrously disordered and disarrayed.
  • Turning to look into the mirror, she saw her hair horribly disarrayed.
  • He is dressed in a formal black suit, that is rather disarrayed.
  • On her way over she sees Kyle's form, lying disarrayed on his ‘bed’.
  • Only one person can unite the disarrayed Republican party and her name is Hillary Clinton. Your Election Central Guide To The Weekend Dem Contests
  • In one corner was a disarrayed mess of blankets that I guessed served as a bed, an iron-bound chest similar to Mai's tucked into a corner.
  •  As accounts were frequently disarrayed in towns like Dunnsbroke, he took up lodgings in Mrs. Winscombe's boardinghouse; his job would not be a quick one. Rev. Jasper Pickery and Three Manifestations of the Devil
  • In disarrayed nightrobe I leap to bare feet and essay Satyricon
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