
How To Use Disarming In A Sentence

  • He is disarmingly straightforward about his goofs and gaffes, of which he had plenty during his first go-round.
  • Their songs have a certain elegant charm and a quality of innocence that's genuinely disarming.
  • In ancient times they used disguise and subterfuge, but these modern warriors used an equally disarming trick. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her secret, it seems, has been a confluence of business savvy and a folksy but formidable disarming charm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ryder's familiarity with the camera contributes to his disarmingly ingenuous presence, by turns determined and naive.
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  • Trains lines were dynamited, and civilians were attacking police stations and disarming police officers and taking them prisoner.
  • It is not everyday that you find an autobiography so disarmingly direct and candid.
  • Cherry is disarmingly open with her emotions: warm and impulsive one moment, solemn and thoughtful the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Around them are entwined canonic melodies of disarming ingenuousness. Times, Sunday Times
  • An urgent and then melancholy opening was unsettled by dark bass trills and a menacing fugal theme, only to be undone by the second movement's disarming simplicity. Pianist Till Fellner ends Beethoven sonata cycle with restrained refinement
  • With his gosh-darned, aw-shucks demeanor and disarming smile, he is able to insult entire ethnic groups without even realizing he's doing it.
  • I found him friendly and approachable, and he possessed a disarming charm that could come in handy. Times, Sunday Times
  • His disarming amiability and jocular charm were irresistible, but his art was immediately compelling on its own terms, and largely responsible for fueling all the interest.
  • He is disarmingly straightforward about his goofs and gaffes, of which he had plenty during his first go-round.
  • He was brilliantly convincing with a strong Irish brogue, righteous indignation when confronted with the insignificance of his rumours, and disarming blarney.
  • Rarely has a champagne house had such a disarmingly ebullient scion. Times, Sunday Times
  • At first he appears unassuming and on occasion bumbling yet his disarming manner, like that of Louis Theroux, is one that seems to entice his interviewee into spilling the beans.
  • Their songs have a certain elegant charm and a quality of innocence that's genuinely disarming.
  • But 30 minutes in the company of this disarming and baby-faced individual reveals a tough operator.
  • He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • One false move would activate the bomb and Jason didn't like the idea of disarming a bomb that could easily eliminate life miles away.
  • He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • "Thanks, " They said and got in then started disarming the bombs.
  • And he was to tell the story of it with disarming candour in Glory Glory! Times, Sunday Times
  • Its childish simplicity, with cheap cha-cha beatbox rhythm and wobbly guitar, is both disarming and strangely poignant.
  • They were also planning and preparing reception areas for disarming and housing combatants from a variety of armed factions that must demobilise in terms of a set of peace and ceasefire agreements.
  • As a result, disarming the combatants will be difficult.
  • That nation's great culture of marked politeness, disarming courtesy and remarkable tolerance can give way to sheer bestiality, as the war proved.
  • Cherry is disarmingly open with her emotions: warm and impulsive one moment, solemn and thoughtful the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although to say the man was a big influence on me musically would be a gross understatement, I will personally remember Piggy best for his disarming demeanour.
  • He was a pertinacious controversialist, but in any personal discussion his humorous twinkle was disarming.
  • Instead the result is funny, engaging and disarmingly honest. The Sun
  • There's a disarming honesty to the film and a familiarity to the themes that will strike a chord with most women. Times, Sunday Times
  • The viewer's voice is marked by almost disarming shifts in tone; his voice is at one moment exclamatory, at the next, subdued, and at the close of stanza fifteen, almost resigned.
  • Koku had turned on the charm, disarming them with the thoroughness of a mono-molecular knife.
  • But analysts and residents have complained this does not include disarming the tribal fighters and demilitarising the town.
  • We will agree to disarming troops and leaving their weapons at military positions.
  • Not just cute and beguiling, Pilkington's sculptures are slightly off-centre being both disarming and disconcerting.
  • There was a disarming contrast between his imposing appearance in three piece suit and starched collar and his complete lack of pomposity and his sense of humour.
  • Congolese are quick to point out that despite those two invasions, Rwandan forces never succeeded in disarming the rebels and insist that Rwanda is only after Congo's mineral wealth.
  • Cherry is disarmingly open with her emotions: warm and impulsive one moment, solemn and thoughtful the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • Noam Chomsky does not cajole the listener; he presents his arguments - a distillation of copious reading - with disarming candor.
  • However, disarming citizens HAS been shown to increase crime.www. Drudge Retort
  • Disarming as beauty is when paired with charm, the waitpersons are also as informed as they are informal.
  • They paint the approach as a disarming subterfuge designed to undermine solid evidence that all living things share a common ancestry.
  • Her disarming honesty immediately created a much less hostile atmosphere in the room.
  • Regime change as a ‘morally desirable side-effect’ of disarming an aggressor is consistent with the Just War ethic.
  • Police then evacuated the basement mailroom while they set about disarming the device.
  • Their policy in disarming the natives has been often followed in the East. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • As a work of art, it appears disarmingly simple, but then so many eureka moments do. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chatting over Indian samosas and chicken tikka, she seems candid, confident, light-hearted and completely disarming.
  • As soon as the feverishly seething blood rushes over my brain and drowns my consciousness, the oldest devils, driving out and disarming all laterborn ones, come back again, and that best shows, without doubt, how they must once have tortured me. The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 09 Friedrich Hebbel and Otto Ludwig
  • For several minutes he ducked and dived under knife thrusts, but he was tiring fast and couldn't see how he could seriously retaliate, short of disarming the man.
  • She's compelling company, and bursting with disarmingly funny chit-chat. The Sun
  • Though still no talk of disarming the militants under terms of the U.S.-backed roadmap for peace.
  • This issue finds Cinderella disarming the assailant that slipped into her room brandishing a knife, and after an exchange of pleasantries, readers discover her would be foe is actually Aladdin of the magic lamp (and ring) fame. Review: Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love #2 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless. Times, Sunday Times
  • With the ceasefire in operation, government troops attempted to restore order in Kabul by disarming mujaheddin fighters roaming the city.
  • The first few minutes of the film are a paean to romantic love, recreating that intensity and joy with disarming simplicity.
  • He oozes dignity, with his slow baritone and craggy facial topography, topped with a disarming warmth and simplicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • But within that disarming simplicity is the beauty, strength, and majesty of the piece. Christianity Today
  • Though he has a high school education, he has been trained to be a specialist here, and he considers his job as delicate as disarming a live bomb.
  • Nightfall is a work of striking juxtapositions and tones that by picture end, come off like an unforgettably disarming person -- you're charmed, discombobulated, even slightly disturbed, and you're not sure what to make of it all. Kim Morgan: For the Love of (Film Noir): Nightfall
  • One hand held gracefully to his breast the parson makes his bow, his sharp civil features enwreathed in the most disarming of smiles. Sterne's Great Game
  • Devon was nowhere in sight, but Dori knew that he was somewhere around the truck that held Linden and Ryan, working on disarming the bomb.
  • But disarming honesty about previous dishonesty is apparently OK.
  • I grew up with 14-year-old crackheads, ‘Beck says with disarming nonchalance.’
  • He said the process of disarming, demobilizing and reintegrating ex-combatants is gaining ground, with the total number of militia fighters now halved to about 40,000 or 50,000.
  • Some are large, others little more than snapshots, hung in a disarming and deceptively casual manner.
  • It envisaged the disarming of all the Kampuchean factions and the creation of a neutral interim administration to organise free elections.
  • We do everything from respond to emergencies involving unsafe munitions on the flightline to disarming improvised explosive devices.
  • But within that disarming simplicity is the beauty, strength, and majesty of the piece. Christianity Today
  • At first he appears unassuming and on occasion bumbling yet his disarming manner, like that of Louis Theroux, is one that seems to entice his interviewee into spilling the beans.
  • A big barrel chest, with warm brown eyes and a disarming grin, which belayed a very serious man who, she had no doubt, could lose his temper at work. Extreme Measures
  • I was under the strong impression that no one could withstand her disarming brand of charm.
  • You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Terri' The disarming, original "Terri" is a wry, low-key comedy from director Azazel Jacobs "Momma's Man" that constantly monkeys with our expectations. 'Crowne': A Bad Fit for Hollywood Royalty
  • He smiles, he flatters, he makes disarming eye contact through large glasses. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are another 6,200 UN peacekeepers on the way, who will supervise disarming of the rebels and pro-government militias.
  • D'Antoni came across as a freewheeling soul, quick with a smile and a quip, every word couched in a disarming West Virginia drawl. NYT > Home Page
  • What is so effective about the film is the disarming jollity with which it knocks over the genre.
  • Above all, it is his honesty, his willingness to draw on biographical detail that infuses this novel with sad, disarming charm.
  • Silvia parries Keller's systematic professional suspicion with disarming dignity and their scenes of confrontation are an elegant showpiece of good writing brought alive by even better acting.
  • Though he has a high school education, he has been trained to be a specialist here, and he considers his job as delicate as disarming a live bomb.
  • What works is charm, the kind of healthy, honest, disarming charm that makes the woman at the accounts office feel like another woman, not a welfare worker.
  • There is something disarming, even charming about him, an unaffected, innocent air.
  • It is a tall cuboid volume wrapped in slate which actually sits in the pool, its dark, enigmatic mass giving the disarming impression of floating on water.
  • They come across as a little bit unhinged, a little bit posh (or at least upper - middle), but actually quite charming and disarmingly open.
  • And hopefully, also share the victory here, not just with Iraqis, but with the people of the world who all supported regime change and disarming this country.
  • He admitted with disarming honesty that Australian sledging got to him in 2004.
  • You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her character's skill at disarming those around her is uncanny and belies her years.
  • In the final, disarmingly quiet scene of The Sun, the emperor is informed that the young sound technician who recorded his speech of renunciation has committed hara-kiri.
  • Congolese are quick to point out that despite those two invasions, Rwandan forces never succeeded in disarming the rebels and insist that Rwanda is only after Congo's mineral wealth.
  • I fi nd myself slightly dazed by how disarmingly natural she seems. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are a few grumbles but his disarming smile mollifies the majority of the group.
  • A cycle of five settings of extracts from The Tempest, it clothes the disarmingly tonal vocal lines in shimmering textures from trios of flutes and cellos, along with three percussionists playing a variety of tuned and untuned wooden and metallic instruments. CBSO/Nelsons – review
  • When they arrived, the soldiers began disarming the guards and giving aid to the prisoners, whose backs, arms and legs were marked with welts and bruises.
  • A lot of his article is commonsense, but written in a disarming and captivating manner.
  • Aren’t these policies more effective in disarming those inclined to follow it? The Volokh Conspiracy » Colorado State University board rescinds ban on licensed firearms carry 
  • He is disarming, humble, genuinely and immediately friendly and has a way of carrying himself, in front of a camera or in the flesh, which immediately puts you at ease.
  • The sharp-chinned, goateed 55-year-old is too impatient with black stagnation to mince words, though he softens his more provocative statements with a disarming chuckle.
  • Leonard approached with a disarming smile.
  • Cherry is disarmingly open with her emotions: warm and impulsive one moment, solemn and thoughtful the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • She then describes the Rat personality: Charming, extremely easy to get along with, hard working, has a disarming manner even when confronting someone.
  • Run by Catherine Beatty who is as nice to visitors as she can be, the space is basically the downstairs rooms of her terrace house and the effect is one of disarming friendliness.
  • In the flesh, though, she's utterly disarming; a little rumpled, entirely undomestic - a slightly eccentric favourite aunt. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have to do what we call disarming the doors if they want to be open the doors without blowing the slides. CNN Transcript Sep 21, 2005
  • “I strongly believe … that we must engage strategically in disarming terrorism by stopping their sources of supply of money, training, equipment and motivation,” he said. Think Progress » ThinkFast AM: June 22, 2006
  • We will agree to disarming troops and leaving their weapons at military positions.
  • She surveyed Sophie from top to toe in a disarmingly frank way.
  • With disarming frankness, she told how she believed her daughter was too trusting with other people, giving too much of herself when ‘she herself was needful of affection and understanding’.
  • He's irreverent to an extreme, glib, folksy, with a disarming arrogance that drives his non-supporters nuts.
  • It's an idea relegated to some throwaway dialogue and one disarming scene in which a girl is confronted by a nutcase.
  • Disarmingly simple and clear, Muske-Dukes's lapidary, ardent poem recalls us to our losses, our selves, a responsibility that extends "to a soldier" -- to a man, to a woman. Carol Muske-Dukes: "To a Soldier" Poem
  • His disarming professorial habit of asking hard-boiled members of the press to repeat his words of wisdom after him (which he himself has repeated anyhow) somehow never seems offensive.
  • Key points of the UN plan include disarming and demobilizing the rebel troops.
  • The legitimate government of Lebanon has an interest in disarming and disbanding Hezbollah in conjunction with Israel. Think Progress » Israel agrees to 48-hour suspension
  • The commodore was most interested in disarming him, obviously thinking that if he took the captain alive, he'd have an easier time taking the crew.
  • He renders spaces and buildings with disarming boldness: flat earthy tones embrace colonial architectural embellishment and contemporary urban sprawl.
  • Jonathan looked at the paper while they were in the elevator, ‘These are codes for arming and disarming missiles.’
  • Her mode of expression is a disarmingly clear and accessible style, characterized by concision, rhyme, wordplay and wit," concluded the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, which each year chooses winners through a secretive process and does not accept nominations. SFGate: Don Asmussen: Bad Reporter
  • The speckled handblown bottle looks disarmingly modest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Calmly, and with a disarming friendly manner, he engaged her in conversation.
  • I fi nd myself slightly dazed by how disarmingly natural she seems. Times, Sunday Times
  • A disarmingly sexy paramedic, a plain manila envelope, and a whipping wind lead Quentin from a chilly Brooklyn twilight to the warmth of a summer day in the country. The Magicians by Lev Grossman: Questions
  • But the gesture of disarming the bodyguard was not universally understood. The Bullet Catchers
  • Yet in the flesh, it all seems a galaxy away from her disarmingly open body language and megawatt smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • The position of Ford, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and chief negotiator of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons for the Bush administration, can perhaps best be described as counseling extreme caution in disarming while other states still seek to develop nuclear weapons programs. Russ Wellen: Give Me Liberty or Give Me -- the Extinction of the Human Race?
  • The overflights are a violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which also calls for the dismantling and disarming of all militias in Lebanon. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Then, with a single disarming chop to the back of his neck, Alex's eyes rolled back into his head, he swayed once, and then fell on the floor.
  • Bessey disarmingly recounts how: I was lecturing on the properties of the plants constituting the Solanaceae, and, as a matter of course, said that the berries of the black nightshade were poisonous.
  • While this assertion appears disarmingly simple, it is profound in its implications.
  • There will be no deal unless "decommissioning" -- the disarming of paramilitaries -- goes much further than it has since 1998. MARCHING TOWARD CIVILITY
  • And with disarming honesty he replied that most critics would say he wasn't as good as he could have been.
  • However, every track is a gem of poetry and the tunes are disarmingly catchy.
  • Garland has plotted a novel which is decidedly unflashy, despite its violent premise, and is disarmingly brief.
  • There's nothing cheap about the disarming effect of good dream-pop, or whatever you want to call it.
  • Monroe, these plays of Jelinek are disarmingly self-ironizing, but at the same time mercilessly serious narratives about female worlds and self-images, about submission, power, life and death. Elfriede Jelinek: Provocation as the Breath of Life
  • The guitarist's disarming sense of humour suggests that his band, in fact, isn't out to destroy rock music as we know it.
  • I am humbled further by the family's disarming kindness. A Roomful of Birds - Scottish short stories 1990
  • He sweeps through the Debussy pieces with a nonchalance that is almost disarming but his keyboard touch is indeed lithe and very beautiful.
  • Her disarming honesty immediately created a much less hostile atmosphere in the room.
  • You remember that disarming also means to render defenceless. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a personal level the federal results in Western Australia had the seductive and disarming effect of persuading the State Director and his coterie that in some manner they were responsible for the success.
  • That he earned Purple Hearts for disarming a SCUD missile in Desert Storm and for de-mining in Heroes or Villains?
  • Her great friend Observer columnist Victoria Coren admires Winkleman's disarming charm, but suggests viewers should not be fooled by her "ditsy" antics. Claudia Winkleman: The quirky charm of TV's new film buff
  • He has a shock of curly white hair and a disarming smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Disclosure of your secret feelings to a confidante can go a long way in disarming their power. Christianity Today
  • However, when you meet Sean Young she's disarmingly polite and looks as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.
  • Above all, it is his honesty, his willingness to draw on biographical detail that infuses this novel with sad, disarming charm.
  • He has a shock of curly white hair and a disarming smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, Olmert says Lebanon will have to do its part in disarming the militant Islamic group.
  • But Featherstone states it in such a disarming and down-to-earth manner that it comes across the way it is intended - as a statement of the obvious.
  • Instead the result is funny, engaging and disarmingly honest. The Sun
  • Now cast adrift from their former contexts, these filmstrips still manage to reveal the disarming forcefulness of America's once official culture, with its ubiquitously familiar, authoritarian and paternalistic voice-overs.
  • Ambivalent about the generational identity problem slot he's been in, Turpin talks about the future with disarming frankness.
  • But within that disarming simplicity is the beauty, strength, and majesty of the piece. Christianity Today
  • Because we know how well he's done and how well he'll do, his nervousness is amusing and disarming. American Everyman
  • The Spaniard's disarming humility and confidence has brought him some joy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Over time, Kang learns new fighting techniques, including grapples and disarming, as well as stunt-driving maneuvers.
  • Cherry is disarmingly open with her emotions: warm and impulsive one moment, solemn and thoughtful the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • He displayed a charm in discomfiture that I always found disarming - as, I suspect, did the majority of the programme's fans.
  • You will realize that security is a psychological matter, and if the French feel a security that will enable them to begin disarming it will result in an all-round reduction of armaments. Locarno
  • Does George Bush possess a disarming grin, or a facetious smirk?
  • A charmer with glinty umber eyes and a disarming crescent grin, his acceptance was doled out in niblets, treats passed to dogs standing stiff before the judges, trained to gladly suffer the verbal public flayings endured in between. 1997: What I Wanted
  • He has had a career resurgence in recent years as a new generation discover his disarmingly relaxed performances, his superb delivery and smooth voice.
  • Through it all, Dodd remained an avid lover of music and an astute businessman, with a wry and disarming sense of humour.
  • Dr Mandela demands what he calls the disarming of my men, as he puts it, as though the carrying of symbolic weapons opposes any real threat to peace. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • There is nobody else in showbiz as disarmingly open as she is about what actually goes on inside the hallowed halls of fame. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iraq is supposed to be disarming, and they have not established, to my satisfaction anyway, and I think to the satisfaction of the international community, that they are moving in good faith to disarm, which is what they're supposed to do under the resolution. CNN Transcript Jan 19, 2003
  • How many times does it take N Korea and Iran to snub the U. S.'s efforts for peaceful deconstruction of their nuclear programs before Obama can accept that they simply have no interest in disarming? Obama wrote letter to N. Korean leader, official says

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