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How To Use Disappear In A Sentence

  • He watched them disappear from his view, his father still waddling along with that bloody basket.
  • In response to the outcry, as well as to the fact that colorization did not end up being the boon colorizers thought it would be, the practice thankfully disappeared after only a couple of years.
  • A study by Conservation International, an American organisation, found that nearly a third of frogs, toads, newts and other amphibian species were likely to disappear within 100 years.
  • Strange flashes of varicoloured, rainbow light began to appear and disappear on the path before me.
  • The digital flux that frames our experience of physical and socio-political realities functions through continuous additions, subtractions, and disappearances.
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  • So many useful shops disappear, to be replaced by a retail outlet that is not welcomed by many of us.
  • The servants disappeared as if they were whiffs of smoke blown away by the wind.
  • They probably can't bleep a specific word on the fly so the sound would just disappear for a period.
  • A year later, in ‘L' Allegro ’, the delphic element had disappeared, and Milton's cheerful man heard ‘Sweetest Shakespeare, fancy's child Warble his native woodnotes wild’.
  • I was haunted by the beauty of the landscape all about, of the natural ferneries then disappearing, and of the domed forest-trees on the slopes, and was fortunate in meeting a gentleman intent on preserving in art the beauties of his country. Sailing Alone Around the World
  • We need not worry about the disappearance of this space because its elasticity prevents true rupture or breakage.
  • This in turn has triggered the disappearance of a system of symbols that once enabled immediate identification of a woman's status.
  • In the postwar period they gradually merged with the Conservatives until they disappeared altogether. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then it added, `Wait a mo ",' and disappeared back into its room. A DEATH IN TIME
  • Whether it is a native cat, previously thought extinct, or an escaped exotic pet, the Beast of Bodmin is a creature that refuses to disappear.
  • The sound of clattering pots disappeared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Experts fear that if further development closes off these migration paths, it will interfere with the pronghorn's life cycle, eventually causing the species to disappear.
  • Every evergreen bough groaned with half a foot of snow; the streets and sidewalks had disappeared.
  • The 'disappearing ink' is not ink at all, but a temporary discolouration of light-sensitive molecules known as photochromes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stir in the tomato purée and cook for 5-10 minutes or until the raw tomato smell disappears. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was 20 minutes into the game when any prospect of good-natured banter disappeared.
  • Indeed, when you factor out variables like having children, the wage gap virtually disappears.
  • But then came the mysterious disappearance. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the pace got too hot for him, he disappeared.
  • The blini of ground beef wrapped in a thin crêpe disappeared before I could get a taste of it, so I guess that means it must have been good, right?
  • Before long, mob bosses were wondering whether he should disappear on a permanent basis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through it all there is a strand of political activism that waxes and wanes, but never disappears.
  • For disappearing acts, it's hard to beat what happens to the eight hours supposedly left after eight of sleep and eight of work. Doug Larson 
  • She walks directly towards the hand held camera that pans left to follow her as she disappears behind a column.
  • A ship disappeared below the horizon.
  • Long after the kingdoms of southern Arabia disappeared, the fabled riches of the region live on in the popular imagination.
  • The moths swarm together for a moment, then disappear like candle flames going out.
  • He was addicted to a stronger strain of skunk cannabis but demand for it won't disappear if marijuana is legalised. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each must constantly be presented anew, only to disappear again.
  • Many of the sites launched at the peak of the Internet boom have now disappeared.
  • Dundee began to disappear behind a white veil while Chick drank his way steadily down the half-bottle.
  • It looked like it was going to be grotty, but as I was on the tube the clouds all seemed to disappear and by the time I came back above ground at Tottenham Court Road station the sky was a beautiful clear blue and the sun was shining brightly.
  • Human nature being what it is, books will gradually disappear and get chucked in the bin.
  • He disappeared without explanation, to much puzzlement. Times, Sunday Times
  • But I’ll still be happy to see Sarah Palin disappear from the cultural scene when it’s all over and done. Tina Fey Back as Sarah Palin for SNL Vice Presidential Debate Sketch? You Betcha!
  • Many Roman traditions and institutions also disappeared or simply became redundant in the process, not least the arenas and amphitheatres for the circuses and games once supported by the state and municipal authorities.
  • The mobile lifestyle will disappear but Americans will discover that losing the automobile is a small tragedy compared to losing food. Sound Politics: Scenes from Wallingford
  • As Myeloski switched on the light, he had caught a glimpse of Louise Taylor before she disappeared under the cover.
  • The following trailer has Tricia Helfer, Emerson from Pushing Daisies and that guy from Fringe who died, got stuck in Olivia's head then really disappeared: May 2009
  • Not that irredentist desires disappeared, only that fewer Frenchmen seemed willing to go to war over the issue in 1914 than in previous years.
  • At this point the path seemed to disappear altogether .
  • The girls 'father, Giuseppe De Vito, disappeared in 2006 after the RCMP issued a warrant for his arrest on drug charges as part of what they called a sweeping crackdown on organized crime. Ottawa Sun
  • At his words, the mocking hauteur disappears from her gaze.
  • In the course of the day, the sand flats will emerge and disappear. Times, Sunday Times
  • He grunted and disappeared, Walter following disloyally at his heels. Last Night at Chateau Marmont
  • In that area the sparks were not traveling on the netlike lines, but leaping randomly into the grayness and disappearing. The Gauntlet Thrown Chapter Thirty Seven
  • Chefs zigzag in formation over the cobbles, disappearing through a warren of doors with bread baskets and trays of millefeuille. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have planted over 800 native trees along the embankment, creating a wonderful habitat for warblers such as whitethroat, garden warbler and blackcap, as well as linnets, once a common bird that seems to be disappearing.
  • Not only did sanatoriums close, but also therapeutic mainstays like pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum became obsolete, and surgical procedures such as thoracoplasty and the surgeons who did them disappeared.
  • A green emergency exit sign was the light to his disappearance and he made his way towards it.
  • They learn that anginal chest pain may diminish or disappear within 10-14 days in some patients while others may take longer. Kathy Freston: Heart Disease: A Toothless Paper Tiger That Need Never Exist
  • Her new companion took her to the bowling green in the middle, nodded her towards the clubhouse and disappeared. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • He is accused of involvement in the deaths and disappearance of up to 10,000 people during the war in Kosovo.
  • The other has led a child-free life based in the back of the wardrobe, waiting on the substitute's bench in case of death, dissolution or disappearance of the main player.
  • The bird relies on nearby hayfields to find seeds to feed its young and over the past two or three decades many have disappeared.
  • Anything that the dying republicans can do at this point, including thrashing around and digging up newt from the grave, while their Dear Leader’s days in office disappear after every sundown, they will do. House Republicans Continue Vacation Protest - The Caucus Blog -
  • The days of one or two defeats had disappeared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Suddenly her rights in the parental home disappeared. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It would seem as though the historical monopoly on information previously enjoyed by real estate brokerages is starting to disappear, and the profession will involve less horse trading, and there will be a fewer number of more highly qualified and scrupulous agents adding value as advocates to real estate deals, paid not out of the proceeds – which I consider a real conflict of interest – but for their time. Real estate agents are next « BuzzMachine
  • Nor much longer till it ceased to be a griskin -- having altogether disappeared from his fingers, followed by a gurgling sound, as half the contents of the canteen went washing it down his throat. The Lone Ranche
  • The main trunk of the stapedial artery atrophies and its origin from the internal carotid disappears.
  • The Altair did not disappear from the thoughts of the computerists and neither did the hardware they used.
  • The assets will be used to reduce the figures for government debt and the liabilities will simply disappear from view. Times, Sunday Times
  • My … brother had quite a hand in brokering the accords, she said nodding across the room to a skinny bloke in a well-fitted tuxedo who was making his way onto the verandah Rose had disappeared onto. The Boundaries of Consent (1/3)
  • The colossal arms disappearing into her coat's dolman sleeves, tweed flecked with purple and gold. THE SHIPPING NEWS
  • Cody's face fell, but it quickly disappeared to be replaced by a smile.
  • I wish that fool would just make himself disappear.
  • However, after one or two days of use, especially with the screen on, will complete the evaporation process and the yellow "blotches" will disappear. MacRumors : Mac News and Rumors
  • There was even a magician performing some wonderful tricks, unfortunately he had done a disappearing act by the time I turned up.
  • The papers ran speculative stories about the mysterious disappearance of Eddie Donagan.
  • Actually now that you mention the hotwheels I used to carry pez dispensers which would often 'disappear' and then pen markers that 'smelled' - I guess smelling grape every now and then made a bad day a little better. Which one/s were you? Age 2-10
  • Or they asserted that all those landlubberly creatures had walked dry-shod across a natural bridge or had swum short distances between stepping-stones, and that one such formation or another had since disappeared beneath the waves. Galapagos
  • He seems to have bloody well disappeared altogether.
  • Most of the jobs will disappear through hiving off divisions and seeking voluntary redundancies.
  • To prevent beaches from disappearing, landowners build rock walls called groins perpendicular to the coast.
  • Many tags get sun-faded, worn, removed, switched, and one of our favorite theories for their disappearance is that roaches like to eat them. Prices almost never listed
  • Stunning Canadian landscapes and scenes of a disappeared indigenous culture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Canvas tents and hastily assembled lean-tos disappeared in favor of nylon tents complete with metal poles and nylon stakes.
  • Unfortunately, unless I'm mistaken, the on / off switch for that has disappeared from Blogger's publishing dashboard.
  • There is a theme running through the magazine of crushes on gorgeous men, and mysterious romances with strange disappearing boys.
  • She knew the offers would disappear again the very moment she tried to take them up.
  • I ordered our troops to retreat and disappear like burning grass in the dry season.
  • As molecular _vis viva_ the waves disappear, but in so doing they re-endow the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen with tension. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • This statement bewails the prospect of the mixed-race characters' disappearance and establishes their identity as a third race within the context of the story.
  • An interesting conclusion now being drawn by arborists is that the tap root actually disappears as the tree matures in its 20s and 30s.
  • As the storm began, everyone disappeared below deck.
  • Ammunition stocks disappeared as artillery fired projectiles far in excess of prewar projections.
  • Martyrs did not entirely disappear, but they were different from their late antique predecessors; they might be bishops killed in political strife, missionaries killed by pagans, or confessors being ‘living dead’.
  • Although there is a little train which can take you around, we found the dusk walks more interesting, with only a ditch (which disappeared in the dark) to separate us from the animals which were just metres away ... such as cheetahs, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, tapirs, hyenas, etc. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • Our topsoil is disappearing, the materials we use for fertilizer rising in price, and other nations are developing their own mechanized agriculture. Matthew Yglesias » Farm Blogging
  • I watch the horrible dream drive away and disappear in a dribble of tail-lights.
  • I escaped him and went to the bathroom and vomited again and again until I felt that if I puked one more time, my body would disappear.
  • His own plates end in KWT, just like the witness in the Samantha Foster disappearance saw. AFTERMATH
  • She gingerly pulled the rope of pearls out of the box, staring at them in disbelief, as if she expected them to disappear any moment.
  • So it was not surprising that small changes in the environment could make their effects disappear. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • We saw the moon appear and disappear, veiled by clouds.
  • He disappeared into the bathroom, and reappeared ten minutes later in a black T-shirt and a favorite pair of shorts that had palm trees printed all over them.
  • About a hundred brains that had been stored in glass jars in a basement on campus have disappeared, prompting fears of a great brain robbery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Corbi had moved off with the overdressed Count and his friends and they soon disappeared from view beyond the trees. PROSECUTOR
  • The baby disappears into the unknown vastness behind the handkerchief and to her, her reappearance is a thrilling experience. Here and Now Story Book Two- to seven-year-olds
  • Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover.
  • The black car drove away from them and disappeared.
  • As soon as they were out of my house, I intended for them to disappear from the face of the planet.
  • While the cod, pollack and haddock may have all but disappeared, you stand a good chance of spotting porpoises, minke whales and even the odd beluga.
  • Who of that fierce company brought the trooper to his end we never knew, but when M'Iver and I got down to the level he was dead as knives could make him, and his horse, more mad than ever, was disappearing over a mossy moor with a sky-blue lochan in the midst of it. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • Behind one of the cameras a lizard scuttles up the wall and disappears down the other side.
  • All my abdominal bloating symptoms disappeared as well as the indigestion and heartburn that I always used to suffer with. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Sometimes we have competitors who disappear, but quickly there are new competitors who rise up in their place.
  • These forests are home to other unusual and endangered species, including the Asiatic jackal and silvered langur, many of which have also disappeared from Laos.
  • From the fifth century onwards, the species of large animals, whether cattle, sheep, swine, or even poultry, disappear and were replaced everywhere, until the end of the middle ages, by the smaller breeds of the pre-classical period.
  • These two plants hold together the sand and shingle - without them the whole peninsula could well disappear. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Swindon Branch operates a lost and found register to assist those who are concerned about a stray or whose cat has disappeared.
  • From the vein that passes through the liver two branches separate off, of which one terminates in the diaphragm or so-called midriff, and the other runs up again through the armpit into the right arm and unites with the other veins at the inside of the bend of the arm; and it is in consequence of this local connexion that, when the surgeon opens this vein in the forearm, the patient is relieved of certain pains in the liver; and from the left-hand side of it there extends a short but thick vein to the spleen and the little veins branching off it disappear in that organ. The History of Animals
  • This he did, dispatching a small force to scout after the "army" disappearing over the hills. Umbria - the green heart of Italy
  • the disappearance of resistance at very low temperatures
  • The virtual disappearance of the traditional hearing of confessions in the box has led to the penitential services being the alternative way.
  • And this conflict does not disappear when we move from veridical perceptions of natural facts to veridical perceptions of social facts.
  • A number of species could soon disappear forever.
  • Now, on this hot August evening, he disappeared inside his shop and came back out with a freshly glassed and sanded shortboard. Kook
  • In a kind of reversal of the paedomorphosis hypothesis, the hallucinated gods disappeared from adult minds first, then were pulled back earlier and earlier into childhood, until today they survive only in the Binker or little purple man phenomenon. The God Delusion
  • I don't know how it's possible for a person to disappear without trace.
  • Finally the taube tired of manoeuvering, would disappear. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. (Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis) from the Spanish of Vincente Blasco Ibanez; authorized translation by Charlotte Brewster Jordan.
  • Earlier this week, police canvassed patrons of a rural general store and a doughnut shop northwest of the city, where two calls were made to Cecilia's home from pay phones on the morning of her disappearance.
  • Countries may tax energy consumption at radically different rates without seeing all their domestic industry disappear offshore.
  • Pl flashes quickly if you are fulgurous visitor, you can disappear before I know you clearly.
  • Lionel's inheritance also disappears; after separation, hardship, estrangement, and disinheritance, the Tarrants are happily reconciled, but live separately in London.
  • His exact cause of death is still to be established and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance and death are currently under investigation. Times, Sunday Times
  • He stirred the tea, fast, some slopped into the saucer as he watched the swirls disappear.
  • Equipped with new detail on the operations of each individual factory, the company boss might feel more comfortable yielding greater discretion to each factory manager; any drop in production - or mysterious disappearance of yarn from the supply room - would raise red flags at the head office. In defense of middle management
  • The others watched him kick and flounder as he struggled up, then saw his feet disappear.
  • A variable number of these appendages may become transformed into organs that are functional during post-embryonic life while the remainder disappear.
  • It's believed their disappearance had been pre-planned.
  • When anger blinds the mind, truth disappears
  • They just disappear like ghosts into the hotels until it is time to go home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anne ran down the clover slope like a deer, and disappeared in the firry shadows of the Haunted Wood. Anne of Green Gables
  • inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady
  • TWO men and a woman died yesterday when their helicopter crashed into farmland soon after it disappeared into heavy cloud in dark, wintry weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, it maintained that ‘allegations of disappearances have been made concerning persons who have actually been exfiltrated across the border for training in subversion.’
  • You would be so shocked and so disgusted that whatever faint chance of your return is left would disappear forever.
  • Ruffs and britches disappeared long ago, and there isn't much to distinguish a Balinese from a Siamese today except a wispy fringe on the underbelly and a meek plume of a tail.
  • It starred feuding relatives and featured a lengthy court battle and a disappearing fortune. Times, Sunday Times
  • They seem to have the crafts and skills which have been disappearing in Britain.
  • Most fictional time machines disappear in one time and reappear in another, but real time machines use the strange effects of relativity on time and space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps the states disappear into Whoville, rather than really describing an extremal black hole. Where Does the Entropy Go?
  • In the metamorphosed Thunderhead Sandstone it was found that at the staurolite isograd, the boundary between the garnet and staurolite zones, the mineral chlorite disappears from the rocks and muscovite decreases sharply, whereas staurolite appears and biotite becomes more abundant. Ken Miller in Cleveland: WEBCAST ARCHIVE URLS - The Panda's Thumb
  • Standonck, for instance, the refounder of Montaigu, had had to disappear in 1499-1500. The Age of Erasmus Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
  • But this terror of contravening an unascertained and unascertainable will, cannot coexist with reflection: it disappears with civilization, and can no more be reproduced than the fear of ghosts after childhood. Uncollected Prose
  • Within seconds she disappeared into a cross street. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Meanwhile the big publishers and the big retailers probably won't disappear, any more than the local supermarket will close if a few sensible people go to the farmers' market.
  • As they disappeared down the drive, he stood watching them from the front porch. AN UNLIKELY COUNTESS: Lily Budge and the 13th Earl of Galloway
  • He reminded students that the situations and problems that made the headlines on the news did not disappear at the end of the programme.
  • The group produced two albums before disappearing into obscurity.
  • The pronephros undergoes rapid atrophy and disappears. XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
  • Because Ganymede's orbit is tilted nearly edge-on to Earth, it routinely can be seen passing in front of and disappearing behind its giant host, only to reemerge later.
  • In the early ’40s, the Chicago Daily News’ John P. Carmichael also referred to a forkball as a “dry spitter,” but the term seems to have disappeared shortly thereafter. The Neyer/James Guide To Pitchers
  • Interestingly, this is the period in which parietal cells disappear from the same anatomical site in most subjects.
  • Clinton the elder here withdrew, and had scarcely disappeared when two voices were heard in the hall, in a kind of clamorous remonstrance with each other, which voices were those of Father Magowan and our friend The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • Books are unreadable as soon as the light of the sun disappears behind the distant mountains. Times, Sunday Times
  • I took 2 photos of it before it deployed its furcula and disappeared into thin air. Springtail before it sprung away
  • The disappearance of bespoke tailoring has been offset by better ready-to-wear clothes and the coming of certain designer labels only the more discerning will recognise.
  • Di- and oligosaccharides are replaced by monosaccharides, while dehydrins and other desiccation-related proteins disappear.
  • Another piece of the jigsaw in the puzzle surrounding her whereabouts is the simultaneous disappearance of her pet miniature dachshund, Boris. The Sun
  • The devil, realising that he had been fooled, disappeared in an awe-inspiring cloud of smoke and sulphur fumes; but the bridge remained, and its name to this day recalls the discomfiture of his evil plans. Legend Land, Vol. 1 Being a collection of some of the Old Tales told in those Western Parts of Britain served by The Great Western Railway.
  • When all boundaries become insides of outsides and outsides of insides, then all "relata" disappear into relationship. The Zoom of Abandon
  • The English shires will disappear and another bit of our heritage will be lost.
  • According to Mendel, what kind of genes "disappear" in F1 pea plants? sex-linked dominant recessive codominant lethal Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Many of the sites launched at the peak of the Internet boom have now disappeared.
  • Yet it is important to emphasize that liberalism did not disappear.
  • Repeated attempts to provoke an attack may cause the symptoms to disappear altogether.
  • Beyond perhaps a specialist 12-inch dance market, it will eventually disappear completely.
  • A number of species could soon disappear forever.
  • Much of Harry Potter's iconoclasm disappears on film, due to Hollywood's regimented conformities of set, sound and stereotyped character. How Harry Saved Reading
  • Whole families disappeared and their homes remain undisturbed until an executor crosses the threshold to arrange a sale. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, being unaccustomed to existence as a dragon, by the time the lambent flame burst from his cavernous mouth, Natieasdo had disappeared, taking Lationae with him.
  • He double-crossed the rest of the gang and disappeared with all the money.
  • That makes them easy prey for insurance crooks who promise to recoup more than a policy is worth - for a fee - then disappear.
  • Sarah's brother wept and hugged his mother after showing police where the eight-year-old disappeared, the court heard.
  • The 53-year-old woman disappeared at Ynys Feurig, or Starvation Island, off the town of Rhosneigr on Sunday afternoon in strong, north-westerly winds after becoming separated from four companions. Search for missing kayaker continues off Anglesey coast
  • The Macedonian's mizzenmast was gone, her main and foretopmasts carried away, her main yard cut in two, and her ensign had disappeared.
  • It is known also that the Japan camphor, termed factitious, will evaporate till it wholly disappears, and at all stages of its diminution retain its full proportion of strength; which does not seem the property of an adulterated or compounded body. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • By the end of the summer, however, Alvin was ready to disappear again.
  • Her third husband, Josef, the soi-disant Baron Freytag-Loringhoven, gives her a taste of the high life, gambles away his money, then disappears.
  • On Athos the diagnosis is even more radical: the Western churches, in trying to humanize God, make him disappear. Pentecost in the East
  • Emerging from the sitting room into the hall, her smile is thin and set and she disappears immediately.
  • Other coincidences include but are not limited to: 1. The Tule culture which spread eastward from Northern Alaska, across the Arctic Archipelago about 1,000 years ago and then later disappeared. Rutherford, Mann et al [2005] « Climate Audit
  • The words spoke themselves and disappeared into the groined shadows of the roof. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • Flash I was saddled with 'Hologram' for a while, in respect of my annoying habit of disappearing instantly on a run ashore and reappearing magically in camp tucked up in bed minus speech, faculties and an workable digestive system teuchter. it means country folk. Army Rumour Service
  • If you chill the foods once bacteria have proliferated, they will not suddenly disappear.
  • Within half an hour, the persistent pain in my right hip joint just disappeared - poof! - and has yet to return.
  • Morels thrive briefly after a fire or bout of logging, but then they too disappear.
  • A slim PICC disappears into me just below the antecubital fossa, and my whole lower arm is wrapped in a white mesh glove that looks almost like lace, and would have been cool back in 1983, when I was negative two. The Worst Years of Your Life
  • Difficult in this practical time to find a sincere husband like Wally & a lover wife like Fae, they are a romantic couple disappeared unfortunately from the youth generation, except few young people. John Brown – the author’s official site » Blog Archive » “Wally” by Aslyn
  • Trade unions do and they are disappearing to vanishing point for their trouble. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boy disappeared round the corner.
  • In the metamorphosed Thunderhead Sandstone it was found that at the staurolite isograd, the boundary between the garnet and staurolite zones, the mineral chlorite disappears from the rocks and muscovite decreases sharply, whereas staurolite appears and biotite becomes more abundant. Ken Miller in Cleveland: WEBCAST ARCHIVE URLS - The Panda's Thumb

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