How To Use Disabling In A Sentence
Other prescription drugs, including tricyclic antidepressants, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and anticonvulsants, are taken regularly to prevent frequent and disabling migraines.
Ask anyone who has got rid of disabling chronic illness by avoiding milk or some other common food and they will tell you about food allergies.
The Allergy Handbook
Giddiness is a common problem that can be almost disabling.
Was that feeling not worth this disabling sledgehammer blow of sorrow?
Donald Birger, president of InstaCredit Automart, which sold more than 3,000 vehicles in 2008 through its two dealerships in Collinsville, Ill., and O'Fallon, Mo., says he initially was "leery" of the remote disabling systems, in part because he thought customers might object.
Late on a Car Loan? Meet the Disabler
Certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship.
Returning to England as "the Heroine of the Crimea", she used personal illness (a disabling condition that Bostridge and his peers identify as brucellosis) to hold her family at bay so as to be free to focus on the business of sanitary and medical reform for which she has become justly celebrated.
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Patients with COPD have progressive airflow limitation leading to disabling dyspnea, with an inability to properly oxygenate the blood.
PTSD is easily medically diagnosed but not at all medically respected, despite its disabling effects.
The Sun
The most effective treatment before 1960 for severe and disabling depression was electro-convulsion therapy.
In patients with persistent, disabling negative symptoms, trials involving the adjunctive use of L-dopa, amphetamines, tricyclic antidepressants, fluoxetine, and fluvoxamine are probably warranted.
While it is difficult to measure pregnancy-related injuries and disabilities, estimates of maternal morbidity vary from 16 to 50 million annually and include such profoundly disabling conditions as vesico-vaginal fistulae, a condition many consider a fate akin to living death.
Jodi Jacobson: Human Rights Council Declares Maternal Death, Illness a Rights Violation
His enthusiasm for disabling nasty people is infectious.
Times, Sunday Times
A combination of theophobia-the irrational fear of all things religious-and political dextrophobia-an unhealthy worry about the right side of the body politic-runs unchecked in the blood stream of such schools, disabling the open-mindedness normally prized.
The Scriptorium Daily: Middlebrow
Please note, we are disabling the biotelemetry data section of the website for several days. News
She helped him to control his own temper and partly to overcome his disabling stammer.
The Times Literary Supplement
Disabling firing hit the car in the right and front.
Scientists are now making use of the black widow spider's venom to help them understand disabling human diseases.
Leonard "Marty" Kardes, 64, suffers disabling neurological problems due to exposure to Agent Orange, a chemical the U.S. military used to defoliate trees in Vietnamese jungles.
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Technical problems succeeded in achieving something the general public could not: temporarily disabling the march of bureaucracy.
Sometimes it can be genuinely disabling without the right treatment, if a nerve is trapped or a disc is bulging.
Even more diabolically, it kept finding and disabling or corrupting my anti-virus software, although it took me a little while to figure this out.
Significantly all of these doctors speak of the urgency for a paradigm shift in New Zealand mental health, and are part of a growing number of mental health professionals who are seeking to rehumanise what psychiatry has dehumanized through current brain disabling "treatments" of drugging and electroshock.
While Mildred's intrusion into the stokehole stages the disabling paradox of ‘vital contact,’ it is not the only example of psychologically disruptive cross-class contact in the drama.
I don't think the idea of disabling your enemy's communications is right or wrong.
On The Weaponization of the Collaborative Web
To arrive at the point where the world can be truthfully named in its relation to God involves some grasp of the world as object of pointless, 'futureless' love; it must therefore involve levels of bewilderment, deep emotional confusion and frustration in the process, even a blurring of the boundaries between love and rejection (since we are frightened of replacing ordinary human affection with this radical and disabling love).
Clark Lectures, Trinity College, Cambridge Grace, Necessity and Imagination: Catholic Philosophy and the Twentieth Century Artist Lecture 3: 'Flannery O'Connor: Proper Names'
Dietary intake is linked to risks for developing a variety of chronic diseases that are disabling and life threatening - not only for the underfed, but also for the overweight.
His enthusiasm for disabling nasty people is infectious.
Times, Sunday Times
Now compare things with the movie industry, in which "progress" too often counts as finding some new way to Balkanize the market a little further -- in the process, disabling features in people's homes.
Notes on the digital-music business: Things could be worse
It must be galling and disabling.
Times, Sunday Times
Not to mention the annoyance of the phenomenon pretty much disabling my ability to actually use the phone properly, since incoming calls interrupt my apps, browsing, and anything else I'm doing at the time.
RCR Wireless News
Asbell stresses that the condition does not have any known long-term disabling effects and says calling it a "syndrome" may be a tad over the top.
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These utilities take up system resources so disabling is a good idea.
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For Dedalus, as for James Joyce, Irish history was an ineluctable, disabling miasma of piety, nationalism and superstition.
Still another shell went down the funnel, disabling the stokehole and making it impossible to keep up a full head of steam.
New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915
The tips include some fairly standard measures such as enforcing use of pass codes and using complex pass codes, locking the device after a maximum number of password retries, enforcing device timeout to prevent theft of data when a device is unused, select disabling of YouTube, App Store and iTunes, preventing capture of screenshots, and installing certificates for VPN use.
This can bring on different aspects of pain, such as dysmenorrhea - painful, sometimes disabling cramps during menses; pain may get worse over time (progressive pain), also lower back pains linked to the pelvis, chronic pelvic pain - typically accompanied by lower back pain or abdominal pain, dyspareunia - painful sex, dysuria - urinary urgency, frequency, and sometimes painful voiding.
Robyn N. Cohen: Why Endometriosis Needs More Media Attention
Treatment using nail avulsion in combination with topical therapy has been somewhat more successful, but this approach can be time-consuming, temporarily disabling and painful.
By those standards, it would be fair to ask if the person claiming disability due to a spinal cord or brain injury from a motor vehicle accident was in fact observing the speed limit at the time of the accident or if the person who suffered a disabling stroke always religiously took her blood pressure medications and passed on the salt.
Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Severe Obesity is Not a Choice!
Sailors are free to play games on the console as well as study after naval chiefs decided against disabling its disc drive.
Times, Sunday Times
If there are plugins you never use there is no harm in disabling them, on the off chance you do need them while working in Photoshop they’ll be loaded then.
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For POWs detained for 30 days or more, such eligibility covers any of the following illnesses that are found at least 10 percent disabling: avitaminosis; beriberi; chronic dysentery; cirrhosis of the liver; helminthiasis; irritable bowel syndrome and malnutrition, including associated optic atrophy. Stories
The more we understand about the nature of the world and humankind, the less vulnerable we are to irrational fears and disabling superstitions.
The gang are expert at disabling alarms and have often cut through live junction boxes to do so.
The drug works by disabling the defence mechanisms of cancer cells.
Times, Sunday Times
GUPTA: It's called disabling spazticity, affecting as many as four in ten stoke survivors.
CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2007
Acknowledged as an occupational disease, lead poisoning is a disabling illness.
How do I go about disabling the on-board sound so that the computer will recognize and use the new sound card?
The symptoms of war zone trauma are real and sometimes disabling: withdrawal, freezing over, hyperarousal and high anxiety, insomnia, eruptions of anger and other emotional dysregulation, flashbacks and intrusive thoughts, depression.
Joseph Bobrow: Spirituality and the Road Home
This includes programs to alert elders of such chronic long-term disabling conditions as osteoporosis, diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease.
Mole's Progressive Democrat
Sailors are free to play games on the console as well as study after naval chiefs decided against disabling its disc drive.
Times, Sunday Times
Ware dismissed several other claims, including one that accused Apple of intentionally "bricking," or disabling, iPhones that had been "jail broken" by customers who hacked their phones to make them work on competing wireless networks. - Local News
* Fixed a bug that could cause unwanted 'plops' when disabling and enabling EQ bands at lower frequencies.
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The drug works by disabling the defence mechanisms of cancer cells.
Times, Sunday Times
That can be just as disabling as any physical illness.
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A nanosecond later a small charge would explode, thus releasing the tungsten rod within, which being heavier and harder, would fly into the crew compartment, shatter and fragmentize, quickly wounding, disabling, or simply slaughtering the human beings and any delicate electronic equipment inside.
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These are free crystalline silica known to cause silicosis, a disabling and potential fatal lung disease typically found in miners and quarry workers exposed to high concentrations of siliceous dust over long periods of time.
Volcanic Ash -- Effects on Health and Mitigation Strategies
Sailors are free to play games on the console as well as study after naval chiefs decided against disabling its disc drive.
Times, Sunday Times
The American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine serves people with disabling conditions by promoting rehabilitation research and facilitating information dissemination and the transfer of technology.
Ask anyone who has got rid of disabling chronic illness by avoiding milk or some other common food and they will tell you about food allergies.
The Allergy Handbook
A low dose of diazepam at bedtime may be beneficial in cases of frequent and disabling proctalgia fugax.
The macaque restriction factor, TRIMCyp, blocks FIV by attacking and disabling the virus's outer shield as it tries to invade a cell.
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PTSD is easily medically diagnosed but not at all medically respected, despite its disabling effects.
The Sun
Our hope is that they can agree on some disabling measures that are, first of all, meet the definition of disabling, which is to make it very difficult to bring a facility back online.
CNN Transcript Sep 7, 2007
pre-emptive criticisms of posthegemony (and many thanks to "a latinamericanist"), here's another of those shallow swipes, from one of Abril Trigo's introductory overviews in Deconstructionists stretched subaltern studies 'central concept of subalternity, based upon the irrepresentability of the subaltern, inasmuch as she or he is always exterior to any hegemonic formation, to its very limits, and rejected any form of strategic suture as a mere disabling of the subaltern absolute epistemological negativity.
Dementia is a progressive and disabling condition that brings turmoil and anguish to those involved.
In cold weather, the wind-chill factor significantly increases the chance of frostbite and other disabling injuries.
At times, the Court discusses unblocking particular Web sites, which can be viewed as a narrower method of disabling a filter.
He concluded that compared to weapons like napalm, ‘these temporarily disabling gases seem more humane than horrible’.
The recent ploy of opening up that same double-price offer to abled as well as disabled people means they have simply constructed another disabling barrier.
Fixed a bug that could cause unwanted 'plops' when disabling and enabling EQ bands at lower frequencies.
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The burglars gained entry to the building after disabling the alarm.
Sometimes it can be genuinely disabling without the right treatment, if a nerve is trapped or a disc is bulging.
EPILEPSY CENTER: Well, although in approximately one-third of cases, this seizure disorder, or epilepsy, can be a long-term disabling condition.
CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2007
She helped him to control his own temper and partly to overcome his disabling stammer.
The Times Literary Supplement
The North's disabling of the surveillance system has triggered alarm in the South and among its allies.
New syntax for disabling an index for foreign key constraint was added to use with the ALTER statement.
In patients with significantly discomforting or disabling symptoms that are not controlled with standard measures, specific allergy testing may be warranted.
Some have suggested that they could be used to spread desirable genes, such as refractoriness to Plasmodium infection, through target populations of Anopheles gambiae, thereby disabling the mosquito's ability to transmit malaria.
The drug works by disabling the defence mechanisms of cancer cells.
Times, Sunday Times
The young man's head was bandaged, disabling all of the most primal senses, save touch which now burned beneath the abrasive tethers on his wrists.
Schizophrenia is a disabling mental illness where disordered thinking disturbs an individual's ability to function normally in society.
PTSD is easily medically diagnosed but not at all medically respected, despite its disabling effects.
The Sun
Your squad travels behind enemy lines disabling radio contacts, to better prepare the suicide mission of Operation Overlord.
Sometimes it can be genuinely disabling without the right treatment, if a nerve is trapped or a disc is bulging.
PTSD is easily medically diagnosed but not at all medically respected, despite its disabling effects.
The Sun
As such attacks are becoming more common, I don’t believe anybody will be surprised if a coming attack succeeds in disabling all root nameservers simultaneously.
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Depending on the chemical added to the bacterial broth, the proteins of one gene would effectively be deactivated, disabling that gene.
If this maneuver causes reproduction of a disabling symptom, the patient may have a medial patellar subluxation, in which the patella is tracking from medial in extension laterally into the trochlea on knee flexion.
I just wonder: (1) why the IDF did not choose the less dangerous alternative of disabling the boat and towing it to Ashdod; and (2) why, after they chose to board the ship, the IDF fast-roped its commandoes one by one into a hostile crowd, armed with paintball rifles.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Let Turkey Have Gaza
This can bring on different aspects of pain, such as dysmenorrhea - painful, sometimes disabling cramps during menses; pain may get worse over time (progressive pain), also lower back pains linked to the pelvis, chronic pelvic pain - typically accompanied by lower back pain or abdominal pain, dyspareunia - painful sex, dysuria - urinary urgency, frequency, and sometimes painful voiding.
Robyn N. Cohen: Why Endometriosis Needs More Media Attention
Dodd flew to the helm, and with his own hands put it hard aweather, to give the deck guns one more chance, the last, of sinking or disabling the
Great Sea Stories
He compares the delay in unblocking or disabling the filter to traditional delays associated with requesting materials from closed stacks or interlibrary lending practices.
They had attacked a truck damaging, but not totally disabling the driver.
They made off with their multimillion-pound haul after disabling the alarm system at the property.
Times, Sunday Times
The true definition of a mayhem is such a hurt whereby a man is rendered less able in fighting, so that cutting off or disabling a man's hand, striking out his eye, or foretooth, were mayhems at Common Law.
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The Cell would also help avert accidental deaths and disabling injuries by providing proper first aid.
The main objective of air defense is to prevent casualties and losses among friendly forces from disabling air strikes.
On the other hand, if the electrical resonance is involved in the generation of oscillations, disabling it should eliminate the spontaneous bundle activity.
Looking at the communications console, Malic said, "Vincam, add this to the message regarding the penalty for any harm coming to Treir: the pilot re-sponsible for disabling the Bajoran ship and bringing its contents directly to me will be rewarded with a hundred bricks of gold-pressed latinum.
Demons Of Air And Darkness
But it causes a nerve disorder leading to numbness and burning pain in the hands and feet, and loss of body fat known as lipoatrophy or wasting, it said, conditions that are disabling and disfiguring. Aktuelle Nachrichten
Ma said the rainfall drowned the station's cooling system, thus disabling it and paralyzing the pumping station.
It must be galling and disabling.
Times, Sunday Times
She helped him to control his own temper and partly to overcome his disabling stammer.
The Times Literary Supplement
The burglars gained entry to the building after disabling the alarm.
The most common cause for disabling hip joint pain in the athletic population is secondary to labral tears.
New Treatments for Hip Pain
Early stages of the disease are known as anthracosis, which is a slow-acting, chronic disease that takes one or two decades to cause symptoms, but its effects can be severely disabling, causing pulmonary emphysema or chronic bronchitis.
These antipsychotic drugs -- including Abilify, Risperdal, Seroquel and Zyprexa -- can lead to obesity, elevated blood sugar and diabetes, pancreatitis, cardiovascular abnormalities and a disfiguring and sometimes disabling movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia.
Dr. Peter Breggin: The Psychiatric Drugging of America's Foster Children
You can need long-term care because of a disabling accident or a chronic illness.
Sailors are free to play games on the console as well as study after naval chiefs decided against disabling its disc drive.
Times, Sunday Times
I tap into the system, causing the doors to unlock and disabling the car alarm.
Persistent symptoms are often multiple and disabling and may be described as functional syndromes.
They made off with their multimillion-pound haul after disabling the alarm system at the property.
Times, Sunday Times
certain disabling restrictions disqualified him for citizenship
Then she took a deflector out of her bag and attached it to the window disabling any alarms attached to it.
Palin's likely hospitalizations for manic episodes that spiraled into psychosis during her elongated college years were revealed it would be a good thing that might even rid people of some stigmatizing notions about episodically disabling mood illnesses and bring a better understanding of the benefits of well-titrated meds.
MSNBC Refusing To Run Outside Group's Ad Questioning McCain's Health
Abnormal scars can cause unpleasant symptoms and be aesthetically distressing, disfiguring, and psychosocially and functionally disabling. Appropriate treatment depends on scar type and aetiology.
The bullet glanced off the bear's skull, enraging rather than disabling the target.
Avoid disability bias by avoiding reference to a disabling condition.
This could be worked around by disabling sound in my KDE session, and then the /dev/dsp is open again.
Archive 2006-02-01
But it causes a nerve disorder leading to numbness and burning pain in the hands and feet, and loss of body fat known as lipoatrophy or wasting, it said, conditions that are "disabling and disfiguring".
By contrast, the trends for indicators of disabling asthma turned downwards in 1989.