How To Use Disability In A Sentence

  • Petanque may be the only sport inspired by a disability - that of Jules LeNoir, who in 1910 was a dedicated player of boules, a French game much like bocce ball.
  • These will involve more rigorous checks on claimants to make sure their disability qualifies. The Sun
  • Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
  • VSA, the organization on arts and disability, will continue its playwrighting program and its annual young soloists program. Kennedy Center offers Cate Blanchett, hip-hop, 'The Addams Family'
  • Most Down's people have related physical handicaps in addition to their mental disability.
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  • Veterans must be treated fairly and expeditiously as they seek compensation for disability or illness.
  • The purpose: to present an award recognizing special achievement in the fight against a learning disability known as dyslexia.
  • Dose Antihypertensive Treatment Reduce Stroke - Related Mortality and Disability in Patients with Acute ICH?
  • The payments will be staggered, giving priority to child support grants in June, old-age grants and war veterans in July, disability grants and grants-in-aid in August and foster-care grants in September.
  • However, mechanical aids can do much to lessen the disability of impaired body structure.
  • If the family is counting ther salary, cover her with adequate life insurance and disability insurance.
  • Limitation for plaintiffs under a disability is three years from the end of their disability or death, whichever is first.
  • National Organization on Disability, cont loc hme.cfm? The Ups and Downs of Raising a Bipolar Child
  • National UNV volunteers are entitled to an excellent health, life and disability insurance package.
  • The doctor said in the report to the disability commission that I had suffered `total and irreversible scarring of the retina". SKORPION'S DEATH
  • It's really a great opportunity for people to get out into the woods, said David Lee, assistant director of program operations at Northeast Passage, which runs disability-related sports and recreation programs and services throughout New England. N.H. wilderness trails offer unparalleled disabled access
  • A number of the disabled professionals were actively involved in disability issues.
  • Stroke what used to be called "apoplexy" is probably the best known of such injuries, something that touches nearly every family, since it's the number one long-term disability in the U.S. Like Paul, many stroke survivors end up with aphasia-- and face not only the challenge of re-learning language but also redefining their relationship with loved ones, which may include new obstacles and fewer words. Diane Ackerman: What My Husband and Gabrielle Giffords Share
  • For example, a short-sighted person might meet one test for disability, whilst with corrective lenses few would regard his myopia as a disability.
  • Isak's story is typical of a child who has a specific learning disability.
  • He hadn't been able to work since, and the family subsisted on Social Security disability and Rhonda's paltry earnings as a free-lance editor. Whiplash
  • Because of the mixed picture, researchers have debated whether it is a superability or disability, as it almost always occurs in children with developmental problems. Mind Hacks: The neuroscience of hyper-reading
  • But in social security the biggest scam is people pretending to have a disability that they do not have, rather than assuming another name.
  • Employers, training agencies and the wider society require education on disability issues.
  • I only receive a severe disability allowance and finding two lots of money for dentists care will be difficulty.
  • European law also provides protection from discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or belief and disability.
  • To say that evangelical Christians believe that non-evangelicals deserve to suffer and die is like saying that people who sell life and disability insurance believe that those who don’t follow their advice to buy insurance *deserve* to suffer and live in penury and/or have their families suffer and live in penury if they die or become disabled. The Volokh Conspiracy » HRW’s Whitson Defends Fundraising in Totalitarian Countries:
  • Undoubtedly, the human interest story of how I have managed to be a theoretical physicist despite my disability has helped.
  • And when you think back to your aunts and your great-aunts and the story of your family, can you remember stories of men who had intellectual disability?
  • Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
  • Amber also gets disability allowance because she is obese and has recurring problems with her leg. The Sun
  • Parents' sense of identity and self-worth can also be damaged if their offspring have a disability or mental illness. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • The word "crip" is part of disability culture, disabled artists, activists, and writers are turning it inside out and putting "crip" back out there as an empowering word. Cory Silverberg: When it Comes to Sex, Are Your Sins Invalid?
  • Disability - We're working with lots of groups involving young people with disabilities fighting for independence, integration and rights.
  • His disability does not prevent him from following the mainstream curriculum.
  • Many expatriate pensioners do not realise housing and council tax subsidies and disability costs are not payable outside the UK.
  • The issue of language disorder on children with mental disability has brought to research worker"s extremely attention.
  • Disability varies infinitely in degree and in kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • But smaller doses did mean a slight increase in the risk of disability. The Sun
  • She began by giving the best definition of disability I have ever heard: a mismatch between people and their environment.
  • She has not turned onto the dead-end road of reminiscence, disability and dependence, but rather onto the long, fulfilling road of life, happiness, and salvation.
  • The boundary between the two degrees of disability obviously is blurred, and reasonable people will often disagree about a particular case.
  • That is because I had been put on long-term disability by my employer, with fibromyalgia, systemic lupus, discoid lupus, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, elevated sugar factor, etc. CSS: Shaping the New You
  • Despite the Disability Discrimination Act, little has been done to help make society more accessible for autistics.
  • The double accident benefit, the disability benefit and the term rider are some of them. Moneycontrol Top Headlines
  • In two cases these policies had been developed as a result of dialogue between the housing department and local disability organisations.
  • I think we may be observing the general social norm that frowns on age discrimination and accommodates disability.
  • Likewise, for those caring for an adult the scheme would have to be built on an adequate system of disability benefits.
  • Although the discussion continues, sometimes at ad nauseam, the current acceptable terminology is people-first language, which puts the person before the disability. Do It Myself Blog – Glenda Watson Hyatt » 2010 » January
  • A learning disability means a permanent intellectual impairment. Times, Sunday Times
  • People suffer the pains of isolation, loneliness, insignificance and disability while enjoying modern freedom.
  • If a so-called fat tax was introduced, we would be taxed for a disability. The Sun
  • Secondly, the planners have allowed the opening of a shop within yards of the disputed shutters that does not conform with disability rights legislation.
  • reading disability
  • The Psoriasis Disability Index adopted to measure the HRQoL of the subjects.
  • Pinochi said Zandrino worked for the Healdsburg Police Department from 1967 to 1979, when he left with a physical disability.
  • Now she teaches disability law and human rights courses and says: 'I absolutely love it. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have become increasingly concerned about electric disability buggies being used on the public highway. Times, Sunday Times
  • Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects the way a person communicates and relates to people around them.
  • Among psychiatric illnesses, bipolar disorder ranks second only to major unipolar depression as a cause of global disability.
  • Motorists who park their vehicles at bus stops are making it impossible for disabled passengers to climb aboard, a disability organisation claimed today.
  • Disability increases with age .
  • Psychological and behavioural responses to pain and social factors are the main determinants of chronic pain disability.
  • Doctors look for skin disease, serious disability, anthropathy, lymph problems, struma tumefaction and icterus.
  • The home visiting service affords benefit to those who are unable to leave their home, due to frailty, disability, illness, or the effects of undergoing cancer treatments.
  • This rise in disability is likely to increase future nursing home populations by 10% to 25% over current projections, Lakdawalla says. - Obese boomers face immobile future
  • ~ Brain changes associated with congenital amusia -- About four percent of the population has congenital amusia, a lifelong disability that prevents otherwise normal functioning individuals from developing basic musical skills. Speedlinking 11/30/07
  • The deformity may be so severe, the fractures so numerous, and the disability so profound, however, that almost any form of treatment deserves consideration.
  • The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds invest exclusively in special issue bonds that are only available to the Social Security trust fund.
  • Feminist disability theory is about denaturalizing disability, she said.
  • Colligation treatment can reduce the mortality rate and disability rate of large cerebral infarction.
  • Cuts are having a significant impact, and there is real hardship ahead for people with a learning disability. Times, Sunday Times
  • The War Pensions Branch assessed the degree of disability at 40% which he appealed against.
  • California disability rights advocate to train Iraqis with disabilities California disability rights advocate to train Iraqis with disabilities
  • The majority of ambulatory older patients who visit primary care physicians are without severe disability.
  • The financial effects of disability can be profound, because living expenses continue to accrue and may actually increase during the convalescent period.
  • It is a poor environment for learning correct approaches to disability.
  • Naturally, this disability is attended by irritations, inconveniences, and some significant professional frustrations.
  • During the past century, such disease has changed from minor cause of death and disability to one of the major contributors to the global burden of disease.
  • The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds invest exclusively in special issue bonds that are only available to the Social Security trust fund.
  • Disability varies infinitely in degree and in kind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unless you do this, you will continue disability discrimination and disaffection for current and future generations of our children.
  • Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.
  • For a child to be born with this disability indicates a defect in obstetric care.
  • The stamps celebrate cycling, sprinting, javelin, swimming and hurdling as well as a race involving athletes with a disability in lightning-fast wheelchairs.
  • Practically nothing is known about the race dimension to ageing with a disability.
  • During my tenure as attorney general, we investigated and, exactly three years ago today, held hearings that revealed systemic abuse of the federal railroad pension system involving LIRR workers in a practice we termed 'disability by appointment,'" New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in an e- mailed statement. -- Top News
  • The bath is open all day, making it possible for me to go swimming with a disability, not inconveniencing others.
  • Medical findings regarding treatment, disability and work restrictions must now follow strict guidelines promulgated by the American Medical Association.
  • Physical disability causes mental anguish.
  • In the recently published Total Body Hypothermia for Neonatal Encephalopathy Trial (TOBY) regarding the use of hypothermia to treat perinatal asphyxial encephalopathy by Azzopardi and colleagues (Oct. 1 issue) ,1 the primary outcome was a composite of death or severe neurodevelopmental disability in survivors at 18 months of age, the same primary outcome as was studied in our National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Medlogs - Recent stories
  • A prolonged admission is likely to result in profound weakness and physical disability.
  • Disability is a complex concept that signifies limitations in the actual fulfillment of socially defined roles and tasks expected of an adult in a sociocultural environment.
  • However, this relationship is confounded by the effect of age; disability increases with age, as does dementia.
  • She had the courage and determination to rise above her physical disability.
  • The worth of the person is not affected by disease, disability, functional status, or proximity to death.
  • The progressive form follows a steady pattern of worsening symptoms and disability without periods of remission.
  • If the disability is psychologically based diagnostic systems based on the use of multiple and unvalidated skin tests may reinforce the delusion.
  • I think the answer is yes, which leads to a depressing conclusion, and not just about disability.
  • MS is an incurable disease that attacks the central nervous system causing severe disability.
  • I believe in the precept of 'Person first, disability second'.
  • Comprehensive geriatric assessments can delay the onset of disability and decrease permanent nursing home stays.
  • Additionally, employees with a disability that may cloud their judgment should be given extra leeway. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the disability is psychologically based diagnostic systems based on the use of multiple and unvalidated skin tests may reinforce the delusion.
  • Conclusion Nimotop treatment can diminish mortality, decrease the time of the stupor and cut down the disability rate for the primary in jury of brain-stem.
  • While hundreds of thousands of disability claims lay backlogged at the Department of Veterans Affairs, thousands of technology employees at the department received $24 million in bonuses, a new report says. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: August 24, 2009
  • Viciously beaten, he sustained serious injury leading to major brain surgery and permanent disability.
  • Table tennis is played by athletes with a physical or intellectual disability. Times, Sunday Times
  • So is there potential for casting further light on this by studying people who have neurological dysfunctions associated with memory disability such as Alzheimer's?
  • She is deaf, but refuses to let her disability prevent her from doing what she wants to do.
  • For example, after a heart attack or cardiac surgery, minor muscular chest aches and pains may be misinterpreted as evidence of angina, leading to unnecessary worry and disability.
  • Good lobbying is a perfectly reasonable way of getting information from a disability charity or a biotech firm to the people making policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Donations are continuing to pour in to the Yorkshire Post Hidden Disability appeal from big-hearted readers keen to help autistic children have the chance of a better life.
  • People suffer the pains of isolation, loneliness, insignificance and disability while enjoying modern freedom.
  • This means that they had had a heightened awareness of their own mortality more or less throughout the disability career.
  • What about those who would like to attend church but through disability or remoteness are unable to do so?
  • He does not think patients seeking disability benefits are more entitled than other patients, but believes patients in general feel increasingly entitled and have greater expectations of treaters.
  • Those Obama supporters are probably really lazy anyway, or looking to "injure" themselves on the job so that they can suck off the workers 'comp claim and eventually file for disability. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • Peter J. Ajemian, an orthopedist formerly employed in Rockville Centre, N.Y., and Peter Lesniewski, another orthopedist, combined recommended disability benefits for at least 956 LIRR employees between 1998 and 2008, prosecutors said. Prosecutors: $1 Billion Scam Derailed
  • Will he or she end up with some form of long-term disability such as deafness, cerebral palsy or epileptic seizures? Times, Sunday Times
  • In case of retrenchment or disability due to accident, the premium is waived.
  • There are clear associations between advancing years and increasing disability, and this is particularly steep among the most elderly.
  • Physical disability causes mental anguish.
  • When Jim Abbott first took the mound for the California Angels, we could see his disability - that he had only one hand, making the fielding of ground balls and bunts far more than a routine chore.
  • Just under a quarter of the children met the criteria for severe disability, which included being unable to walk without help, unable to feed themselves, being blind, or being unable to talk.
  • In the interim, she's entitled to disability leave of only about $250 a week - even if she's a principal.
  • A third disability lay in her constitution: Sparta had no satisfactory apparatus for decision-making and the formulation of strategy.
  • Doctors to identify it is a disability, how to use astronomical telescope I watch my stars?
  • He suffered permanent brain damage and profound disability.
  • Practically nothing is known about the race dimension to ageing with a disability.
  • The eleventh and twelfth chapters are also related to assessment of learning disability with language based test and remediation of reading disabilities.
  • Her lack of experience is a severe disability.
  • There is no issue with the value of the long-term disability once it is found to be property.
  • Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.
  • Such proposals should apply to all applicants and employees, regardless of disability.
  • Treating disabled people like children only reinforces negative images of disability.
  • grows even more touching with the response of the citizens of Wabash to his disability.
  • The title doesn't just refer to her sexuality, however -- she also discusses her difficult struggle with cerebral palsy, and the difficult obstacles she had to overcome to make television history as the first recurring role played by a person with a serious disability. Geri Jewell A Lesbian: 'Facts Of Life Star' Comes Out In Memoir
  • THE number of young people on disability benefits has quadrupled in the last 20 years. The Sun
  • He has always been drawn to unfashionable causes, from mental health to disability, just as he champions here overlooked countries and struggles. Times, Sunday Times
  • May 23, 2006, 12: 24 am california state disability insurance says: california state disability insurance declarator Sweeney covariant Dallas rapprochement The Volokh Conspiracy » Mainstream Media Ruled Unconstitutional:
  • This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.
  • Firms with more than 50 employees are required to hew to certain quotas based on race, gender, and physical disability.
  • On a psychic level, he used his own comeback as the example that gave Sammy the strength to return to performing, bucking him up every day and making one-eye jokes that somehow took the curse off Sammy's disability.
  • Twins and triplets have a higher risk of disability and fertility doctors agree that the number of multiple births should be lower. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the day that patients regained consciousness, most had no residual disability, although some seemed to have retrograde or anterograde amnesia.
  • I glanced up and saw that a woman with a disability was approaching my office ready to clean the handle on my door with a rag soaked in disinfecting cleaner. Recognition
  • Was it a growing distaste for her task, or actual physical disability? The House of Mirth
  • For many people, their loved ones and carers, disability is a daily grind with no hope of recognition or glory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Autism is a life-long developmental disability that affects the way a person relates and interacts to people around them.
  • Persons with disability are a weak group in whole society. It is an indicant of social harmonization to enhance care for the persons with disability and improve their quality of life.
  • For example, a short-sighted person might meet one test for disability, whilst with corrective lenses few would regard his myopia as a disability.
  • It's a close family ... Kath's daughter Jo has two sons with learning disability.
  • He gets a disability pension from the Government because of his disabilities in a fire accident.
  • That implies politically unpalatable cuts: disability benefits, say. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective To develop the neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia in order to prevent children from congenital disability and improve the aristogenesis in our country.
  • The most common learning disability is dyslexia.
  • Teaching those with learning disability, sometimes physically disabled as well, to adapt to the demands of society.
  • She's now a writer and broadcaster, reporting on disability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus we can say what learning disability is not; what we cannot say is what it is. The Developing Child (7th edn.)
  • I have a disability and have been vlogging about it for 2 years.
  • Menagerie , Laura Wingfield suffers severe inferiority complex caused by her physical disability.
  • I think we need to start using the term disability-phobic, to raise awareness about this, as in the descriptive and accurate term "homophobia May 1 -- BADD -- Fear, avoidance, and the people we never get to know
  • The Labour MP has branded the fines dolled out for breach of disability laws as a mockery of the government's zero tolerance policy.
  • Over its relatively short lifetime, what is now popularly known as hyperactivity has had more than forty names, including learning disability, impulse disorder, hyperkinesis, and minimal brain dysfunction. You’re a Better Parent Than You Think!
  • The file will provide a wealth of tabulations from the census long form, including income, home value, education, occupation, language, commuting, disability, and many others.
  • Diabetes is a chronic disease. Its complications play an important role in leading to the disability or death of patients. By now, the oral hypoglycemic agent is still a...
  • In addition, mental disability in the family, congenital disease, and chronic disease were important issues.
  • Tom has been a committed and dedicated campaigner for awareness, facilities and compliance with disability requirements for many years.
  • This confirms the well observed inverse relationship between disability and social contact.
  • (In one recent case, the Social Security payment to a person on disability was garnisheed.) Apollo's Daughter :: Recession Discussion
  • There was a 20% reduction in the number of appeals against decisions disallowing unemployment payments, while appeals relating to disability benefit fell by 13%.
  • The proposal for a user-friendly booking system for wheelchair users would have dispensed with the expensive phone calls that have been heavily criticised by many disability charities. Times, Sunday Times
  • In conclusion, deficiencies have been found in monitoring adults with severe physical disability whose sole regular contacts are health professionals.
  • For Liam, every game is a victory as he battles to overcome his disability.
  • Rob has also been forced to adapt to a life in which he now has a disability.
  • As he entered old age Philp reacted to increasing disability and frailty with typical resilience and dignity.
  • After slicing eight-seconds off her own world record, Chantel swam to Telstra Olympic Trials victory in the 400m freestyle multi disability event at the Sydney Aquatic Centre.
  • Doctors' emphasis on the mildness or earliness of the condition raised the spectre of future pain and disability rather than providing reassurance.
  • I've never considered my disability a hindrance, but other people have.
  • High level of disability is associated with major depression, in both demented and nondemented people.
  • There's something very different about the perception of pain or perception of disability when you believe and expect that a treatment will work.
  • In some ways, deformity is a lot more difficult to handle than disability.
  • One empathised with him and his longing to stroke things that enabled him to retreat from a world where people with his mental disability are treated with repugnance and lack of understanding.
  • That fully satisfied the duty to take due steps to take account of the disability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Both of these regimens have been clearly shown to improve pain and disability in osteoarthritis of the knee.
  • Inequality and disadvantage don't come neatly packaged in parcels marked age, or disability, or gender, or race. Equality report slams divided Britain
  • The cash will be available to local authorities, charities and disability groups.
  • There are clear associations between advancing years and increasing disability, and this is particularly steep among the most elderly.
  • A prolonged admission is likely to result in profound weakness and physical disability.
  • Fractures of the hip and spine frequently require hospitalization and surgery, and can result in permanent disability.
  • I'm shocked every time I see disability = disposability, which is naive of me, I know. Katie Jones and Deus ex machina
  • Erik Weihenmayer, the only blind person to have climbed Mount Everest, wrote the profile of Pistorius and said the runner challenges the notion that living with a disability is a disadvantage. Pistorius makes Time's 2008 Influential People List
  • The issue of disability culture was highlighted, with the role of disabled people viewed as being isolated away from wider society.
  • He fought hard to overcome his disability.
  • Good lobbying is a perfectly reasonable way of getting information from a disability charity or a biotech firm to the people making policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vang's temporary disability is not actual leglessness not that there's anything wrong with that, eh? but the inability to walk unaided: For the last month I have been walking with the help of crutches, a wheelchair and cast. Life without legs
  • The avulsion at root of brachial plexus may produce the disability of limb during life.
  • Road safety campaigners and disability groups welcomed the proposed ban on pavement parking. Times, Sunday Times

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