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How To Use Directorate In A Sentence

  • Conseco has no investment bankers, legal counsel, commercial bankers, or consultants doing business with the company on its board, nor are there any interlocking directorates.
  • They met the chief of Rousse's regional directorate of the interior on Friday.
  • Now, jobs figures still aren't dancing the jive yet, but prices are spiraling higher and higher, mocking the Fed's directorate for central planning.
  • The Directorate supplied a woman operative to stay with her till we get sorted. CONFESSIONAL
  • Such a system should be run by a specially established directorate for government service education within the RF Presidential Administration.
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  • The charges follow a joint investigation by West Yorkshire police and the Crown Prosecution Service casework directorate.
  • Sending people to casualty and denying people access to shelters was and is and will always be the domain of the political directorate.
  • Among other things, he switched responsibility for approving genetically modified crops from the Directorate General for the Environment, which funds antitechnology nongovernmental organizations and has long opposed such crops, to the Directorate General for Health, which has a more neutral record. Unprincipled 'Precaution'
  • The new soldier's chow was invented by the Combat Feeding Directorate, part of the US Army Soldier Systems Centre in Natick, Massachusetts.
  • The committee members accused the top officials of the respective ministries and recommended that show-cause notice should be issued against the director general of the Directorate of Livestock for his failure to take punitive measures against the defalcators.
  • Corporate networks are formed when the directors of some corporations sit on the boards of others, creating interlocking directorates.
  • The Pakistani military has declared the province off-limits to U.S. Predator strikes, and the country's Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI) seems to be giving the Taliban a free hand.
  • Yes, Tomaig, you missed all that stuff, and the fact that being part of the Directorate of Operations means your status with the CIA is classified … until that information is officially declassified, or some traitor declassifies it. Think Progress » Woodward Reveals Important Clues About White House Smear Campaign
  • We will retain the Department of Energy and move its petroleum engineering directorate to Aberdeen.
  • Should however the revolution turn into the directorate, the consulate and then the empire, you may come round and lynch us.
  • The opposition leader called for a meeting with the ANC after a decision was taken to "dissolve" the Directorate of Special Operations ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Excise, import and export duties are collected by the directorate general of customs and excise.
  • An internal risk report from the Department for Transport reveals that a unit referred to as the comms directorate ­ "continuously monitor [ed]" peaceful protest groups opposed to the expansion of Heathrow airport and then briefed detectives about their findings. Alex Jones' Prison
  • If such authority to approve is actually necessary, this authority properly rests with the present National Book Development Board (NBDB) and its Directorate. On the Great Book Blockade of 2009 (Updated 7 May) (with BDAP Paper) « BAHAY TALINHAGA
  • The agency directorate is basically sitting on the report until after the election," the official continued. 10/21/2004
  • The intelligence directorate is “satisfied with mediocre written products … closed-minded and unwilling to consider new and different ideas,” the senior analyst added. CIA only an 'ok' place to work, jobs Web site says
  • However, as the Trunk Road Agency and Highways Directorate were consultees of the proposal, the authority decided to await their responses before formally opposing the roundabout's construction.
  • The intelligence directorate is "satisfied with mediocre written products ... closed-minded and unwilling to consider new and different ideas," the senior analyst added. CIA employees weigh in on workplace through Glassdoor Web site
  • Independent Complaints Directorate and the SA Human Rights Commission, saying the chairman of their youth wing was treated "appallingly" by police. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • However, the rate of solved crimes has also increased, according to data from the semi-annual report of the Sofia Directorate of the Interior Ministry.
  • He argues that the ‘mechanisms’ of the holding company and interlocking directorates vertically integrated each of the local industries to the U.S. sugar refining sector.
  • Baghdad Directorate said that it received 16000 tones of chlorine in order to antisepticise the water and that with a cost of 20 billion dinars. Iraq Updates - Latest News
  • Some of the LAPs are being consolidated under the Interlocking Directorates, and there's talk of a free-convert roundup. METAPLANETARY
  • Prior research on interlocking directorates has focused on how overlapping board memberships can promote mimetic isomorphism in a population by facilitating the diffusion of individual policies and structures between firms.
  • Without his directorate, and no longer having the urgent support of the prime minister and the commander-in-chief, he drifted.
  • The extensive research on interlocking directorates provides insight into the power dynamic associated with outside board membership.
  • Though legal, such interlocking directorates are not exactly good corporate governance.
  • During his distinguished career, he received training in paramilitary operations, worked in the Directorate of Operations, served in the CIA†™ s Operation†™ s Center, and established himself as a prolific analyst in the Directorate of Intelligence. Think Progress » Murtha on Rove: ‘He’s Sitting in His Air-Conditioned Office on His Big, Fat Backside, Saying Stay the Course’
  • The Commission's proposals, according to the Pesticides Safety Directorate analysis, would also remove linuron, pendimethalin and metribuzin, leaving few chemical options, she said. FWi - All News
  • Monitoring of these regulations is the responsibility of the occupational health and safety directorate at the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration.
  • Until now we'd given our longstanding pen-friend no cause whatever to credit anyone in the Signals directorate with the competence to set a trap for him. Between silk and cyanide
  • Naturally, the minor speculators throughout the city — those who had expected to make a fortune out of this crash — raged and complained, but, being faced by an adamantine exchange directorate, a subservient press, and the alliance between the big bankers and the heavy quadrumvirate, there was nothing to be done. The Titan
  • With the right software, photographs of missing children could be sent to all border checkpoints and directorates of the Interior Ministry within seconds, he said.
  • As part of the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate's near-term bioassays effort, the technology could enable the rapid assessment of facility sterilization. News and Features - NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory
  • He left the Met as director of intelligence but had previously worked for Special Branch and he headed the drugs directorate.
  • The depot's mailroom, part of the Information Management Directorate, also has become more efficient.
  • This directorate also certifies aircraft for the airdrop of personnel and equipment.
  • As rapidly as he had walked before, he went to the Directorate, and took the conn.
  • In addition, we also controlled for board centrality in the network of interlocking directorates, measured as the natural log of the total number of non-duplicated ties between the focal board and all other boards in the larger sample.
  • At Headquarters, an office in the Directorate of Science and Technology decided to try to produce a countermeasure.
  • Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.
  • Most think that acquisition behavior diffuses through the network of interlocking directorates.
  • The bank had four interlocking directorates with the utility.
  • The commission looked at a number of projected overspends and was told that four council directorates had put in place moratoriums on spending to control the situation.
  • We will retain the Department of Energy and move its petroleum engineering directorate to Aberdeen.
  • The regional directorate has its own press officers, accountants and managers.
  • Any sense that directorates are a mechanism to control and constrain doctors is likely to provoke problems.
  • We thank the Directorate of Health Services, Government of Goa, which has collaborated with the project from its inception.
  • According to the regional police directorate in Blagoevgrad, the argument about the monastery had started last Easter.
  • Center Engineering Directorate such as extravehicular activity (EVA) tools and equipment, technology development for advanced EVA, extravehicular robotics, environmental control and life support systems, active thermal control systems, flight crew equipment, and crew health care systems. Space Tourism, Space Transport and Space Exploration News
  • Marcel Rommerts , Principal Administrator , Directorate - General for Energy and Transport , European Commission, Brussels.
  • Indeed, the surge in drone strikes over the past four weeks has to a large extent targeted elements of a network led by Jalaluddin Haqqani, a militant regarded as a close ally of Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence directorate. CIA backed by military drones in Pakistan
  • They will fund up to 90 percent of the research in some areas and will coordinate the work through a new directorate.
  • Three new directorates have been established at the Ministry of Transport and Communications.
  • At this stage, the draft bill for the commercialisation of the directorate of civil aviation is with the cabinet committee on draft legislation.
  • Some of the LAPs are being consolidated under the Interlocking Directorates, and there's talk of a free-convert roundup. METAPLANETARY
  • He later served as flow director for the Space Shuttle Discovery and then as the acting deputy director of the Installation Operations Directorate.
  • The argument being floated by those in favour of the move is that the PRD is just a directorate and not a department of the Government.
  • He is currently teaching Counterintelligence at a Directorate of Operations training facility.
  • You have a Deputy Assistant Commander reporting to the Deputy Commissioner in charge of professional standards directorate.
  • When a corporation's management invites outsiders to sit on its board, it surrenders decision-making authority to them and often creates interlocking directorates with other firms.
  • This directorate is responsible for developing policies for and investigating incidents of the use of force by PSC. David Isenberg: Let's Have Reality Based Discussion on PSC Use
  • It soon held the image of the Science Directorate ship powering away from Sentinel.
  • Every shape was limned with palest gold; the air seemed full of the promise of summer and the fragrance of the roses that climbed up the side of the old classic front of the Directorate Palace.
  • This could be a dilemma for both the clinical director and other consultants within the directorate.
  • The final section of the bill decided the regulatory powers of the Directorate General of Telecommunications.
  • The FSLN National Directorate, like a Communist Party politburo, was the sole entity governing both the instruments of coercion and the judicial system.
  • Coincident interests with the corporate rich and political directorate are pointed out.
  • He said that improvements to the Immigration and Nationality Directorate's procedures had been introduced to prevent a repeat of the miscount.
  • The National Science Foundation's directorate for geosciences solicits proposals for its aeronomy program.
  • The Food Safety Directorate say that all packets of cling film should carry health warnings.
  • The directorate will facilitate a more coordinated and integrated move toward Air Force transformation.
  • As rapidly as he had walked before, he went to the Directorate, and took the conn.
  • There has been a certain amount of guidance put out from the diversity directorate.
  • The National Science Foundation's division of behavioral and cognitive sciences, part of the directorate of social, behavioral, and economic sciences, invites proposals for archaeometry awards under the archaeology program.
  • Note, the undersigned are from both the CIA's Directorate of Operations and Directorate of Intelligence.
  • He said investigators would await the decision of the directorate of public prosecutions.
  • For instance, interlocking directorates linking firms have been reported to contribute to the spread of corporate acquisitions, poison pills, golden parachutes, and technological innovations.
  • CHENNAI: Officials of the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), Chennai, seized 197 kg of ketamine from a Malaysia-bound container at the Chennai port on Tuesday. The Times of India
  • The charges follow a joint investigation by West Yorkshire police and the Crown Prosecution Service casework directorate.
  • The provincial directorate of public prosecutions declined to prosecute in most of these cases.
  • With that cultural understanding will come a noticeable difference in the way the directorate helps personnel.
  • Microsoft says in statement: "If Yahoo shareholder to sit a meeting, whether does the decision choose adduce new directorate, we launch immediateness preparation and Yahoo the negotiation.
  • This could be a dilemma for both the clinical director and other consultants within the directorate.
  • However, the rate of solved crimes has also increased, according to data from the semi-annual report of the Sofia Directorate of the Interior Ministry.
  • Under the provisions of an exchange contract, the "black projects" directorates of your secret government received a number of devices from members of the former Anchara Alliance.
  • Such companies developed elected directorates to enforce their rules, deal with disputes amongst their members, and negotiate with outsiders.
  • An investigation by Britain's Pesticides Safety Directorate found lindane residues in three-quarters of chocolate samples on sale in British supermarkets.
  • Higher administrators are also seen as dominant within the political directorate of the liberal democratic state.
  • The directorate decide to appoint John to be the general manager.
  • Following the dissolution of the Directorate of Special Operations (DSO) and the incorporation of its functions into the SAPS, government needs to pay particular attention to ensuring the SAPS is capacitated to respond more effectively to priority crimes. ANC Today
  • Since then police have interviewed hundreds of witnesses and the gathered evidence has been passed to the Crown Prosecution Service casework directorate in York.
  • The Bank would be managed by a directorate of professional bankers.
  • In “Trust Operation” (1921–1926), the State Political Directorate (OGPU) set up a fake anti-Bolshevik underground organization, “Monarchist Union of Central Russia”. Death of Polish President Kaczynski
  • We are no doubt the largest command in the specialist crime directorate.
  • The Buildings Directorate, which once had responsibility for supervising the construction of prisons, housing and one-off buildings, helping ensure they did not waste money, was shorn of its role and its experienced operators.
  • The Greek government has decided to grant 20 000 euro, the information directorate of the Foreign Ministry said.
  • The regional directorate has its own press officers, accountants and managers.
  • The Bank would be managed by a directorate of professional bankers.
  • ‘I don't think there's any other organization in the world that takes care of family like the Air Force,’ said a program manager at the air-to-surface munitions directorate.
  • NASA also released the bioastronautics solicitation that efficiently consolidates activities from six existing contracts designed to support the Space and Life Sciences Directorate at JSC.
  • Selection and training of pilot project staff is the responsibility of the Health Department's HIV-Aids directorate.
  • More than 100 drug addicts were monitored by the Substance Misuse Directorate on different treatments to find out if injectable heroin was more effective than giving addicts methadone tablets.
  • And he'd said often enough that his directorate still knew how to do it. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • On successful completion of training, a cadet becomes eligible to represent the Directorate at the national-level camp.
  • An internal risk report from the Department for Transport (DfT) reveals that a unit referred to as the comms directorate ­ "continuously monitor [ed]" peaceful protest groups opposed to the expansion of Heathrow airport and then briefed detectives about their findings. Free Internet Press
  • Most important, research work will be done at this center and all the immunochemistry laboratories in this country will be run from this center; it will be the general staff of the scientific-technical directorate -- not the administrative directorate but the scientific-technical directorate. CASTRO SPEAKS AT IMMUNILOGY CENTER
  • The investigation is being carried out by the specialist crime directorate, which deals with high profile and unusual cases.
  • To overcome these problems, the Directorate introduced the Slip Form method to build the superstructure of lighthouse towers.

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