
How To Use Directional In A Sentence

  • Typical mesocyclonic tornadoes are caused by intense thunderstorms with appropriate vertical and directional wind shear. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pathogens in Harm’s Way:
  • Transverse ridges have a higher sand supply than barchans but also exist in unidirectional winds.
  • Nevertheless, I was determined to be at least vaguely scientific about this review, so I pulled out the omnidirectional microphone I had borrowed from the media unit at work and started making recordings.
  • To regulate capital account must follow the objective laws of economic growth to guide the bidirectional capital flows.
  • Interestingly, they report wind-rose plots indicating that MLCK inhibition substantially reduces cell motility by increasing the directional tortuosity of cell paths.
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  • We also needed to confirm the airport would be open, and the airport lights and non-directional beacon were working.
  • Error prevention features cannot be implemented easily without bidirectional connectivity.
  • But men are generally not as adventurous with their style as women, so this one might not catch on, except with Will and Shane, the most directional male fashionistas I know.
  • As for communications equipment, the snipers need small, easily packable radios and a good directional antenna to allow for longer-range communications.
  • There are a multitude of sounds, directional effects, and explosions to thrill any action fan.
  • As Web traffic is real-time and bidirectional, for example, delaying is not really possible.
  • A shotgun mic is a unidirectional microphone, meaning it picks up sound in the direction where it's aimed.
  • Crawlways run as straight as dark directional lines, meeting others in mazy routes that confuse even the most observant caver.
  • The positions of sequences encoding homeodomains are shown by bidirectional arrows.
  • Do not use a omnidirectional mic or something like that, look up "cardioid" and make sure that's the type of mic you are using! All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • They both played acoustic guitars for the most part, amplified only by directional microphones. Times, Sunday Times
  • The antennas combine high gain with a directional beam and virtually no backscatter, the company said.
  • These two methods were used to calculate the relative bidirectional reflectance of ten contrasting surfaces.
  • This means there would be a shadow cast to the north and the directional orientation of the picture would come into play.
  • Theoretical analysis and test results demonstrate the new algorithm decreases the value of cross coupling when used in directional sensitivity calibration.
  • Here the pulses are converted into signals that provide the directional information, just as with a conventional switch type joys tick.
  • Good fusion is multidirectional and allows for exchange of ideas and analysis both horizontally and laterally.
  • And there's a chance that the box might have some kind of radio emanations that reveal the raw, unencrypted data to an attacker who has a good radio and directional antenna.
  • The riflery event basic category is the rifle (fire), the pistol (fire), runs the target, throws the target (fire) and the bidirectional flying saucer (fire).
  • They'd blown a fortune downlinking the relays to ground-level stations with omnidirectional antennae.
  • There is also a growing body of evidence that the process of listening is not unidirectional but involves information being fed back to the hearing mechanism.
  • Importantly, sound - and wind-sensitive Johnston's organ neurons exhibit different intrinsic response properties: the former are phasically activated by small, bi-directional, displacements of the aristae, whereas the latter are tonically activated by unidirectional, static deflections of larger magnitude. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • It is better to treat the whole thing as a single pan, as long as it remains unidirectional.
  • Because it is non-directional, a manufacturer can optimize cutting yield.
  • We were hunting for directional make-up trends. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dedicated wavelength pair for bidirectional transmission serves each node.
  • Also remember that a yagi antenna is directional, so you will need an antenna rotator, so if you choose same. Where can I get the antenna I need?
  • The proposed bi-directional converter has no high voltage spike problem and start-up problem, which are inherent in current-fed and voltage-fed hybrid type bi-directional converters.
  • To avoid the effect of unidirectional layered compression summation method without considering side swell, the approximate calculation formula for estimating sluice(dam) foundation sinking is derived.
  • A second testicular metric that may correlate with reproductive potency and phenotypic condition is directional asymmetry.
  • A worldwide network of short-wave stations with directional aerials was established, fulfilling Marconi's dream of global radio communication.
  • The tilt sensors were comprised of 4 levels of unidirectional fixed inclinometers, used to measure the angular displacement between the levels.
  • authority is directional instead of coercive
  • This multidirectional form of crisis communication allowed the audience to compare and evaluate different sources and to understand better the biases of official information.
  • The riflery event basic category is the rifle (fire), the pistol (fire), runs the target, throws the target (fire) and the bidirectional flying saucer (fire).
  • During such periods of stasis, most species exhibit no directional change.
  • Regional economic characteristics are determined by regional differences and superiority, directionality of industrial distribution, laws of labour division and regional benefits.
  • The structure of the system evolves as the product of co-evolution between system and environment, involving a multidirectional collection of linear and nonlinear processes. Literary Study
  • The directional effects here are utilized fully when the songs and dance numbers come into play.
  • In all apterygotes and in mayflies it is bidirectional.
  • The deictic, directional, and locative constructions differ, however, with respect both to their semantics and to the kinds of items that are eligible to fill the X and V slots.
  • By demonstrating one-way or "unidirectional" airflow within the lungs of alligators, the new study - published in the Friday, Jan. 15 issue of the journal Science - means that such a breathing pattern likely evolved before 246 million years ago, when crocodilians split from the branch of the archosaur family tree that led to pterosaurs, dinosaurs and birds. - latest science and technology news stories
  • But now that the ice seems to be thawing, filmmakers are prepared to overlook the fact that the efforts are largely unidirectional.
  • Dish aerials are highly directional.
  • Stage II, known as the bidirectional Glenn or the hemiFontan, typically occurs within four to six months of birth. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
  • a unidirectional antenna
  • Invasive and pseudohyphal growth is characterized by directional unipolar budding and by cells that remain attached to each other after budding.
  • It is also possible that the same machine could be both a left hand and right hand machine subject to simple reversal of a printhead ‘module’ (unless a bi-directional printhead is available).
  • GE will soon release to the public an updated version of the LED bulb that will be omnidirectional and long lasting. Bridgette Meinhold | Inhabitat
  • Two-way radio communications enhancement systems commonly referred to as bidirectional amplifiers or repeaters are replacing the firefighter telephones in many jurisdictions to improve fire ground communications within a building. CSE - Top Articles
  • With programmability, bidirectional travel, speed, and accessories, the transport pallet can change paths with maximum flexibility.
  • Multidirectional core reduction techniques produced a wide variety of larger reduction flakes that formed blanks for small tools.
  • An edge, however, is bidirectional, meaning you can follow it in both directions.
  • An adaptive electronic transmission signal cancellation circuit separates transmit data from receive data in a bidirectional communication system operating in full duplex mode.
  • Supposing the curved portion is a constant tool face angle curve, new mathematical models of well track design of 3D directional wells and sidetracked holes are established.
  • Animal research has established a bidirectional effect of selenium and arsenic with each metal preventing a toxic effect of the other.
  • The occurrence of directional evolution for microsatellite size indicates that the estimation of population parameters with microsatellite data in maize should be done with caution.
  • Elstree has no instrument landing system, radar or directional radio beacons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The power-beyond port is then used to supply pump flow to the additional directional control valve.
  • For example, MindArk has a bidirectionally convertable currency for Entropia Universe. The Latest on the Virtual Tax
  • Our concept of time and its unidirectional flow could not exist in such a world.
  • Two studies in the guppy showed directional postcopulatory sexual selection for more colorful males.
  • Apparently the reason that the signs only indicate the more local towns and not advance directional ones is that the roads around Ransboro and indeed all around the Knocknarea peninsula are classed as minor ones.
  • A high speed, bi-directional USB link gives system designers the ability to communicate with sensors via PC-based software and monitor/control the functionality of features such as tare, peak, valley and selectable averaging, without having to manually change hardware settings. Gadget Freak Files
  • However, the nature of the construct lends itself to a bidirectional measure: work interference with family and family interference with work.
  • The omnidirectional antenna can also send and receive X-band when the directional one is not aimed properly.
  • A transesophageal echocardiogram disclosed a probable fenestrated atrial septum with an aneurysm and a bidirectional shunting that was confirmed by cardiac catheterization in supine position.
  • The rap of knuckle, the slap of the palm, the hammer-stroke of the closed fist against the door, the shouting matches, the horizontal force of his charging shoulder, and on the other side, the full opposition of her body weight - were all transduced bi-directionally by those compressed layers of laminated wood. Justinker Diary Entry
  • The changes in chemical composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of directionally solidified superalloy DZ125 during repeated remelting have been studied.
  • The first citation noted that the Church exceeded the time limits for displaying its temporary directional signs. Christianity Today
  • The work of Gough has shown that a metal deforms under cyclic strain by slip on the same atomic planes and in the same crystallographic directions as in unidirectional strain.
  • Banorte has announced plans to team with a Texas bank to offer free transfers and check cashing between the banks -- bidirectionally. Currency Exchange
  • The transducer position and angulation were adjusted to align the ultrasonic beam parallel to the axis of the main PA to minimize bi-directional flow signals of the systolic flow.
  • Simply put, the system divides the orchestra pit into ten acoustical zones and the stage into fourteen, each governed by a directional microphone.
  • The standard quantization is that momentum p is replaced with the operator (hbar/i) nabla (nabla is a directional derivative) and E = ihbar &/& t (& = partial). Dark Matter: Still Dark.
  • Both sounds had the same insinuating directionality, the same quality of threatening focus. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • The ball is kept aloft by a jet of air, so that it functions like a multidirectional treadmill. Mouse Runs on Trackball Through Virtual Maze
  • Within coralla, directional orientations of the major axes of lacunae appear to be random.
  • Aquaporins mediate the bidirectional passage of water over membranes and are present in tonoplasts and in plasma membranes of plant cells.
  • It observes its surroundings with an omnidirectional vision sensor, and can detect and avoid obstacles by using a laser scanner.
  • She also pointed out that businesses were not supposed to put out directional signs unless they had applied for permission.
  • We also accomplished the extraction of unidirectional movement from the bidirectional movements along the linear tracks by adding arrowhead patterns on the tracks.
  • It has three capsules, with settings for stereo, cardioid, omnidirectional, and bidirectional recording; a built-in headphone amplifier for latency-free monitoring; and dials to control gain and headphone volume. Boing Boing
  • Clinically, thermal treatment or shrinkage is being used for a variety of shoulder problems ranging from microinstability to multidirectional instability.
  • But so far the intensity method has proved inherently much less accurate than the directional method.
  • Then the speakers seem to come alive with demented directional droning.
  • This may be accomplished through marking directional arrows on the score and perhaps indicating the type of interval involved.
  • The episode demonstrates something that many journalists have yet to discover: in an emerging era of multidirectional, digital communications, the audience can be an integral part of the process.
  • A self-made directional solidification furnace was used to fabricate high purity aluminum(HPA) ingots, and the morphology of grains was studied.
  • Davidson introduces us to in "Now You See It," in which the Duke University professor explores various problems caused by today's multidirectional pulls on our attention and attempts to find a few solutions, too. Masters of Distraction
  • After setting a directional beacon to warn passing ships, the Scout looked around the ship, hoping to try and pick up a clue as to what happened.
  • He said he was going to meet with the council's partner consultants, Mouchel, in order to implement a new sign strategy which would include car parks and directional signs.
  • A new recording system for generating the multidirectional holographic phase gratings is presented.
  • The directional arrow pointed to a downhill slope, surrounded in bushland.
  • Our search for evidence is necessarily open, multidirectional and process-oriented in allowing the work of researching to find its own creative form.
  • The airstrip, which does not have a manned control tower, is served by a non-directional beacon.
  • A type of omni - directional wall - climbing robot which can adapt mutiform well.
  • Stakes: cut tie technicality energy and undirectional membrane consistent behavioural.
  • In order to improve the coverage rate of positioning, the located sensors work as anchors and also broadcast positioning information to neighbor sensors using omnidirectional antenna.
  • The main circle is bi-directional and each entrance has it's own unidirectional mini circle. Bien Tijuaneado
  • In this case, we saw a demo that appeared to send data from a 50mW base station, using an omnidirectional antenna, to a receiver 18 miles away.
  • The encounter between these rigorous structures and her loose-limbed multi-directional movement bristled with vitality.
  • Accurately lining up these factors not only provides a power boost but also cranks a ball to wherever you decide with your directional swing; otherwise, you'll whiff on a pitch or pop a ball up to a waiting defender.
  • I blame Topshop for delivering directional fashion for all. Times, Sunday Times
  • These products are high-performance, fully integrated duplex data links for bi-directional comms in fibre channel and other datacom applications.
  • A once-popular hypothesized evolutionary mechanism was orthogenesis, in which change in organisms was due not to natural selection, but to internal directional trends within a lineage.
  • Sales returns from the first four months of the 2000 calendar year indicate that these new products created a modest directional change in the monies flowing out of prestige-buyers' pocketbooks.
  • By demonstrating one-way or "unidirectional" airflow within the lungs of alligators, results of the new study suggest that such a breathing pattern likely evolved before 246 million years ago, when crocodilians split from the branch of the archosaur family tree that led to pterosaurs, dinosaurs and birds. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Appropriate and clear signage includes off-site and entrance signage as well as on-site signage with directional, cautionary, and parking signs.
  • Dual - Tree Complex Wavelet Transform ( DT - CWT ) can provide shift invariance and directional selectivity.
  • So, says Daedalus. imagine a Cexspex lens exposed to a bright directional beam of light.
  • Both pilots had to input left rudder to maintain directional control.
  • Tests of statistical significance of the estimated parameters were set at the .05 level, one-tailed tests were used where hypotheses were directional, two-tailed when there was no directional hypothesis.
  • Maya tombs might bear directional glyphs on walls corresponding to each of the cardinal directions, as on the walls of Rio Azul Tomb 12, a royal or very elite burial from the fifth century CE.
  • Front-mounted or belly-mounted cultivators, or pusher cultivators on bi-directional tractors, are far easier to keep on the row and work close enough to the crop plants.
  • LanguageForce, Inc. has announced the introduction of its newest software, Universal Translator 2000, which offers omnidirectional translation in 40 major world languages.
  • Recaptured birds generally showed a lack of directional movement in both seasons. although subsequent recaptures indicate northward movement by these migrants in the spring.
  • Principles of equity, protecting home industries, directional procurement and reciprocity should be implemented for the choice of suppliers.
  • The main effect of body side indicates directional asymmetry, whereas the side x individual interaction provides a measure of fluctuating asymmetry.
  • These are likely to include improved long-stay car parking and coach parking at the western and eastern sections of Back Ends as well as a strategy for improving directional signs throughout the town.
  • It is these unidirectional authority relationships that are antithetical to citizen engagement.
  • The Pro560 is equipped with a precision-ground 5mm/rev ballscrew and a 2,500 line-motor-mounted encoder for a positioning resolution of 0. 5um and bidirectional repeatability of +/- 1um. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • The robot's tail houses eight multidirectional thrusters. Times, Sunday Times
  • a unidirectional approach to a problem
  • In a study of 12 adults and three children, she determined they need hearing aids with a uni-directional microphone to better hear speech.
  • This is a combined rotator and tilting mechanism with a multi-directional action that allows buckets, grapples, grapple saws, or other attachments to be positioned exactly where required for any job.
  • High d N / d S ratios (excess of nonsynonymous substitutions) are considered to indicate directional evolution.
  • The one Feynman came up with is that the trails have a pattern of chemicals within them that impose directionality; that there actually is an arrow in the chemistry of the trail that tells the ant which way the nest lies.
  • The trick is to add breakaway power to get the mass moving - then, avoid using differential brakes for directional control or stopping unless necessary.
  • In this competitive population, larger adult females were more likely to be recruited, indicating directional selection favoring increased female body size.
  • In wild-type cells, the repressed state spreads unidirectionally through nucleosomal chromatin.
  • A positive coefficient indicates that directional selection is acting to increase that trait.
  • According to some experts in Europe and the US, the idea was launched too late, only three months before the election day; it was mainly in English, in a region with 22 co-official languages; it didn´t show any interest for people´s opinion or any kind of bidirectional communication. European Parliament Dips Its Toe Into Social Networking
  • Woven Roving is a bidirectional fabric made by interweaving direct roving in plain weave pattern.
  • While the animals lack sonar, they do posses superb directional underwater hearing and the ability to see in near-darkness.
  • Study motivation has inspiriting function, directional function and intensifying function.
  • Unlike the Barcelona Pavilion, with its directional Modernist space and unaligned column and paving grids, at the Farnsworth House the column centers align with the grid of the travertine floor, classicizing the design.
  • A wearable vest could give you directional information.
  • An adaptive electronic transmission signal cancellation circuit for separating transmit data from receive data in a bidirectional communication system operating in full duplex mode is disclosed.
  • Unidirectional tape is more expensive than aluminum and more difficult to lay up than a woven prepreg.
  • Transfer function for reduction to pole can be used to reduce directional oblique magnetic anomaly to vertical magnetic anomaly in frequency(or wavenumber)domain.
  • A person's retirement will affect the family functioning and network but this is not unidirectional.
  • I used a multidirectional slice cutting technique to achieve texture and volume. Times, Sunday Times
  • They both played acoustic guitars for the most part, amplified only by directional microphones. Times, Sunday Times
  • Closer in understanding to the dyadic fluctuations implicit in melodic constructiveness than to the multidirectional accommodations of codependent harmony, Hogle's concept of "motion" views Shelleyan process as "a drive toward a counterpart rising ahead of it and a harking back to a different one receding in its wake. Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • The cumulative measures smooth graphs and provide an overall indication of directional changes in forecast accuracy.
  • A bleed orifice may be disposed between the directional control valve and the source of fluid, in parallel with the check valve.
  • This irrational emotional economy has short-circuited itself through the excess of a unidirectional flow of desire.
  • The Comtac features dual microphones, giving you directional hearing and an interface for boom mike and radio interconnection, but my favorite feature is the on/off volume control.
  • But over time and aided by unidirectional modernism the communal aspects have not only been taken for granted but also alienated.
  • Therefore, the directionality of Chengdu trisyllabic tone sandhi can be predicted by the interaction between faithfulness constraints and markedness constraints.
  • Air should be introduced at the ceiling and exhausted near the floor, creating a downward directional flow.
  • A single clone was then selected for complete bidirectional sequencing.
  • Aside from those "opportune" moments when far-edge or off-screen characters or objects are making sounds, the mix remains focused in the center channel with the two directional music stems used to provide some spread and presence to the score. Home Theater Forum
  • The standard unit is constructed of tubular steel with a painted finish and solid clear vinyl curtain that allows a continuous downflow purge of Unidirectional Flow airflow.
  • The multi-directional informational flow helps to make the internet a distinctive surveillant assemblage (Haggerty and Ericson, 2000: 605) with an idolatrous dream of omniperception and a minacious twinkle in the electronic eye.
  • The evidence for tidal influence arises from documentation of bidirectional cross-strata, tidal bundles, tidal rhythmites and periodic variation in foreset thickness.
  • I had appointed myself the Driving Czar of the world and I wrote about one of the cardinal rules of driving: using your directional signals.
  • The few previous methods that were "bidirectional" like the current design, using output energy for input energy, required constant driving of the device, resulting in a complex implementation and requiring a significant amount of energy for driving the system, which made them barely realistic. - latest science and technology news stories
  • One thing: even if you use a blimped camera and scream for silence on the set, make sure you have a directional microphone with good frequency response, and check levels.
  • A bidirectional shift register, which is capable of shifting bits to the left (L) or right (R), will then be capable of performing modulo-2 division and multiplication operations.
  • Latin to add weight to the authority of one’s opinion, one might (the impersonal is also helpful for establishing an academic tone) suggest that “at” used as a sentential post-fix is a locative particle, which helps distinguish the use of “where” from alternative directional uses such as “Where is he going TO?” or “Where is she coming FROM?”, and which provides parallelism to those constructions. Where are you (at)? « Motivated Grammar
  • Seems to me, the louder the better but what the service does have to conquer is the directional issue. The Art Of Noise « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • For the next few weeks at least all the directional indicators are pointing to blood in the hencoop.
  • Three directional microphones help minimise background noise and automatically adjust earpiece volume. Times, Sunday Times
  • COBE also measured small directional variations in the background radiation's temperature, known as anisotropy.
  • The concept of a managed clinical network recognises the need for dynamic interchange between all tiers of service delivery the multidirectional flow of patients, expertise, and resources.
  • It introduces a new method - Omnidirectional M - mode echocardiography , which can detect the dynamic information from sequential echocardiography.
  • a unidirectional flow
  • Thus, unlike spherical and conical inserts the chisel insert may be directionally oriented about its center axis.
  • On 30 June 2003, the 70-metre DSN station in Madrid, Spain, successfully received high-rate science data through SOHO's omnidirectional on-board low-gain antenna.
  • A simplified colour code is used, with blue hues replacing the orange, and basic directional arrows and place names winning out over stand-alone letters and numbers.
  • Stone, et al. Directional transcription regulation of glial fibrillary acidic proteins by estradiol in vivo and in vitro. T.S. Wiley: Estrogen Dilemma: There Is No Dilemma When You Know the Details
  • In the event the driver elects to use only fusees or liquid-burning flares in lieu of bidirectional reflective triangles or red flags, the driver must ensure that at least one fusee or liquid-burning flare remains lighted at each of the prescribed locations as long as the commercial motor vehicle is stopped or parked.
  • And we have seen quantum improvements in seismology as well as in directional and horizontal drilling, under-sea pipeline construction to name just a few. Canada's Role in Global Energy Production
  • But if you're lost in the cave, the map of Powell's seems only an abstract black and white design of squiggly curves, wavy topographical lines, and straight directional lines.
  • The much broader climate change claim is bidirectional, and can include such non-temperature-related changes as frequency of storms, and even both droughts and floods.
  • The restricted intergenic distances indicated a "locked" arrangement of the genes that flank bidirectional promoters, further suggesting that 5'UTRs could be predicted across species on the basis of conservation of gene synteny around these promoters. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The Digitron DT7701 Indoor HDTV TV Antenna features 40 mile omni-directional radius for pulling in high definition channels MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Most call center agents and supervisors are familiar with the two types of headset microphones most prevalent in call centers - noise canceling and omnidirectional microphones.
  • Investigations show that the construct parameters affect significantly the omnidirectional reflectivity band of a photonic crystal.
  • We learn, for instance, that the only creature on Earth that can rival humans for directional hearing is a humble parasitoid fly called Ormia Ochracea. Going With the Flow
  • To assure communication quality, directional antenna is usually adopted in image signal transmission or wireless communication.
  • Is it for ambient lighting, not directional lighting? Times, Sunday Times
  • Correlation does not give you the directionality of causation, so a few types of answers have been proposed — one is "junk" (large cells better tolerate the selective cost of useless DNA), one is "skeletal" (read Cavalier-Smith, it's complicated and involves a hypothesized allometric relationship), etc. Intrinsic Control and Junk DNA
  • At their face value, these estimates indicate little evidence for directional selection.
  • An important distinction here is between violence that is unidirectional and violence that is multidirectional.
  • With tons of directional effects rocketing around the viewer nearly the whole way through, this track utilizes surround sounds to full effect!
  • Directional effects are utilized in multiple scenes while the dialogue is all clear of any excessive hiss or distortion.
  • Directional lights are mostly used as a key light - sunlight or moonlight - in an outdoor game.
  • Audio hardware included mixers, speakers, and both omnidirectional and directional microphones; the sound setup required some care to avoid echo and ensure high fidelity, especially when large music groups were playing.
  • These complex conditions cannot be reduced to some unidirectional process of deregulation / marketization, nor should it be portrayed as a benign process of zero-sum regulatory redistribution across scales.
  • The next step in approaching the problem of the relation of these texts is to build a non-directional stemma.
  • That was a plus-he wouldn't be immediately identified as American, but if the opposition had a directional microphone, which could even pick up whispers, the ruse would be up.
  • Woven buntal creates a two-directional fabric of polished finish and geometric refinement.

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