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How To Use Direction In A Sentence

  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • There was a deal of shouting from Jamie's direction, and general hubbub, as a few people came out of the pothouse, staring. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • In this regard, I offer a few guesses about some general directions in which statistical physics may change.
  • He has made derogative remarks, made players uncomfortable playing for him, and is not leading the team in the right direction.
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  • Finally, in the formation of an opinion as to the abstract preferableness of one course of action over another, or as to the truth or falsehood or right significance of a proposition, the fact that the majority of one's contemporaries lean in the other direction is naught, and no more than dust in the balance. On Compromise
  • Olivia notes the direction of his gaze, and realizes her robe has fallen open again.
  • It's about the right image going with the right story in the right direction, rather than it being abstract.
  • After climbing a steep rise for about twenty minutes the road crested, then began to slope downwards, taking a more westerly direction.
  • Typical mesocyclonic tornadoes are caused by intense thunderstorms with appropriate vertical and directional wind shear. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pathogens in Harm’s Way:
  • The companion star would emit plenty of its own UV radiation, but this radiation would be blocked in the direction of Eta Carinae by the thick nebulosity of the giant star's surrounding gas, dust, and stellar wind.
  • Secondly, the other direction, that is, the completeness part, is proved by what is really known as the Lindenbaum-Tarski method. Propositional Consequence Relations and Algebraic Logic
  • The program design is based on bus time sharing and interrupt servicing. It can renew the speeds and the directions of every motor at real time.
  • With her pupils dilated to blackness, and spitting vituperation in all directions, the very last thing she seems is sane.
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Finally met Judith "with the blue shutters": the American to whom the villagers have been trying to introduce me, going as far as to give me directions to her house "avec les volets bleus". Péquenaud - French Word-A-Day
  • Transverse ridges have a higher sand supply than barchans but also exist in unidirectional winds.
  • When a predator pounces, simply escaping in the opposite direction is often the worst option.
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Andrew noticed the sudden change of direction, as the wave moved faster towards them.
  • After breakfast, basking herself in the sun, Frona descried a familiar bunch of men rounding the tail of the glacier in the direction of CHAPTER 4
  • The woman wiped her sweaty face with a bright red handkerchief and bobbed her head in the direction of the coopery. City of Glory
  • It points to every direction on the compass, north, south, east and west… what more do you want.
  • People passed by without a glance in her direction.
  • He then seemed to move with it in a strange diagonal direction. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • The road was uneven, full of random stones and broken asphalt, thrusting themselves in all directions.
  • A woman is approached in the street by a scruffily dressed youth who opens his mouth - and asks for directions to the local mosque.
  • The main problem with this method is that by invalidating certain moves, a valid path approaching the tile from a different direction can be left unfound .
  • We're surrounded by families with kids in every direction so I no longer feel shame for wearing my trackies and having unkept hair at three (ok six) in the pm.
  • Bits of silver metal blasted in every direction.
  • Nevertheless, I was determined to be at least vaguely scientific about this review, so I pulled out the omnidirectional microphone I had borrowed from the media unit at work and started making recordings.
  • In the mean time they pass for the mandatories of the popular sovereign, with full power in all directions, because he has delegated his omnipotence to them, and the sole power, because their investiture is the most recent; under this sanction, they stalk around somewhat like supernumeraries at the Opera, dressed in purple and gold, representing The French Revolution - Volume 2
  • Stray too far in one direction and you devolve into saccharine sentimentality, go the other direction and you risk crass exploitation.
  • It was a book which fulfilled his desire to discover a place seldom visited, and was also to influence this once-aimless student to eventually find a direction, and become a travel writer.
  • The question of the Labor leadership is a question about Labor's future direction and policy vision for Australia.
  • Formula One, by contrast, runs in a clockwise direction and only uses part of the oval.
  • Journalists alarmed by the directions of both the profession and journalism education said the initiative comes at an opportune time.
  • Thaw bread dough according to package directions.
  • What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results. Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
  • I learned this, at least, by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. Henry David Thoreau 
  • He then seemed to move with it in a strange diagonal direction. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • And he took off jogging in the direction of the kennels.
  • Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. Balkinization
  • The membership of the party have no say over the policy and direction of the party.
  • When Mr. Presby, from the roof of the conservatory, had noted the direction he took, he had closed the window, and called the boatman to assist him. In School and Out or, The Conquest of Richard Grant.
  • After giving the aforesaid directions, the court again had two options before it.
  • The musical direction she was going in and the mime and dance, it left me pretty cold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wooden legs bristling in every direction from under his arms, he moved crabwise towards the side door. DEATH IN FASHION
  • The bending property in transverse direction of tin-phosphor bronze strip is a very important quality index which has a great inference on the quality of final products.
  • The third in the triplet took you in totally the opposite direction by looking at life as a transgender person who blurs the distinction between male and female identification.
  • Heads, we go that way --" he indicated the direction in which they were facing -- "tails, we do a rightabout-face. Storm Over Warlock
  • Although most skiers traverse the Inside Road from north to south, both directions demand stamina with substantial elevation gains and losses.
  • I timed it successfully, and had no doubt of having added four to my score, when, to my astonishment, I saw a fieldsman running from the direction of the hedge. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 159, July 14th, 1920
  • Hastening across the parapet from the opposite direction was a bowman as young as the man he'd shot. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • In my mind, I have a picture of the people I perceive to be acting in perpetuance of these misdirections. Peace, order and good government, eh?: May 2006 Archives
  • It splashed down into the shopping cart, splattering mucus in every direction.
  • In this paper, three future directions, clean fuels, replaceable fuels and catalytic purifier, were discussed briefly.
  • Just over 25 years later, the release of The Jazz Singer marked the advent of sound in the form of feature-length talkies, and film took an enormous leap in a new direction.
  • Tara walked in a southerly direction .
  • They made little headway popularizing Britain's unilateral nuclear disarmament, and the unilateralist tide lacked any consistent direction.
  • There was indeed a ship headed in the direction of Dolphin which was still on her southeasterly tack while Indefatigable was now headed northwest.
  • I hurried through the cold dark streets, guided more by my sense of direction than my eyes. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • To regulate capital account must follow the objective laws of economic growth to guide the bidirectional capital flows.
  • Efficient decision-making systems give terrific power to the efforts of already capable people considering new directions.
  • Interestingly, they report wind-rose plots indicating that MLCK inhibition substantially reduces cell motility by increasing the directional tortuosity of cell paths.
  • They were heading in a south-easterly direction from New Orleans, Louisiana, following the Mississippi river towards the Gulf of Mexico.
  • I am not a fortune teller, but a true clairvoyant, I will help you to find your direction in a way that will leave you empowered and positive.
  • Although, thinking about it, I'm sure my vocabulary has been enlarged in previously unexplored directions by the energetic neologists of spam.
  • You cannot change your destination overnight. You can change your direction. Jim Rohn 
  • But I'm sure she will, when I need that nudge in the right direction!
  • Ingredients and directions for each recipe appear on the same screen and can be printed out to use in the kitchen.
  • We're definitely moving in a positive direction, but each time we make a leap to a new level of functionality, things get more complicated and fractured and difficult for a while.
  • We also needed to confirm the airport would be open, and the airport lights and non-directional beacon were working.
  • The pronator radii teres, no longer opposed by the supinator brevis, had rotated the anterior fragment into complete pronation and fixed it there, while the supinator brevis, acting on the upper end, had rotated that fragment in an opposite direction and held it fixed until bony union at the point of fracture had taken place. With Sabre and Scalpel. The Autobiography of a Soldier and Surgeon
  • There is additional shower and thundershower activity to our north that may swing this direction heading into tonight. Quieter night ahead, still more rain for some
  • He tries to thumb a lift from cars as they approach from either direction. Somewhere East of Life
  • Around the same time, another man, a white male in his 40s, also passed through that alley and became the initial suspect in the case, because authorities thought it suspicious that he removed an overshirt and seemed to be looking in the direction of the car bomb. Getaway Car Waited, but Key Was Lost
  • Error prevention features cannot be implemented easily without bidirectional connectivity.
  • Whatever the circumstances, reporting means learning new skills, taking new directions, having more room to grow.
  • Kate, Madeline's ladysmaid, floated around not really doing anything and occasionally darting angry looks in my direction.
  • He pictured it as a liquid fiery ball, constantly dripping flames into no particular direction due to lack of gravity.
  • These three moves constitute unilateral, bilateral and regional moves in the direction of a hard currency.
  • Logwood is not only used for dyeing blacks and greys as the principal colouring matter, but is also used as a shading colour along with cutch, fustic, quercitron, etc., in dyeing olives, browns, etc., and among the recipes given in this section examples of its use in this direction will be found. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • They are in the nature of a proposed amended writ of summons, a summons for directions and an affidavit in each of the matters and a list of authorities in each of the matters.
  • they proposed a new direction for the firm
  • But men are generally not as adventurous with their style as women, so this one might not catch on, except with Will and Shane, the most directional male fashionistas I know.
  • As for communications equipment, the snipers need small, easily packable radios and a good directional antenna to allow for longer-range communications.
  • According to sense-datum theorists, however, we are rarely, if ever, aware of this indirection in ordinary (veridical) exteroception. Pain
  • There is a quite possibility that individuals who visited Saint John's, the emergency room of North York (ph) General may have been exposed to the virus, and so, very clearly, I gave you the dates a few moments ago for your viewers, readers and listeners to take into account and follow the public health directions that we have given. CNN Transcript May 24, 2003
  • Do it diagonally in both directions, to make diamond shapes.
  • First, it is given direction by a political arm, or college, of Commissioners, but the college is unelected.
  • The wetness turned to rain, then to sleet, and then to a nasty, slushy snow, blowing into my face no matter which direction I took.
  • Without the founder's drive and direction, the company gradually languished.
  • Based on blog and comment reactions I've seen, some readers find that element really shocking, and at that point either doff their hat in my direction for how I handled it, or get really angry, either at the story or directly at me. An Interview with Mike Allen
  • Head turned in competingly fabulous directions, I find myself feeling positively kleptomaniac. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • At this time we could hear and see the German half-track vehicles entering Lamia, thus effectively cutting off our retreat in that direction even if we had transport. Alan Glass
  • He is not only the speed, but also lies in whether we can continue; forward lies not only in speed, but also lies in whether we can maintain the correct direction.
  • There is also a swifter motion of a different sort of fire which strikes and dilates the ray of sight until it reaches the eyes, forcing a way through their passages and melting them, and eliciting from them a union of fire and water which we call tears, being itself an opposite fire which comes to them from an opposite direction — the inner fire flashes forth like lightning, and the outer finds a way in and is extinguished in the moisture, and all sorts of colours are generated by the mixture. Timaeus
  • Thus, water reaching the playa continues across it towards the lowest point, and flows in this direction persist long enough to erode and maintain channels that are metres in width and decimetres deep.
  • Lohengrin raced toward the Dragon from one direction, Jaime on his destrier from the other. Trial of Seven
  • He has a very good sense of direction .
  • Sometimes you are not without effort, but chose the wrong direction; sometimes, success is not your ability, but by the power of others.
  • Funny, it is generally accepted as the height of sociolinguistic sophistication to shift the shiftable aspects of your speech (vowel quality being a prime example) in the direction of the speech of those you are speaking to.
  • Repeat the process using three more sheets, changing the direction each time. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are a multitude of sounds, directional effects, and explosions to thrill any action fan.
  • As Web traffic is real-time and bidirectional, for example, delaying is not really possible.
  • He glanced in her direction and his eyebrows arched in surprise when he saw her.
  • They received his guidance and direction for their lives. Christianity Today
  • We will point them in the right direction and help them all the way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Could you point me in the direction of the bathroom, please?
  • Experienced sailors can play in an highly realistic mode where you plot a course using only wind direction and strength. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wolves of the group suddenly rushed towards the direction of the sound, baring their teeth and snarling.
  • They found ‘high’ sulphur levels in some tree species from 20 to 40 miles in a north-easterly direction from Sudbury.
  • He quietly gathered a few bolts and washers from the floor and threw them to the other end of a row of crates, causing a loud sound to come from that direction.
  • Having maneuvered through the boles of the blue trees of the grove and into the open plain beyond, Saffron and Hawk decided to head off in the direction of a grassy hillock they spotted about a kilometer away.
  • He has made some bloomers in his time, from the failed bid for American General to his company's attempts to ratchet up his pay just as policyholders' bonuses were going in the other direction.
  • This afternoon, whilst I was chatting to an elderly couple who wanted directions to somewhere, my eyes wandered to the car park verge and espied a single solitary daffodil blooming in the late winter sun.
  • These features can be explained if a volcanic island arc was approaching from that direction. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • I struggled out, disturbing the lazy whatsits as little as possible, and yawned my way in the general direction of the unusual sounds.
  • It was partially stripped and disassembled, basically thousands of parts in boxes and no directions!
  • The direction of cell growth is determined by the orientation of the cellulose fibrils in the cell wall.
  • I could hardly keep up it, and spilling bottles in all directions.
  • With summertime abandon, the new arrivals sent their limbs flurrying in all directions.
  • A shotgun mic is a unidirectional microphone, meaning it picks up sound in the direction where it's aimed.
  • A wheelbarrow pusher can complete a return journey of 30 m in each direction whilst a shoveller is filling a 50-litre barrow. 1.1. Survey of local conditions and site reconnaissance
  • But this idea does point in the right general direction: toward a kind of inner conflict, toward what I have called a kind of "brokenness" in the human psyche, and in particular toward a failure of integration within the person of the creature's feelings and needs and impulses on the one hand, and the moral injunctions internalized from the socializing culture on the other. A Piece (from Huffington Post) on the Right's Manifest Hypocrisy Problem
  • Simply follow the directions after you have set up your team. The Sun
  • A narrow gorge opens upon a semicircular hollow lined with ochraceous or ferruginous matter; in fact, part of the filon, which sends off fibrils in all directions. The Land of Midian
  • Then you expect those who are leading football to go in the same direction of fair play. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only thing I can theorize is follow the money to some "leaders" pockets and that will give some clue as to the direction they give their followers. Sound Politics: "Ample provision" is a function of both funding and expenses
  • Under Kevin Sutley's direction, this production finds a queasy pace, coloured as much by the insane bingeing on stage as the emotional minefield it traverses.
  • An hour later, after nightfall, he repassed the plantation, going northward in the direction from which he had come.
  • Crawlways run as straight as dark directional lines, meeting others in mazy routes that confuse even the most observant caver.
  • But they'd get an Identikit or whatever they called it, use computer imaging under her direction, and they'd get a likeness. DOLL'S EYES
  • All protein atoms and directions of major interatomic currents are shown in figure 1.
  • Go deeper into your walk and experience a bimodal tidal movement, flowing first in one direction and then another. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Cells tugged in one direction sent biochemical signals in the opposite direction in the form of a signature pattern of fluorescent light.
  • It is fully reversible with the temperature and displays in heating direction as a small endothermic event.
  • For instance, Matt argues thatThe Democratic Party is awash in secretiveness, and while there have been Kerry emails which explain a bit of polling, one is mostly kept in the dark as to the strategic direction of the campaign. Sometimes the first thought...
  • The carriers have heard the message and are attempting to move in that direction.
  • The chemistry between De Niro and Grodin, a solid and smart script by George Gallo and ideally understated direction by Martin Brest. Midnight Run 2 Really Happening; De Niro Returning | /Film
  • For the past 13 weeks the 10 students doing the course have been studying performance and stagecraft, which takes in all aspects of performing, under the direction of teacher Virginia Norrie.
  • Try having that for the best part of several weeks, with the occasional lurch in either direction.
  • At different slope direction and slope position the total monoterpene contents were also varied, on the top and shade slope were highest and in the middle and sunny slope were lowest.
  • Harvey Sacks has suggested to me that, in the case of directions, a small repayment is automatically involved, namely, the imputation, which could be positive, that the asked person looks like“a native of these parts.” Behavior in Public Places
  • For discussions allow passion to subside; and to persuade alienated neighbors, or at least one of them, to listen to the voice of a conciliator, is a step in the direction of peace. Albert Gobat - Nobel Lecture
  • According to Bronn, the ideal fundamental form of the plant is an ovoid or strobiloid [312] body, for a plant reaches out in two directions in search of food -- towards the sun and towards the earth. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Now, since the current always runs from the positive to the negative pole, and makes its whole circuit in that direction, it will be readily seen that, from the place on the patient where the positive pole is applied, inward as far as to the central point, the direction of the current may properly be said to be _inward_; and that, from the central point to the place of the negative electrode, where the current comes out, its direction may be said to be _outward_. A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication
  • Historically, the Black Virgin cult seems to point in the direction of two alternatives in particular.
  • The positions of sequences encoding homeodomains are shown by bidirectional arrows.
  • Such fields, however, do not wreck triplet superconductivity because the spins of both electrons may point in the same direction as the field.
  • Unfortunately, we were going in the wrong direction.
  • For reasons already given we do not accept that the judge's self-direction was vitiated by legal misdirection.
  • The emphasis here is on securing the compliance of the subordinate through direction and control.
  • The central sulcus of the insula runs in an upwards and backwards direction, almost parallel to the cerebral central sulcus that delimits the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe.
  • Insiders are bracing for some walloping arguments over the company's direction in the coming months.
  • The essentials were, first, to be certain Schuyler was going to advance in the general direction of Montreal; second, to procure the necessary batteaux for the ascent of the rivers; and, third, to find an able man to lead the expedition. Washington
  • This means there should always be freedom of choice but there should also be nudges in the direction of doing the right thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do not use a omnidirectional mic or something like that, look up "cardioid" and make sure that's the type of mic you are using! All Updates @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  • Just before the 19.30 sets off in a north-easterly direction from King's Cross, she'll be standing on the door trying to keep order.
  • They both played acoustic guitars for the most part, amplified only by directional microphones. Times, Sunday Times
  • A fractal object is self - affine instead of self - similar if it has scaling property in different direction.
  • But this rolling of the eyes, after revolving till we become vertiginous, cannot cause the apparent circumgyration of objects, in a direction contrary to that in which we have been revolving, for the following reasons. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The jury returned a formal verdict after direction by the judge.
  • Thieves have recently targeted unsuspecting victims by showing them a map and asking for directions.
  • In order to accomplish peeling off between castor capsule and castor bean, the bulk loads and direction are very important.
  • The walks depart in a south-easterly direction to Mount Leinster, which, if the weather continues to remain fine will offer wonderful views of the Galtees, Slievenamon and the Wicklow Mountains.
  • A handful of local people get off the bus, dispersing in different directions.
  • Veteran traders say U.S. grains feel "toppy" after last week's rally to multimonth highs, but many remained hesitant to pick a direction for the coming week given the outside storms rattling the markets. Reuters: Top News
  • The light turned in their direction, like a probing finger trying to find them. THREE IN ONE
  • The antennas combine high gain with a directional beam and virtually no backscatter, the company said.
  • These two methods were used to calculate the relative bidirectional reflectance of ten contrasting surfaces.
  • The party had considered the possibility of disaster for one man, and that had been the principal reason for despatching the two in different directions. Chapter VIII
  • ‘Me too,’ says Christopher and we rejoin the arrowed path and wander off in vaguely the direction we think we came from earlier.
  • Captain, we have a very faint trace leading off in the direction of chi Scorpii. INTELLIVORE
  • The mainly south-westerly air-stream, alternating with south-easterlies, turned the beat to Temple into a series of short tacks as the fickle breeze tempted boats on to a course before dying away and changing direction.
  • Outside his work his tastes lay in the direction of botany and bibliomancy, which latter, according to the dictionary, is "Divination performed by selecting passages of Scripture at hazard. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, April 18, 1917
  • I suggested a quick about-turn, and started outlining directions for the city centre.
  • After it passes Nanjing, it will move southwest toward the direction away from Beijing.
  • I pointed in both directions when appropriate, my lips curling slightly in a sneer.
  • It will be intriguing to see in which direction this important talent heads next.
  • This insulting decision speaks volumes about the direction sports is headed.
  • In the Champagnat model, the mixed axes have a spiral phyllotaxis and begin their growth with an orthotropic direction before they bend under their own weight.
  • The future direction of the Irish property market has become as unpredictable as the weather.
  • Things move on and life continues in other directions. The Sun
  • Osler made more than one verifiable statement regarding homeopathy, as well as what he termed allopathy as a practice of his time, as well as what he saw as a future direction. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Pollen traps constructed from petroleum jelly on microscope slides were attached to vertical wooden laths facing the direction of the prevailing wind.
  • This reduction has forced others to move in a similar direction.
  • “Hold your fire, you gudgeons!” he thundered, bounding over the debris toward the direction of the sound of yet another snarl and breaking glass. Sexy Beast IV
  • This means there would be a shadow cast to the north and the directional orientation of the picture would come into play.
  • Our squad is comprised of skilled world class players who now have an excellent coach with direction and ample influence.
  • Her iridescently colored eyes flickered in the direction of the voice, soon followed by a warm smile as she looked to Raek.
  • The owner and the "surveyor" were the people responsible, and the plans, directions and details given to the workmen were astonishingly meager. Furnishing the Home of Good Taste A Brief Sketch of the Period Styles in Interior Decoration with Suggestions as to Their Employment in the Homes of Today
  • The Williams imbroglio is teachable, but its lessons actually point in the opposite direction: America's public media system, including NPR, requires more funding, not less. Why Fox News should help fund NPR
  • We are going in the right direction. The Sun
  • The foam or filling material can be mounted on the cutting mechanism either lengthwise or widthwise, and cut in either direction.
  • But they are not ready to accept that there is no purpose or direction to life.
  • The group were formerly close-knit but are now a bunch of individuals moving in separate directions and facing different problems.
  • The Duke regained his senses just in time to see another haymaker about to be launched in his direction.
  • Now besides our voyages and trades of late yeeres to the North and Northeast regions of the world, and our ancient traffique also to those parts; I haue not bene vnmindefull (so farre as the histories of England and of other Countreys would giue me direction) to place in the fore-front of this booke those forren conquests, exploits, and trauels of our English nation, which haue bene atchieued of old. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation

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