How To Use Direct tax In A Sentence

  • The government's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation.
  • The wars of the period necessitated the heaviest direct taxation since the 1650s.
  • The government restructured the tax base to place greater emphasis on indirect taxes (duties, tariffs, excise taxes, and state-owned monopolies over sales of salt and tobacco) rather than on the peasant-based taille.
  • And if you tax consumption with indirect taxation, taxes often pyramid, with resultant price increases of a regressive nature.
  • This is an indirect taxation on lower earners, which can mean that for a £100 increase in earnings the actual net benefit can be as low as £20.
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  • It's good that he used direct taxation rather than stealth taxes to raise the money.Sentence dictionary
  • They retained only one direct tax, the tithe on agricultural produce (decima).
  • Therefore, if the mandate is a direct tax, then to be constitutional, uninsured citizens in a state with a lower percentage of insured would need to pay a higher mandate than citizens of a state with a higher percentage of insured. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
  • The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.
  • He also shifted the tax burden from direct income tax to indirect taxation through the introduction of a goods and service tax.
  • Clearly, lower taxes reinforced the spending splurge that generated the explosion in indirect tax receipts allowing taxes to be cut further.
  • It will be more of the same - indirect taxation on cigarettes and drink.
  • (Under the Constitution, direct taxes must be "apportioned", which essentially is an administrative nightmare to do on a consistent, ongoing basis. WHY TAX MOLESTERS FEAR RON PAUL
  • The government may put an indirect tax on books.
  • Direct taxation was indeed low, at a flat rate of 1 s. in the pound on incomes of £150 or above.
  • The direct tax proposals will yield a gain of $2,000
  • In 1980-81 the highest 10% of earners paid approximately one-quarter of their earnings in direct taxation.
  • By refusing to increase indirect taxation it could deny the imperial government the money it needed. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralize the reduction in income tax.
  • Because direct taxes will not rise, any shortfall will be clawed back through cutbacks.
  • So while the Constitution empowered the federal government to levy taxes, it limited this power mostly to indirect taxes like tariffs, duties, and excise taxes.
  • By refusing to increase indirect taxation it could deny the imperial government the money it needed. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States, which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, _three fifths of all other persons_. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • That is the policy which we have pursued consistently, with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially.
  • But since the only requirement of apportionment is that a direct tax or capitation can only to three-fifths of a slave, and since we no longer have slaves, it no longer has any effect. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
  • The law did not provide for the apportionment of the tax, and, if it was a direct tax, the law was confessedly unwarranted by the Constitution.
  • The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
  • However, the whole matter of indirect tax liability is devilishly complex and difficult to understand.
  • The poorest pay a far higher proportion of their income on the equivalent of VAT and other indirect taxes, physiocrat The Guardian World News
  • If the government raises direct taxation, it will lose votes.
  • Examples of direct taxes are income tax and stamp duty.
  • While the UK has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in Europe, the level of indirect taxation is amongst the highest.
  • Should tax increases be required, they should be raised through indirect taxation.
  • He has repeatedly said he wants to see a switch from indirect taxation to taxation on income.
  • Of course the licence fee should be seen for what it now is, a crude form of indirect taxation that taxes all households irrespective of their ability to pay.
  • Increases in indirect taxation, which hit the poor hardest, have also been announced.
  • Direct taxes could only be levied with the consent of Parliament.
  • So while the Constitution empowered the federal government to levy taxes, it limited this power mostly to indirect taxes like tariffs, duties, and excise taxes.
  • For the moment, deflationary pressures will boost real incomes and act like an indirect tax cut. Times, Sunday Times
  • The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
  • April 26, 2010, 4: 21 pm byomtov says: if the penalty is a tax, it is a “direct tax” for purposes of Article I, section 9 and is therefore unconstitutional. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
  • Also, while Congress can impose a national capitation or property tax [ "direct tax"], to do so it must be "apportioned" which in point of fact means that the tax cannot be imposed. California Progress Report
  • It's good that he used direct taxation rather than stealth taxes to raise the money.
  • Their government's revenues come mainly from direct taxes.
  • Second, policy has sought to reduce the range of price interventions that can serve as a form of indirect taxation on emerging capitalist farmers.
  • If the government raises direct taxation, it will lose votes.
  • Does indirect taxation on ‘sin’ products, such as fuel and tobacco, actually reduce consumption?
  • This low standard of the Press is the more regretable as its exalted duty is at present to solve the highest problems social and industrial, such as co-operation in labour, the development of fisheries, direct taxation versus indirect and a host of enigmas which the young world, uncumbered by the burdens of the Old World, alone shall unravel. Arabian nights. English
  • The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
  • We are headed toward completely socialized medicine - and, if we take indirect tax subsidies into account, we're already halfway there.
  • The main direct tax, the taille, was levied on persons in central provinces, but on land in peripheral ones like Languedoc.
  • The paradigm of direct taxation is income tax, the paradigm of indirect taxation is a tax on sales.
  • No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing A Manual of Ready Reference
  • Their optimistic figure conveniently overlooked, for example, indirect taxes, such as those on petrol and drink.
  • Despite the efforts of leading Federalists, Antifederalists remained unconvinced that Congress would use an impost and excise before resorting to poll and direct taxes.
  • Nevertheless, in most provinces, nobles continued to escape the oldest basic direct tax, the taille, not to mention forced labour on the roads.
  • He promised an Exchequer surplus of £135m by raising indirect taxes and also diverting £1.6bn to national coffers from the PRSI fund, Central Bank commissions on new euro notes and coins and making companies pay their taxes earlier.
  • Other indirect taxes were the ferme de l'equivalent and various municipal octrois.
  • -- Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States, which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, _three-fifths of all other persons_. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • ARTICLE 1, Sect. 2, provides -- "Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States, which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, _three-fifths of all other persons_. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • Because changes have come incrementally, direct taxation remains low and Hong Kong has been spared the costs of armed forces, the shift is easy to overlook.
  • Receivers of direct taxes - taille, capitation, and vingtiemes - also profited from the fiscal system.
  • The government can say taxation is at an all-time low but that is only true of direct taxation.
  • It's good that he used direct taxation rather than stealth taxes to raise the money.
  • Strictly speaking we should add the various National Insurance contributions to the total for direct taxation.
  • We might have expected this switch to reinforce the downward trend in the ratio of direct to indirect tax receipts.
  • Given the progressive nature of taxation, the proportion of earnings paid in direct taxation varies.
  • The main reason for the increase was the higher amounts collected through indirect taxation.
  • The government's budget was strengthened by increased customs revenue and more particularly by a spectacular rise in indirect taxation.
  • The working population that earn under twenty grand pay the bulk of indirect taxation through vice and vehicle.
  • The paradigm of direct taxation is income tax, the paradigm of indirect taxation is a tax on sales.
  • It is that even after this fall, the government is taking away more than ever in higher council taxes, fuel bills and indirect taxation, as if nothing had changed.
  • Direct taxes could only be levied with the consent of Parliament.
  • Their government's revenues come mainly from direct taxes.
  • That is the policy which we have pursued consistently, with the result that direct taxation has come down substantially.
  • When direct taxes could yield an additional Rs 2,000 crore, indirect taxes remain revenue neutral.
  • He has repeatedly said he wants to see a switch from indirect taxation to taxation on income.
  • The government just rake in the money and pretend it's all due to good housekeeping, when in fact we are paying more through indirect taxation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The question of what types of taxes are considered direct taxes under the constitution is a bit murky. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
  • For convenience we shall compare the systems under four main headings, with indirect taxes considered first in each case.
  • Thus the adoption of true free trade involves the abolition of all indirect taxation of whatever kind, and the resort to direct taxation for all public revenues.
  • But sceptics say he still has to cut spending or raise taxes to balance the books and could raise indirect taxes in next year's budget.
  • If the resource cost of labour is its price in employment before the removal of income tax, then it is traditionally valued before indirect taxation is added.
  • The Tariff Reformers advocated protective indirect taxes to raise such revenues: the Liberals legislated for expanded direct taxes.
  • Atkinson did admit that indirect taxes are largely regressive, and that eliminating them would increase effective disposable income.
  • I think an income deduction passes constitutional muster, but a direct tax credit in favor of religion doesnot. The Volokh Conspiracy » Big New Establishment Clause Case, on Religious Groups’ Participating in Evenhanded Government Funding Programs
  • In place of the old system the Assembly established three direct taxes: a land tax (contribution foncière), a tax on movables (contribution mobilière), and a commercial profits tax (patente).
  • How much indirect taxation you pay depends on how you spend your money. The Sun
  • The survey also reveals how the burden of increased indirect taxation rests upon the shoulders of the poorest sections of the population.
  • And if you tax consumption with indirect taxation, taxes often pyramid, with resultant price increases of a regressive nature.
  • The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
  • A local income tax would give councils the power to jeopardise Britain's belated conversion to a belief in low direct taxation.
  • The authors focus on the increasing cost of war as an explanation of the Portuguese shift from domain revenues to direct and indirect taxation.
  • Federalist Thomas Dawes understood why "some gentlemen have said, that Congress may draw their revenue wholly by direct taxes."
  • Direct taxation was indeed low, at a flat rate of 1 s. in the pound on incomes of £150 or above.
  • Steven J. Willis and Nakku Chung of the University of Florida have a forthcoming article in Tax Notes in which they argue that if the penalty is a tax, it is a “direct tax” for purposes of Article I, section 9 and is therefore unconstitutional. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is the Health Care Mandate a Direct Tax?
  • The delegates were charged with negotiating Indian treaties that would bind all the colonies, and with providing for intercolonial defense to be paid for by indirect taxes.
  • There is a strong emphasis on low direct tax rates and, notwithstanding a couple of years of slippage, firm control over government spending.
  • While pointing out that the Budget contained minimal increases in indirect taxation and excise duties, he accepted price and cost levels remain high.
  • And shifting toward greater direct tax will promote economic growth and improve income redistribution.
  • Madison himself wrote Hamilton that many of the “recommendatory alterations” were “highly objectionable,” above all “an article prohibiting direct taxes where effectual laws shall be passed by the States for the purpose.” Ratification
  • An other idea of yours is to shift the tax burden from direct taxes to consumption.
  • The Democrats shifted the emphasis away from direct taxation.
  • The Treasury also claims that it is difficult to measure the burden of indirect taxes on different types of households, adding that no reliable figures are available!
  • Direct taxation is usually based on income, ie A person's income is used to calculate the amount of tax he has to pay.
  • The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralize the reduction in income tax.
  • Our attention is paid to the implicit burden, and the comparable labor force method and input-output table are employed to measure scissors cross and indirect tax burden respectively.

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