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How To Use Dire In A Sentence

  • Smith, who is also a director of Norwich City Football Club, said her CBE was a "very, very great honour". BBC News | News Front Page | UK Edition
  • Their dried dung is found everywhere, and is in many places the only fuel afforded by the plains; their skulls, which last longer than any other part of the animal, are among the most familiar of objects to the plainsman; their bones are in many districts so plentiful that it has become a regular industry, followed by hundreds of men (christened "bone hunters" by the frontiersmen), to go out with wagons and collect them in great numbers for the sake of the phosphates they yield; and Bad Lands, plateaus, and prairies alike, are cut up in all directions by the deep ruts which were formerly buffalo trails. VIII. The Lordly Buffalo
  • Some of my remarks here are directed toward conventional scientists, who generally refrain from commenting critically on the wild ideas of a few of their colleagues because it is bad manners.
  • A specially designed speculum is used to help direct the injection into the G-spot, with effects lasting around four months. G Marks The Spot
  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
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  • There was a deal of shouting from Jamie's direction, and general hubbub, as a few people came out of the pothouse, staring. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • In this regard, I offer a few guesses about some general directions in which statistical physics may change.
  • ‘Break, break, break,’ for instance, is a bitter poem on unrecompensed, pointless loss, but it achieves its power and makes its point very indirectly, largely through structural implications.
  • He is a bit upset by that, that anybody thought he was wanting to leave just for one half-time where I was more direct with the players than I have been for a few months.
  • Alcohol abuse can be inherited but researchers had found few genes directly linked to it. The Sun
  • Rub a bit of peppermint oil directly onto your forehead; it acts as an antispasmodic.
  • He has made derogative remarks, made players uncomfortable playing for him, and is not leading the team in the right direction.
  • We will be frequently using these orders to combat vice and the directly-associated crime.
  • This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11 Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • He will remain affiliated with the firm as a special associate director.
  • Roderick Little, a University of Michigan biostatistician, will become associate director for statistical methodology and standards at the Census Bureau beginning in September. Robert Groves Names Roderick Little, U Of Mich. Statistician, To New Census Post
  • The old rates were at least indirectly related to income; the new tax takes no account of a person's ability to pay.
  • Hesher (Director: Spencer Susser; Screenwriters: Spencer Susser and David Michod; Story by Brian Charles Frank) — A mysterious, anarchical trickster descends on the lives of a family struggling to deal with a painful loss. Sundance 2010 Competition Lineup Arrives, And Here Are Some Highlights » MTV Movies Blog
  • I did not have intent to imply that homeschooling is like public school, but that public school directs what a child learns and when and unschooling does not. What do we teach our kids? | Johnny B. Truant
  • Sjogren's syndrome "targets and destroys over time the exocrine glands responsible for tear production and saliva -- and is characterized by dryness of the mouth and eyes," said Dr. Michael Belmont, an associate professor of medicine in the division of rheumatology at NYU Langone Medical Center and medical director for Hospital for Joint Diseases. Why Sjogren's syndrome caused Williams to quit U.S. open
  • You should need some extreme persuasion - far more than the directors say-so in the accounts - to decide that a company bleeding cash might be turning a profit.
  • She always liked the way Miss Louise was always direct and straight.
  • We believe that this directly relates to reality programming that has been instilled in our race since its conception.
  • If you manage your overhead costs properly, you will impact directly on your bottom line cost base.
  • He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching one's grandmother how to suck eggs.
  • On the taxes proposed she said, "Those concerned by our wish list's ` nanny state 'implications might helpfully redirect their focus to the many unseen measures intentionally adopted by the food industry to shape our behaviour … It seems that without our knowledge or consent we are subject to the pervasive' nannying 'activities of industry. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Direct Mail One of the most effective ways to recruit and encourage members and supporters is by direct mail.
  • And, as I have patiently had to explain to costumers in shows I have directed, footwear is very important for the actor.
  • Olivia notes the direction of his gaze, and realizes her robe has fallen open again.
  • When the matador realises the bull is weak and unable to charge much longer he will reach for his killing sword and seek to manoeuvre it directly in front of him with its head down, so that he can administer the death stroke.
  • Now that I think about it, direct property distraint was a recognized means of compelling welchers to fulfill their obligations in the quasi-anarchic Brehon laws of Celtic Ireland, even if it was a case of tenants or debtors going after landlords or creditors. Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #30
  • Panathinaikos-Rubin Kazan 2: 45 p.m. DirecTV (485) * Seven matches available live online at foxsoccer. tv Soccer on TV, Wednesday edition
  • It's not going to be easy," says Steve Fletcher, a managing director at GCA Savvian Advisors in San Francisco. Breaking Into the Finance Field
  • It's about the right image going with the right story in the right direction, rather than it being abstract.
  • After climbing a steep rise for about twenty minutes the road crested, then began to slope downwards, taking a more westerly direction.
  • In fact - as a percentage of the population - there's basically a direct analogy between the number of gay tax-payers and the number of gay students.
  • There was a reason for this: unbeknown to the Reserve Bank, the major banks were working secretly and cooperatively to develop an alternative payment system that would substitute for direct debits.
  • Typical mesocyclonic tornadoes are caused by intense thunderstorms with appropriate vertical and directional wind shear. The Volokh Conspiracy » Pathogens in Harm’s Way:
  • Conseco has no investment bankers, legal counsel, commercial bankers, or consultants doing business with the company on its board, nor are there any interlocking directorates.
  • The companion star would emit plenty of its own UV radiation, but this radiation would be blocked in the direction of Eta Carinae by the thick nebulosity of the giant star's surrounding gas, dust, and stellar wind.
  • Secondly, the other direction, that is, the completeness part, is proved by what is really known as the Lindenbaum-Tarski method. Propositional Consequence Relations and Algebraic Logic
  • There is nobody to direct the workers.
  • The program design is based on bus time sharing and interrupt servicing. It can renew the speeds and the directions of every motor at real time.
  • The director organised two-day hippy schools for his extras, in which they were shown news clips from 1969 and instructed in hippy speak until such antiquated terms as 'crashpad', 'dig' and 'groovy' came naturally. Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • With her pupils dilated to blackness, and spitting vituperation in all directions, the very last thing she seems is sane.
  • Your job is to attend the meeting and report back to the board of directors.
  • The monopoly in politics, or bossism, may possibly be abolished by direct legislation or by proportional representation.
  • It feels as if all that laughter's going in a hyperbola above my head, with one of them sitting behind me and the other directly before me.
  • Wilder grew up loving Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, but his great idol was famed director Ernst Lubitsch.
  • Insist that they send you a comprehensive list of all your direct debits and standing orders as soon as possible.
  • The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Rather than selling direct to pet owners, they initially tried the wholesale route. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it was Charlie’s indirect responsibility that he committed suicide, thus ending that marriage in acrimony and despair. Patrick McGrath’s ‘Trauma’ « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Somebody comes forward, examines, and then draws from out the grave, where it has lain, directly under the body, a knife -- a knife of peculiar shape and workmanship -- a long, keen, _surgeon's knife_! The Diamond Coterie
  • A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month.
  • He perceived that many forms had been subjected to what he calls degeneration, or, as we say, modification, and that the progress from the simple to the complex was by no means direct. Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
  • Immediate parties are those who, in addition to the privity created by the bill, have a direct legal relationship with each other.
  • Surrounded by musicians and men who directed its movement, and followed by child maskers, the Ijele begin to spin, slowly at first, then gaining speed.
  • As with the Farrellys ' previous directorial outings, the plot is the least important aspect of the proceedings.
  • There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state.
  • What's amazing about director Leonard Kastle's style is his ability to leap between camp and genuine moments of terror during the murder scenes.
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • The sound is a direct descendant of old skool UK garage, the bumpy beats of yore with rubbery basslines and cutting edge sampling techniques, taking in everything from soul to electro to jazz to blue grass.
  • Probably under the most dire orders of jamadar Narayan. Dreams of Steel
  • Using the products as a microheater provides a precise heating device, says Amit Das, director of product development.
  • They took it in a very gentlemanly manner and directed me to a top-class agent. Times, Sunday Times
  • The State Department claims a 1980s General Services Administration directive resulted in the destruction of many passport applications and other "nonvital" passport records, including Hot Air » Top Picks
  • Now the agitation in the country and the violent disorder it threatened could be directed against the Government.
  • Finally met Judith "with the blue shutters": the American to whom the villagers have been trying to introduce me, going as far as to give me directions to her house "avec les volets bleus". Péquenaud - French Word-A-Day
  • Unfortunately, I found the obvious talents of him and the director to have been gelded along the way and prevented from reaching the level of punch and impact that I think could have otherwise been delivered.
  • Typically directors will request indemnities from the company when they become involved in a claim or if they are successful in defending a claim made against them.
  • A cloud of gas that is gravitationally attracted to the black hole can have a net angular momentum oppositely directed from that of the black hole. Supermassive Black Holes Spinning Backwards Create Death Ray Jets? | Universe Today
  • This is in direct contrast to earlier work which argues that these calderas were not united until a central caldera formed late in the volcano's lifespan.
  • Running low on fuel Fuchida headed directly back to the battle fleet, now 190 miles north of Oahu.
  • Transverse ridges have a higher sand supply than barchans but also exist in unidirectional winds.
  • Katherine found herself smiling happily as if the compliment were directed at her own home.
  • Free kicks Should direct free kicks be allowed, or indirect free kicks only? Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm the director of Guang Zhou municipal Import and Export Corporation.
  • Barred from hearing the Sanskrit Veda and from access to the religion of the twice-born, they discovered their own spiritual path, an intimate and direct relationship with their Lord.
  • He has already committed to shooting one third of the portmanteau film Eros, with directors he was worked with before.
  • The evidence she’d gathered at the beach had already arrived, delivered by a young tech who’d sheepishly entered the den of the legendary Lincoln Rhyme without a word and scurried about to deposit the bags and stacks of pictures as the criminalist gruffly directed. The Stone Monkey
  • They try to minimize electronics imports from each other and are often in direct competition in export markets.
  • Clause 19.4 excludes all liability for indirect or consequential loss or damage on the part of either party.
  • In broiling or grilling, the food is cooked directly over a very hot flame.
  • When a predator pounces, simply escaping in the opposite direction is often the worst option.
  • The relay offers an opportunity for millions of people to be directly involved in the games and celebrate the Queen's 50 years as British sovereign.
  • A Serious Man" draw from their writer-directors 'personal histories, while "Nine" reimagines Fellini's semiautobiographically impressionistic "8 as a musical.
  • It is a matter of intellect, thought, indirect leadership, advice, and consensus-building.
  • Frequent reviews with the manager and directors take place, so that the teams are fully aware of the Business Unit objectives.
  • While pointing out some defects of classical logic[Sentencedict], the paper attributes them to substantial implication being directly applied to inference.
  • $10 for premium membership in usafurniture. org only for DP member. not only get quality link from PR3, but you can get buyers, we have top 3 in keyword "usa furniture". just one time fee, you will be in our USA furniture directory. Digital Point Forums
  • It reduces engine shudder and powers the moving parts much more efficiently, being directly connected to the drivetrain. The Sun
  • This stage of experiment should focus and direct inquiry by providing some answers to old questions and suggesting some new questions.
  • She also had asphyxia due to strangulation; the hyoid bone directly under the bruising was fractured.
  • It did not seem necessary to emend the satires (‘I Want a Writing Director,’ 1992; ‘Initiation Rites, Initiation Rights,’ 1991) as long as the conditions they addressed hadn't changed-and alas, they hadn't.
  • Straits director Eric Lim said an ethylene dichloride (EDC) plant was in the planning stages and would be budgeted for separately. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The earliest printed cards sported a nautical theme directed at sailors, who were heavy tobacco users.
  • Older and newly arrived Vietnamese Americans often display indirectness and extreme politeness in dealing with others.
  • Its best influence may be indirect, by the example of sudden, transforming prosperity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taken together these are a significant help and in effect constitute an indirect government subsidy.
  • A collection of tattered men o'war and patched sloops is firing directly over the decks of the old admiral's flagship and into the area of HMS Brown.
  • Admiral Lopez is one of the two flag officers in the U.S. Navy to achieve the rank of four-star admiral after direct commission from enlisted service.
  • The [Australian] market at the moment is not particularly sectorial," said Andrew Sekely, director of equities at Intersuisse. Asia Tech Stocks Up on Apple Gains
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Andrew noticed the sudden change of direction, as the wave moved faster towards them.
  • After breakfast, basking herself in the sun, Frona descried a familiar bunch of men rounding the tail of the glacier in the direction of CHAPTER 4
  • The woman wiped her sweaty face with a bright red handkerchief and bobbed her head in the direction of the coopery. City of Glory
  • We developed a customization of the software that allows people to view the data directly from the database.
  • There is no sign of a supermarket in the villages which dot the land, but home-grown vegetables are pulled directly from the kitchen garden.
  • A day later, the state of Georgia executed Troy Davis, a black man accused of killing a white police officer more than 20 years ago, despite what GOP Rep. Bob Barr called the conviction's reliance on "the skimpiest of evidence," and, in the words of former FBI director William Sessions, "pervasive, persistent doubts" about Davis' guilt. Arianna Huffington: Sunday Roundup
  • The editorial begins with a recapitulation of the basic argument marshaled by the Bush administration regarding his past actions while on the board of directors of Harken Energy.
  • It points to every direction on the compass, north, south, east and west… what more do you want.
  • Enfin pourrait-on dire, l´occident, après des décennies de surdité, en vient lentement à combattre ce fléau criminel économique qui gangrène autant le développement de l´Afrique qu´il engraisse l´illégalité fiscale en Europe et de par le monde. Global Voices in English » Paris court investigates three African leaders
  • (Under the Indian constitution nontribal people are prohibited from directly acquiring land in certain parts of the country, so the government must obtain it on their behalf and sell it to the companies.) India's Dirty War
  • Most of the popular non-executive directors are propelled into the top boardrooms following a career in business.
  • After being housed in transit camps, many of the immigrants were directed to agricultural settlements (moshavim) (Zadok 1985; Lisak 1999). Yemenite Women in Israel: 1948 to the Present Day.
  • People passed by without a glance in her direction.
  • He then seemed to move with it in a strange diagonal direction. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • Any increase or decrease in the money stock is thus directly attributable to the activities of the central bank.
  • It consists of a base, directly continuous with the base of the anterior horn, and a neck or slightly constricted portion, which is succeeded by an oval or fusiform area, termed the head, of which the apex approaches the posterolateral sulcus. IX. Neurology. 3. The Spinal Cord or Medulla Spinalis
  • Viewed from Machu Picchu, the constellation we call the Southern Cross, which was also known and of some importance to the Inca, rises on east and sets on west of Salcantay, and at its highest point is directly above the mountain. Exploring the Inca Heartland: The Mountain Gods
  • One thing no one can deny is how direspectful the media has been against clinton. Core constituency laments Clinton's exit
  • By combining our specialist industry knowledge and expertise, Sword Apak and AutoVIN can offer a comprehensive solution for the wholesale floorplanning finance community", commented James Powell, Sales Director for Sword Apak. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • On the ‘digital’ battlefield there is a real likelihood that brigade commanders will talk directly to sergeants or corporals commanding sections and that intermediate officers will be sidelined.
  • Canadian English borrows words from other languages mainly through the ways of direct loan, half loan, sub tenancy and loan translation.
  • Similarly, managers and directors appeared to share an equivalent value orientation to the fans and were more receptive to their opinions.
  • The patient is instructed not to move his eyes to look directly at the phosphene patterns that are generated during mapping, as eye movement will skew the results, making it necessary to repeat the stimulation sequence. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • Known as chemurgy, the science lost much of its ‘reason for being’ after WWII when the petroleum industry redirected its attention from the war effort to commercial products.
  • Labor Party leaders have denounced the talk as an attempt by the right to escape indirect blame for the assassination.
  • In another episode, Sanger directed an actor whose son is another former Montclair Prep basketball player.
  • In the small main lobby, there was an elevator with an out-of-order sign on it older than I was, an open door to a stairway, and a directory with little plastic letters spelling out the names of bail bondsmen and repo services on black felt. Free Excerpt 2/5: Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson
  • The road was uneven, full of random stones and broken asphalt, thrusting themselves in all directions.
  • This relates directly to their ancestry; these short-legged hounds were bred to pursue their quarry by scent over considerable distances.
  • Unlike partnerships in which the partners decide policy, in the business corporation the equity owners relinquished their privilege in favour of the directors.
  • Think Progress Appearing on Imus In the Morning to promote his new book, State of Emergency, Pat Buchanan asserted that the Mexican government has a “direct program” to reannex “the seven states of the American Southwest.” Think Progress » Buchanan: Mexico Conspiring To ‘Re-Annex’ Seven Southwest States
  • Once you find and touch the key, which sits directly under the statue of the Buddha, you will attain paradise.
  • Courts may punish the unlawful party indirectly by refusing to protect the void civil-law acts.
  • French warplanes based in Italy report to NATO's command headquarters in Naples while aircraft flying sorties off the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle report directly to French military commanders in Paris. Political Gridlock at NATO
  • Many jurisdictions will look through the trust and tax the settlor or beneficiaries directly.
  • A woman is approached in the street by a scruffily dressed youth who opens his mouth - and asks for directions to the local mosque.
  • To study viral infections, Weitz teamed with postdoctoral fellow Yuriy Mileyko, graduate student Richard Joh and Eberhard Voit, who is a professor in the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, the David D. Flanagan Chair Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar in Biological Systems and director of the new Integrative BioSystems Institute at Georgia Tech. Nearly all previous theoretical studies have claimed that switching between "lysis" and Innovations-report
  • External and internal auditing Internal auditors are appointed by the directors.
  • The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.
  • She felt her eyes widen; undirected, her hands spread over his chest as he drew her to him. THE PROMISE IN A KISS
  • Thoughts were directed towards home, but there was also uncertainty about what they might do in Canada and what the government would do for them.
  • Hurst was also delighted to hear of Super League's decision to back his proposal for a board of directors free of club ties.
  • Other fumitories have the tip of the lower petal like a spoon in that it is hollowed out, but the actual outline from directly above or below is parallel-sided.
  • The articles incorporated substantial sections of the Minute both in direct quotation and in paraphrase.
  • The main problem with this method is that by invalidating certain moves, a valid path approaching the tile from a different direction can be left unfound .
  • With the public onside, the Department of Postal and Telegraphs was established in 1883 with Prince Bhanarungsi as director-general.
  • It is in Latin elegiac verse, and as being directed against ambition and discontent may be compared with the first satire of Horace. History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
  • We're surrounded by families with kids in every direction so I no longer feel shame for wearing my trackies and having unkept hair at three (ok six) in the pm.
  • Results PCR, restriction endonuclease method and direct sequence analysis demonstrated that plasmids of YMDD, YVDD and YIDD were constructed successfully.
  • Dori, Roger, Grace, and Grant all sat in the lounge area they had been directed to by the unsmiling woman with the tight bun on top of her head.
  • Directed by Robert Egan, the players are virtually doing solo work as opposed to creating a fluid ensemble.
  • On the back, it warns, "Avoid keeping under direct sunray," which goes for hearts, too, I'd say. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Rupert was naughty in that he voted undirected proxies and he didn't answer the question when Crikey asked that he not do this given that he had a conflict of interest and wasn't voting his own stake.
  • The 88-year-old coble, a flat-bottomed fishing boat, had survived a direct hit by a stick bomb in 1943, which went right through her hull.
  • In fact there is little evidence of a direct link between tight family budgets and food theft. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Directors propose to offer ordinary shareholders the opportunity to receive fully paid ordinary shares in the Company in lieu of the cash dividend.
  • The ridge is a lone ridge, right on the divide, and it drops directly to the desert floor.
  • Next up was a spear throwing demonstration, both directly hand-held and using a woomera, a device that helps increase the distance they can throw. 2008 October « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
  • Directory assistance provider Conduit said it had made a profit after tax in its last quarter, three months ahead of expectations.
  • Bits of silver metal blasted in every direction.
  • The direct impact of a long-term imbalanced sex ratio at birth is the emergence of "gradient marriage squeeze," it said. The Times of India
  • Nevertheless, I was determined to be at least vaguely scientific about this review, so I pulled out the omnidirectional microphone I had borrowed from the media unit at work and started making recordings.
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  • In the mean time they pass for the mandatories of the popular sovereign, with full power in all directions, because he has delegated his omnipotence to them, and the sole power, because their investiture is the most recent; under this sanction, they stalk around somewhat like supernumeraries at the Opera, dressed in purple and gold, representing The French Revolution - Volume 2
  • The Soviets had exploded their first atomic device in 1949, but they lacked credible delivery systems to threaten the United States directly.
  • Swimming pools usually come under 'leisure centres' in the telephone directory.
  • Wen son, you await here, I quest big ice-cubes apology" Yi snow more thinks more uneasy, directly rush out to inebriate fairy building.
  • He added: ‘Perhaps you hedged on this, so as to avoid giving the directors of intelligence too much detailed information.’
  • Directing my own video-montage, I start mentally overdubbing the soundtrack.
  • There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.
  • Stray too far in one direction and you devolve into saccharine sentimentality, go the other direction and you risk crass exploitation.
  • Excavations directed by Metaxia Tsipopoulou of the Greek Ministry of Culture and William D.E. Coulson, former director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, showed that the four buildings had been erected on the rectangular "megaron" plan typical of the Greek mainland. Cretan Shrine Discovered
  • It was a book which fulfilled his desire to discover a place seldom visited, and was also to influence this once-aimless student to eventually find a direction, and become a travel writer.
  • The question of the Labor leadership is a question about Labor's future direction and policy vision for Australia.
  • Following the impact, the truck careened into the eastbound lane of Highway 52, directly towards an oncoming van.
  • Formula One, by contrast, runs in a clockwise direction and only uses part of the oval.
  • The director creatively allows the audience to look beyond the confines of the theatre space.
  • The region is an interior lowland sheltered from direct marine influences.
  • Our anger should not be directed at the police or all suspects but at those men who committed the atrocities. Times, Sunday Times
  • In order to retain flexibility the Directors propose that the 5% in five year limit should be continued indefinitely.
  • Journalists alarmed by the directions of both the profession and journalism education said the initiative comes at an opportune time.
  • Damian's room was directly next to hers, and Rachel looked ahead to the next three nights with fear and excitement.
  • Operators need to start working with vendors now to test and perfect software solutions that allow systems to monitor and direct bandwidth traffic on their plant.
  • Complaints against DirecTV soar after A.G. charges "deceptive" practices AirlineReporter. com: PICS AND VIDEO OF BOEING 787 DREAMLINER'S FIRST FLIGHT Aerospace: Boeing 787 first flight a key milestone, not end of road Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • Direct Actions 6.1 Ecological expropriation comes down to the coercive transfer of nonpublic land to public owners in the name of conservation.
  • She's been around as a film director since the 1960's.
  • He said you could appreciate directors who worked in gangster films, war films, westerns, etc.
  • Thaw bread dough according to package directions.
  • There was nothing the matter with the director's plans on this occasion; every detail of the "freshet" had been made ready for with exactness and with prodigious regard to detail. Ruth Fielding in the Great Northwest Or, The Indian Girl Star of the Movies
  • She was as angry as Caitlin was, but her anger was directed toward Crane, whom she saw as the cause for her sudden state of dishabille.
  • The intent was to redirect some of the hunters' energy from shooting game to caring for it, thereby preserving enough game to satisfy increasing numbers of hunters.
  • What is tragically evident from the Harry Read Me file is the picture it gives of the CRU scientists hopelessly at sea with the complex computer programmes they had devised to contort their data in the approved direction, more than once expressing their own desperation at how difficult it was to get the desired results. Coyote Blog » 2009 » November
  • The ability to produce components in a range of materials including hot-work steels, stainless steel, cobalt chromes and Inconel, plus titanium and aluminium alloys, presents the aerospace industry with large potential for direct part production using ALM. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • The relationship between attitude and performance is indirect, and the validity of test results are more difficult to establish. Human Resource Management in Government
  • To avoid vibrator fatigue, don't pay the clitoris too much direct attention, says Miriam Graham, a physical therapist in Rockville, Md. , specializing in sexual issues.
  • Since Active Directory can scale to hundreds of thousands or even millions of objects, it's necessary to carve up the Active Directory database into sections, called naming contexts.

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