How To Use Diploid In A Sentence

  • Species with 120 chromosomes are classified as functional diploid species, species with 250 chromosomes as functional tetraploid species, and with 500 chromosomes as functional octaploids.
  • By analyzing DNA sequences of two single-copy nuclear genes and the genomic AFLP data, we assess the allopolyploid origin of A. collina-4x from ancestors corresponding to A. setacea-2x and A. asplenifolia-2x, and the ongoing backcross introgression between these diploid progenitor and tetraploid progeny lineages. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • They differ from the ‘green algae’ in that the young sporophyte - or diploid plant - begins its development within the tissues of its parent gametophyte - or haploid plant.
  • European nations devided are divided as to whether to diploid deploy them in airports.
  • An obvious question is whether the mat bias is absent in azygotic meiosis after homologous chromosomes have coexisted in diploid cells for many mitotic divisions.
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  • At the MAT locus, parental alleles in diploids differ by a heterology of 700 bp.
  • Recessive deleterious mutations are a major cause for the phenomenon of inbreeding depression, and diploidy may have evolved to mask the effects of recessive deleterious mutations.
  • There is, however, evidence of genome downsizing in polyploids relative to their diploid progenitors in some cases.
  • Seeds of diploid wheats and primitive tetraploid wheats (ssp. dicoccum) were obtained from Dr CI Kling (State Plant Breeding Institute, University Hohenheim, Stuttgart).
  • It is an historical fact that the discoverers of the full multi-level selection regime of the t-allele used a gametic model, a diploid model, and a demic model, not a genic one Units and Levels of Selection
  • The first hypothesis assumes that triploidy is associated with the origin of parthenogenesis and that both diploid and tetraploid parthenogenetic forms are derived.
  • More significantly, this less-than-proportional increase in genome size in a polyploid species expected from the addition of its diploid progenitors appeared to be a widespread phenomenon in flowering plants.
  • Oocytes and sperm are haploid, with one set of chromosomes, whereas somatic cells are diploid, with two chromosomal sets.
  • The plant life cycle alternates between a diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte generation.
  • Neutrophils from healthy volunteers were incubated with DFP (2.5 mM), and neutrophil elastase (NE) activity; hypodiploid DNA formation; caspases-3 and -8 processing and activity; exteriorization of phosphatidylserine (PS); oxidative burst activity and hydrogen peroxide release were measured. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In most diplonts, mitosis occurs only in the diploid phase, i.e. gametes usually form quickly and fuse to produce diploid zygotes.
  • As for “life starts at conception” — two haploid gametes, themselves “alive”, certainly a product of “life”, come together to form a diploid cell which eventually becomes whatever its DNA demands: a mouse, an elephant, a human, whatever. Matthew Yglesias » Too Hot for CBS
  • The duplicated genetic material in the polyploids facilitates hybridization and introgression among different polyploid species leading to the production of recombinant genomes that barely can be formed at the diploid level.
  • Simultaneous analysis of the haploid megagametophyte and diploid embryo in a seed allows the female and male gametic contributions to the zygote to be separated.
  • This article generalizes their approach to allow for arbitrary modes of inheritance, including diploidy, polyploidy, sex linkage, cytoplasmic inheritance, and genomic imprinting.
  • In contrast, A. collina-4x and its suspected backcross plants show homeologous gene copies: sequences from the same tetraploid individual plant are placed in both diploid clades. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The alternate phase of the plant life cycle is the sporophyte, the diploid plant form, with each cell containing two complete sets of chromosomes.
  • This step in evolution - the acquisition of stable diploidy - was the second prerequisite for evolution of organismic complexity.
  • We work toward a movement in which all cereal chromosomes will be united, not only in one New Cereal (pompously designated "the first man-made cereal") but also in other new cereals besides Triticale such as Hordecale (amphidiploid of barley and rye), Triticordeum (amphidiploid of wheat and barley) and many more, not scorning any contribution, be it of chromosomes or only a few genes found in countless other gramineous strains, that will prove to be of undeniable Value to the betterment of many cereals. Chapter 12
  • Recent molecular data indicate differences in molecular chromosome organization among the genomes of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheat.
  • These primordial germ cells are diploid, meaning that they have all the normal chromosomes of the organism in pairs. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • The gaur interbreeds with the mithan, and both have a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 58. 6 Wild Banteng
  • Neutrophils from healthy volunteers were incubated with DFP (2.5 mM), and neutrophil elastase (NE) activity; hypodiploid DNA formation; caspases-3 and -8 processing and activity; exteriorization of phosphatidylserine (PS); oxidative burst activity and hydrogen peroxide release were measured. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The fusion of egg and sperm restores the diploid chromosome number in the zygote.
  • The hybrid plants, used as the female parents, were back-crossed with H. polyrhizus and S. megalanthus, crossed with the diploid H. undatus, or selfed.
  • In triploids, three separate haploid chromosome sets have been observed, as well as one diploid and one haploid set.
  • Crucially, the finished sequence must cover at least 98 percent of all twenty-three pairs of chromosomes that is, the diploid genome at a stringent accuracy of 99.999 percent or just 1 error per 100,000 bases. The $1,000 Genome
  • Comparisons of conidial size and DNA content per conidia for 'hybrids' and parental strains indicated that the 'hybrids' were diploid.
  • diploid somatic cells
  • Note that copy numbers in tetraploids were slightly less than double those in respective diploid progenitors.
  • Diploid conidia were incubated on solid complete medium containing 60 g/ml benomyl for 2 days and transferred to complete medium without benomyl for 2 weeks.
  • allopolyploids are generated by hybridization between two related species. the hybrid is sterile. however, sometimes chromosomal doubling occurs, restoring fertility. if the two parental species are diploid, the resulting allopolyploid is called allotetraploid. Lynn Margulis: "Definitely a Darwinist" - The Panda's Thumb
  • Note that copy numbers in tetraploids were slightly less than double those in respective diploid progenitors.
  • In the following, we use superscripts H, S, and D to denote variables measured after haploid selection, syngamy, and diploid selection, respectively.
  • Gynogenesis is like parthenogenesis in that diploid zygotes inheriting all chromosomes from their mother can develop without a genetic contribution from males.
  • Data are presented on the natural occurrence of polyploids, the induction of tetraploids using colchicine and nuclear DNA amounts of diploids and polyploids of both species.
  • Over time, however, diploidization of the genome occurs and disomic segregation becomes prevalent.
  • Zygotic embryogenesis in animals and plants starts with the fusion of the haploid female and male gametes, giving rise to a diploid zygote.
  • The resulting diploid heterozygotes were then sporulated and dissected, to segregate out any secondary mutations. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Restoration of the diploid stage is often strictly controlled and brings together products separated at the first meiotic division.
  • In all four cases the embryos produced by mutant females had a small number of apparently polyploid nuclei rather than the normal, large number of diploid syncytial nuclei.
  • Little is known about the transition from diploidy to polyploidy but in some species, triploids are thought to function as intermediates in this transition.
  • For each of these, there are various ploidy levels, ranging from diploid to octoploid and beyond. 6. Pearl Millet: Commercial Types
  • We started the experiments described below by establishing large populations of diploid cells.
  • Most brown algae undergo an alternation of generations life cycle, as does Ulva, but species such as Fucus reproduce via a diplontic life cycle, meaning the adult is the sporophyte and diploid.
  • Ulva produces isomorphic thalli for its diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte. Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • The change in allele frequency at the modifier locus during diploid selection is given by Recombination.
  • The term diploid describes a state in which a cell has two sets of homologous chromosomes, or two chromosomes that are the same. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • We discussed spermatogenesis -- how we got from a diploid spermatogonial stem cell to a haploid spermatid -- and then spermiogenesis -- the process by which the spermatids acquire the features of spermatozoa: tails, acrosomes and the like. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Ulva produces isomorphic thalli for its diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte. Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • First, the increase in frequency of original gene and duplicate (corresponding to the rise of diploidy from haploid organisms) is not at issue here.
  • The micronuclei of wild-type pairs provided a reliable diploid standard to quantify the macronuclear DNA content of exconjugants by cytophotometry.
  • It includes more than 80 wild coffee species, all of which are diploids except C. arabica.
  • Male sporogenesis begins with the division of a diploid sporophytic cell that gives rise to the tapetal initial and the sporogenous cell.
  • When mixed, + and - gametes rapidly pair, fuse, and form a diploid cell that becomes a heavy-walled zygospore.
  • White mutant diploid zygospores did not germinate (undergo meiosis) when subjected to low light (8 mol photons m - 2 sec - 1) overnight.
  • I assume that each new diploid individual results from the random fusion of a male and a female gamete and that its gender is independent of its autosomal genes.
  • About 200,000 years ago, at nearly the same time that modern humans originated in Africa, two diploid grass species hybridized to form polyploid wheat in the Middle East.
  • Diploid clones insensitive to rotenone and sensitive to antimycin A + myxothiazol were selected.
  • Little is known about the transition from diploidy to polyploidy but in some species, triploids are thought to function as intermediates in this transition.
  • The results from these studies are generally consistent with theoretical expectations of higher genetic diversity in tetraploids than their diploid progenitors.
  • Once the two desmids have joined, their cytoplasm fuses into a single diploid cell, the zygote, which encases itself in a thick wall.
  • The occurrence of apomixis in the Pomoideæ, and the high frequency of diploid seedlings, 23 out of 39, in a family of pears we raised from crossing the diploid variety Fertility with the triploid variety Beurre Diel, suggested that they may have been apomictically, or in part apomictically, reproduced. Mark Bazer: A Grapple a Day...Won't do Much for You
  • − strains were isolated and re-streaked onto the same plates, but incubated at RT to induce filament and basidiospore formation typical of diploid PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • By analyzing DNA sequences of two single-copy nuclear genes and the genomic AFLP data, we assess the allopolyploid origin of A. collina-4x from ancestors corresponding to A. setacea-2x and A. asplenifolia-2x, and the ongoing backcross introgression between these diploid progenitor and tetraploid progeny lineages. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The nucleus of sperm and eggs are haploid, meaning they only have half their normal compliment of genetic material, while somatic cell nuclei are diploid (it occurs to Sci that she's gonna have to explain meiosis some day ...). ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • We conclude that the haploids had a greater frequency of mutant phenotypes than the diploids.
  • We therefore examined patterns of loss and expression in duplicate gene pairs (homeologs) in multiple individuals from seven natural populations of independent origin of Tragopogon mirus (Asteraceae), an allopolyploid that formed repeatedly within the last 80 years from the diploids T. dubius and T. porrifolius. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The practical application that is considered is the full-sib family of a diploid outbreeding species.
  • Attempts to introduce variability from wild diploid species into polyploids have taken several paths and have frequently met with difficulty.
  • The endosperm, a result of double fertilization in flowering plants, is a triploid tissue whose genetic composition is more complex than diploid tissue.
  • At this stage the triploid endosperm nuclei are approximately the same size as the diploid nuclei of the pericarp and nucellus.
  • Confirmation of apoptosis was made by hypodiploid PI staining and loss of mithochondrial membrane potential. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • As discussed in the introduction, the majority of studies aimed at transforming normal diploid cells in culture were carried out using freshly explanted diploid rodent cells.
  • Normal diploid human cells multiply for a finite number of generations and then enter a state of replicative senescence.
  • LAGERCRANTZ 1998 suggested that the base diploid Brassica genome evolved from an ancient hexaploid with three highly rearranged A. thaliana-like genomes.
  • A second approach to looking for imprinting in C. elegans has been to generate diploid animals in which both copies of a given chromosome are derived from the same parent, from either the male parent or hermaphrodite parent.
  • This article generalizes their approach to allow for arbitrary modes of inheritance, including diploidy, polyploidy, sex linkage, cytoplasmic inheritance, and genomic imprinting.
  • Sixty-one triploid F 1 plants were crossed with diploid pollen donors for testcrosses.
  • Compared to their diploid counterparts, which have a normal set of chromosomes, tetraploid cells were more prone to generate tumors in mice, and these tumors showed genomic instability similar to many human cancers.
  • They are all native to the subtropical and temperate regions of South America, and sexual diploids and apomictic polyploids are known for almost all of them.
  • There are two types of thelytokous reproduction: apomixis - clonal reproduction, which can be diploid or polyploid - and automixis, a meiosis that takes place after which diploidy is restored.
  • Previous work has calculated the covariance expected under autosomal inheritance in diploids and haploids.
  • Like the gregarines, however, the life cycle is primarily haploid, with diploidy only occurring before meiosis.
  • Figure 17.6 Key Haploid (n) Diploid (2 n) Egg (n) Zygote (2 n) Sperm (n) (released from male gametangium) Gametophyte (n) (underside) Fertilization Clusters of sporangia New sporophyte (2 n) growing out of gametophyte Mature sporophyte (independent of gametophyte) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • In apomixis, an embryo is created from a diploid cell in the ovule.
  • However, to a low extent, viable spores can also be recovered from a very small population of homozygous diploid nuclei in an otherwise haploid plasmodium.
  • We examined the genetics of hybrid incompatibility between two closely related diploid hermaphroditic plant species.
  • Objective: To evaluate the proportion of cell debris and fluorescence intensity of diploidy to determine the postmortem interval(PMI).
  • In addition, several copies of conserved syntenic regions exist in Brassica, which supports the hypothesis that of the Brassica diploid species are evolved from a hexaploid ancestor.
  • RPS15, while the backcross with the NHP2+, rps15-1 strain yielded a viable diploid strain. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A single quantitative trait was described by the genetic model for a population of diploid, monoecious individuals, with an initial population mean of 100.
  • A consequence of haplo-diploidy is that, when a female mates with a single male, her daughters have a 75% chance of sharing the same genes (because they all get the same genes from their father) rather than a 50% chance for diploid species. David Sloan Wilson: Truth and Reconciliation for Group Selection IV: The Great Reckoning
  • The occurrence of apomixis in the Pomoideæ, and the high frequency of diploid seedlings, 23 out of 39, in a family of pears we raised from crossing the diploid variety Fertility with the triploid variety Beurre Diel, suggested that they may have been apomictically, or in part apomictically, reproduced. Mark Bazer: A Grapple a Day...Won't do Much for You
  • The compactness of rice and sorghum genomes is evident compared to barley and diploid wheat genomes.
  • Currently, six major tetraploid races are recognized and their diploid progenitors have been identified.
  • Right away, the book stimulated a useful discussion on embryogenesis, haploidy, diploidy, gastrulation, and neurulation. Archive 2006-01-01
  • Parthenogenesis-inducing Wolbachia are restricted to species with haplodiploid sex determination, as occurs in the arthropod groups of Hymenoptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera, and Acari.
  • This virtual web server sturdiness diploidy your rutherfordium off with hot dextrose, leader, orthodontic succory, fatalistic christ, and noiselessly. Rational Review
  • Human, Homo sapiens, is a diploid (2n = 46) animal with a haploid genome size of about 3.5 pg. Comparing Teleological Predictions with their Non-teleological Counterparts
  • Furthermore, it can be shown to hold for PGE with male somatic diploidy and for polyploid apomixis as well.
  • But diploidy is an uneasy partnership between two sets of genes, and when partnerships end, things often get acrimonious.
  • The alternation between haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte phases, known as alternation of generations, occurs in all multi-cellular plants.
  • The diploid, the triploid and the pentaploid hybrids tested had the expected number of two, three and five rDNA hybridization sites, respectively.
  • The results from these studies are generally consistent with theoretical expectations of higher genetic diversity in tetraploids than their diploid progenitors.
  • The populations showed continuous morphological variation connecting the species, but karyotypically they consisted of only three types of plants: diploids, triploids, and tetraploids.
  • Lungs are well developed, teeth are blade-like, carpal and tarsals ossified in adults, and the diploid number is 28.
  • Our studies on isogenic diploid and tetraploid cells show that tetraploids have increased chromosome instability during exponential growth.
  • The hexaploid wheat genome is composed of three related diploid genomes designated A, B, and D with seven chromosomes each.
  • Abnormal diploid, triploid and tetraploid nuclei with separated dual color signals were clearly distinguishable from normal nuclei.
  • Cells treated with H35N (a mutant of α-HL that remains as membrane bound monomer), have been shown to accumulate hypodiploid nuclei, activate caspases and induce intrinsic mitochondrial apoptotic pathway. Elites TV
  • Most of our discussions center around a simple case in which the loci are modeled as diploid with two possible allelomorphs.
  • He argues that a cladistic treatment of data from diploid and allopolyploid taxa together will inevitably produce a wrong result.
  • We also list published chromosome numbers (diploid counts only) for each group.
  • We spread unpurified spores from the diploid onto a YPD plate containing cycloheximide and determined the fate of the cells after 12 hr of incubation.
  • BCR-ABL1-positive ALL, hypodiploid ALL, and ALL in infants) were excluded from this cohort. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The earliest detectable evolutionary stage was a hypodiploid clone which, by clustering of the sequencing profiles of geographical "neighbor" segment sequences, appeared to have undergone five major steps of mutation, acquiring many additional focal amplifications and deletions of cancer genes including in one cases, - medical news plus CME for physicians
  • Most basidiomycete fungi do not undergo nuclear fusion to form diploid nuclei until just prior to meiosis.
  • Recent molecular data indicate differences in molecular chromosome organization among the genomes of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheat.
  • The significance of the “diploid” genome is that Levy and colleagues obtained sequence from both chromosomes in each pair, rather than settling for a composite “haploid” genome. The $1,000 Genome
  • Apoptotic cells are characterized by a lower DNA content (hypodiploid cells) because of nuclear fragmentation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We performed a similar experiment using h/h diploid cells as the host.
  • Diploid males have subsequently been found in many species of Hymenoptera and have been taken as evidence for the widespread occurrence of this method of sex determination.
  • Our findings indicate that in general haplodiploidy and automixis should be more successful than amphimixis or apomixis.
  • amphidiploid: same as allotetraploid autopolyploid : polyploids created by chromosome duplication within a species basic chromosome number (monoploid number): the number of different chromosomes that make up a single complete (chromosome) set. Lynn Margulis: "Definitely a Darwinist" - The Panda's Thumb
  • Double fertilization of egg cell and central cell initiates development of the diploid embryo and the triploid endosperm, respectively.
  • The diploid ancestor could not be identified because among the South American diploids there were no species matching in the FISH or RFLP pattern of rDNA.
  • What about lateral gene transfer then? does that break the magic line of how much genetic difference constitutes a ‘new’ organism? diploidy? single point mutation? it’s all arbitrary. we can put labels on it for convenience’s sake; but really - we are all really, really, really old. The Earth’s Elder
  • The next two sections illustrate how to do this by carrying out the calculations for autosomal genes in dioecious haploids and for autosomal, sex-linked, and cytoplasmic genes in diploids.
  • PE-2 yeast are what is known as diploid, having two copies each of 16 different chromosomes. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Note the decreased number of hypodiploid apoptotic HPMC in TNFα/IFNγ/QM56 treated cells (black arrow). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The life cycle of Physarum includes two distinct vegetative forms: the haploid amoeba and the diploid plasmodium.
  • Currently, six major tetraploid races are recognized and their diploid progenitors have been identified.
  • Semi-congruent splits of an AFLP Neighbor Net link not only A. collina-4x to both diploid species, but some 4x individuals in a polymorphic population with mixed ploidy levels to A. setacea-2x on one hand and to A. collina-4x on the other, indicating allopolyploid speciation as well as hybridization across ploidal levels. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Many algae are characterized by an alternation of haploid gametophyte and diploid sporophyte generations.
  • We describe the maternal and paternal contributions to the diploid cell by reminding the students of the origin of a diploid cell and the process of syngamy that follows fertilization.
  • Histological and cytological studies confirmed the existence of diploid males in honeybees.
  • The populations showed continuous morphological variation connecting the species, but karyotypically they consisted of only three types of plants: diploids, triploids, and tetraploids.
  • The haploid myxamoebae act as isogametes; individuals of different mating types pair and fuse to form diploid zygotes that develop into macroscopic, diploid plasmodia after repeated mitotic cycles without cell division.
  • Moreover, the high loads of inviable or weak aneuploid pollen produced by triploids induce high selfing rates in normally self-incompatible sexual diploids.
  • Evidence that animals can monitor the linear dimensions of their organs comes from organisms with either less or more than the diploid number of chromosomes - that is haploid and polyploid organisms.
  • Therefore, these authors suggested diploidy for sturgeon with 120 chromosomes and tetraploidy for sturgeon with 250 chromosomes.
  • Diploid zygotes created by combining a male and a female pronucleus gave rise to viable embryos, but combining two male or two female pronuclei did not.
  • For instance, he succeeded in producing an amphidiploid between tetraploid wheat and Aegilops ovata, which he named Aegilotricum. 8 Research Needs
  • Although sporulation is a clear indication of diploidy, the absence of sporulation is uninformative since some diploids sporulate at very low frequencies.
  • Ulva produces isomorphic thalli for its diploid sporophyte and haploid gametophyte. Mutation, selection and complexity - The Panda's Thumb
  • The diploid and hexaploid species are distributed in Asia and Africa, while the tetraploid species inhabit Africa and mainly the Palearctic area including Europe, North Africa, and western Asia.
  • Meiosis is the process by which diploid organisms produce haploid gametes capable of sexual reproduction.
  • Conclusion SOFC could induce human embryo lung diploid cell malignant transformation.
  • Ants, bees, and wasps (but not termites) have a peculiar genetic system called haplo-diploidy, in which females are produced sexually and have two sets of genes but males are produced asexually and have one set of genes. David Sloan Wilson: Truth and Reconciliation for Group Selection IV: The Great Reckoning
  • The honeybee, like other hymenopteran species, is characterized by a haplodiploid system of reproduction.
  • In diploids, sexual reproduction promotes both the segregation of alleles at the same locus and the recombination of alleles at different loci.
  • In the case of developing eggs, the diploid oogonia continue to divide mitotically for a short time in the ovary.
  • The observed segmental structure of the Brassica genome strongly suggests that the extant Brassica diploid species evolved from a hexaploid ancestor.
  • For example, among the 70,000 or so known parasitoid and other apocritan Hymenoptera, one of the largest orders of insects, all of whom are haplodiploid, no eusocial species has been found. SuperCooperators
  • Most diploid, meaning that the cells of adults contain two copies of the genetic material. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • In all three polyploids, the respective tetraploid and hexaploid genome sizes are slightly larger than the corresponding multiple of the diploid subsp. glaucum.
  • Most higher animals and plants (including humans) have two copies of their genetic code in most of their cells through most of their life cycle (they are "diploid"), but polyploid organisms have a extra copies, usually in multiples of two so the material can be evenly divided during sexual reproduction. Newswise: Latest News
  • Arabidopsis thaliana and many closely related species are diploids with relatively few recent gene duplications.
  • The European beech is a monoecious diploid late-successional forest tree; forests dominated by this species cover 17 million ha in Europe.
  • Meiosis is the program used by sexually reproducing organisms to produce haploids from diploid precursors.
  • First he released a new "diploid" map of his own genome, looking at contributions from both parents instead of just one. Genome Guru Wants to Map 10,000 Human Genomes in 10 Years
  • The two sperm cells enter the ovule - in the ovule are a diploid cell called the polar nucleus and a haploid female gamete Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Pro , Tyr, His , Arg in diploid type could not be determined.
  • For sporulation, diploid cells with plasmids were first grown in selective media.
  • For each of these, there are various ploidy levels, ranging from diploid to octoploid and beyond. 6. Pearl Millet: Commercial Types
  • We also wished to explore patterns of gene evolution in polyploid cotton, using as a comparative framework orthologs from the diploid progenitors.
  • The numbers reported on the left and on the right of each histograms represents the mean percentage±SD of hypodiploid and of > PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles

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