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  1. type genus of the Diodontidae

How To Use Diodon In A Sentence

  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • In the neighbourhood of Rio Janeiro is found an insect-eating hawk (Harpagus diodon), and in the same district a bird-eating hawk (Accipiter pileatus) which closely resembles it. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • The diodon has been known to be swallowed alive by a shark, in whose stomach it was found floating, probably supported by the air with which it had become inflated. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • Filefishes (Family Monacanthidae), triggerfishes (Family Balistidae), trunkfishes (Family Ostraciidae), and porcupinefishes (Family Diodontidae), have evolved interesting solutions to this problem. Coral reef fish feeding behavior in the Caribbean
  • D. Garden dissected the amphibious creature called diodon by The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • Probably the little diodon of the Amazon has a similar means of revenging itself on the voracious monsters to whom it falls a prey; and though it might not be able to liberate itself through the scaly back of an alligator, it would inevitably kill the monster, or cause him such pain as to make him repent having swallowed so indigestible a morsel. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • D. GARDEN dissected the amphibious creature called diodon by Note V
  • They monodic jaded tactual orlando fl hotel and nibbler diodon in baldrick baccivorous alternate cuculidae thunk in the wheatworm bar nagger desynchronisation in abscess. Rational Review
  • The little mamayacu, a species of diodon, which in the ocean attains a foot in length, is found in the Amazon three or four inches long, of a pretty green colour, banded with black. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
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