

  1. Roman Emperor who when faced with military problems decided in 286 to divide the Roman Empire between himself in the east and Maximian in the west; he initiated the last persecution of the Christians in 303 (245-313)

How To Use Diocletian In A Sentence

  • Feudalism, European feudalism, was based on the Code of Diocletian which has this embedded in it.
  • On 1 May 305 the elderly and physically ailing Diocletian persuaded his reluctant co-Augustus Maximian to abdicate with him, and Constantius and Galerius were jointly elevated to senior honors. Caesars’ Wives
  • The oratory is a single apsidal room frescoed with two separate images of 40 martyrs put to death by the Emperor Diocletian, who in the 3rd century AD had them killed by throwing them into a frozen lake while preparing a hot bath on the shore as a temptation to them. More News from the Roman Forum at
  • In 305 Diocletian willingly and Maximianus reluctantly gave over their power and leadership of the empire to their seconds, making Galerius and Constantius the rulers of the empire. Santa Elena, discoverer of the Holy Cross
  • We may say that there were two dangers which constantly impended over the Roman Empire from its inauguration by Augustus to its redintegration by Diocletian -- a The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 03
  • A herdsman, tough and uneducated, he rose high in the army and became praetorian prefect of Diocletian, to whom his loyalty was unswerving.
  • Next up are Siddhartha, Hasdrubal, Montezuma, John of Gaunt, and finally my lifelong dream: Diocletian. Wotan, Your Double-Skim Latte Is Ready
  • Seeking her hand for his son-in-law Maximilian, the emperor Diocletian sent two of his officers successively to negotiate the marriage.
  • Historians have not settled on a good name for the centuries between Diocletian and Charlemagne, but this phrase is at least serviceable.
  • This library was attached by Diocletian, as an ornament, to his thermae.
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