How To Use Dinoflagellate In A Sentence
Current thinking in the phylogeny of protists places the dinoflagellates in the Alveolates, along with the Apicomplexa, Ciliata, and Foraminifera.
Therefore, the anthozoan / dinoflagellate association possesses a CCM, including inducible host CA in proportion to the density of zooxanthellae.
I did a gas chromatography mass spec to check for DDT, but that came back negative, so I isolated some dinoflagellate DNA, and ran a gel.
The plants are tiny single-celled algae, the zooxanthellae or symbiotic dinoflagellates, that live within the tissues of corals in great numbers.
This is a small thecate dinoflagellate, almost pear-shaped, with a conical anterior end and a round posterior.
Post-transport ballast water contains high densities of both holoplankton, organisms such as dinoflagellates and jellyfish that spend their entire life as plankton, and meroplankton, the temporary larval stages of crustaceans, worms, and fish.
Aquatic invasive species
I did a gas chromatography mass spec to check for DDT, but that came back negative, so I isolated some dinoflagellate DNA, and ran a gel.
The plants are tiny single-celled algae, the zooxanthellae or symbiotic dinoflagellates, that live within the tissues of corals in great numbers.
Hints for this comes from a recent publication showing that 15 genes that are limited to the plastid genome in all other eukaryotic phototrophs are nucleus encoded in a peridinin-containing dinoflagellate.
Post-transport ballast water contains high densities of both holoplankton, organisms such as dinoflagellates and jellyfish that spend their entire life as plankton, and meroplankton, the temporary larval stages of crustaceans, worms, and fish.
Aquatic invasive species
Ciguatera poisoning from fish is caused by a neurotoxin (ciguatoxin) present in the dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus toxicus. 13 The toxin is passed through the food chain and becomes concentrated in larger fish (greater thanthree kilograms) such as the kingfish and the sturgeon.
Fish poisonings and envenomations
The zooxanthellae in these corals are dinoflagellates, and it is suspected that there may be a relationship between their diversifications.
Karlodinium veneficum, known as a dinoflagellate and found in estuaries worldwide.
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Ninety percent of all dinoflagellates are marine plankton.
Algae, diatoms, dinoflagellates, and photosynthetic bacteria all belong to this group of organisms.
Post-transport ballast water contains high densities of both holoplankton, organisms such as dinoflagellates and jellyfish that spend their entire life as Figure 2b.
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Usually in surface waters there are about a thousand per ml of small flagellates which feed on bacteria (both autotrophic and heterotrophic prokaryotes) and 1 or 2 ciliates, oligotrichs (Fig 2B) and tintinnids (Fig 2C) or heterotrophic dinoflagellates which feed on autotrophic protists.
Marine microbes
The condition is caused by eating fish containing toxins produced by the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus toxicus, a one-celled plantlike organism that grows on algae in tropical waters worldwide.
Archive 2006-10-01
I also performed research on dinoflagellate luciferin and luminous scale worms.
Osamu Shimomura - Autobiography
Mostly unicellular phytoplankton---dinoflagellates were most prevalent, but a lot of them I didn't recognize.
Most dinoflagellates are encased in plates of armor.
ABSTRACT Non - marine dinoflagellate fossil of middle cretaceous is very rare in the world.
In dinoflagellates, four types of eye-spots are known: type A, an independent structure that is not membrane-bound; type B, an independent membrane-bound structure; type C, structure as part of a chloroplast; and type D, an elaborate eye-like structure called ocellus
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Scientists have found that dinoflagellates, tiny single-celled plant-like organisms, are disappearing.
Times, Sunday Times
He pulled a test tube, containing the Sangre de Dios dinoflagellate DNA pellet, out of a padded box.
Ciguatera poisoning from fish is caused by a neurotoxin (ciguatoxin) present in the dinoflagellate, Gambierdiscus toxicus. 13 The toxin is passed through the food chain and becomes concentrated in larger fish (greater thanthree kilograms) such as the kingfish and the sturgeon.
Fish poisonings and envenomations
Diatoms have non-growing siliceous shells and thus need silicate for growth while dinoflagellates move by the action of tail-like projections called flagella.
General description of the Arctic biota
Puffer fish grown in culture, for example, do not develop tetrodotoxins, and it is possible that the puffer fish, in addition to synthesizing tetrodotoxins, may serve as transvectors of either tetrodotoxin or ciguatoxin, a different chemical that originates in a dinoflagellate and causes paralytic shellfish poisonings.
The Serpent and the Rainbow
These were almost always due to the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax, and sometimes to the ciliate Mesodinium.
Iberian Coastal large marine ecosystem
The specific identity of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from most zooxanthellate corals is unknown.
The migration of dinoflagellate cysts with transapical archaeopyle suture from sea water to fresh water lasted relatively long.
As with other peridinioid dinoflagellates, calcareous dinoflagellate cysts most likely all have an archeopyle restricted to the epicyst.
Most dinoflagellates are encased in plates of armor.
The relatively large shear forces that stimulate dinoflagellate bioluminescence are higher than typical levels of oceanic turbulence.
It isnt my fault it went over your head because you are too stupid to know what a dinoflagellate is
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Dinoflagellate bioluminescence differs biochemically from that of other major luminescent groups.
Mosquito Bay is one of the last and best of the world's bioluminescent coves, blessed with billions of tiny, delicate dinoflagellates that sparkle like gems at the slightest motion.
The researchers studied the behavior of the algal cell Karlodinium veneficum, known as a dinoflagellate and found in estuaries worldwide. - latest science and technology news stories
Thus, the viruses which attack the autotrophic prokaryotes Synechococcus, the bacteria which absorb dissolved organic excreted by autotrophic protists such as diatoms and dinoflagellates, and the protists such as ciliates, radiolarians which feed on autotrophic protists are all consumers of primary production.
Marine microbes
The red tide in San Diego this fall was caused by a bloom of billions of a microscopic organism called a dinoflagellate, said Peter J. S. Franks, a professor at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography there.
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Other unicellular organisms found include bacteria, cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates, and other protists.
The results suggest that intensive regenerative nutrient cycling or external nutrient inputs are a necessary precondition for an efficient trophic transfer of the energy stored in blooms of thecate dinoflagellates.
About 100 additional tubes developed greenish precipitates which, after inspection under the light microscope, turned out to be bacteria, dinoflagellates, diatoms, or green flagellates.
Red tide, she says, is a natural phenomenon caused by a microscopic plant-like single cell organism (a dinoflagellate) that blooms annually as part of its growth cycle.
+ permeable conductances have been observed in a heterotrophic dinoflagellate alveolate
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