How To Use Dinner plate In A Sentence
Serve on dinner plates, pouring any extra sauce on top.
Using a slotted spoon, divide the beetroot and herbs between four dinner plates and crumble the feta cheese over the top.
I told the aristo it had been nice knowing him (he didn't look as panicked as he did when his dinner plate was nearly empty), got the next train to London and went to the Candy Bar.
For instance, why not glue or tape a paper dinner plate to the bottom of the can to catch drips.
Both Chris and Peter have a great love of the Aussie bush and a passion to generate recognisably Tasmanian foods for the dinner plate.

Within moments, his mother informed us that Teddy just said hirvi, which I can only guess is Finnish for orphaned doe with eyes big as dinner plates.
Vonnegut's Asshole
Her women friends had told her she was lucky not to be plagued with PMT spots, dry patches or pores the size of dinner plates.
Drugs cached on the national dinner plate may include antibiotics like penicillin, florfenicol, sulfamethazine and sulfadimethoxine, the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug flunixin and heavy metals says OIG, which oversees Main RSS Feed
Those who enjoy dinner plate sized dahlias, or even beds of exuberantly increasing sweet woodruff need not apply.
Dahlias occupy a special place in many gardeners 'hearts, affording a spectacular range of types, sizes, and colors, ranging from small pompom blooms to amazing "dinner plate" flowers.
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I walked the tide line to find the morning's washed-up gifts; stepped carefully between jellyfish the size of dinner plates; dug for escaping mole crabs and wiggling coquinas in hand-made tidal pools.
Serve the leek mash on four warmed dinner plates.
A pile of rugs and blankets lay within, pillar candles perched all about, set on dinner plates from the china closet.
Make sure there are four spoons on your dinner plate every day.
There are many public concerns about the safety of food products, from the farm to the silo, from the paddock to the abattoir, and from the food processors to the supermarket and eventually the dinner plate at home.
Walking through the old foundations, you discover broken bits of dinner plates and an occasional fork with its tines splayed.
But after a cold winter in the southern uplands you may recognise that ending up on a human dinner plate is not so bad.
Cover them with a bucket or large flower pot, or place a dinner plate on a crown of foliage.
I have a really cute new set of stripy tableware: dinner plates, dessert plates, bowls, mugs, tumblers and cutlery.
Arrange the brioche rounds on a dinner plate and top each with a slice of the monkfish liver.
The smattering of dinner plates, meanwhile, runs from spiced short rib w/gorgonzola & jalapeno polenta, to cumin/espresso chicken sided with smoked pumpkin puree, to apple-onion chutney'd bacon-wrapped bratwurst (considering it's wrapped in bacon, bratbest is probably more accurate).
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This consisted of eight soup plates, eight platters, eight dinner plates, two soup tureens with lids, two meat plates, twelve tea plates, two gravy boats, two milk jugs, two sugar bowls, one teapot and six coffee cups.
Perhaps a man hitched to the cart of a Martian or roasted on the spit by inhabitants of the Milky Way will recall the veal cutlet he used to slice on his dinner plate and apologize (belatedly!) to the cow.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
I chose a salad plate, just because dinner plates seemed really large.
Or serve on individual dinner plates topped with 3 to 4 generous tablespoons sauce per serving.
Dinner plate, £5.50; side plate, £3.50; espresso cup and saucer, £3.95.
When curiosity overtakes me, I scoop the parcel into a glass and prudently cover it with a dinner plate.
Inhale, prepare, exhale and laterally rotate your legs to the size of a large dinner plate 10 times.
Walking through the old foundations, you discover broken bits of dinner plates and an occasional fork with its tines splayed.
A keen cook, she was happy to allow Joe to pile his dinner plate with extra Yorkshire puddings or the scones and sausage rolls she enjoyed making.
Or serve on individual dinner plates topped with 3 to 4 generous tablespoons sauce per serving.
The celosia for one (seed packet) and now I have dinner plate Dahlias about a foot and a half tall (tuber) bloom or not to bloom will tell the whole story of thrifty shopping.
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The key, he said, was to be able to make a long cast, drop the fly close to the fish (dinner plate sized area) see the fly and as the podding fish move towards wait until the fly disappear them set the hook.
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They can be magnificent with joints of lamb and beef or game but to be honest, a big plate of pasta is a more common sight on my dinner plate.
Arrange the lettuce in the centre of four warmed dinner plates and place the hake on top.
Times, Sunday Times
But she said the risk of affected foods reaching dinner plates in schools or hospitals was ‘very low’.
And I was ready in case we met a spider the size of a dinner plate, safe in the knowledge that none of the creepie crawlies here are poisonous.
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Shes about the size of a dinner plate, and the transmitter is glued to her shell.
The Tortoise And The Solar Plant: A Mojave Story
Serve meals on salad plates or vintage dinnerware (dinner plates used to be a lot smaller too) to adjust to smaller portions.
Is it possible that the sheep are not worthy of attention by our tree people and are sacrificed for the greater good, or my dinner plate!
Toss the curly endive in one third of the vinaigrette and arrange on four dinner plates.
Our dinner plates were pushed to the side, and slices of blackberry pie sat in front of us.
These guys are easy to spot when they are on the juice because if you get a good look at their eyes at the start line their pupils are as big as dinner plates!
The dinner plates were thick with grease.
From the picturesque splattering of autumn leaves on the dinner plates to sprinkle of tulips etched out on the grooved wine glasses, your crockery will now have a touch of elegance and sparkle.
The dinner plates were thick with grease.
Again, the dishes arrived quickly, served on large white dinner plates.
They didn't tell me that I'd be the only woman there, apart from two serving wenches who disappeared the minute those dinner plates hit the table.
Of 23 pesticides designated by the EPA and FDA as high risk, the Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service only tests for one -- and in just six months, four carcasses with "violative levels of veterinary drugs" were released onto the public dinner plate.
Martha Rosenberg: Pesticides in Your Toothpaste and Other Legal Dangers
The service was clipped and unsmiling, which is usually followed by ` but efficient, 'but we sat with mostly empty dinner plates for 15 minutes, the kids (and their parents) getting restless in the hot side room.
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One babyish blonde was wearing a sapphire pin the size of a dinner plate.
The cups were so big you could drown in them, and they were sitting in saucers practically the size of dinner plates.
Divide the asparagus between four dinner plates and arrange the tomatoes and haloumi on top.
Take a look: the hibiscus at the letterbox doesn't seem to think it's Winter, otherwise she wouldn't be blazing like a flame the size of a dinner plate.
They vary from the size of a saucer, to the size of a salad plate, some of them are even as big as a dinner plate.
To be sure, many Eastern and African cultures practice entomophagy - some bugs are even considered delicacies - but for the most part, creepy crawlies are off the dinner plate.