

  1. informal terms for money

How To Use dinero In A Sentence

  • So I know the words dinero = money and I understand the verb conjugation for do you want ... so I assumed the alguno was the missing word 'some'. A question
  • The book is pricey (I told you I spent severe dinero today) but, in my mind, well worth it.
  • It's simply not worth risking your hard-earned dinero on some sketchy website offer.
  • Sure, people could spend mucho dinero on these silly silk things, but he was quite fond of his gray sweats.
  • Shame on the Canadian money men for not throwing in a few Canadian dinero for at least a commentary track.
  • That's gelt, Yiddish for dinero, not to be confused with geld, meaning "to castrate," though, come to think of it, that may be something to look at down the road for some impecunious serial inseminators who clog up the system. Lionel: Gelt For Geezers: Obama's New Healthcare Plan
  • A few more gringos and some extra dinero are always welcome. Page 2
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  • _Podiase este rrescatar, despues dando la cantidad y en el entreianto seruir_ Era ley qe si Venian dos timaguas y auia aFrenta en alguno dellos tenia de dinero Conforme A la Calidad de la afrenta y esto era al arbitrio del juez y si el afrenta era grande la pena asimismo y no teniendo de qe pagarla pasando de çinco taes quedaua por esclauo del ynjuriado y si El Delinquente pedia de med al principal, o a otro amigo, le prestase El su dinero quedaua por esclauo del que le prestaua El dinero y esta esclauonia se entendia, con solo El delinquente, y no con sus hijos ni parientes saluo con los hijos qe The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 — Volume 05 of 55 1582-1583 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Deseo ganar dinero para mis estudios con este libro haciendo algo que pueda beneficiar a la sociedad corrupta y desmoralizada. Superman Could Fly Again in 2009 : SF Universe - SF Universe is your Science Fiction central. From SciFi television to movies to books and more. All the latest news, reviews and insights from SciFi experts.
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