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How To Use Diner In A Sentence

  • A little diner food helped, but after the incident with the couple on the street all I wanted was to go home, take a shower, slather lotion on my blistered tootsies, and lick my wounds.
  • It reopened, but diners have remained in the dark about the deplorable hygiene standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police sources say part of the racket was connected to so-called ‘car parking jockeys’ - triads who take payments to park restaurant diners' cars - who wanted ‘compensation’ for the use of parking spaces.
  • A warm, inviting womb of a restaurant, it's a place that improbably manages to rise above the staggering kitschness of waiters exchanging 'buon appetito' with diners who don't speak a word of the language either.
  • Like a diner spearing a morsel of food with the tine of a fork, researchers have used the tip of a microscopic needle to lift a single atom from a surface and then replace it.
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  • The neon chicken radiates orange warmth into the sparsely populated diner.
  • Mrs. Babbit would bring a pot of the "Soup of the Day" from the adjoining diner for the maids to enjoy with whatever oddment they had brought from home to eat. Everyday Things Made Beautiful
  • We walk about six blocks to a restaurant, more like a diner really, and find a booth.
  • My wife's breasts are neither the seat of my sexual gratification nor an open-all-night diner for the latest nursling.
  • Les Deli-cieux, on the rooftop of Printemps, draws in diners with its view of sweeping vistas. Dining in Paris Department Stores
  • As diners savoured their delicious Chocolate marquise and sipped their coffee and tea, the ballroom's lights dimmed and the audience stilled as the evening's program began.
  • Diners can enjoy an uninterrupted view of the garden.
  • We were soon led upstairs to the dining room which was fairly busy with both hotel residents and other diners.
  • I was also amazed to find that the items from the diner car were not so bad at all!
  • Thanks!!! diner monitor my pc monte blance half past dead kneehole balpen rollerball cast stylo pen waterman carene deluxe blue ball pen ricoh waste toner bottle tempur pedic baltimore stackable storage cube tempur pedic topper calvin and hobbes gucci purse wallet Feeling all gooey inside
  • He was pitching for Mike's Diner in Class B sandlot baseball when he was signed by a Boston Red Sox scout, receiving a $500 bonus.
  • I push on the diner's front doors, my fingers touching greasy glass.
  • Neighbouring diners were bought a small plate of charcuterie (not featured on the menu).
  • For diners who simply cannot get enough of Penang's famed hawker delights, check out the nasi pattaya, char koay teow, teo chew mee sua and satay. Surf while dining in style
  • Photo: Chicago-based Chutney Joe's Indian Diner.
  • Gardiner, reinforced by so-called sportsmen from other parts of the state, of all the park elk they could kill, -- bulls, cows and calves, -- because a large band wandered across the line into the shambles of Gardiner, on Buffalo Flats. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • All diners wait in the bar first, partaking of the pub's excellent selection of drinks.
  • But there were a number of flowerless, champagneless tables and at least three of them were occupied by unaffiliated diners. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • And when some of the finer diners cast a disdainful eye upon their shabby, old-fashioned dresses, the two women merely giggled and stared right back at them.
  • The two heroes were sitting at the counter of the local diner.
  • Cathy Gildiner -- the nag from the other side of the lake, Gildiner's Gospel
  • Hay dinero para mantener una ocupación que debiera utilizarse mejor en cancelar la deuda externa haitiana, oneroso legado de las dictaduras de los Duvalier.
  • I breakfasted there a week ago and naturally, a photocopy of the strip was tacked up above the register, front and center, just like hundreds of Zippy strips at hundreds of diners and lunch counters all across the country.
  • And the food completes the picture; former Ritz chef Maurice Guillouet concocts mouth-watering dishes as gorgeous as the designer-dressed diners who order them.
  • When asked what a £40.35 meal for five people would cost each diner, they were unable to work it out.
  • You can just squeeze by between diners and the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • The greenflies and midges are being drawn by the heatwave and the diner's lights at dusk. The Sun
  • It was startling enough that a great hotel admitted Indians, until I realised that they were used to these occasional delegations passing to and from Washington, and not only tolerated them but made much of them for policy's sake; also, they were a raree show for the other diners. Isabelle
  • Rory is moving to Iowa, Lorelai is moving to Paris with Chris and Gigi, Luke sells his diner to Kirk (oh my god) so he can move down to New Mexico and be with April. kim GILMORE GIRLS SHOCKER! | the TV addict
  • To relieve the anxiety of diners, the restaurant claims to have had the milk providers carefully examined by medical experts.
  • But I did laugh very merrily when the reception manager made his way around the courtyard diners, rigged up in full Father Christmas gear and gumboots five sizes too big.
  • Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music.
  • A bloodstained tree marks a leopard ‘canteen’ and the diner could be lurking in any of the many caves above us.
  • Whitlock paid the driver then entered the diner, pausing momentarily in the doorway to get his bearings. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • Orioles team physician William Goldiner agreed with the coroner's call for a ban but noted that teams can do little to stop it because ephedrine is legal. - Authorities say drug contributed to pitcher's death
  • And apart from faint background muzak, it is awfully quiet, for the other diners don't say much to each other.
  • Unrecognised by fellow diners, he could not overhearing the conversation of two women sitting nearby.
  • In addition, the regular menu will be available for diners who have yet to be struck by Cupid's arrow.
  • Before that European travelers like AF Gardiner (1836) and Catherine Barter (1855) had focused their attention on documenting, in English, Zulu culture, traditions, history and customs as they saw them at the time. ANC Today
  • The diner is a diner, no more and no less, retro-50s tube with aproned waitresses and meat loaf and pie and Val, leaning forward by the register, staring at the door. Valentines, part the first
  • And I do get a decent bottle of wine and I and a guest diner free for my pains.
  • Lately, the restaurant chain, which caters mainly to blue-collar diners, has been hurt by competition.
  • More than one in five diners say they only eat at restaurants offering voucher deals. The Sun
  • Out in the front, the diners enjoy heavenly food; in the back, those dishes are prepared in hell's kitchen - an inferno of flame, smoke, sweated labour and shouted curses.
  • According to Diner’s Journal the meatballs are “slow braised in ragu, smothered in caciocavallo cheese, garnished with arugula and sandwiched between two squares of homemade potato-ricotta foccacia.” Mia Dona Launches Meatball Cart on Friday | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • You can just squeeze by between diners and the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some of the other diners were wearing sport coats and open-necked shirts, but I didn't think the atmosphere necessarily called for the formality of a jacket and tie.
  • Mrs Gardiner was a kindly old soul.
  • That train gave way to the Silver Palm that initially featured coaches with video monitors for movies, sleepers with comfortable roomettes for business travelers, and a full diner.
  • At the nearby Desert Diner, dishes clatter as busboys set tables for the lunch crowd and crank the fireplace to a high blaze.
  • The food hygiene experts went to the diner after giving it five stars during their routine inspections. The Sun
  • The restaurant's gimmick is a circular aquarium, behind 10 ft-high glass surrounding diners.
  • The menu is small but solid and offers diners the chance to enjoy a selection of home-style cooking from the Perigueux region of France, an area renowned for its truffles, duck, goose and cêpes mushrooms.
  • A calendar that will go in many a hot-blooded male's Christmas stocking this year features 18 women from Gardiner Security's head office in Rochdale.
  • Diners must sign a disclaimer recommending ‘protective gloves and eye wear’ - but even sweating testers in safety gear were blinded by tears for 30 minutes.
  • This four-bedroom house has been refurbished, with a new kitchen-diner. Times, Sunday Times
  • And indeed at La Ferme, where authentic farmyard smells permeate the eating area, diners can look down through the glass panes in the floor onto the flock of mountain sheep, a carthorse and a flock of hens.
  • We were trespassing on the communion of their lunch, the remembrance of a thousand small-town diners, trailer-park kitchens and back-yard barbecues.
  • So last night, over my Red Chicken Curry, I was verbally assailed by the diner to my left, who stated that cryonic freezing as a parachute option in the event of one's own death was ‘arrogant’.
  • Edward VI's accession to the throne meant greater support for Protestantism throughout the country, and imprisonment for Gardiner.
  • We were both feeling pretty full by this point, but we shared a delicious-looking Tiramisu which was honestly the best I've ever had - perfect for sweet-toothed diners everywhere.
  • Getting in the mood, the pair then pushed back their chairs to give diners an impromptu performance. The Sun
  • Hidden in its sides are three digital cameras that photograph the diner's food. Times, Sunday Times
  • But experts report that discount-happy diners are clipping coupons and scouting for values to lower their restaurant tabs.
  • The company's website has a handy reckoner that tells diners what their shares will get them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Case in point is Alpino Vino (970-708-1120), a new spot just off the Gold Hill Express Lift that resembles a chalet airlifted from the Italian Alps. Diners in ski helmets huddle around cherry-wood tables and a roaring fireplace, sipping Tuscan reds ($15), while neatly groomed waiters bring plates of cured meats and fine cheeses ($15). - News
  • In 1872, a pressman for The Providence Journal turned an old express wagon into an eatery, thus creating the first diner.
  • It also includes a diner, buffet car and lounge.
  • Edie Falco plays Marly, a hard-drinking late-thirtysomething woman, working at her dad's motel and diner, hassled by her good-for-nothing ex-husband and pining for a way out of there.
  • Vettriano has changed the chairs, restyled the diner's hair to reveal more of the nape of her neck and reshaped the men's coat-tails to show the wind licking at them.
  • Dine on fried yuca and fresh snapper at Puerto Sagua 700 Collins Ave., 305-673-1115, an understated diner-style restaurant with a traditional menu, long favored among South Beach locals for its authentic interpretations of Cuban cuisine. Take Monday Off: Cuban Miami
  • But there were a number of flowerless, champagneless tables and at least three of them were occupied by unaffiliated diners. C B GREENFIELD - A LITTLE MADNESS
  • The detailed work we did in those classes was admirably complemented by the broader brushwork of Patrick Gardiner's lectures on German Idealism.
  • The funnyman had diners laughing so much they were choking on their yellow fin tuna steaks. The Sun
  • A comprehensive menu includes pork tenderloin and fresh oysters which are always favorite choices for diners.
  • When we were in the diner, you could really feel how bad the tracks were.
  • Modelled on the American diner of the 1950s, the chrome and Formica interior has become a classic in its own right.
  • His people were never the iconic nighthawks Edward Hopper found at the diner.
  • Rich foliage, soft lighting and the quiet hum of the other diners' conversations create a welcoming ambience.
  • I had lunch at the local diner along with dozens of other people who walked in with empty thermo bottles for hot water and with all their battery-operated gadgets that needed a charge. Mariela Dabbah: The Snowstorm: What I Learned From Losing Power
  • He ran down the backstairs to the pool and into the diner so that none of them will know he had done it.
  • Cakeage is the fee some restaurants charge diners for bringing in their own cakes. Times, Sunday Times
  • In France, diners eat in courses and linger over their lengthy meals.
  • The Thai food came with steamed rice and a small jug of nam pla prik if the diner wants to ‘spice it up’ even more.
  • Amid the chatter of diners in Lakeland's restaurants and hotels, observant customers may have noticed the prevalence of Eastern European accents ringing out among the staff.
  • It's been a while since one of the great composers got a thorough biographical going-over, but I gather that the conductor John Eliot Gardiner has interesting stuff to say about his hero, JS Bach, in the Penguin volume due for early 2008.
  • This is especially important for veggie or fussy diners who are pernickety about kitchen hygiene or the authenticity of their dishes.
  • Gardiner is simply trusting to instinct and experience.
  • His restaurant caters for more than 700 customers a day as well as 100 executive diners choosing from a gourmet menu.
  • Even though it was still some time till midday, diners were greedily eating in the restaurants and cafés.
  • Mr. Gardiner, whose manners were very easy and pleasant, encouraged her communicativeness by his questions and remarks; Mrs. Reynolds, either by pride or attachment, had evidently great pleasure in talking of her master and his sister. Pride and Prejudice
  • I'm filling up on bread sticks, hoping to s-p-r-e-a-d my meager salary as stringer for the Worcester News-Recorder to cover le dejeuner, which I'm sure will turn into le diner complete with escargot, pain au chocolat and a lycee technologique. Undine Spragg, International Cocktail Bitch
  • Diners can enjoy an uninterrupted view of the garden.
  • Just 10 diners a night graze from a 20-course menu including dishes as unusual as a savory chocolate foie gras tartine.
  • Dorothy's Diner was the only eatery in town, and exactly where Seth had always taken her on their dates.
  • ABC hopes to capture the Latino market and grab mucho dinero without changing the network's news programming.
  • Last August one diner clubbed another with a baseball bat when the latter intervened in a dispute over a missing cheeseburger.
  • Many hands make light work: Cpl Peter Gardiner assists his workforce of East Timorese Defence Force assault pioneers and Tonnabibi villagers in lifting a beam.
  • The knife and fork are increasingly going their separate ways as more and more diners opt for single-handed eating.
  • Vettriano has changed the chairs, restyled the diner's hair to reveal more of the nape of her neck and reshaped the men's coat-tails to show the wind licking at them.
  • He keeps nothing in the fridge and frequents diners when he craves spaghetti.
  • In other words, when you are on fairly intimate terms with your diners, you are expected to compromise your recipes.
  • In American literature and film, this is where innocence is set, in small towns among old-fashioned American types: the avuncular family doctor, the aproned fellow called Pop who runs the diner.
  • As the Lost Sock Diner is located next door to the laundromat at the foot of Edinburgh's oh-so-trendy (though over-rated) Broughton Street, you can clean your smalls while you munch your eggs.
  • Lately, the restaurant chain, which caters mainly to blue-collar diners, has been hurt by competition.
  • Imitating their elders on such occasions, they stuffed themselves with a lot of food and drink, and roared with merriment to the bemusement of all the diners around.
  • We are cruising slowly through northern Indiana and at 9pm the diner actually opens.
  • Students and teachers are to be complimented and praised, with special accolades to Paula Gardiner, NCTM, for organizing this event.
  • She knocked the blowzy diner scenes from her desk, moistened her hands and pulled a lump of clay from the bag. Cock Sculpting
  • But diners are not warned in advance the chicken they will be eating is halal. The Sun
  • AMD Bets on Tri-Core Chips as Quad-Core Market Lags  :  IT   AMD Bets on Tri-Core Chips as Quad-Core Market Lags By Bryan Gardiner 09.18.07 When your larger competitor outguns you financially and can crank out powerful products at blinding speed, you work with the strengths you have. AMD Bets on Tri-Core Chips as Quad-Core Market Lags
  • So he wrecks his highball havoc all over D.C. because an arms deal dealt him out of the dinero.
  • Longitudinal Slum, according to J.B. Jackson, is “an intermittent eyesore of drive-ins, diners, souvenir stands, purulent amusement parks, cheap-jack restaurants, and the kind of cabins my companion describes as mailboxes.” Archive 2007-05-01
  • Impervious to scandalized looks from better dressed diners, I slowly ate, with Humber's establishment in mind, a perfect and enormous dinner of lobster, duck bigarade, lemon souffle, and brie, and drank most of a bottle of Chateau Leauville Lescases 1948. For Kicks
  • Lounge music played in the background as diners tucked into the lavish buffet. The Sun
  • But now, along with high drama, diners at Checkers can enjoy a lighter menu.
  • Younger sister Meimei handles the coffee, while all dishes are prepared in advance by elder sister Wenwen, a born chef, to provide diners with quick and sumptuous meals.
  • Wall Street diners pack the tiny, four-month-old Cr pes du Nord for a relaxed but fancy lunch of cr pes. Cr
  • Like autocompletion giving you the next alphabetical match rather than the most commonly used name that starts with those letters, meaning every time it tries to autocomplete to that diner I visited once in 1999 rather than the place I go every week … Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Quickbooks — Steadily Worse Each and Every Year
  • I was too scared to stand up to them, or to the diner's skinflint owner, who kept finding creative ways to dip into our inadequate tips.
  • Edie Falco plays Marly, a hard-drinking late-thirtysomething woman, working at her dad's motel and diner, hassled by her good-for-nothing ex-husband and pining for a way out of there.
  • Yet the movie is quite underlit - what diner has mood lighting?
  • The Ferryman serves bar food in its restaurant/diner throughout the week, offering a menu of both traditional Irish food and a daily carvery.
  • We boarded and the diner had closed for the evening and the club car was only opened until midnight.
  • It is impressive how the old establishments not only thrive, but bustle with diners.
  • How it's done is not the customer's business: the diner wants the ends, not the means.
  • To draw the kind of analogy that Adams is adept at drawing, imagine a chef who overcooks the roast, and then, by way of apology, leaves the kitchen to join the diners in eating it.
  • Other diners in the cafeteria cast sidelong glances as they hear his Québécois accent decry the injustices of the street.
  • In thin gilt lettering on the creamy white of the menu, how little those words conveyed to the bulk of the imperfectly educated diners.
  • The restaurant opens at 8am every day for breakfast and also serves lunch, dinner and bar snacks for late night diners.
  • Who gets cornered in the diner during a terrifying race riot? The Sun
  • Diners have discovered this wonderfully old-fashioned Italian restaurant, which still operates in yesteryear's formal yet friendly European style, delivering unrushed service from a gracious, attentive staff.
  • MGM MIRAGE Sautéed veal chop with vegetable taglierin The innocent diner who orders the crab-and-cauliflower "tabbouleh" at the start of the spring menu will receive a small caviar tin, inside which only black Osetra eggs are visible. Watching Robuchon Invent
  • The apartment has four bedrooms, three receptions and a kitchen-diner. Times, Sunday Times
  • Diners can expect butternut and sweet potato soup garnished with chopped coriander and coconut milk, followed by Cape Malay prawns.
  • They made a quick stop at a small roadside diner for supper.
  • After our harmonic humiliation at the feet of the Lord we'd follow her to the diner across the street and eat a piece of coconut cream pie as Helga engaged in a kind of codified, small-town banter notable for its reliance upon exclamations, nods and the subtle inflection of the eyebrows to emphasize a point. Bootstraps
  • But when we finally made it, we found ourselves in a lodge-like wood-panelled room offering seating for about 50 diners.
  • They took the first class passengers to the diner for their meal since the train would be late.
  • It isn't all bad - the staff here are amiable and attentive to the needs of boozers and diners alike.
  • Standing full front to it beside his table surrounded by other diners he readjusts his shirt collars.
  • The authorities are down on your bang-up idea for the banged-up because it would cost them dinero.
  • The owner thoughtfully provided a separate room for diners to sit down and enjoy the cuisine.
  • Yesterday, the swimsuit model was seen smoking a cigarette and looking "dishevelled" for a magazine shoot outside a 1950s-style diner at the hotel. All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • That the gourmand, amiable savant, is pictured as nibbling on a partridge wing (itself related to the arm which raises it to the diner's mouth) au suprême (mark of invested expertise), thus with the expertly prepared food neither completely inside or outside the mouth even as it is consumed, a circumstance that works to prolong the process of eating and its attendant pleasure, emphasizes this ambiguity. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • Mirrors reflect burnished silver candelabras, enhancing the pleasure of jaded diners who've tasted it all.
  • Even the fact that we were the only diners by the time we left wasn't a problem: our waitress never once tried to hurry us along or gave the impression that she would rather be somewhere else.
  • Sin embargo nosotras no fuimos a la oficina de tal empresa para serciorarnos de que ese tipo pertenecía al personal, hasta que llego tal flota a la parada, mi madre se subio tranquila y yo le dije al ayudante que estaba cargando en ese momento las maletas suba mis bultos pero, el me dijo su boleto y le dije le page al otro ayudante, no existe ningun otro ayudante respondió, me quedé asustada y mi madre al percatarse de tal situación hizo un escandalo porque el muchacho que le cobró ya no aparecía en esos momentos, no sabíamos que hacer talvez es culpa nuestra por confiar y no aserciorarnos de que era cierto de lo que decía ese muchacho ladrón y no pudimos rescatar tal dinero fue una estafa que podíamos evitar si hubiésemos comprado los boletos de la boleteria. Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Warnings of Scams in El Alto
  • There are always a few diners at the restaurant, but whenever I go, more than 70 per cent of the seats are empty.
  • It is available for diners and cookery school students. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was joined on my hunkers by a number of other diners, but we resisted the temptation to start a Russian folk dance as we strained to view what was on offer.
  • All that dinero went to her own charity, which subsidizes school art programs.
  • Of course after I left the diner I went to the third coach were I was sitting and tried to sleep.
  • The diners looked toward the house with the cupola, some of them standing up and pointing. SWIMMING TO CATALINA
  • It is not only that the indigenous profit system must keep seeking fresh fields for investment as well as new consumers, but that the feeling of being an enormous creative matrix implies notions of leadership in every sphere of activity: literature and the arts, science, space, communications; democracy is regarded as an American manufacture along with Diners Club cards, happenings, rock music, and what were once called groovy life styles. A Special Supplement: The Meaning of Vietnam
  • I always pictured myself working at some high-class clothing store but never a diner.
  • Diners choose from spaghetti, fettuccine, penne and capellini noodles and 10 sauces.
  • In negotiation you can either be the dinner or the diner. The Sun
  • I made much dinero - a whole bunch more than I made before I moved.
  • Café Cana was a small diner on Avenida Presidente Vargas, the busiest street in the city. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • Gardiner later responded by branding Pallett "ungracious" and a "really silly little girl". All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Rosemary walked into the diner in a single, long, lithe movement that drew my gaze from the list of eggs done every which way. Archive 2009-07-01
  • When the broken-hearted Seymour waits alone at the diner bar, Enid feels ashamed of her actions, and takes it upon herself to follow him home and see how he lives.
  • It is not exactly in the party spirit but London restaurants have started charging cakeage for diners who want to bring their own birthday cakes to meals.
  • The breakfast diner was downstairs on the first floor, just opposite of the front desk.
  • A young cowboy out hunting antelope on the high Trans-Pecos desert, he stumbles upon the aftermath of the drug war and makes the mistake of absconding with $2 million worth of unclaimed and misbegotten dinero.
  • Of course, having his name floated might result in the promise of mucho dinero from the NRSC for the re-election campaign, and the White House might be circulating it just to see how the GOP Senate leadership reacts. Matthew Yglesias » Judd Gregg for Commerce?
  • There are three spacious bedrooms, a lounge and a kitchen-diner so it could make a very nice family home.
  • Tucked down in boho Stockbridge, this crimson-walled diner twinkles with candlelight and feels as cosy as a New Orleans bar in a cyclone.
  • Shot entirely in monochrome, the film consists of 11 short scenes, set in diners and cafés across America.
  • Still, a waitress in a diner, who has a daughter who dates the television tattler, and a grandbaby that's in desperate need of a diaper change, may have something to do with it.
  • It is so hot that one diner packed it up and took it home, to play jokes on people like me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Starting with the ribs, diners are faced with a choice of 13 different types that vary by cut and flavor.
  • A project Levinson has wanted to make since before "Diner," it's a strenuously whimsical antimilitarist fable that harks back to the era of "Willy Wonka" and "Brewster McCloud. Not A Season To Be Jolly
  • Dancing On Ice star Kieron Richardson has hit back at Jason Gardiner following reports that the outspoken judge had branded him a "pillock". All - Digital Spy - Entertainment and Media News
  • Lounge music played in the background as diners tucked into the lavish buffet. The Sun
  • The small dining room became very warm as diners and dinners arrived - and filled with smoke as waiters brought sizzling trays to tables.
  • There has been plenty to celebrate from the dawn of the new century too, of course - a period during which the property magnate has spent dinero like there was no mañana.
  • Soon a small posse of men in black roll into town in big dark luxury car and belly up to the diner counter.
  • He does a nice job of world-building, setting his characters in cramped business offices and diners. Collect This Now! The Cereal Killings | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • In a new series which lets us snoop into the kitchens of the country's best chefs, Hartnett shows us the most treasured room in her east London home, a gorgeously appointed basement kitchen-diner. The Guardian World News
  • The long bench tables have movable bamboo fan dividers to separate the different groups of diners to also afford an air of privacy.
  • It's decor gives the appearance of a provincial diner, but the menu is far more fusion than a specific cuisine.
  • Senior lawyer Paul Gardiner will travel to the US as soon as possible to find out the legal position regarding documents held in a depository at Pensacola, Florida.
  • After we leave one of the passengers from the back coach comes forward to our coach and inquires where the diner is.
  • Most commonly, humpbacks are solitary diners, eating a diet of krill - a shrimp-like crustacean - and plankton, which they filter through hundreds of sieve-like plates called a baleen.
  • Briggs represented the Newbauer account, which brings in mucho dinero. THE ASSOCIATE
  • I'm filling up on bread sticks, hoping to s-p-r-e-a-d my meager salary as stringer for the Worcester News-Recorder to cover le dejeuner, which I'm sure will turn into le diner complete with escargot, pain au chocolat and a lycee technologique. Undine Spragg, International Cocktail Bitch
  • The diners perceived a faint aroma of dill.
  • Darren Lee Norris was so unsure how Washington diners would accept an izakaya, or Japanese gastropub, that he tacked raw fish and vinegared rice onto his idea for a new restaurant. Best of two worlds at Kushi: Gastropub offers sushi, skewers
  • Shoppers frequent the shopping centres, diners eat out and the devout attend their synagogues, mosques and churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • And if the malva pudding isn't enough, diners can finally fill up on koeksisters and coffee.
  • A drifter gets a job at a roadside diner, and soon embarks on an affair with the owner's wife. The Sun
  • She led Autumn into an office at the rear of the diner and mixed two drinks from a bottle of moonshine. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • I think diners are surprised at the lightness of my dishes.

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