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[ US /ˈdɪmɝ/ ]
[ UK /dˈɪmɐ/ ]
  1. a rheostat that varies the current through an electric light in order to control the level of illumination

How To Use dimmer In A Sentence

  • This can be particularly painful when it comes to big audio-visual systems and "smart" home automation systems that control everything from radiant floors and humidity to light dimmers and pool temperatures. Cutting Edge Today, Passé Tomorrow
  • Every office will have a manual dimmer switch, giving the office occupant optimum control of the lighting levels he or she finds most productive.
  • Modern dimmers even come with remote or voice control and have presets and built in timers.
  • By causing only one group of colors to light, the electrician can secure all sorts of variations, and with the aid of "dimmers" permit the lights to shine brilliantly or merely to glow with faint radiance. Writing for Vaudeville
  • The rooms were perfect in every detail, with hot and cold running taps in every bedroom, dimmer light-switches and wirelesses that actually seemed to be making a barely decipherable tinny broadcast.
  • On Friday morning, the moon will enter the penumbra of the Earth's shadow at 3: 05 am, and the moonlight will become dimmer.
  • Note also that while patents on compact fluorescents have mostly expired, Philips still has the patents on compact fluorescents that are "dimmable" (that is, can be used in combination with conventional light dimmers.) Rent-seeking and CO2 Emissions, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • But eventually, having developed techniques to mask the light, astrophysicists were able to detect fuzz surrounding some of the dimmer quasars.
  • We've installed CFL lights, light dimmers, motion sensors, Energy Star equipment, low flow water aerators, energy efficient appliances like Dyson's new hand dryer, which is 80 percent more efficient than conventional models, and Low E window panes. Massimo LoBuglio: The Little Green Bakeshop That Could
  • Multiple track lighting with dimmers and down lights eliminate hot spots and allow us to adapt lighting to specific artworks.
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