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How To Use Dimmed In A Sentence

  • Her enthusiasm was undimmed by the paucity of choice on the high street at the time: 'My mum used to shop in menswear shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rain squall dimmed the ward, and he closed the two nearest windows. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Sixteen years later, her ardour hasn't dimmed.
  • She quickly dimmed the lights, both outside and inside the vehicle.
  • Everything was dark and his sight was dimmed by heavy fog.
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  • Without warning, the lights suddenly dimmed and began to go out.
  • It was in the public forums, the interminable meetings that became routine, when attention wavered and respect dimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what was remarkable in the lady was, that although her features were handsome, and upon the whole pleasing, the pupil of each eye was dimmed with the whiteness of cataract, and she was evidently stone-blind. The Purcell Papers
  • She said that neither the passage of time nor other matters had dimmed the public interest in their respective careers. Times, Sunday Times
  • His tactical acumen has been rightly criticised, but in the end it seems even his motivational powers were dimmed when he lost his spark for the job.
  • As diners savoured their delicious Chocolate marquise and sipped their coffee and tea, the ballroom's lights dimmed and the audience stilled as the evening's program began.
  • An untarnished innocence that hadn't dimmed any, since the day he was born. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • Inside, the lobby lights had been dimmed like the interior of an airplane on a night flight.
  • The lights were dimmed making way for a seductive flicker of the unscented thick candles.
  • As the light of day slowly dimmed, the world was lit by the angry flashes of lightning which crackled across the sky.
  • However, it remains true that the evidence of witnesses is likely to have been dimmed and witnesses for Computer 2000 will not be able to refresh their memory from documents that were destroyed.
  • But the klieg lights had barely dimmed when anonymous "law enforcement authorities" began attacking the NYPD's case and its methods. New York Police and the FBI Feud Over a Terrorist Case
  • This would result in lights being automatically dimmed in homes and businesses across the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Too much time, too much energy, too much passion had he put into his battle to become the First Man in Rome, to stand by tamely and see the luster of his name dimmed by a precocious aristocrat who would come into his own when he, Gaius Marius, was too old or too dead to oppose him. The Grass Crown
  • And when the lights dimmed, faux snow began to float down from the ceiling and on to the sweet-smelling soil.
  • Her mental faculties are undimmed, despite her great age. Times, Sunday Times
  • He may be stepping down after 18 years in Westminster at the next general election, which is expected in May, but his passion for socialism remains undimmed.
  • Its headlights dimmed down, shutting off, and the driver guided the vehicle ahead.
  • If one continues to look at it, one's sight becomes dazzled and dimmed, so it is preferable to look at its image in water and avoid a direct look at it, because the intensity of its rays is thereby reduced.
  • It's the moment the harsh fluorescent light is dimmed that you see it. Times, Sunday Times
  • But if the team is left out of next year's European championship prospects will be significantly dimmed.
  • dimmed headlights
  • While her political future may be up in the air, Sarah Palin's populist star wattage remains undeniable as she basks in an undimmed political limelight for a core of supporters bored by what they describe as a lackluster Republican Party leadership and angry at the Obama administration's expansion of government and imposition of power. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • The sight of people dimmed, and their voices choked with tears of disillusion, greed, envy and pride
  • Old-timers returned to the world of arc-lights sending out a clear signal that age has not dimmed their interest in celluloid.
  • But it was quite clear to friends and colleagues that his ambition remained undimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forty eight years of marriage have not dimmed the passion between Bill and Helen.
  • They didn't dim their lights; hardly any driver that passed by dimmed his lights.
  • The guy put his head down and stormed on, his vicious racist rantings now dimmed to a mutter, his hate-filled words completely stripped of any power.
  • Onlookers used to the swagger of pre-Red Millbrook days hardly recognised the dimmed round-shouldered slinker as the wolf of the tracks, the sexual predator that had set alarmed mothers scurrying protectively after their chicks. The Elvis Latte
  • And darting upon the paper, with eyes bedimmed, and voice choked with emotion, he read the whole document from the last letter to the first. Journey to the Interior of the Earth
  • Sixteen years later, her ardour hasn't dimmed.
  • The lights dimmed and a raggedy band assembled onstage.
  • The Bulldogs' hopes of a fourth consecutive NSIC title dimmed considerably with their 35-7 loss at St. Cloud State on Oct. 29. rss feed
  • They resembled a riot mob as lights were dimmed. The Sun
  • This would result in lights being automatically dimmed in homes and businesses across the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not everyone can or should be a tragedian, and art is often best not when it reflects brute reality but when it keeps alive what is forgotten or dimmed by the shadows.
  • Some say that a certain spark seemed to have dimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I kept my headlights undimmed along the country lanes.
  • The author is himself a sixth generation Scot with a Highland background that has not been dimmed by 200 years of separation from his homeland.
  • His ceaseless energy could therefore be read as undimmed vigour or rising panic, depending on your perspective.
  • It's the moment the harsh fluorescent light is dimmed that you see it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The series officially ended in 1991, but regular repeat showings and a string of one-off Christmas specials has ensured its popularity has remained undimmed.
  • She suddenly heard the audience clap, meaning the lights had dimmed and the curtains were about to open any minute.
  • Surprisingly the curtain started to rise while the houselights were still undimmed.
  • T he lights were dimmed, bathing the book-lined walls and the velvet upholstered wingback chairs in a rich red glow. COMPULSION
  • Her enthusiasm was undimmed by the paucity of choice on the high street at the time: 'My mum used to shop in menswear shops. Times, Sunday Times
  • That quality about him, that quality of goodness had dimmed to a candle flicker in an ocean. A DARKENING STAIN
  • The stars at night have a special brilliance undimmed by city lights and close to the door of the cottage there are glowworms.
  • The target area was illuminated by flares from a C-130 aircraft; however, the flares dimmed as the B-57 began its third bombing run on the target. Eaton, Norman D.
  • When you come through the front door the lights have dimmed, the curtains closed and music is playing to welcome you home.
  • Her limbs dragged and shuffled, her eyes dimmed and bleared, and only the little children found joy against the withered cheek of the old squaw by the fire. THE LAW OF LIFE
  • ‘It's weird, but I've never felt like an actress,’ says Gallagher, in her undimmed northern accent.
  • After nearly 11 years as chief executive, his confidence is undimmed.
  • Forty eight years of marriage have not dimmed the passion between Bill and Helen.
  • Her small, white-shod feet continued to bear her onward, away from him, while his own dimmed shoes peregrinated in the opposite direction -- William necessarily, yet with excruciating reluctance, accompanying them. Seventeen
  • Even the light of the Guggenheim is transformed, its walls blackened and its radiance dimmed to churchy darkness.
  • the lights dimmed and the curtain rose
  • His ability to sell a good idea remains undimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He told one correspondent that “Henry A. can never be in the nature of things a very spacious or sympathetic companion and Mrs. A. strikes me as toned down and bedimmed from her ancient brilliancy.” The Five of Hearts
  • Judging by the dimmed lighting, he had diverted all available power to the engines.
  • This much she saw, and more, when the slant-eyed servant led the way past another room -- of which she caught a fleeting glance -- and into a third, both of which dimmed the brave show of the entrance hall. THE STORY OF JEES UCK
  • A puerile tear dimmed my eye while I looked a tear of disappointment and impatience.
  • When one side of the ogee roof was covered, a mysterious green shade fell across the jungle of plants and dimmed the strident blossoms. THE WHITE DOVE
  • When the stage is dimmed, spotlights are used to create a tight arc of light in which Roberts and Corbert perform.
  • The passion for policy discussion among Lib Dems continues undimmed.
  • We barely sat down before the lights dimmed and the curtains drew back.
  • How much the moon is dimmed depends on whether it passed through the penumbra or the darkest part of the shadow, the umbra.
  • I return, solo, to my villa to find it dimmed, lit with tiny candles and aromatic oil lamps, a bottle of chilled wine waiting and massage oils just beside my bed whose satin sheets are awash with blossoms.
  • She'd taken off her shades again too, now that the daylight had dimmed to a tolerable level. NIGHT SISTERS
  • This would result in lights being automatically dimmed in homes and businesses across the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The grey, wistful eyes stared past his shoulder at the oil painting on the wall behind him, dimmed with age a little, but still showing clearly the golden-haired woman in her pale-pink lace gown, crinolined with a hundred and seven flounces. The Thorn Birds
  • My week started out wonderfully and it kind of dimmed down. Weekly Catchup
  • The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
  • But the steady stream of allegations about her infatuations or dalliances has certainly dimmed her reputation.
  • She has all her life been opposed to human interference where her ablutions are concerned and age has not dimmed her memory of the purpose of brush and comb.
  • And Elric drew a racking breath while the rune - sword whined in his hand and quivered and its radiance dimmed a little. The Vanishing Tower
  • They resembled a riot mob as lights were dimmed. The Sun
  • Unbelievably, it's 20 years old, but its freshness is undimmed and its vision unrivalled.
  • The consensus in Democratic circles is that the retired Army general dimmed his prospects through an uneven performance on the campaign trail.
  • The sun dimmed until it was glowing a comfortable red, like a floating charcoal briquette.
  • The roar began to ebb and the lights dimmed like dying suns, until everything was bathed in deep red shadows.
  • The memory has not dimmed over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • You meet, for example, two or three Tradesmen in the street, whom you recognize at once to be Tradesmen by a glance at their angles and rapidly bedimmed sides, and you ask them to step into your house to lunch. Flatland: a romance of many dimensions
  • As this prospect has dimmed, however, fears have grown that as trade rivalries step up the transnationals will see their British operations as prime areas for cutbacks.
  • Then he got out note-book and algebra and lost himself in quadratic equations, while the hours slipped by, and the stars dimmed, and the gray of dawn flooded against his window. Chapter 12
  • In Detroit, my mother's eyesight dimmed and tremors made her driving jerkier than ever. 170,000 Miles of Memories
  • Her strange, unearthly beauty is undimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is presently done by film professors in dimmed lecture halls, or by putting "commentary tracks" on DVD's. Lessig on Copyright, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Like a cloud moving across the sun, sadness dimmed the lambency in her eyes. Ricochet
  • The light of a candle is dimmed by electric light.
  • We have frequently found ultramarine to be darkened, dimmed, and somewhat purpled by ignition; and the same results ensue, in many instances, when the lazulite is calcined. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • His ability to sell a good idea remains undimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lights were dimmed, and there was the cautious, subtle blipping of medical monitoring devices.
  • A few minutes later the lights dimmed and the curtain began to rise.
  • It shot sulphur dioxide gas into the upper atmosphere, shrouded the globe and dimmed sunlight for years afterwards. Times, Sunday Times
  • we like dimmed lights when we have dinner
  • The lights in the cabin were dimmed and all around us people were settling down to sleep. The Sun
  • Age had dimmed their sight and bent their frames.
  • The old magic glints undimmed in evocative details.
  • I could not think of this "unsphered angel wofully astray" without inward tears that dimmed the vision of my foreboding heart. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 73, November, 1863
  • Beckett's enthusiasm is undimmed by the gruelling schedule his two jobs enforce.
  • The growth prospects for the domestic economy have dimmed.
  • One man dug using full beam while another stood by the internal telephone system with a dimmed light.
  • He had dimmed the lights and lit some calming incense burners.
  • His sight dimmed, and his hearing sharpened as his ears began to shift.
  • This is often translated into a feeling of ‘distance’, specifically the notion of observing or having one's view bedimmed or obscured by some form of barrier.
  • When the consciousness is bedimmed, when the higher concepts seem far removed, at least ponder about unity in actions of good.
  • Street lamps could also be switched off or dimmed as happens in France after midnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Street lighting must be dimmed out during the war time.
  • The enthusiasm is undimmed past midnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her words dimmed our hopes of a peaceful settlement.
  • As she watched the debates and read more, however, Snider says some of her excitement for Palin dimmed, and she is no longer sure whether Palin will be a factor in her vote. Key to winning Indiana rests in southern part
  • Forty eight years of marriage have not dimmed the passion between Bill and Helen.
  • Time had dimmed the silver
  • He knew he was only perfectly appreciated in those meetings, unfortunately too few, in which ALL his hearers were prepared to follow him into those spheres which the ancients imagined to be entered only through a gate of ivory, to be surrounded by pilasters of diamond, and surmounted by a dome arched with fawn-colored crystal, upon which played the various dyes of the prism; spheres, like the Mexican opal, whose kaleidoscopical foci are dimmed by olive-colored mists veiling and unveiling the inner glories; spheres, in which all is magical and supernatural, reminding us of the marvellous worlds of realized dreams. Life of Chopin
  • Hopes of a peaceful settlement have dimmed.
  • All eyes were turned to the sparkling showers and shimmering globules of light that dimmed and disappeared as they touched the ground.
  • The springiness might have gone out of his step, and to a certain extent the seat in the saddle was unfirm, and the strength and poise of the body showed signs of abatement, but the fire in the eyes was undimmed and every line of the features was instinct to a wonderful degree with life and vitality. The Boy With the U. S. Foresters
  • The lights dimmed and Chuck felt his hair rising.
  • Facing us was the usual circus ring, carpeted with sawdust; the lights dimmed and the show began.
  • (In fact, one of these computers was a jewel, an antique Yarkonan firestone whose lights had long since dimmed. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
  • The passion remains undimmed, especially for the bouldering discipline. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the lights dimmed shortly before 8 p.m., and the music rose, a hush descended upon the audience.
  • She felt a burning sensation in her temple, then waves of darkness dimmed her sight.
  • The Sooners 'hopes of winning the Big 12 regular-season title dimmed considerably Sunday. Undefined
  • The lights were not bright and were dimmed so as not to draw attention.
  • Giddy and wildly peppy, they exuberated energy as the lights dimmed and a short film played exhibiting a classic Sinead O'Connor jam. Popnography
  • T he lights were dimmed, bathing the book-lined walls and the velvet upholstered wingback chairs in a rich red glow. COMPULSION
  • Rugby Park's euphoria was dimmed awhile when Hay hit the deck and never got up again but the silence did not last long.
  • A rain squall dimmed the ward, and he closed the two nearest windows. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Street lamps could also be switched off or dimmed as happens in France after midnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the music started,the lights dimmed.
  • In they came, their eyes bedimmed with tears, and took their seats in all humility near the chair of the lady whom Paris the archer once wedded, one on this side, one on that, to right and left, with weapons on them; and both threw their suppliant arms round the knees of Orestes
  • The lyrics may be a bit melodramatic, but on a whole, this is perfect mood music to go with candles and dimmed lights.
  • Tammuz had dimmed the lights, put his feet up, and asked the computer to tune in the wall-screen.
  • Here the old man paused, and resting upon his staff, raised his age-dimmed eyes, and pointing to the gushing water, said, _'E questo si chiama il Tevere a Roma! ' Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
  • The budget crisis really dimmed my hopes of staying on.
  • Maple trees are sensitive to sudden increases in sunlight, having grown up in the dimmed ambience of sheltering neighbor trees.
  • Not we, exactly, but our holy antecedents, whose bright nimbi gleam undimmed despite their weeping. Scott Cairns: The Dormition of the Mother of God
  • 23 I have adopted the word leaden as expressive of the idea implied in the original word, viz. grey or greyish blue; hence, dulled, dimmed. The Koran (Al-Qur'an)
  • The stairwell was lit with a series of dimmed wall-mounted lamps, but was quite a stark contrast to those at her leader's establishment.
  • No one, however, denied that this was a picture of breathtaking quality, a jewel of Renaissance art, whose gentleness and elegance comes down to us undimmed across the centuries.
  • They had become more impressionistic as his eyesight dimmed. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Some say that a certain spark seemed to have dimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The light of a candle is dimmed by electric light.
  • Sitting in her office cadjan, Jane had come to recognize the now-familiar signs of the coming onslaught: first came the roaring sound, steadily gathering force as it tore through the jungle; the sky dimmed; a violent wind whipped up and filled the air with the smell of rotten leaves; then came the slashing rain. A Covert Affair
  • But even through this uncertainty, Baxter's enthusiasm and wit, and his pleasure at being in France, remain undimmed.
  • And the heartfelt power of its final moments, in which the point of the title is revealed, remains undimmed after nearly 80 years.
  • Still, the ambitions remain undimmed by personal setbacks. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was very cheering to see the face of Mary, looking in thro 'the glass dimmed with human breath, at Ruthwell! New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • His ability to sell a good idea remains undimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll finish it tomorrow or the next day and add another video of what they look like at full power during the day time, and what they look like at their "dimmed" state when they are on with the headlights. - Financial News
  • Electric lanterns and flashlights have probably dimmed, then gone out.
  • The lights dimmed and a man began a long, quavering chant. Times, Sunday Times
  • She suffered his arm about her, his eyes looking deeply into hers -- a close, sweet caress, a union of lips, and her dimmed eyes’ response. The Fighting Chance
  • He added that ambitions remained undimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dimmed lighting and spaciously divided tables make it perfect for an intimate rendezvous.
  • The memory has not dimmed over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some say that a certain spark seemed to have dimmed. Times, Sunday Times
  • When the dark edge of the satellite passed across a star, it dimmed briefly before the moment of eclipse.
  • As to the second, of which the name does not occur in treatises on gems, it may be identified with chalcedony, which is described as a sort of agate of an opaque quality, dimmed with clouds and flashing fires in the shadows. The Cathedral
  • It had been a day or two since I had sat in a dimmed church, all alone, to say the rosary.
  • Yet, as she watched, the mist dimmed into a darker, milkier white. Darksong Rising
  • The lights in the cabin were dimmed and all around us people were settling down to sleep. The Sun
  • It was dark outside, a full moon's light was dimmed and distorted by wisps of fog that settled and rose again.
  • a sun bedimmed by clouds
  • Gérard Houllier's love for Emile Heskey, Villa's Carling Cup hero against Blackburn in midweek, remains undimmed. Wolves v Aston Villa – as it happened
  • But one dark act of fraudful guilt bedimmed my bright career. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • A sharp pain wiped away the fog that dimmed his sight, and he swung a vicious blow at a brown, handsome face.
  • After the meal was over, Vera dimmed the lights, and carried a beautiful pink frosted cake, bearing sixteen lit candles.
  • The memory has not dimmed over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brilliance of truth cannot be dimmed ; the eyesight of the mountain eagle cannot be blocked by dense fog.
  • The street lights were dimmed out.
  • At a Texas State Fair some four or five years since the President of the Confederate States was seen turning, with eyes bedimmed by tears, away from a picture at which he had been silently gazing.
  • They were finishing a fruit flan chosen from the sweet trolley when the lights dimmed, went out. LOHENGRIN
  • Hopes of a peaceful settlement have dimmed.
  • As his vision dimmed, he briefly wondered what his life was about.
  • The room was shadowed, the light dimmed by the thick curtains shrouding the window.
  • The hall light dimmed, then abruptly got bright; I closed my eyes against the sharp pain that stabbed at my blurry eyes and shot through to my head.
  • The lights were dimmed out when the electricity supply was reduced.
  • But once the lights dimmed, it was an appreciative audience that clapped through the show including those who had been yawning because of the delay.
  • Clarke says his enthusiasm for politics is undimmed, and that if his age excludes him from high office, then British politics has become a juvenile pursuit.
  • The lights dimmed and a man began a long, quavering chant. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he insists his desire to win trophies is undimmed.
  • More than a week on and the power of the pictures shot on the morning of the attack remains undimmed.
  • She said that neither the passage of time nor other matters had dimmed the public interest in their respective careers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Forty eight years of marriage have not dimmed the passion between Bill and Helen.
  • The lights quickly alternated between blindingly bright and soothingly dimmed, while the reflective surfaces refracted lasers into spectra of color.
  • Exhibits are dimmed whilst fantastically big projections of rarely seen war photographs cover the jarring, angular interior walls.
  • His first album since 1996 reflects his new-found sobriety, its country-rock sound revealing that his melodic sense is happily undimmed.
  • Instead, from the spangled endless night that dimmed the hall, meanings shone.
  • Inside, the lobby lights had been dimmed like the interior of an airplane on a night flight.
  • undimmed headlights

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