How To Use Dimly In A Sentence
Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens.
Later, he would dimly recall Tychus muttering and shoving and positioning him, sometimes ungently, but never, ever letting him give up.
Starcraft II: Devils’ Due
He dragged himself up the walk, dimly noticing that the front window was covered with condensation.
The sounds of the phoney election war are already dimly audible.
Times, Sunday Times
You go into a dimly lit room with hip-hop and R&B music and you punch bags.
The Sun

A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children's bedroom.
In Mortal Coils, an interaction of oneiromancy and mediumism was embodied in multiple projections among slowly twisting ropes, as if something were dimly viewed while transpiring underwater or in a netherworld.
The old image of snooker is of seedy, smoky, dimly-lit halls filled with sallow-complexioned men, pint in one hand, cigarette in the other as they wait their turn at the table.
The interior is a delight, a beamed, strawed, trestle-tabled, dimly lit farmhouse attended to by waiters in sashed smocks.
Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
dimly, distantly, voices sounded in the stillness
Back in the sanctuary of my dimly-lit rooms I ran the bath, stripped off and sank into the water.
He smiled, and though his eyes had been replaced long ago by visual sensors that glowed dimly red in the half-light, I imagined that I could yet detect a spark of that charismatic man who had won the hearts of thousands even as he brought about their destruction.
Lo, a fic. « Love | Peace | Ohana
After climbing a flight of steps next to the original Iain Mellis cheesemonger's shop, you enter a dimly lit first-floor room, which is long and thin and punctuated by a couple of intimate alcoves.
Zlotin used a key card to activate the metal door, which opened on to a dimly lit corridor.
Her face was fixed on her, through the night; she was the creature who had escaped by force from her cage, yet there was in her whole motion assuredly, even as so dimly discerned, a kind of portentous intelligent stillness.
The Golden Bowl — Complete
a dimly lit room
We slipped into our favourite burger joint and found a booth in a suitably dimly lit corner.
Times, Sunday Times
The girl felt it in every nerve; it was as though some soft-footed, noiseless, shapeless creature, whose presence she only dimly divined, was approaching nearer -- _nearer_.
Stories by English Authors: The Orient (Selected by Scribners)
They were travelling along the path through the forest, with some soldiers carrying a litter with a strange object on it, that glowed dimly red in the darkness.
The lights faded up dimly, casting an amber glow on his nearly nude body.
In the chilly, early hours of the morning in a dimly lit barn, two students are sitting up with a mare in foal.
Times, Sunday Times
Through the next hour, during which the gentle morning breeze had a little freshened, the dusty vapor had developed itself far and wide into the appearance of huge aerial draperies, hanging in mighty volumes from the sky to the earth; and at particular points, where the eddies of the breeze acted upon the pendulous skirts of these aerial curtains rents were perceived, sometimes taking the form of regular arches, portals, and windows, through which began dimly to gleam the heads of camels 'indorsed'
Narrative and Miscellaneous Papers
It was solid oak, hard and formidable, shining gloss in the dimly lit kitchen.
Socially inept recluses isolated in dimly lit rooms devoid of furniture and warmth, lacking friends and family, hating their jobs and life in general are the usual way in which single people are portrayed.
They all ate the lamb, even the servants in the dimly lit kitchen.
The corridor opened into a T-junction in a groin vault serving as a landing for a broad, dimly-lit staircase.
I follow these fleeting figures and shapes down a dimly lit hallway, to a room nondescriptly marked "4".
This nigrescent little corridor opens onto a dimly lit dining room that has seven booths that seat four and two tables that seat two.
Between these, a narrow, winding rivulet-track of rugs leads up to the armchair of the happy bibliophile, who is to be seen dimly manifest amid clouds of tobacco smoke by the fireside.
These are spaces in which the spider feels at home: dusty and old fashioned, fusty and dimly lit.
Times, Sunday Times
Turning round, they could dimly make out two buggies, evidently in a race.
In the first dawn of my manhood the old painters of Italy had taught me their dangerous worship of the beauty that is more than mortal, but those images all seemed shadowy now, and floated before me so dimly, the one overcasting the other, that they left me no one sweet idol on which I could look and look again and say,
We entered a dimly lit dormitory like a tunnel under the eaves of the house.
Seminary Boy
Coloured cut outs of red hearts, and heart-shaped balloons, decorated the walls and roof in the dimly lit ballroom.
Dimly recalling the proprieties, she reluctantly drew away.
A Lady of Expectations
A lattice of thin white strands flashed dimly on the oak, forming a binding, blinking silvery spiderweb.
All the windows look on the street; the whole dwelling, in claustral fashion, is divided into rooms or cells of equal size, all opening upon a long corridor dimly lit with borrowed lights.
Dimly he recalled a spry, lame old fellow wearing a smart bowler.
Mira Sorvino stars in this dim-witted, dimly lit monster flick about gigantic cockroaches living in the New York subway system.
The room was dimly lit, with only a reading lamp casting its melancholy glow over the elegantly decorated room.
He dragged himself up the walk, dimly noticing that the front window was covered with condensation.
Irish dock laborers rubbed shoulders with the aldermen they helped elect in these dimly lit and male-dominated spaces.
On a muggy Thursday evening, the dimly lit downstairs bar was heaving with a restless, reckless kinetic energy; the boozed-up, spirit-slicked office throng collaborating on a prescription for the morning-after pill.
Restaurant review: Platform
From these, in a narrow and a dirty street devoted to such callings, Mr Wegg selects one dark shop-window with a tallow candle dimly burning in it, surrounded by a muddle of objects vaguely resembling pieces of leather and dry stick, but among which nothing is resolvable into anything distinct, save the candle itself in its old tin candlestick, and two preserved frogs fighting a smallsword duel.
Our Mutual Friend
She walks into the dimly lit room, staring at the bottles of potions and elixirs.
We had gone a good distance on a dimly lit road when a strong, foul and suffocating odour swarmed into and around our car.
Shadows and dimly lighted sequences possess great detail and clarity, with no signs of edge enhancement or digital compression artifacts present.
The footman in knee-breeches and powdered head, who had admitted us, led us without a word across the large hall, turned into a long corridor dimly-lit by tinted electric lamps, turned to the left, then to the right, then showed us into a small, comfortably-furnished room in which
The Four Faces A Mystery
He believes Dan infected him during a brief encounter six years before, which Dan only dimly remembers.
What, (though but feebly felt and dimly seen) -- what do we yet owe to Thee if Knowledge be now a Power; if MIND be a Prophet and a Fate, foretelling and foredooming the things to come!
Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
This property had a particularly Yin quality about it and was quite dimly lit even when the lighting was on.
The corridors were very dimly lit, and there was an ancient smell of musty decay.
She leaned sidewise across the footboard to blow out the lantern that had dimly lighted their way during the dark hours.
The rest of the chapel was dimly illuminated by the autumnal sun, which could scarce find its way through the stained panes of the small lanceolated window, which was its only aperture to the open air.
Anne of Geierstein
Not a raccoon nor a muskrat is the wayfarer likely to meet with here to-night; but the gray rat of civilization is to be dimly discerned, as he lopes along the gutters in his nightly prowl.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 121, November, 1867
I had decided to take no candle and, instead, rely on memory and the dimly lit wall sconces to make my way to the front door.
It is in such rare moments of revelation that a man realises dimly what it may mean for a woman dowered with the real courage and dignity of self-surrender to give herself to him; that he is vouch-safed a glimpse into that mystery of love, which cynics of the decadent school dismiss as "amoristic sentiment," a fictitious glorification of mere natural instinct.
The Great Amulet
Her footsteps echoed loudly as she shuffled across the foyer, dimly lit by the beams of moonlight lancing across the shiny floor.
The room was dimly lighted, with carpeting and well-padded chairs.
Zlotin used a key card to activate the metal door, which opened on to a dimly lit corridor.
When he came to again, he heard a confused murmur of talk about him, and grew dimly aware that his late antagonist was standing over him, panting still and slightly swaying, and that an officer, a young athlete, was saying rebukeful words.
A Daughter of the Sioux A Tale of the Indian frontier
The door opened and a bright light shone into the dimly lit room.
In the motorized wheelchair, boyish face dimly illuminated by a glowing computer screed attached to the left armrest.
William peeped through the curtained window into the dimly lit smoked filled room.
A cozy blanket drapes your lap, electric-blue shadows flicker in the dimly lit room.
I dimly recall that when they moved out, the original building took weeks to thaw out and they found some interesting aquatic life there.
Times, Sunday Times
The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp.
Late though it was, a dim light from the great East window fell in broad slabs of purple and green shadow across the grey; everything was indistinct; only the white marble of the Reredos was like a figured sheet hanging from wall to wall, and the gilded trumpets of the angels on the choir-screen stood out dimly like spider pattern.
The Cathedral
In the chilly, early hours of the morning in a dimly lit barn, two students are sitting up with a mare in foal.
Times, Sunday Times
For psychologists and behavioral economists, vacations are a window into the still only dimly understood mystery of human pleasure, a field known as hedonic psychology. Top Stories
I crossed through the dimly-lit smoky atmosphere and sat down at my normal booth in the furthest corner from the door.
Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
The worst ordeal was having to walk through dimly-lit corridors on my own to go to the gents.
Yang Caini is reincarnate " nocturnal goddess " , take the swing arsis that is being hanged in half sky to photograph photo, dimly discernible romance is full of mysterious breath.
“She was well on the road to recovery when suddenly she developed iritis inflammation of the iris in both eyes and had to remain several weeks in a dimly lit room,” May-ling wrote Emma.
The Last Empress
Now they were in a small corridor, dimly lit by burning lamps.
But the junior magistrate, a kind-hearted man, troubled at what seemed to him a certain sardonical disdain, lurking beneath the foundling's humble mien, and in Christian sympathy more distressed at it on his account than on his own, dimly surmising what might be the final fate of such a cynic solitaire, nor perhaps uninfluenced by the general strangeness of surrounding things, this good magistrate had glanced sadly, sideways from the speaker, and thereupon his foreboding eye had started at the expression of the unchanging face of the Hour Una.
The Piazza Tales
True to his word, officers had summoned them the night before into the open field, lit dimly by sidelights, to brief them on a full army exercise scheduled to take place the following afternoon.
But perhaps the more canny readers can indeed read backwards from these general remarks and dimly perceive the vestigial outline of the example which occasioned them.
He sprawled across it, gasping the oven-hot air into his mouth, aware of undergarments, sodden with sweat and muscles, athrob with bruises, dimly aware that he had better arise.
A Circus of Hells
Indeed, the dimly lit apartment is highly dramatic, with dark furniture, oversized lampshades and framed artwork by Salvador Dalí and H.R. Giger lining the walls.
In the grey-green water we could dimly see a large, pale body beneath the grey fin.
Tessa Skara, dressed in pink, was the first to take to the dimly lit stage.
They all ate the lamb, even the servants in the dimly lit kitchen.
Shadows and dimly lighted sequences possess great detail and clarity, with no signs of edge enhancement or digital compression artifacts present.
Though the shoreline could be dimly seen, it was impossible to judge how far away it was.
But the sky was dark, the tiny specks in the sky sparkling dimly in the pitch blackness.
I soon found an unconscious Charlie napping quite peacefully near a dimly lit grove.
There are over 300 cafes and bars in the centre of old Krakow, most of them tucked away in the vaulted, dimly-lit cellars of the grand houses and palaces around the main square.
The room was dimly illuminated by the soft glow of his bedside lamp.
It opened after three months of hard work that transformed the dimly-lit cellar and storerooms into a club that already has 200 members.
Farther back, through a dusty cloud, I beheld dimly the seventy-two preadamite kings, with their seventy-two peoples, forever passed away.
Masterpieces of Mystery In Four Volumes Mystic-Humorous Stories
Away in the direction of their looks I dimly see the outline of the pilgrim ship, a Cardiff coaler, which has brought close on a thousand Hájes from Port Saïd or
Life in Morocco and Glimpses Beyond
They emerged from the hatchway into a dimly lit place that hummed with the sound of strange machinery in operation.
Increasingly, our decision to buy is finessed, manipulated, and controlled by forces we are only dimly aware of.
Lighten Up
It appeared that he dimly perceived his time to go had come.
Rodinson wrote to unveil the secrets of a world dimly understood by Europeans, Derrida to expose the hidden contradictions and incoherencies of what seemed most transparent about the canons of Western thought.
The camera tracked around them portentously as they sat at glowing laptops in a dimly-lit smoky room and, bit by bit, revealed the purported secret of Christie's success.
It was in the tallest tower of the castle, and it was dimly lit.
We eventually migrated to a narrow, cobbled alleyway, an archaic space crammed with smartly dressed young people, the overflow from several dimly lit bars.
Upon entering the sanctuary, they processed down the aisle towards the altar, which was dimly lit with candles.
Nate followed the Petrov sisters though a dimly lit pathway to the porch and front door.
He was only dimly aware that it was raining.
Finally he pulls on his boots, slings the pack across one shoulder, and unbars the door, stepping into the dimly lit hall.
The Towers of the Sunset
Dimly through rubescent veils, the others in the hall could glimpse his white, frozen features, fixed in a grimace of torment.
Conan Of The Isles
A figure was dimly visible in the evening gloom.
In Mortal Coils, an interaction of oneiromancy and mediumism was embodied in multiple projections among slowly twisting ropes, as if something were dimly viewed while transpiring underwater or in a netherworld.
Clad in a brown leather jacket, the 72-year-old former Soviet colonel is hunkered in the back of the dimly lit Iron Gate restaurant in Washington, DC.
Finally, you arrive in the paint scraper aisle, a dimly lit gulag in the rear of the store.
Theodora swung her leather valise from the car boot into the dimly lit entrance hall.
But as he felt his way down the stairs, that were dimly lighted now, he knew he had all his senses with him, for he "spotted" and admired the lurking places that had been designed for undoing of the unwary, or even the overwary.
In The Time Of Light
These are spaces in which the spider feels at home: dusty and old fashioned, fusty and dimly lit.
Times, Sunday Times
She wondered, for the thousandth time, what a windlute was; yet much of beauty, much of beyondness, she sensed of this dimly remembered beautiful mother of hers.
I was near a dead man myself, that night, mostly in stupor, only dimly aware at times of the extremity of cold and wet that I endured.
Chapter 19
I dimly noticed that Jay refused both breakfast and dinner through silent shakes of his head while I ate them mechanically, never tasting them.
Within the narrow passages candles were placed along the walls, dimly lighting up the blood red stone.
She felt a hard crunch beneath her foot and wondered dimly if maybe she'd stepped on a pencil.
More than a hundred women were gathered in a dimly lit hall at the main United Nations compound in Farah, standing before me covered in the black veil, or chador, that is so common in western Afghanistan.
A Woman Among Warlords
Resembling a natural history museum, the dimly lit central gallery was lined with 13 steel-and-glass vitrines, each containing a weathered stone tablet.
Although on the main road the sun was shining brightly, under the trees the dooryards of the small houses were only dimly lit.
At the far end, this dimly lit corridor compresses itself so that your emergence into a luminous skylit dining room is all the more striking.
The bedside lamp glowed dimly.
She leaned sidewise across the footboard to blow out the lantern that had dimly lighted their way during the dark hours.
A figure was dimly visible in the evening gloom.
In itself, it is a great and travailing ocean, unsounded, unvoyageable, an eternal mystery to man; or, let us say, it is a monstrous and impassable mountain, one side of which, and a few near slopes and foothills, we can dimly study with these mortal eyes.
Lay Morals
These are spaces in which the spider feels at home: dusty and old fashioned, fusty and dimly lit.
Times, Sunday Times
Oh! Blessed rage for order, pale Ramon, The maker's rage to order words of the sea, Words of the fragrant portals, dimly-starred, And of ourselves and of our origins, In ghostlier demarcations, keener sounds.
The End of the Pier
A few aid agencies, charter airlines and the national carrier rattled around the dimly lit concourse.
See how the rotten beams are tumbling down, and how the patched and broken windows seem to scowl dimly, like eyes that have been hurt in drunken frays.
An internal light source emits a lambent umber glow so that, in the gallery's dimly lit corner in which it sits, it looks like a meteor that just cratered into the floor.
James Scarborough: "Stay Free© or Die: The Menstrual Hut Project," International City Bungalow Gallery, Long Beach, California
Liz pushed unbrushed hair away from her eyes and looked dimly at the clock.
A small table sat in the middle of a dimly lit room, candles and torches providing barely enough illumination for the six seated men to see.
The islands show dimly grey amid a welter of grey water, breaking angrily in short, petulant seas, which buffet boats confusedly and put the helmsmen's skill to a high test.
Priscilla's Spies
The light gradually faded out of the cavern, leaving only shards of broken ice twinkling dimly in the darkness.
Dimly he felt a flashback being playing like an old '40s news picture in the dark, cobwebbed corners of his mind.
This dimly-lit club-bar decked out with gold lamé, mirrors and candlelight has a giant suspended bird cage for the more exhibitionist dancers among you.
In the café - a dimly lit concrete shell - they served soto madura, a murky soup filled with unidentifiable animal parts.
Before entering the forest, we saw an impressive cell of mini thunderheads, gorgeously mauve and dimly aflicker from within, standing on the phony horizon like purple-robed clerics of Doom.
New Race
Wearing a bathrobe and sunglasses, a middle-aged man is sitting on a sofa in a dimly lit room reminiscing about an outrageous, hard-drinking friend.
It dimly reminded him of the last time he was on a shuttlecraft; however, he had not seen this one before.
The dark shape was still visible against a background of dimly lit beams.
It was plainly said, "Not that which goeth into a man's mouth, but that which cometh out of a man's mouth, defileth him," and therefore the question of baptizing the uncircumcised could only have arisen among men who, though they loved their Master and dimly felt the grandeur of his teaching, still did not understand the teaching itself very clearly.
The Kingdom of God Is Within You
Gathering all my courage, I pulled my head up to see nothing but a vast silhouette blended with the dark, and those two eyes that shined dimly in the reflected luminosity of my headlights stared back.
Inside was a wainscoted rough-raftered taproom, fronds strewn on its clay floor, dimly lit by sconced candles and the flames on the hearth.
Hokas Pokas
We are dimly aware there is something wrong.
The Sun
But quick-witted Mrs. Holmes guessed the word had been "waif" -- poor little waif, and she began dimly to comprehend the big-hearted, rough tent-man, who had tried to guard this little foreign maid from the ignorance and evil about her.
Stage Confidences
Zlotin used a key card to activate the metal door, which opened on to a dimly lit corridor.
The hallway was large, dimly lit, and sumptuously decorated, with a magnificent carpet covering most of the stone floor.
It is a chaotic warren of factories and homes where tanners beat large strips of leather and potters work at their wheels in dimly-lit rooms, while people cook, eat, sleep and bathe on adjoining pavements.
No matter how good they may look in a dimly lit room, there's something not quite right about wipeable clothing.
Times, Sunday Times
There was one staircase in the centre, dimly illuminated by torchlight, and it led to somewhere below.
In all schools, hallways were dark and most classrooms were dimly lit in an effort to save energy and money.
Christina dimly recalled the procedure.
Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children's bedroom.
Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens.
He lay as though upon a catafalque in the dimly lit room, while memories came to pay their respects.
In itself, it is a great and travailing ocean, unsounded, unvoyageable, an eternal mystery to man; or, let us say, it is a monstrous and impassable mountain, one side of which, and a few near slopes and foothills, we can dimly study with these mortal eyes.
Lay Morals
Guests step off the elevator into dimly lit halls, a dubious signature of Starckdesigned hotels.
What though it be only an azoic extract of intense potato, dimly tinct with sargasso and macaroni -- it has a pleasing warmth and bulk.
When the rain gentled, it was like softly flowing tears that seemed to be steaming in the half-light, falling on dimly glowing skin and turning to nothing more than morning mist.
Walk into a dimly-lit gallery and approach the welded steel device fitted with a battery of fan-shaped movie screens.
Stars of lower mass and luminosity, however, glow dimly with red light for billions of years: the redder the star is, the older it is.
And the moon dimly gleamed through the tempested air;
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The shadow moved forward into view, the moon's rays shining dimly upon it.
In making the "intrusiveness" argument, Cameron is probably drawing on a dimly remembered era in Tory folk memory when feminists bestrode the Earth.
Child benefit and binocular man
Babies are weak and vulnerable in the presence of huge shapes that they can only dimly perceive.
The camera slowly zooms out to show the dimly lit room and finally the back of the Don's head, and his hands.
Peaches and cream," she was called by the young men -- though softly and amongst themselves, for they were afraid of arousing the ire of the other girls, while they stood in awe of Genevieve, in a dimly religious way, as a something mysteriously beautiful and unapproachable.
Chapter 2
I won't say there was a sudden flash of insight but dimly I was becoming aware that there are lots of things to see if you take the time to look.
We slipped into our favourite burger joint and found a booth in a suitably dimly lit corner.
Times, Sunday Times
In the distance, thunder rumbled, and sheet lightning dimly lit the sky.
She was only dimly aware of the risk.
A few moments after he spoke, an elderly woman, glassy eyed from a trance, reeled uncontrolledly through the dimly lit room.
It was towards this corner of the place, dimly lighted by the reflection of a distant street lamp, that the gamin guided his two " brats .
It's cramped, poorly stocked and somehow dimly lit.
I was sitting on the desk staring out the window at the lights of Mainport and humming disjointed snatches of dimly remembered songs.
In the eye of fancy, she perceived the gleam of arms through the duskiness of night, the glitter of spears and helmets, and the banners floating dimly on the twilight; while now and then the blast of a distant trumpet echoed along the defile, and the signal was answered by a momentary clash of arms.
The Mysteries of Udolpho
The school are really piling the pressure on, and your child is giving a monologue, as a solitary spotlit figure against a dimly lit set.
Then, in the light of the dimly burning fire in the heart he went to her.
The love that is God ad intra consists precisely in how the Persons mutually inhere or indwell, which is something our minds can perceive only dimly and indirectly, by analogy, even as we are called to participate in it as children of God.
Archive 2006-12-01
Dimly it had dawned upon her more than once that Rags regarded certain speeches and ways of hers as "snobbish" -- speeches and ways which to her had seemed aristocratic.
Winnie Childs The Shop Girl
Zlotin used a key card to activate the metal door, which opened on to a dimly lit corridor.
His eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, illuminated by a single, heavily curtained window.
The stratum lucidum appears in section as a homogeneous or dimly striated membrane, composed of closely packed cells in which traces of flattened nuclei may be found, and in which minute granules of a substance named keratohyalin are present.
X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument
We are standing outside a dimly lit, ill-stocked supermarket in the midmorning rain.
Times, Sunday Times
It is true that the erroneousness and shallowness of this conception of his faith was dimly perceptible to Alexey
Anna Karenina
According to Christopher Drew of the New York Times, who visited Davis-Monthan where Air National Guard members handle the controls, the pilots sit unglamorously "at 1990s-style computer banks filled with screens, inside dimly lit trailers.
Tom Engelhardt: Terminator Planet
The dining table around which the family sits is lit but dimly by two lamps set in gleaming cupridium brackets, each affixed to a pillar, the two closest to each end of the table.
The Magi'i Of Cyador
We slipped into our favourite burger joint and found a booth in a suitably dimly lit corner.
Times, Sunday Times
As he tore through the riot, he dimly realized that the creatures without their torques were uniformly those from the Pravus alliance.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior
The generous owner of Le Vigneron had opened a dusty magnum from his dimly-lit vault.
The film noir narrative usually plays out not in the brightly lit kitchen of a comfortable home but at night in dimly lit back streets.
This, Author-friends, is the first book the wee infant Rejectionist ever fetched from the Adult Fiction Shelves of our local library, which were appropriately located in a dimly lit and somewhat cavernous back room, and we remember very distinctly the sense of Import we felt pulling this extraordinary volume off the towering shelf with our tiny hands.
Archive 2009-10-01
Always leaping before they look, the barely postadolescent blunderers of "Go" keep suffering dire consequences from dimly perceived causes.
In Milton's poem, Satan, even after his fall, dimly reflects his former glory.
Babies are weak and vulnerable in the face of huge shapes and loud noises that they can only dimly perceive.
A soft rustle of leaves dimly caught my attention.
Theodora swung her leather valise from the car boot into the dimly lit entrance hall.