
How To Use Diminishing In A Sentence

  • Public housing has been transformed into an ever-diminishing refuge of last resort.
  • Physical coercion is a power of diminishing returns. Positive Parent Power
  • The captain, having lost two brave fellows of his troop, was afraid of diminishing it too much by pursuing this plan to get information of the residence of their plunderer.
  • The country is preparing for an almost complete withdrawal of foreign troops and diminishing international aid that forms the bulk of its economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The above utility function also has the property of diminishing marginal utility for each commodity.
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  • Cleveland, had often mentioned him, without in any respect diminishing the insignificancy with which fame insinuated he had conducted himself in those amorous encounters: she nevertheless had the greatest curiosity to see a man, whose entire person, she thought, must be a moving trophy, and monument of the favours and freedoms of the fair sex. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • In a world of diminishing assets, being gay is arguably more moral than being straight.
  • God forbid that I should diminish France! But amalgamating Napoleon with her is not diminishing her.
  • From telecommuting to centralized support services to offshore productivity centers, physical location's role is diminishing in relevance.
  • She felt battered into numbness by the sustained assault on her diminishing reserves.
  • Maybe the influence of big-money clout is diminishing somewhat. Christianity Today
  • The propensity for people enriched by capital gains to borrow and spend is gradually diminishing.
  • This pattern suggests a logarithmic growth curve with progressively diminishing advantage in performance with age.
  • But when the orbits become very eccentrical, we must consider this force as momentarily affecting a comet's velocity, diminishing it as it approaches the perihelion, and increasing it when leaving the perihelion. Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
  • We have to find a way of diminishing their influence. The Sun
  • But his social position and status are rapidly diminishing. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • Hand-made saddles may be a diminishing requirement in an age of machining perfection, but Emma still keeps her hand in by constantly working on at least one, even though they are a very pricy item these days.
  • this is an implication of diminishing marginal utility of income.
  • The unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.
  • House price growth had begun to level out as a direct result of diminishing affordability.
  • I am not necessarily saying that your headaches will be cured, but they should be diminishing both in intensity and frequency. Banish Headaches -how to obtain fast, drug-free relief from headache
  • The nonius, never in common use, consisted essentially of forty-six concentric circles divided into quadrants by two diameters at right angles to each other, each quadrantal arc being divided into equal parts, the number of parts diminishing from ninety for the outermost arc to forty-five for the innermost. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • They are adventitious benefits, which for policy reasons are not to be regarded as diminishing the plaintiff's loss.
  • WASHINGTON - Barack Obama moved emphatically Wednesday to erase the legacy of the past eight years by calling a bevy of Mideast leaders, circulating a not-yet-released executive order to close the Guantanamo prison and deliberately diminishing the powers of his own presidency. Top Stories - Google News
  • Thus, for example, I have found that as oidium and phylloxera are more effective than severe punishments in diminishing the number of assaults and cases of unlawful wounding, so famine succeeds better than the strongest bars, or dogs kept loose in the prison yards, in preventing the escape of prisoners, who at such times are detained by the advantage of being supported at the public expense. Criminal Sociology
  • diminishing returns
  • After a certain time and a certain growth-rate peak, you reach a point of diminishing returns.
  • The unskilled section of the working class was diminishing as a proportion of the workforce.
  • Technologies that helped rescue developing countries from famine in the 1970s have reached the point of diminishing returns.
  • Thematically their interactions deal with alcoholism and the diminishing attractiveness of an aging woman.
  • With respect to its being an attenuative of viscid humours, it can never possess this virtue from being a diluent, for an attenuant acts _specially_ on the particles, by diminishing their bulk, while the diluent acts upon the whole mass of the fluid. A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves
  • There is evidence that, chiefly through the Divine blessing upon Renwick's faithful preaching, and his singular wisdom in council, those Societies increased, instead of diminishing, in the latter part of the prelatic persecution. The Life of James Renwick A Historical Sketch Of His Life, Labours And Martyrdom And A Vindication Of His Character And Testimony
  • Just in case a passing tourist might suddenly decide to impulse buy a poker-worked Alpenstock, a set of cowbells in diminishing sizes, or a Heidi doll in dirndl and plaits.
  • My bod is a nearly 62 year old cast of aging bones, slimming musculature, and diminishing mental and physical capacities. Three truths and a fib.
  • Physical coercion is a power of diminishing returns. Positive Parent Power
  • And when you finally discover the overwhelming fruitlessness of your efforts, how you are putting your life on the line for an ever-diminishing possibility of success, could you survive?
  • The fighting shows no signs of diminishing, despite partial and temporary ceasefires.
  • Living in a natural side-by-side situation offers the desired constructive co-existence which is diminishing with every new arrival of uninvited guests.
  • It fails to take account of the diminishing force of the Liberal Party.
  • Mostly in their fifties, the banañeros suffer from kidney failure, diminishing eyesight and bones that are weakening at the rate of octogenarians.
  • The potential momentum of diminishing privilege is so horrifying, they must handle it by reinventing the language of their enemy as their own.
  • Orchestras and opera companies battle on in the face of increasing evidence of public indifference and of diminishing investment.
  • Madame Tallien, who is supposed occasionally to dictate decrees to the Convention, presides with a more avowed and certain sway over the realms of fashion; and the Turkish draperies that may float very gracefully on a form like hers, are imitated by rotund sesquipedal Fatimas, who make one regret even the tight lacings and unnatural diminishings of our grandmothers. A Residence in France During the Years 1792 1793 1794 and 1795
  • Untangling the lies is good clean fun, but it takes a lot of energy, and the returns are diminishing now anyhow.
  • As a result of diminishing confidence and conflicting internal impulses, the organization inevitably falls into patterns of self-defeating organizational behavior.
  • However, down here, when I get a pill at double strength the price of the pill is usually almost doubled, therefore diminishing the benefits thereof. Statin meds in Mexico
  • Government had "juggled" some figures to suggest certain categories of crime were diminishing; displaced responsibility for crime prevention to citizens; and had blamed sociological factors, particularly South Africa's traumatic apartheid past, for the crime epidemic. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • As the aperture of light was diminishing he put his hand round the door jamb. A WORM OF DOUBT
  • It has been contended, however, by Prof. Helmholtz, that inappreciable as may be its effect within known periods of time, the friction of the tidal wave must be slowly diminishing the Earth's rotatory motion, and must eventually destroy it.
  • Second derivation is non-positive, (diminishing returns) 3, Tractable (continuous, derivatives of all orders) The Stern Swindle, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The remaining glumes _fourth_ to _seventh_ are borne by the rachilla, thinly chartaceous, broadly obcordate or obovate, gradually diminishing in size, purple-tinged, 3 - to 5-nerved, scaberulous. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Yet the divide between the two services makes diminishing sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is diminishing perspective, and works most effectively with identical or similar objects at different distances. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • Diagnosing people with pejorative labels elevates the therapist to a superior position while diminishing those who seek help. Dr. Peter Breggin: Empathic Therapy: An Emerging Field
  • Their body systems work less efficiently, with diminishing hormones and natural changes in body rhythms. Beat Jet Lag - arrive alert and stay alert
  • The cooperative has grown and thrives despite diminishing farm acreage across the country.
  • The principle of diminishing marginal utility is no less applicable to money than to other commodities.
  • The window of life for those who may have survived the initial earthquake and then the subsequent aftershocks, that is diminishing rapidly, but let's hope there are some miracles out there today, some other people that could get pulled out. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2010
  • John Baden writes, there is diminishing support for institutions that generate wealth rather than redistribute it...both positive and negative values increasingly converge and agglutinate. EconLog: Political Economy Archives
  • It is important to remember that every Defense dollar spent to overinsure against a remote or diminishing risk or, in effect, to run up the score in capability where the United States is already dominant is a dollar not available to take care of our people, reset the force, win the wars we are in, and improve capabilities in areas where we are underinvested and potentially vulnerable. Paranoid | ATTACKERMAN
  • When alcohol or any other substance, introduced into the blood, retards the tissue waste, as shown by the diminished amount of excretory products, it must do so by either diminishing the amount of free oxygen in the blood, by impairing the vasomotor and trophic nerve functions or by direct impairment of the properties of the nuclein or protogen elements of the blood and tissues. Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
  • The rapid growth of megachurches on the United States landscape shows very little sign of diminishing.
  • She gave a tribute to the common soldiers whom she felt were the true heroes of the war, selflessly diminishing the importance of her own sacrifice.
  • In these days of increasing self-advertisement and diminishing curiosity about the outside world – beyond the contents of our email inbox – the art of asking questions is in decline. Ideas for modern living: asking questions
  • The more common marine mammals that can be observed from the park, albeit with a diminishing frequency in recent years include pilot whale Globicephala melaena, minke whale Balaenoptera autorostrata, finback whale B. physalus (V) and harbour seals Phoca vitulina. Gros Morne National Park, Canada
  • DNA and other large biological molecules seem to use another mechanism similar to the so-called Khohlov-implosion of macromolecules, a kind of implosive diminishing of the size of the dissolved molecule where its hydrodynamic radius diminishes by a factor of 1000 or more. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • You do think more carefully about spending when you see it diminishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bond markets continued their untrammelled rally powered by reserve money expansion and fears of a conflict in the Gulf region diminishing.
  • The numbers of people on Earth will grow at an ever-diminishing rate, level off, then begin shrinking.
  • And indeed, I think of Gerry Ford as one of a small and diminishing group of what I call centrist Republicans, not necessarily liberal or conservative, but I think centrist. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2006
  • He also thinks that there also exists the problem of diminishing marginal utility in statistical activity, and the premise...
  • But this unhappy lad devoured his patrimony, when he kenned that he was living like a ratten in a Dunlap cheese, and diminishing his means at a’ hands. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • The remaining glumes _fourth_ to _seventh_ are borne by the rachilla, thinly chartaceous, broadly obcordate or obovate, gradually diminishing in size, purple-tinged, 3 - to 5-nerved, scaberulous. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Bryan and Tyler like the book, perhaps because for them the point of diminishing returns to this sort of cleverness is much farther away on the horizon. I am Not as Turned On, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • A law of diminishing returns applies to seed but not to pollen.
  • But to see them diminishing in splendor and numbers was a sorrowful thing. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • The strangely pleasant thing about this is that it reverses the law of diminishing returns.
  • Universities are facing grave problems because of diminishing resources.
  • Often couples find themselves with emotional intimacy but gradually diminishing sex lives or no sex at all.
  • The peasantry have long since disappeared, the independent shopkeeper is being destroyed, the small businessman is diminishing in numbers. The Lion and the Unicorn
  • The only thing to shake my belief in doorstep delivery is the diminishing number of electric milk floats. Times, Sunday Times
  • The propensity for people enriched by capital gains to borrow and spend is gradually diminishing.
  • I've indicated to the President of the Senate in correspondence that my confidence in the Clerk is fast diminishing.
  • But the backlog of questions and complaints is not diminishing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead the over-taxed, ripped-off and victimised motorist is forced by self-appointed traffic commissars into an ever-diminishing number of already clogged traffic arteries.
  • Anticipating criticism that he is making too big a change away from things that the Pentagon has traditionally LOVED spending money on, Mr. Gates said this: 'Every defense dollar spent to to overinsure against a remote or diminishing risk ... is a dollar not available to take care of our people.' ... Up Is Down: The Military Budget
  • The act or instance of gradually diminishing in brightness, loudness , or strength until actual disappearance occurs.
  • One effect of this sea change in the way the world works is the diminishing value of manual labor.
  • Both of these would have the effect of extremely diminishing the _effect_ of the measure in Ireland. Memoirs of the Court of George IV. 1820-1830 (Vol 1) From the Original Family Documents
  • I'm writing to say by god I agree with everything Former President Clinton said about how he was abandoned by flunky politicians, and that my blood also rises when I remember how shamefully he was treated - and not only him but also anyone he would want to protect were the prey of a lizard-like yet vicious pleasure the Republicans and gradually more Democrats took in diminishing him. Bill Clinton: 'The president needs your help'
  • This distinction between diminishing and non-diminishing qualifications has relevance to the analysis of reduplicative propositions. Diminishing and Non-Diminishing Qualifications
  • Macrobiotic nutritionists often recommend a few tablespoons daily of a sea vegetable like kombu, hiziki, wakame, arame or mekabu is all that is needed; however, "more" is not better -- these foods are concentrated minerals and there is a point of diminishing returns. William Spear: Radiation Emergency Measures You Can Take Now
  • The quality of her pure country voice shows no sign of diminishing. The Sun
  • Postmodernism could be regarded as diminishing the collective voice and experience of women, therefore encouraging disconnection.
  • Many koalas in our locality can no longer rely on areas of diminishing remnant bushland.
  • They are constantly diminishing the rights of non-citizens.
  • Well, I am testimony to what it is to be responsible yet my opportunities are rapidly diminishing....
  • This theory can help researcher mark out the right scope of the law of diminishing marginal utility and the point of external economies that is punished or not.
  • Balanced sonorities and evenness of metre direct listeners on a course of undiminishing grandeur that leads naturally to calmness in repose.
  • The differences between manual labour and mental labour are diminishing in some developed countries.
  • Fundamentalism attracts different class fractions across cultural locales in a common struggle against a diminishing or diminished social status, influence, and power.
  • And even within news broadcasts, solid reporting about serious subjects is diminishing.
  • Is that healthy, to be growing risk assets at a gangbuster rate while returns on those assets are diminishing?
  • The political campaign to change the name Persian Gulf to the "Arabian Gulf" began approximately 50 years ago, as part of a pan-Arab strategy aimed at diminishing the status of non-Arab influences in the Middle East, including that of Iran and Israel. Trita Parsi: What Do Google and Saddam Have in Common?
  • Importantly, animal experiments have exhausted resources that could have been dedicated to educating the public about health hazards and health maintenance, therein diminishing the incidence of diseases that require treatment. Sound Politics: Why Killing Lab Rats Is Good
  • The differences between manual labour and mental labour are diminishing in some developed countries.
  • So with the number of options diminishing, and last orders long since called, we reluctantly about-faced and came out the same way.
  • We do not pause here to represent the apparent inconsistency of desiring to de-citizenize a large number of intelligent members of the community, or the risk of creating a class in the republic forbidden to take any active interest in the renewals of its organization, or the impolicy of diminishing the force and courage of the popular will in its grapple with the problem of self-government; but all these comments may suggest themselves. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. XVI., December, 1880.
  • Then there was the fallout, as the dreams of growth vanished to leave only rapidly diminishing cash piles or large mountains of debt.
  • And growing prosperity has boosted the quality of life for workers, while dramatically diminishing the number of labor complaints.
  • Managed lands are restoring the bird's diminishing habitat of open grasslands, shin oak and understory brush such as sumac, buckeye and agarita. Chronicle
  • And growing prosperity has boosted the quality of life for workers, while dramatically diminishing the number of labor complaints.
  • Far from being inert, it takes in that which is found below and carries it skywards, serving as a base for other diminishing frontons that are set at the projection of the upper tiers.
  • Lancewood (Acacia shirleyi) and bullwaddy (Macropteranthes keckwickii) are found mostly in the east of the region, in scattered pockets of diminishing extent in the west, but do not extend to Western Australia. Victoria Plains tropical savanna
  • Much of this is to do with failing eyesight and a diminishing sense of taste and smell. Times, Sunday Times
  • She made a striking picture, Evelyn thought, with the great curve of her forecourse, which was still set, stretching high above the foam that spouted about her bows and tier upon tier of gray canvas diminishing aloft. Vane of the Timberlands
  • Physical coercion is a power of diminishing returns. Positive Parent Power
  • Their native language Is peculiar to themselves, but speak Mo - bilian; are employed, occasionally, by the inhab - itants as boatmen, &c.; in amity with all other people, and gradually diminishing in numbers. The debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States : with an appendix containing important state papers and public documents, and all the laws of a public nature; with a copious index; compiled from authentic materials
  • It was, after all, 1906, a time of growing, not diminishing, racial separation everywhere else.
  • Simply, glycosylation occurs when sugar molecules glucose floating around in our blood attach to protein molecules, diminishingtheir effectiveness and causing inflammation. You Staying Young
  • One more tragedy caused by the voracious appetites of men determined to consume all the diminishing resources of fish left in the seas.
  • When I last saw Jose, he was living in a West Side Manhattan housing project, scuffling for diminishing gigs.
  • I watched my hard-earned muscles atrophy and I knew my cardiovascular endurance was diminishing every day Although I felt depressed and frustrated, I knew I was lucky to be alive.
  • The ongoing debates over memorials, memoirs, and the diminishing possibilities of authentic memory are given erudite, expressive, and eloquent treatment.
  • With the shift toward commercial traffic plus diminishing federal support, most regional providers have to evolve to fill new roles.
  • The baby had been getting bigger gradually and my morning sickness was diminishing.
  • But his social position and status are rapidly diminishing. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • We have to find a way of diminishing their influence. The Sun
  • This is proved to be the marginal law of diminishing utility in mathematics, which has an economic law of an axiom, affecting all aspects of social and economic life.
  • Maybe the influence of big-money clout is diminishing somewhat. Christianity Today
  • Denial of Charter rights to one person, even with that person's express consent, may affect others, diminishing the superordinate social values we cherish and the integrity of the judicial process.
  • In fact, investors did suffer diminishing returns on their investments in the 1990s.
  • He grabs a box of china knickknacks and leads the diminishing crowd into the garage. Globe and Mail
  • That is the view of Geoff Mesher, a forensic accountant whose Transfer Tracker has been watching the diminishing trickle-down from the Premier League to the rest of the football pyramid with a wince. Chelsea's £50m deal for Fernando Torres worries Uefa | Digger
  • Now, in terms of the United States, I objected to your term 'diversify away' because we don't want to see a diminishing of trade with the United States. Harper: Evidence Still Points to Growth in Canada
  • As long as they applied to newly appointed rather than currently sitting judges, the proposals could not be understood as unconstitutionally diminishing jurists ' salaries.
  • A cold breeze chilled her instantly and she shivered, naked in a diminishing pool of water.
  • She has avenged the feud for your violent killing with hard hand clasps of Grendel yesternight for diminishing and destroying my people for so long.
  • It might have been made two or three, or even six times larger, without diminishing from the interest of any one of its pages -- _indeed with an increased interest_ -- but the want of the pecuniary means, and other considerations, have induced me to present it as here seen. The Narrative of Lunsford Lane, Formerly of Raleigh, N.C.
  • He has so many important things to say about the diminishing natural world, made more meaningful in these wasteful times. Times, Sunday Times
  • However good their intentions, they'd risk aggrandising themselves and diminishing or insulting their subject.
  • Over the past few decades Republicans have come to rely heavily on, and cater to, the Christian right as a key voting bloc, but they now face a problem we might term diminishing electoral returns. 40 More Years
  • What is apparent, on the other hand, is that the oral/aural use of the other languages is not diminishing.
  • But this is the land of the clans, of the Clearances, the land of the ever-diminishing Gaeltacht. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • Without diminishing their singularity or their achievement, I would still like to see them as each carrying forward an old and honourable tradition.
  • So I am not diminishing what she achieved, your Honour.
  • The legal system has not yet found ways to modernise procedures and cut costs without diminishing the quality of the service for consumers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sonic assault of rock music has reached a point of diminishing returns.
  • Mrs. Clinton did appear to make progress Saturday in diminishing fears that China might use its monopoly over rare-earth materials as a political weapon against Japan and other competitors. Clinton Presses Beijing on Koreas
  • And then suddenly, the pain was gone, diminishing from whence it came; she fell lax in his arms, her eyes closed in a state of dormancy.
  • The world's resources are rapidly diminishing.
  • It can feel pretty diminishing when an established figure in literature, or even some schmo on the sidewalk, snubs horror as a lesser art. Archive 2009-03-01
  • A little before camping we saw a herd of nimba, or pallah; I had the good fortune to shoot one, which was a welcome addition to our fast diminishing store of dried meats, prepared in our camp on the How I Found Livingstone
  • To call a person ‘Evil’ or a ‘Monster’ only has the effect of dehumanising the crime itself, diminishing the responsibility of a society in dispensing apt punishment.
  • But it is also overcooked and frenetic, with some visual tricks and gimmicks repeated often enough to induce a diminishing return of novelty and effect.
  • When the comptroller-general proposed to the king to abolish privileges, and assess the impost equally, renouncing the twentieths, diminishing the gabel, suppressing custom-houses in the interior and establishing provincial assemblies, Louis XVI. recognized an echo of his illustrious ministers. A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6
  • They are focused solely on keeping their diminishing base together, knowing that if Bush loses much more support their little cabal will come completely unglued, meaning long prison sentences for the lot of them. Think Progress
  • Central Command can mount these operations - sending armored forays into the city - because organized resistance is diminishing.
  • To which I'd add that, to all intents, the term diminishing spare production capacity can be used interchangeably with peak oil. Energy Bulletin -
  • This is diminishing perspective, and works most effectively with identical or similar objects at different distances. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • After he had told me that the workers had to furnish their own tools, brads, "grindery," cardboard, rent, light, and what not, it was plain that his thirty bob was a diminishing quantity. FRYING-PAN ALLEY AND A GLIMPSE OF INFERNO
  • Entrepreneurs jumped in, and for a while cheaper knock-offs supplied the diminishing demand.
  • The circumvented brokers and weighmen envisioned the declining fruit trade would also be reflected in diminishing Peshawar municipal octroi receipts. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • The ghost of Bill Totts had been successfully laid, and Freddie Drummond with rejuvenescent zeal tackled a brochure, long-planned, on the topic of "diminishing returns. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • Saying that God assumes human form makes God small, diminishing both His unity and His divinity.
  • The Interserve export story is equally applicable to the diminishing band of British consulting engineers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The distance between her and the trees scarcely diminishing. Somewhere East of Life
  • Now, the impact of the tax cuts is diminishing and interest rates are expected to go up.
  • Yet there is no diminishing of the compositional or coloristic energy he applies to his round-the-house renderings of family, friends and domestic animals.
  • Instances are not unknown, when all is said and done, of apostatic sexual union not only not diminishing Judaism but actually enhancing it. Kalooki Nights
  • But his social position and status are rapidly diminishing. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • In the hills outside, a rifle shot echoed over and over, diminishing from rim to rim.
  • However, adding a cryoprotective step, when transferring the recorded cells to the high pressure freezing apparatus, gave a better freezing quality by diminishing the occurrence of ice formation and damages. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It consists of little more than seven arches, diminishing in height away from the center, decorated with alternating projecting voussoirs.
  • It can assist in diminishing the effects of an asthma attack and is an integral part of the childbirth process.
  • Those of you familiar with the mathematics of an exponential curve will note, however, that it is one of diminishing returns.
  • _erythrin_, which acts upon the central nervous system, diminishing its normal functions even to the point of abolishment, without modifying motor excitability or muscular contractility. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • It was, after all, 1906, a time of growing, not diminishing, racial separation everywhere else.
  • Immunofort is indicated also as coadjutant treatment in patients with cancer, raising the natural defenses of the organism to combat cancerous cells and diminishing the side effects of conventional anticarcinogenic treatments.
  • He was confined to a wheelchair after that, and the confinement contributed to the diminishing of his body and spirit.
  • And the law of diminishing returns applies. The Sun
  • He has so many important things to say about the diminishing natural world, made more meaningful in these wasteful times. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the hills outside, a rifle shot echoed over and over, diminishing from rim to rim.
  • However, growing one's business exclusively on search is a game of diminishing marginal returns after a few years.
  • But it doesn't take a crystal ball to figure out the diminishing returns involved in planning programmes around such disposable performers.
  • The ghost of Bill Totts had been successfully laid, and Freddie Drummond with rejuvenescent zeal tackled a brochure, long-planned, on the topic of “diminishing returns.” SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • Katie Lynch from Fenit and Castlemaine man Dan Keating have joined the rapidly diminishing but elite Kerry band of centenarians and they both marked their special occasions by getting into party mode.
  • Yet the divide between the two services makes diminishing sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be easy to make these cuts by diminishing the service we give customers.
  • The drop in inhibin B levels reflects the diminishing number of follicles left for future development in the ovary.14 As the number of follicles available to develop decreases below the level necessary for ovulation, ovulation stops. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • So with the number of options diminishing, and last orders long since called, we reluctantly about-faced and came out the same way.
  • As Cal's mind wasn't taxed enough with a diminishing acedemic regimen this year, a girlfriend (Jodi) with more emotional baggage than your favorite angst-ridden perfectionist, buddies with greater aspirations towards sleep, drink, and getting laid than anything else, and growing hostilities with his professors. Archive 2009-10-01
  • I bit my tongue, but I believed that this cover policy succeeded in diminishing the appeal and significance of the Book Review, one of the Times's signature sections. My Times
  • The draining, indeed, has made it more comfortable to walk about on, and some of the rougher grasses have gone from the furrows, diminishing at the same time the number of cardamine flowers; but of these there are hundreds by the side of every tiny rivulet of water, and the aquatic grasses flourish in every ditch. The Life of the Fields
  • Exodus begins on the steadily diminishing island of Wing, bombarded by seas given velocity by global warming.
  • This piece of the cable is the largest and heaviest ever made, weighing above twenty tons to the mile, and measuring 2½ in. in diameter, at the shore end, but diminishing gradually, in the last 500 yards outwards, to the ordinary size of the main deep-sea cable, with which it has been joined. The Laying of the Atlantic Telegraph Cable
  • The days of the long batch window where databases can be offline for extended periods to perform nightly processing are diminishing.
  • Removing or diminishing support now would be more akin to violently smothering someone in their sickbed than simply letting them die ‘gracefully.’
  • As a result, arteriolar sphincters constrict, diminishing the blood flow and further lowering tissue temperature. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • By contrast, in analagous non-union jobs, there are those confronted with far fewer opportunities, and I really fail to see how diminishing the economic opportunities and increasing their vulnerabilities gives them “more opportunities.” Matthew Yglesias » McConnell’s Middle Class

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