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How To Use Diluted In A Sentence

  • The circulating nurse instills tetracaine hydrochloride drops to decrease the burning sensation of the diluted povidone-iodine solution.
  • Existing shareholders are less diluted. Times, Sunday Times
  • A team of chemists found that when certain substances are diluted in water, the molecules clump together instead of getting further apart, as common sense would suggest.
  • He fixed her with a mildly reproving glance which diluted quickly into a fond grin.
  • It can be sprayed directly onto a surface for extreme malodors, or diluted with water and sprayed.
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Master English with Ease
  • The amethyst is a brilliant transparent stone of a purple colour resembling that of diluted wine and varying in shade from the violet purple to rose. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • In 1740, British Admiral Vernon (whose nickname was ‘Old Grogram’ for the cloak of grogram which he wore) ordered that the sailors’ daily ration of rum be diluted with water.
  • Her blood has diluted and cooled itself to a crystalline, life-giving wine. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Mr Preston favours sheep droppings matured in a barrel and diluted to the colour of weak tea!
  • The standards have been so diluted and make class action so much easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a natural fog that acid would become diluted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effects of 10 years of Gordon Brown, with the prospect of a few more in undiluted form, have been felt by the British in more ways than one ... And Now The End is Near ...........
  • Powerful scenes closely reflecting events in the author's own life are diluted by her wordy and overemphatic commentary. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are simply diluted doses of drugs made for and tried out on adults. The Sun
  • undiluted milk
  • Existing shareholders are less diluted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effect is emotionally diluted and unpoetic. Times, Sunday Times
  • What we have witnessed more recently has been the collapse of some financial edifices which have shown the worst aspects of pure, undiluted greed.
  • Four microliters of the diluted mix were used as template for the preselective amplification reaction using primers with one selective nucleotide at the 3'-end.
  • Old time gun makers stained their stocks with aqua fortis, a combination of nitric acid diluted with distilled water and iron filings.
  • Then she did it a second time, less diluted, and landed in hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same runoff going into the river, diluted with 73 percent less water, would have seriously deteriorated water quality until it was unfit for human contact.
  • Even the best medicine, if too diluted, may readily be overwhelmed by stronger counteragents.
  • A diluted apple juice addiction that soothed them as soon as they gripped the handles As they got older, they moved on to the juice box -- six ounces of fruit-flavored heroin housed in a plastic coated box complete with precious straw. Wendy Sachs: Snack Food Nation: How Kids Are Conditioned to Snack
  • The main components of the picture are masked off using liquid masking fluid diluted with water.
  • He said China's insurance market was showing signs of a slowdown this year but was still confident that it will be able to achieve its 2004 profit target of at least 2.76 billion yuan, or 45 fen per share on a pro forma diluted basis.
  • Then take some finely powdered fluate of lime (fluor spar,) strew it even over the glass plate upon the waxed side, and then gently pour upon it, so as not to displace the powder, as much concentrated sulphuric acid diluted with thrice its weight of water, as is sufficient to cover the powdered fluor spar. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 284, November 24, 1827
  • The effect of this policy has now been considerably diluted.
  • They consist of giving injections or drops of small quantities of the offending foods, well diluted. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • Now on the other hand, the English iambic tetrameter is a hesitating, loose, capricious form, always in danger of having its opening semeion chopped off, or of being diluted by a recurrent trimeter, or of developing a cadential lilt. The Strange Case of Pushkin and Nabokov
  • The liquid is then diluted.
  • If, for the sake of argument, we were to adopt this diluted interpretation of the verb "foreknow" in Rom. 8: 29, we are not to readily conclude that what we call the particularistic exegesis would have to be abandoned and the absolute sovereignty of God in the matter of election to life be eliminated. Possessing the Treasure
  • Mostly these are 2 part developers, which are mixed together and diluted for use.
  • In that case, the founders' shareholdings would be diluted to 20.9 per cent each, while this would be diluted to 4.4 per cent.
  • In practice, it was the spaces in between the scant few megastructures that were built that diluted the concept; too large to accommodate themselves into the existing fabric of city living, yet not distinct enough to act as attractors.
  • The problem is that the sheer quantity of football on the telly has diluted the overall quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • Joseph is for the child in all of us, not so hot on depth or meaning but boiling with concentrated, undiluted, unadulterated fun.
  • The mother tincture is precisely diluted again, and shaken (‘succussed’).
  • Analytical methods which will work on undiluted, individual ingredients may not work well on finished products containing other non-herbal ingredients or excipients.
  • He told us that the native, when he wishes to catch one alive, goes forth with his blowpipe and arrows tipped with diluted woorali poison. The Wanderers Adventures in the Wilds of Trinidad and Orinoco
  • The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.
  • For, let it be conceded that the solution of any Ghatti leaving an insoluble residue is a mixture of arabin and metarabin in the same ratio as our "maximum" solution, only more diluted with water, then from the found viscosity we obtain a point on the curve for dilution, which gives the percentage of dissolved matter. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Flush contaminated area with large quantities of cool water or a diluted baking soda solution and expose the area to fresh air as soon as possible.
  • Two CFV are applied along the main channel and the sampling one in the system to assure the fixed ratio of the volume of the analyzed sample to the volume of total diluted emission.
  • Hip-Hop artist, QuestLove, draws stark parallels between Fela's life and music and the rebellion, raw and undiluted, that is evident in hip-hop. Kirsten West Savali: The Life and Legacy of Fela Kuti
  • What we have today is a diluted bill that does nothing to repeal anything.
  • Mind you the title swallow diluted the fun of the ad-Breakfast would have done. Swallow
  • The inquiry is met with a roar of undiluted enthusiasm.
  • PP6100 is made of the imported raw material with excellent dispersion characteristics. The compound can be diluted with 50% virgin resin.
  • They consist of giving injections or drops of small quantities of the offending foods, well diluted. Alternative Health Care for Women
  • The effect of this policy has now been considerably diluted.
  • Existing shareholders are less diluted. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the back terrace Wilshere sat alone at the small table smoking and drinking undiluted whisky from a tumbler. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • The first step is usually the application of a bond coat - simply applying the undiluted polymer bonding agent liberally to the surface of the existing material.
  • They are simply diluted doses of drugs made for and tried out on adults. The Sun
  • It would have diluted everyone's stake, but it would have run the company during the crisis.
  • For his part, Parker contends he is responsible for nothing more than elevating the overall quality of wines by penalizing those who fashion overcropped, diluted, substandard wine marketed as liquid sunlight behind the banner of a famous château’s crest. Investing in Liquid Assets
  • Our hearts were wrung at this wretched sight and we longed to help; we even thought of giving it part of a drop of chlorodyne much diluted, but, fortunately for us, dared not do so, for my husband said to them, 'I do not think the child will live long.' Southern Arabia
  • He added that it is wrong to assume that South Africans will be dominating the the merged entity as the shareholding is diluted by 22.7%.
  • Though most of these meanings are admittedly not approbative, the first sense, ‘undiluted,’ may carry with it the suggestion of primal energy.
  • It is not patriotism, that is to say undiluted concern for the nation as a whole, which leads some of the modern Egyptians to prefer an entirely native government to the Anglo-Egyptian administration now obtaining in that country: it is restlessness; and I am fortunately able to define it thus without the necessity of entering the arena of polemics by an opinion as to whether that restlessness is justified or not justified. The Treasury of Ancient Egypt Miscellaneous Chapters on Ancient Egyptian History and Archaeology
  • Never decant diluted household and garden products into lemonade or orange-juice bottles.
  • Homeopathy (use of diluted???) -- has origins associated with "hormesis" where dilute [but measurable] quantities of poisons were found to be effective treatments for some things. Planet Atheism
  • The original experiments reconstituting GroEL-GroES-mediated protein folding were carried out under "nonpermissive" conditions, where the chaperonin system was absolutely required and substrate proteins could not achieve the native state if diluted directly from denaturant into solution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences current issue
  • Inclusion of later years into the cumulative lifespan measure diluted the effect.
  • Grain can be painted into the wood with a soft No.4 artist's brush and India ink diluted with rubbing alcohol.
  • For indisposition of any kind, 3 tablespoons diluted with water can be taken.
  • The right to vote can neither be denied outright nor destroyed by alteration of ballots nor diluted by stuffing ballot-boxes.
  • Regarded as one of the most credible award processes in India and abroad, I am proud to be associated with IIFA for the past six years and my commitment remains undiluted.
  • He soon diluted his rousing speeches to become more pragmatic, a move that garnered a broader support platform that enabled him to take 61 per cent of the vote in last October's presidential elections.
  • Existing shareholders are less diluted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divorcing it of its context would strip away much of that heady period glamour to produce a diluted facsimile - even with slavish adherence to the original scripts.
  • In 2002, the company achieved record sales and net earnings of $17.7 billion and $3.2 billion, respectively, with diluted earnings per share of $2.06, excluding nonrecurring charges.
  • In this process, liquids are diluted (with water or ethanol) and shaken by ten hard strikes against an elastic body ( "succussion"), to get the next, succeeding higher potency. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • I don't want it to be diluted by prattling around with this kind of nonsense!
  • She diluted the milk with water.
  • Highly saturated with pigment, brights are not diluted with black or white.
  • In a thick Mancunian accent, undiluted despite his living in Scotland for 30 years, he fires off a question: ‘Have you ever been to Old Trafford?’
  • But there you have it, the first, undiluted stuff that emits from a pregnancy-induced fog. I Am The Cheese | Her Bad Mother
  • You can brush, trowel, throw, squirt, drip or pour paint onto a canvas, or stain it with diluted medium.
  • But time has clearly diluted its adventurous edge, and some of its elements feel merely quirky.
  • The sections were developed at 37°C for ~4 h in the same buffer with nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) and 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-phosphate (BCIP) diluted 1 / 50 from the stock solution (Roche Diagnostic). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Supplies for the project included a 10’ x 36’ strip of muslin for each child, diluted fabric paints in a variety of colors, fiberfill, puffy paints, assorted buttons, felt, leather scraps and tacky glue.
  • Existing shareholders, buying at the present much higher price, would be diluted to dust. Times, Sunday Times
  • CD & R and EMS valued the deal at $2.9 billion, which includes diluted shares and exchangeable units but doesn't include the assumption of $300 million in debt. Clayton Dubilier Set to Buy EMS
  • All fatty beverages -- _bouillon_, unskimmed milk, chocolate, or cacao -- and all alcoholics, are hurtful; breakfast tea is undoubtedly the best beverage, but, after a little, is advantageously replaced by light white wine diluted with water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • It got so bad that Japan's Fair Trade Commission reported last summer only about one-third of the country's hot springs inns use pure, undiluted water from its natural source.
  • The government's new law on wage and price control is diluted with exceptions.
  • The problem is that the sheer quantity of football on the telly has diluted the overall quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pretreatment of wood fibers applied using diluted HCl to convert carboxyl groups to carboxyl acids.
  • Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.
  • It was the final moment during which adult entertainment had the undivided attention and undiluted respect of the world.
  • When you go to church, it's a hollow, diluted dumbshow: when I go to church, every gesture aches with meaning and immanence.
  • The drying step is performed after using a 0.02% diluted uranyl acetate solution for fixing the DNA molecules in their conformations.
  • Bass in particular are known to favour areas where the salinity of the salt water has been diluted by the fresh water.
  • The offer includes 2.99 lakh equity shares for employees and the net issue of 57 lakh shares to public would constitute 31.68 per cent of fully diluted post issue paid-up capital of the company, it said.
  • What act of forgiveness was not diluted by the endless range of cause and effect through which it traveled?
  • Future investment returns may be diluted if the emergency measures stoke inflation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.
  • To prevent this, the wastewater must be released below the ocean surface, where it can mix and be diluted with ocean water before coming into contact with the atmosphere.
  • His stake will be diluted to 6 percent from 7. 6 percent.
  • I would rather Zander gave us his own vision undiluted.
  • Its calculation and disclosure includes the basic earning per share and the diluted earning per share.
  • With the exception of the wigs and the wardrobes - recreated by a team of 52 talented milliners, stylists and tailors - this is quite a dull and diluted effort.
  • The Hungerstraf I found to consist of confinement to a bedless and fireless barrack on a diet of pure and undiluted water. The Memoirs of a Swine in the Land of Kultur
  • Syra is diluted with water and ingested or used as a marinade or preservative for meat and other food.
  • I felt like I'd just drunk a bottle of undiluted sunflower oil by the end of it.
  • This material was available to epibenthic consumers, although it was more diluted with other detrital matter with increasing down-estuary distance.
  • Blocker diluted the ferociousness of his sport and made the March date sound like a game of checkers. Elliot Worsell: UFC's Jones and Evans: Good Friends, Better Enemies
  • The electrical conductivity of Middle East Atmospheric Residue (ME-AR) diluted by n-heptane was continuously measured, and the mass fraction normalized conductivity of ME-AR was calculated.
  • Slides were incubated with 1:16 diluted patient's sera and stained with fluorescein conjugated rabbit antihuman IgG antibodies.
  • Auntie's piety was not of the niggerish kind, even Zoe, "The Octoroon," or any other woman or man in whose veins courses the blood of Ham four times diluted, knows that I mean it was not that glory-hallelujah variety of cunning or delusion, compounded of laziness and catalepsy, which is popular among the shouting, shirt-tearing sects of plantation darkies, who "git relijin" and fits twelve times a year. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866
  • Men tend to drink diluted alcohol such as beer but women drink stronger wine or gin. The Sun
  • Natural Light was "flavorless"; Michelob Ultra was simply "bland"; Coors Light was "blah" though it did have the slightest hint of sweetness, as if an ounce of (bad) ginger ale had been diluted with pint of club soda. No Bottoms Up: Light Beer Sales Are Sagging
  • The aim is to develop epoxy systems that can be diluted in water - for ease of cleaning - without compromising chemical resistance and cure rate.
  • Salts and PDB above diluent threshold concentrations inhibit the effect of antimicrobial peptides on the germination of conidia, therefore all these quantitative assays were performed in a 50-fold diluted modified PDB.
  • Leftover parsley can be added to chicken or beef broth that has been diluted and put in your ice cube tray.
  • A team of chemists in Korea found that when certain substances are diluted in water, the molecules clump together instead of getting further apart, as common sense would suggest.
  • Then she did it a second time, less diluted, and landed in hospital. Times, Sunday Times
  • The diluted tusche dries to resemble ` toad-skin’ washes usually found in zinc-plate lithography.
  • In contrast to an undiluted probe surface, the hybridization signals exhibited a tendency of monotonic decrease with increasing ionic strength.
  • These were given an aged appearance by dunking rice paper into a heavily diluted mixture of food dye and water.
  • This includes a cartridge containing methanol that is diluted to a 20 percent to 30 percent concentration to produce power in the fuel cell.
  • Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.
  • After 6-7 days at 28°, mosquitoes were triturated in undiluted fetal bovine serum at a concentration of 35 mosquitoes/ml serum.
  • It treated primary and secondary tobacco smoke as identical though the latter is clearly diluted by contact with the surrounding environment.
  • Locally, the use of mouth-washes, such as chlorate of potash or black wash diluted with lime-water, the insufflation of powdered iodoform and borax with Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • But unless you've got someone to guide you safely back to your welcoming bed, steer clear of the local hooch - ouzo - the Greek spirit flavoured with aniseed consumed diluted with water.
  • The interesting thing is you can get what I call bargain Botox, where it's less expensive, but I think your viewers should be concerned about that because oftentimes, the Botox is diluted. CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2002
  • The problem is that the sheer quantity of football on the telly has diluted the overall quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an unusual reaction to a deal that will see existing holders heavily diluted unless they stump up to support the fundraising. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thereafter the excess barbotine becomes diluted in the tank 11 and is discharged through the outlet 30 in order to be regenerated and recycled.
  • Extraction solutions were then diluted to the optimal range for the ion concentration measurement.
  • Then, the eluate was diluted to a final concentration of 0.1% SDS with lysis buffer and immunoprecipitation was repeated with the supernatant with fresh beads and antibody. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In wilder habitats, bird diversity is higher, the potential source of infection is diluted and people are better protected. Times, Sunday Times
  • Washington is a town where balletomania is more diluted than in other national capitals like Paris, London, Moscow and Copenhagen.
  • Homeopathy involves treating illnesses with such extreme dilutions of herbs, animal substances and chemical compounds that frequently not one molecule of the diluted substance is left in the solution.
  • They are simply diluted doses of drugs made for and tried out on adults. The Sun
  • But unmixed hydromel, rather than the diluted, produces frothy evacuations, such as are unseasonably and intensely bilious, and too hot; but such an evacuation occasions other great mischiefs, for it neither extinguishes the heat in the hypochondria, but rouses it, induces inquietude, and jactitation of the limbs, and ulcerates the intestines and anus. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • The fluid has boiled, but is largely undiluted by groundwater.
  • Sodium nitrite is dissolved in distilled water and diluted to volume.
  • Miller, in one his notes described this subject as: “Tribes of Indians encamp here 3 or 4 times a year, bringing with them peltries to be traded or exchanged for dry-goods tobacco, vermillion, brass and diluted alcohol.” "Sentimental Journey: The Art of Alfred Jacob Miller" on display in Fort Worth
  • I'État dilué (Chemical equilibria in gaseous systems or strongly diluted solutions), which dealt with this theory of dilute solutions. Jacobus H. van 't Hoff - Biography
  • Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.
  • As Americans, we are used to drinking pots of weak coffee, diluted with milk and sugar.
  • The cooled, clear digest was diluted to 20 ml with distilled water, filtered, and aliquots were taken for analyses.
  • A thin trickle of blood from the rapidly swelling bruise blurred to pale pink, diluted by the pounding rain.
  • Be careful when making very dark salts; until they are diluted in your bathwater they may stain light-colored towels and clothing.
  • A consequence for investors is that earnings are being diluted as more shares are issued.
  • That water flows into the Sacramento River, where it is further diluted by water from Shasta Dam.
  • But he lived onto propound his extraordinary theory of "potentiality" -- that medicines gained strength by being diluted -- and his even more extraordinary theory that all chronic diseases are caused either by the itch, syphilis, or fig-wart disease, or are brought on by medicines. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • Her Irish accent, after thirty-odd years in London, is undiluted.
  • The contentiousness also reached Washington, where the Justice Department approved the plan although staff lawyers concluded that it diluted minority voting rights.
  • Earnings can be calculated with shares outstanding, or it can be fully diluted, and it can also include or exclude extraordinary items.
  • Manangatang (n.) - the shrivelling of one's tongue as a direct result of consuming undiluted powered orange beverage mix. THE SCATTERHEART SMALLTOWN COMPETITION
  • Bryan was a vulgar and common man, a cad undiluted.
  • The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.
  • Her skin was a glowing negative, an undiluted black like my hair, but her tresses were braided into a cornrow pattern as intricate as a maze. Silver Zombie
  • Paint the horizon pale green with diluted colouring, and little black seagulls in the sky if liked.
  • But its antiseptic properties also make it very useful in the home - apply after shaving or waxing to prevent ingrowing hairs, and use undiluted on minor cuts, burns, athlete's foot, bites, stings and cold sores.
  • In this way the apparently active and positive concept of consent is diluted to the point of near vacuity.
  • Place the end in a bucket of diluted iodophor solution. SECRETS FROM THE MASTER BREWERS
  • The quality of the book is diluted by the bad writing.
  • The residue was diluted with water 200mL and dichloromethane 200mL, acidified with 6M HCl (30mL), shaken and separated. Org Prep Daily
  • Continue adding the remaining peeled tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce and diluted tomato pasta to the braciola in small amounts over the next 1/2 hour.
  • A number of experimenters and sanitation facilities have been extracting gas from sewage for years now, but it's diluted so much that the process is slow.
  • Mrs. Blackwell writes her teasingly about what she calls her obtuseness, going straight ahead with her work, never knowing when she was snubbed or defeated, giving the undiluted doctrine to people without ever perceiving their frantic efforts to escape, and ignoring all the humorous features of the campaigns. The Life and Work of Susan B Anthony 01
  • Hence it is best when it can be recently taken from a patient in the disease; or otherwise it may be diluted with part of a drop of warm water, since its fluidity is likely to occasion its immediate absorption; and the wound should be made as small and superficial as possible, as otherwise ulcers have been supposed sometimes to ensue with subaxillary abscesses. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Another: Having scraped off the rind of the most tender roots of the wild vine, which some call psilothrion, boil in a dark austere wine undiluted; then having pounded, apply as a tepid cataplasm; but mix also flour and stir it up with white wine and oil in a tepid state. On Fistulae
  • The standards have been so diluted and make class action so much easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper describes a procedure for recovering hesperidin from the waste water of orange juice processing, namely, yellow water, by concentration of diluted extracts on styrene-divinylbenzene resin.
  • The perfumes are diluted in vegetable oils.
  • He tried out the Helen Frankenthaler technique of staining raw canvas with diluted paint.
  • Paradoxically, the essential capabilities are diluted by the too early use of computers and calculator. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can remember echoes of that Presbyterian morality in Scotland as late as the 1980's and think they probably exist still today in very diluted form.
  • Additionally, for the students, the potential stress of working with a new material or in a new technique is counterbalanced by the undiluted fun of trying to create a beaked bull or a jewel-encrusted woodpecker.
  • The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.
  • But unless you've got someone to guide you safely back to your welcoming bed, steer clear of the local hooch - ouzo - the Greek spirit flavoured with aniseed consumed diluted with water.
  • Until you get both of those things firmly entrenched in your understanding of the Bible storyline, you will always come out with a diluted cross. Christianity Today
  • If you choose to do nothing, your shareholding will be diluted thanks to the extra shares issued.
  • We present elastic and inelastic incoherent neutron scattering data from a series of trehalose glasses diluted with glycerol.
  • I grew up in some of the more remote parts of Scotland with undiluted access to history and myth amid standing stones, cairns, tombs and ruins.
  • There, too, we met a match for sighing Orlando, -- mirrored in the water; there, too, some diluted Jaques may have "moralized" the excursion for next day's "Courier," and some lout of a Touchstone (there are always such in picnics) passed the ices, made poor puns, and won more than his share of the smiles. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 73, November, 1863
  • Birdsong and rebirth and the sheer undiluted delight of living creatures awaking to face another day.
  • As an additional means of secrecy, the messages may be transmitted invisibly, by moistening the paper with diluted muriatic acid alone, the writing being rendered legible by a solution of prussiate of potass. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • Take the raw embryous membrane, prepared as stated, steep it for an hour in spirits of wine diluted with twice its volume of water, and renew this liquid several times until the dextrine, glucose, coloring matters, etc., have been completely removed. Scientific American Supplement, No. 275, April 9, 1881
  • The stronger or less diluted the spirit is taken, the sooner it seems to destroy, as in dram-drinkers; but still sooner, when kernels of apricots, or bitter almonds, or laurel-leaf, are infused in the spirit, which is termed ratafia; as then two poisons are swallowed at the same time. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Every once in a while Spade is able to raise a few smirks with his off-the-cuff zingers, but because the plot feels so ‘sitcom-y’ and forced, all the laughs are diluted.
  • Further, one has to ensure the contents of the scriptures are not diluted.
  • ‘I use my oil colours like water colours, in diluted form, layer after layer to bring more depth to the colour,’ he says.
  • The paintwork is picked out in that shade of diluted pea green that used to be reserved for institutional crockery – the sort that bounced when you dropped it. Restaurant review: Butley Orford Oysterage
  • The song had ceased from his lips; but Mary was irritable from a burnt hand and a grandchild whose stomach refused to digest properly diluted cows 'milk. LIKE ARGUS OF THE ANCIENT TIMES
  • Additionally, some companies may falsely claim that their oils are undiluted or pure when they aren't.
  • Liquid test substances may be dosed directly or diluted prior to dosing.
  • As a result the quality has been diluted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buying a round of coffee – thick black syrup in a tin mug, diluted with lukewarm water – I offered a 10 boliviano note, about 90p, and asked the stall-holder to keep the difference. South America could be a good friend, but we ignore it
  • Later, however, changing tastes and pressure from temperance advocates dictated that absinthe be diluted with water, preferably sweetened.
  • Those identical findings reveal that the drainage of tear and diluted Gentian Violet are facilitated by inspiration rather than by expiration.
  • If you want to maintain the plant after bloom, encourage growth by watering regularly and feeding bimonthly with liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength.
  • If the owners are willing to have their shares diluted, they can instead issue new shares and invest the loan proceeds in the company.

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