How To Use Dillydally In A Sentence
He said he couldn't dillydally any longer," Llewellyn told NEWSWEEK.
Powell On The Brink
I don't ever remember not hearing 'dillydally' from my mother and grandmothers my entire life.
The Pioneer Woman - Full RSS Feed
Moreover, rather than dillydally by trying to get everything perfect the first time out, the SEC sensibly created a pilot project that initially targets the all-important S&P 500 stocks and then relies upon market experience to guide the follow-on expansion to more securities.
First Thing's First: Stock Circuit-Breakers In Place
The show's bosses can't dillydally for too much longer.
The Sun
The boy slipped and whimpered, rubbing his knee, and Ben tried to catch his breath, and only for a second, because they should never dillydally.
Their Dogs Came With Them
After all, each day and week that go by we lose market share to foreign competitors whose governments don't dillydally on negotiating access to overseas markets.
Right Turn: Didn't Obama pledge to complete 3 free-trade deals?
The show's bosses can't dillydally for too much longer.
The Sun
But the newest version of candidate McCain does not dillydally, soft-pedal or claim to live outside politics-as-usual.
A Whole New McCain - Swampland -
_tapis_ in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally.
I don't dillydally, explore needlessly, or take any big chances.
Saved by the Bell
And "dillydally" is underused, as is "hornswaggle" and anything referring to swinging dead cats.
The Pioneer Woman - Full RSS Feed
TAPIS in the circumlocution departments with the usual quantity of red tape and dillydallying of effete fogeydom and dunderheads generally.
Quit dillydallying;are you going or not?