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How To Use Dilate In A Sentence

  • Some of the larger dilated channels exhibit abortive fibrous tufts, which are slender and poorly cellular.
  • With her pupils dilated to blackness, and spitting vituperation in all directions, the very last thing she seems is sane.
  • _Phyllocactus_ in having the branches dilated into the form of fleshy leaves, but differ in haying them divided into short truncate leaf-like portions, which are articulated, that is to say, provided with a joint by which they separate spontaneously; the margins are crenate or dentate, and the flowers, which are large and showy, magenta or crimson, appear at the apex of the terminal joints. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • The nephrogram has a streaky and striated appearance reflecting stasis of contrast in the dilated collecting tubules which can be prolonged for days after the IVP.
  • Severe vomiting, diarrhoea, rectal tenesmus: unable to keep standing, she urinates under herself; the pupils are dilated, the eyes haggard; complete mind-blindness, near-total failure of reflexes, deep unconsciousness, breathing dyspneic, heart-beat faint and very fast, pulse barely perceptible; dead in thirty-six hours. Charles Richet - Nobel Lecture
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  • There is also a swifter motion of a different sort of fire which strikes and dilates the ray of sight until it reaches the eyes, forcing a way through their passages and melting them, and eliciting from them a union of fire and water which we call tears, being itself an opposite fire which comes to them from an opposite direction — the inner fire flashes forth like lightning, and the outer finds a way in and is extinguished in the moisture, and all sorts of colours are generated by the mixture. Timaeus
  • Still Galen appears by this experiment to prove both that the pulsative property extends from the heart by the walls of the arteries, and that the arteries, whilst they dilate, are filled by that pulsific force, because they expand like bellows, and do not dilate as if they are filled like skins. Introduction
  • Your eye doctor usually uses special eyedrops to dilate your pupils, opening them wider so he or she can see the back part of your eye.
  • She could hardly bear to look on the livid face, the closed eyes, the thin dilated nostrils, and the painful expression of powerlessness that met her sight. The Semi-Attached Couple
  • These drugs can slow the force of contraction of the heart and dilate the coronary arteries, thus reducing the demand for oxygen and increasing supply to the heart.
  • Pupils contract in bright light, and dilate in darkness.
  • Glyceryl trinitrate dilates the blood vessels and is used to treat angina or heart attack. Times, Sunday Times
  • A high bowel obstruction will have a few dilated loops of small bowel in the abdomen.
  • It was an easy labour and, within five hours, Filipa was fully dilated and the baby's head was crowning.
  • His dark-gold hair, damp and draggled, hung into his eyes, which were dilated and sunk into violet pools; his blank beautiful face was grey and sweating, his entire frame racked with shivering.
  • If you give her a Nexium, then you're responsible if she has a heart attack," said the attendant, breaking out uncoated aspirin and sublingual nitroglycerin, which dissolves under your tongue and dilates the blood vessels so there's more blood flow going to the heart, relieving angina. A Flight Attendant From Hell
  • Excessive chronic alcohol consumption also leads to dilated cardiomyopathy (alcoholic heart muscle disease).
  • GUPTA: Three hours. no heartbeat, no spontaneous respirations, pupils are dilated, which is an indication that the brain as swollen as well. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
  • Unlike typical skin aging, which is characterized by the development of fine wrinkles and skin growths, photodamage includes characteristics such as coarsely wrinkled skin, spots of extra pigment or lost pigment and dilated blood vessels on the face. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • When the future historian gives to another age his account of all that is included in German "frightfulness," there is no feature upon which he will dilate more emphatically than the extraordinary use made by the enemy of their Zeppelin fleet. Raemaekers' Cartoons With Accompanying Notes by Well-known English Writers
  • Blood chemistry showed cholestatic liver enzymes and ultrasound showed dilated bile ducts.
  • Furthermore, many lacteals are dilated and full of chylomicrons when they should be empty in the fasting state.
  • The calyces of the kidneys were thick and dilated. Coyote Medicine
  • The Press dilated speciously on the economy practised under the system and on its general advantageousness. The Siege of Kimberley
  • Objective To observe the effect that growth hormone GH treats dilated cardiomyopathy.
  • He found her lying with a cold compress on her forehead, the pupils of her eyes strangely dilated.
  • Grossly, the right ventricular chamber was moderately to markedly dilated, and its free wall showed extensive myocardial adiposity.
  • His pupils were dilated
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • It is possible that a dilated colon would generate only very low amplitude contractions that are not distinguished during manometric studies.
  • When these vessels form in the distal esophagus and stomach, the usually small rudimentary left gastric vein dilates and varices develop.
  • The susbstance used to dilate pupils is a relative of the "belladonna" beautiful lady plant so called because the pupil dilation it causes makes people appear to be more beautiful. Archive 2006-11-01
  • The cornea is hazy because of oedema, and the pupil is semidilated and fixed to light.
  • Less addicted to the study of cartography, the following generations comprehended that this dilated map was useless and, not without impiety, delivered it to the inclemencies of the sun and of the winters.
  • It is larger and more dilated than pumicatus, the basal joint of the antennae is shorter, the palpi are not so obtusely truncated, and its habit and appearance quite different. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • While it does not have to dilate as fully as with a full-term birth, the uterus also does not have enough time to process the rapid pace of conception, birth, and loss that occurs in a miscarriage. Wild Feminine
  • There was a mesmeric, far-away look in their eyes, even when upside down or with their legs wrapped around their head, that was more than just the effect of fantastically dilated pupils.
  • The remote observer measures time intervals to be dilated and light to be red shifted.
  • The cervix of a multigravida typically effaces and dilates at the same time. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • General anesthesia causes peripheral vessels to dilate by depressing the sympathetic nervous system.
  • These help constrict dilated vessels of the nose and help water eyes.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • He describes a scene surrounding the collapse of a young woman on an aeroplane, who appears pale, ‘dead, or dying,’ with dilated pupils.
  • That's because the popular summer fruit is richer than experts believed in an amino acid called citrulline, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels much like Viagra and other drugs meant to treat erectile dysfunction Food, travel, recipe & sights
  • How well this artery dilates indicates how coronary arteries are behaving.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy, a heart disease found in humans, has afflicted the pygmy sperm whale and the dwarf sperm whale.
  • The biopsy specimen showed a cystic tumor arising from a dilated eccrine duct.
  • Recently a dose of ninety-six grains, taken toxically, produced giddiness, then epileptic convulsions, with dilated pupils, and stertor of breathing. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Her eyes / pupils dilated with terror.
  • Histologically, sebaceous hyperplasia consists of enlarged lobules of mature sebaceous glands with a central dilated duct.
  • The length of the first stage of labor, during which the cervix dilates, did not differ between the two groups.
  • The cervix of a primigravida usually effaces a lot before it dilates. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.
  • A number of conditions put the heart at risk for failing at this daunting task, such as chronic diseased heart valves, or intrinsically weak heart muscle cells (known as dilated cardiomyopathy). U.S. News
  • There was a time, a mere few hundred years ago, when any astrologer who dilated on the correct message of this chart would have ended up in the Tower!
  • Patients are placed under local or general anesthesia and the stricture is dilated using a flexible gastroscope and Savary bougies.
  • The right atrium and ventricle were severely dilated and hypertrophied.
  • The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.
  • As he dilates on his eventual permanent return to the Limberlost, she turns away to hide her tears.
  • Examination of her hymen showed a dilated orifice after initial spasm and inability to relax.
  • His pupils were dilated, and there was mild local swelling at the bite site.
  • During the Middle Ages, women chewed small quantities of the seeds in order to dilate their pupils. BLINDSIGHTED
  • Aspirin suppresses prostaglandin (which inhibits platelet activation and dilates blood vessels) and thromboxane (which encourages platelet activation and constricts vessels).
  • And consuming too much alcohol also can dilate the blood vessels in the skin, giving it a reddish hue.
  • The ostium leads to the second portion of the oviduct, the ampulla, which is the duct's dilated mid-portion where fertilization usually occurs.
  • Ovary inferior, held in the concavity of the receptacle, one-celled, with 1 seed, crowned by an epigynous disc, above which rises a simple style with dilated stigma. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Next, the level of serotonin plummets causing the blood vessels to dilate and creating blinding, throbbing headaches.
  • Patients often feel cool, yet clammy or sticky to touch, and sometimes have dilated hand veins.
  • In either case, the blood will reflow upon the heart, and dilate the left ventricle, as in _case the first_, and others; and, if the mitral valves be thickened and rigid, the left auricle will be more dilated than in a case of simple aneurism of the left ventricle, as appeared also in the _first case_. Cases of Organic Diseases of the Heart
  • Yet he wonders whether the human soul can dilate to comprehend a world which lacks localities and the native affections they inspire.
  • Dilated vessels and extravasated red cells were noted throughout most lesions.
  • The lubric enlacements of the branches, dilated crevices and cleft mosses, the coupling of the diverse beings of the wood, disappear; the tears of the leaves whipped by the wind are dried; the white abscesses of the clouds are resorbed into the grey of the sky; and -- in an awful silence -- the incubi and succubi pass. Là-bas
  • Anti-cholinergic drugs, such as ipratropium bromide dilate airways. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • As a rule, the fistula is dilated by a tent of alder-pith, mandragora, briony or gentian, the lining membrane destroyed by an ointment of quick-lime or even the actual cautery, and the wound then dressed with egg-albumen followed by the _unguentum viride_. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • On arrival, at 3 hours of age, he was hypotonic with tonic seizures of the upper extremities and bilaterally fixed, dilated pupils.
  • Quemiset did not fully reject Hellot's theory of coloration but elaborates it, taking, for example, the role assigned to alum by Hellot and supplementing that with a discussion of the use of vitriolated tartar to dilate the pores of the wool more thoroughly. reference reference Quemiset ultimately rejected that change, having reasoned that, because the tartar had a sharp taste, it would close, rather than open, the pores. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • A quick look into her bloodshot eyes with their dilated pupils confirms my suspicions.
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, which revealed dilated veins in the omentum and falciform ligament, a nodular liver, and a mass in the right lower quadrant.
  • Some few have neither a crop nor a dilated oesophagus, but the latter is exceedingly long, as in long necked birds, such as the porphyrio, and, by the way, in the case of all these birds the excrement is unusually moist. The History of Animals
  • The nephrogram has a streaky and striated appearance reflecting stasis of contrast in the dilated collecting tubules which can be prolonged for days after the IVP.
  • Pupils contract in bright light, and dilate in darkness.
  • Other Mantidae, of the genus Gongylus, have the anterior part of the thorax dilated and coloured either white, pink, or purple; and they so closely resemble flowers that, according to Mr. Wood-Mason, one of them, having a bright violet-blue prothoracic shield, was found in Pegu by a botanist, and was for a moment mistaken by him for a flower. Darwinism (1889)
  • Viral and postviral myocarditis are the major causes of acute and chronic dilated cardiomyopathy. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The tests will dilate the pupils and make it impossible to drive or do close work for several hours afterwards.
  • The ampulla or dilated intraperitoneal part of the rectum can be recognized at this level.
  • I looked in the rearview mirror to see two glassy dilated eyes staring back at me.
  • As a result, caffeine dilates your pupils, speeds your heart rate, constricts your blood vessels, raises your blood pressure, and tightens your muscles.
  • Are you wearing those hideous glasses to hide your dilated pupils or something?
  • Dodonaea microzyga, F.M. Somewhat viscid, almost glabrous; leaves with 1 to 2 pairs of small obovate-cuneate leaflets; in front rounded, or truncate, or retuse, or sometimes 3-toothed, flat at the margin; rachis dilated; fruit-bearing pedicels solitary; capsules 3 to 4-celled; valves cymbeo-semiorbicular, all around broadly winged; the wing rounded-blunt on both extremities; dissepiments persistent with the columella. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • The stipites throughout the genus are conspicuously dilated for about half their length from the base upward, the other (apical) portion of them being comparatively very narrow.
  • Gas dilates the balloon.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • A dilated fundus examination of the retina is advised when these floaters increase in number suddenly along with flashes to rule out any retinal tears in the eye.
  • Although these strictures are more difficult to dilate than other benign strictures, in experienced hands most patients can be treated successfully.
  • Pre - Surgical Guidance Utilize a cycloplegic refraction when recalculating the 1. spherical equivalent for the steep axis incision placement On corneas where the pachymetry reading is > 500µ in the 2. center of the 3mm zone, use the next thicker size on the Nomogram Patients with large dilated pupil diameters (> 7mm) may be 3. predisposed to low light visual symptoms (such as glare and halos) post operatively and should be appropriately advised. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Ultrasonography is the best method for identifying gallbladder stones and for confirming extrahepatic biliary obstruction as dilated bile ducts are visible.
  • Upon review of the slides, we observed a fragment of bladder mucosa with dilated vascular spaces, hemorrhage, acute inflammation, fibrinous exudate, and focal fibrosis in the lamina propria.
  • I do not know any man whose future character could so well be prophesied from the past as GS. whatever virtues, whatever abilities he possessed, would dilate & his foibles which instead of darkening the brighter parts of the picture served only to make the pleasant xxxx them more visible by a little shade. a thousand little incidents were recalled to remembrance by his name, & if at first melancholy — as reminding me of many friends now scattered wide “By many fates” [3] — I delighted in the thought that the best part of the flock will soon be gathered together again. Letter 162
  • During the Middle Ages, women chewed small quantities of the seeds in order to dilate their pupils. BLINDSIGHTED
  • The portion of pancreas had a dilated pancreatic duct but no discrete masses.
  • I never dilate, even with drugs and the nurse cheerfully informed me as I was being wheeled in for my 1st C-Section that I would have been one of those dead-on-the-trail mothers if I was giving birth in a wagon train. A Good Birth | Her Bad Mother
  • The stomach and small bowel were dilated due to there being colonic atresia just distal to the cecum.
  • The young heart dilated and expanded with wonder and pride; but how little he realized that his ministry would be the first step to its entire subversal. John the Baptist
  • They can be corrected by surgery or by radiologic placement of coils in the dilated veins.
  • Evidia: evidentia (Latin), traces. excipieren: excipere (Latin), to except. excrationen: execrations. exequiert: exekutiert, executed. exparient: expedient or experiment (?), expedient: the French version has expédient. experient: see exparient. extendieren: dilate: nicht fast extendieren. Christoph von Graffenried's Account of the Founding of New Bern. Edited with an Historical Introduction and an English Translation by Vincent H. Todd, Ph.D. University of Illinois in Cooperation with Julius Goebel, Ph.D., Professor of Germanic Languag
  • All night-prowling animals have widely dilatable pupils, and in addition to this they have in the retina a special organ called the tapetum lucidum, the function of which is to reflect to a focus in front of them the relatively few rays of light that enter the widely-dilated pupil and thus enable them the better to see their way. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • He looked up at me, eyes dilated further (which I thought would be impossible), ‘Would you like a toot?’
  • Doctors tried several methods to treat the problem, including an endoscopic treatment called banding procedure, in which rubber bands were used to block the varices (dilated blood vessels) in my food pipe," explained Bisht. Daily News & Analysis
  • The balloon will dilate with air.
  • These tumors or dilated blood vessels of the rectum are called hemorrhoids or piles. Herself Talks with Women Concerning Themselves
  • Cavernous hemangiomas are composed of large, dilated, blood-filled vessels lined by flattened endothelium.
  • These secretions are called postganglionic secretions). i) Suppression of Immune system, j) Vasoconstriction and increase in Blood Pressure, k) P u p i l dilation, (Illustration of an excited face with pupils dilated). l) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • But, you can still pick out a sexy patch to cover up the gaping hole in your head, which thank goodness was discovered after we dilated your eyes!
  • These potent chemicals dilate blood vessels and constrict bronchial air passages.
  • His pupils seem dilated, as if he's so pumped about his mission that he's fully transcending the here and now.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.
  • Several decades later Alexander I in a private letter wrote that ‘For the largest part the peasants of Russia are slaves; I do not need to dilate on the degradation and the misfortunes of such a position.’
  • General anesthesia causes peripheral vessels to dilate by depressing the sympathetic nervous system.
  • Low-strain deformation of many natural rocks, both unlithified sediments and lithified sedimentary rocks, occurs by strain localization in dilatant joints or in shear bands that can dilate or compact.
  • Back from the optometrist, eyes dilated, and things closer or farther away than the fixed focus are fuzzy, he said alliteratively. A Quiet Night in the Recliner ...
  • Her biliary tree is dilated with intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary dilatation, and the common bile duct measured 11 mm.
  • new blood vessels bud out from the already dilated vascular bed to make up the nutritional deficit
  • The tubules showed moderate-to-severe atrophy with scattered dilated tubules.
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Jenkins' eyes, already wild and dilated, began to bulge as he fought for breath.
  • An ultrasound scan revealed non-dilated ducts and suggested acute cholecystitis.
  • Body black; antennae piceous, dull honey-yellow towards the tip, distinctly compressed; — joints, in profile a little narrowed to the base; palpi piceous, not at all securiform, terminal joint less dilated at tip than tiiat of the preceding joint; thorax with a slight pearlaceous re - flection, rather narrower at tip than at base; lateral margin depressed, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • This dilated carapace is weak, slippery and ductile when wet, but brittle and elastic when dry.
  • Bowie suffered from anisocoria which meant his left pupil was constantly dilated - making his eyes look different colours. The Sun
  • If you give her a Nexium, then you're responsible if she has a heart attack," said the attendant, breaking out uncoated aspirin and sublingual nitroglycerin, which dissolves under your tongue and dilates the blood vessels so there's more blood flow going to the heart, relieving angina. A Flight Attendant From Hell
  • The left-hand end of the ligament is inserted into the upper wall of the dilated end of the vena cava; but between this point and the heart it has a free arcuated edge, as on the right side. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Staff in eye clinics often warn people whose pupils have been dilated not to drive home.
  • The allergen causes the release of chemicals within the body which act to make the small arterial blood vessels dilate and to leak fluid from the capillaries into the surrounding tissues.
  • In other cases, however, sooner or later the dilated capillaries become permanently enlarged (_telangiectasis_) and acne lesions are often present -- constituting the middle stage or grade of the disease; this is the type most frequently met with. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Some families have many members, across many generations, with this type of cardiomyopathy, which is known as familial dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy
  • Georgina developed a heart condition called dilated cardiomyopathy as a baby. Evening Mail news round-up
  • Et quando volunt aliquem prouocare ad potum arripiunt eum per aures et trahunt fortiter vt dilatent ei gulam, et plaudunt et saltant coram eo. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • A new species belonging to the tribe of Solitary Wasps, _Odynerus clavicornis_, is perhaps the most interesting insect in the collection; this Wasp has clavate antennæ, the flagellum being broadly dilated towards the apex, convex above and concave beneath. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • When first seen, it wore the aspect of a nebula; later it put on the distinctive garb of a comet; it next appeared as a star; finally, it dilated, first in a spherical, then in a paraboloidal form, until May 5, A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • It will be remembered that in some of the _Cinchonaceæ_, e.g. _Mussænda_, _Pinckneya_, _Calycophyllum_, one or more of the calycine lobes are normally dilated and petaloid, the others remaining small and comparatively inconspicuous. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, which revealed dilated veins in the omentum and falciform ligament, a nodular liver, and a mass in the right lower quadrant.
  • Since reforming and opening, the growth rate of garment industry and market dilate strength are compelling.
  • Laughter appears to cause the tissue that forms the inner lining of blood vessels, the endothelium, to dilate or expand in order to increase blood flow.
  • At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.
  • During the Middle Ages, women chewed small quantities of the seeds in order to dilate their pupils. BLINDSIGHTED
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Studies show that for troubled sleepers, a cool room and a hot-water bottle placed at the feet, which rapidly dilates blood vessels, can push the internal thermostat to a better setting.
  • The medicine dilated the blood vessels.
  • Capital accumulates explicit expression to be dilate, it is the inherent power of economic globalization.
  • The _leaf-sheath_ is glabrous or slightly hairy, the upper ones being shorter and dilated into spathes with subulate tips. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • His pupils were actually dilated, which is a sign that his brain may have had a significant insult. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2001
  • At this time the condition of the patient was as follows: The face presented the appearance known as facies hippocratica: the eyeballs were prominent, the corneæ glassy, the pupils widely dilated, not acting to light, and there was no reflex action of the conjunctivæ; the lips were livid, the tongue tumefied, but pallid, the skin ashy pale, the cutaneous tissues apparently devoid of elasticity. Scientific American Supplement, No. 470, January 3, 1885
  • A day or more before the surgery, a woman's cervix is dilated. Re: Am I Blue? - Swampland -
  • WORDS ACCENTED ON THE LAST SYLLABLE: address _address'_ adept _adept'_ adult _adult'_ ally _ally'_ commandant _commandänt '(ä as in arm) _ contour _contour'_ dessert _dessert'_ dilate _dilate'_ excise _eksiz'_ finance _finance'_ grimace _grimace'_ importune _importune'_ occult _occult'_ pretence _pretence'_ research _research'_ robust _robust'_ romance _romance'_ tirade _tirade'_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Repairing varicoceles is often done to improve male infertility or unexplained infertility because the dilated veins are thought to result in poor sperm quality and quantity.
  • I don't have the space here to, er, dilate on the issue but in my view real women are, alas, a dying breed.
  • The stomach and small bowel were dilated due to there being colonic atresia just distal to the cecum.
  • As a result, the surgeon decided to dilate the narrowed blood vessel using balloon inflation.
  • For example, their work gives him the opportunity to dilate on the weaknesses of the Marxist labour theory of value.
  • This is a transverse view of the epigastrium in a patient with a dilated pancreatic duct.
  • Red wine can help to dilate blood vessels.
  • These potent chemicals dilate blood vessels and constrict bronchial air passages.
  • Calmly I went in and looked in the mirror only to find that my left pupil was grossly dilated, the right one being normal and reacting.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy is the most common type in both adults and children. Cardiomyopathy
  • At night, the pupils dilate to allow in more light.
  • In early stages, septa in cardinal quadrants fully dilated; septa in cardinal quadrants less dilated, locally separated by moderately wide interseptal loculi.
  • Space forbids me to dilate individually on the richly varied excellences of Bill Heck, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Byron Jennings (whose gaunt Antonio nails my best-in-show award), Hamish Linklater, Jesse L. Martin and Nyambi Nyambi, but they're all terrific, as are their colleagues. Knocking Shakespeare Out of the Park
  • Cherry angiomas are composed of dilated capillaries and postcapillary venules.
  • A rigid bronchoscopy was performed under general anaesthesia, and the trachea was serially dilated with bougies until it was large enough to accommodate a 6.5 mm uncuffed tracheal tube.
  • She was now at her full, and when at length she came up out of the sea, her disc, broad and red like a beamless sun, seemed to rest, dilated to preternatural size, upon the edge of the last wave that swelled against the horizon. The Island Home
  • We show that channels pass through a dilated condition with altered selectivity as they are becoming defunct.
  • Lynde lay movelessly; her face was white, and both fear and appeal were visible in her large dilated eyes. Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1907 to 1908
  • The doctors were using the drug to dilate the blood vessels supplying the babies' lungs, in the hope of reducing pulmonary hypertension.
  • If, on the other hand, the intestine dilates the serous membrane at the point, 1, where it stretches across the internal ring, it will, on entering the fibrous tube, (infundibuliform fascia,) be found invested by a sac of the peritonaeum, which it dilates and pouches before itself. Surgical Anatomy
  • The lower wall is dilated into a pouch caused by the points of misdirected instruments in catheterism having been rashly forced against it. Surgical Anatomy
  • Microscopically, a neutrophilic exudate is seen involving the meninges at the left, with prominent dilated vessels.
  • I'm willing to dilate on this and any other interesting tidbit someone happens to dig up in the text of the Geneva Conventions tomorrow after I get some sleep.
  • Her eyes dilated with horror at what she had done.
  • This causes muscles to relax and allows bronchial tubes to dilate, aiding the flow of air to the lungs.
  • It causes the nerves at the back of the throat to signal the blood vessels to dilate - and fast.
  • Second-trimester miscarriage often is caused by problems with the uterus (such as an abnormally shaped uterus) or by a weakened cervix that dilates prematurely.
  • I can almost feel my pupils dilate; my dick gets wood. Get Laid or Die Trying
  • I have dermatographia, a condition in which one’s immune system releases excessive amounts of histamine, causing capillaries to dilate and welts to appear lasting about thirty minutes when the hypersensitive skin’s surface is lightly scratched. Ariana Page Russell
  • Cocaine and amphetamine have been associated with non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema and a dilated cardiomyopathy.
  • If the pupil is not dilated, the inflamed iris will stick to the lens, which can lead to scarring.
  • Before the operation, eye drops are given to dilate the pupil.
  • Cavernous hemangiomas are composed of large, dilated, blood-filled vessels lined by flattened endothelium.
  • Second-trimester miscarriage often is caused by problems with the uterus (such as an abnormally shaped uterus) or by a weakened cervix that dilates prematurely.
  • The pupils of the eyes dilate as darkness increases.
  • Patients with suspected ocular disease should be referred to an ophthalmologist for a full dilated ocular examination.
  • CAVERNOSA to rapidly dilate in such a way as to instantaneously facilitate the flow of blood to that part of the human anatomy known as the penis or male organ resulting in the phenomenon which has been denominated by the faculty a morbid upwards and outwards philoprogenitive erection IN ARTICULO MORTIS PER DIMINUTIONEM Ulysses
  • [MYTILUS INCRASSATUS] Shell nacreous, thick, somewhat inflated, marked with concentric lines of growth; anterior margin arched accuminate; posterior rounded, somewhat dilated; umbones acute. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • The heart with noncompaction can be dilated with decreased pumping function as in dilated cardiomyopathy (see above) or can have normal pumping function. Cardiomyopathy
  • Colic pain is precipitated by spasm of a dilated cystic duct that is obstructed by gallstones.
  • The ostium leads to the second portion of the oviduct, the ampulla, which is the duct's dilated mid-portion where fertilization usually occurs.

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