How To Use Digit In A Sentence
McGill University, however, has found a way to increase access to its rare books - thanks to a lot of grant money and one badass digital camera.
Digital technology comes to us heralded by a great deal of utopian ballyhoo, but in some surprising ways it discourages creativity.
Iin this case it uses the atomic unit of digital life - a single screen of data on a Palm, a little brick of reality we spend so much time staring at all day long.
Benecken characterized the entire hacking case as "ultramodern" and said that, in a way, it exemplified the "downside" of today's digital age "that can easily been taken advantage of by savvy youths with those skills and a lot of time.
Hackers Allegedly Steal New Gaga Songs, Rumored Ke$ha Sex Photo
About a meter tall if it stood erect, it must use its short, bowed legs arboreally by choice, for it ran on all fours and either foot terminated in three well-developed grasping digits.
The Rebel Worlds

The development includes eight sound stages, production facilities, digital facilities and outdoor back lot areas.
We did get a digital box so we could record programs and watch them at our leisure and not get tied to a schedule for tv programs but we end up recording so much that it always seems like I spend more time trying to watch tv and clear space in my digi box than write.
On Efficiency, Or How To Get Everything Done As A Multi-Tasking Writer - by Joanna Penn | The Creative Penn
The application allows users to geocode images, or link digital images to the location where they were taken.
Digital photography and fewer people taking holidays appear to be the main culprits there.
The digital flux that frames our experience of physical and socio-political realities functions through continuous additions, subtractions, and disappearances.
High-level synthesis is also called behavioral synthesis, the main task of which is to translate the behavioral description of a digital system into the design of RTL (Register Transfer Level).
I found the head of the flat humerus so characteristic of the extinct order to which the Plesiosaurus has been assigned, and two digital bones of the paddle, that, from their comparatively slender and slightly curved form, so unlike the digitals of its cogener the
The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
Digital signals can be compressed to take up less space, leaving room for additional programming.
Books in digital format, also known as e-books, can be read on devices lacking the power and screen space to afford a regular Web browser.
By switching the anti-aliasing mode on and off, I found different and useful timbres, because even aliasing creates an interesting digital jitter.
It is very hard to match digital computing, which is designed for precise, accurate calculations, to this domain.
Forget about the digital divide - it's the domestic divide that really cleaves this country in two.
Once inside they unscrewed four projectors hung from the ceiling and took four laptop computers and a digital camera, worth a total of £5,050, before leaving by the main entrance.
A current example is a digital camera on a chip that includes the imager, all control electronics, and an analog-to-digital converter - all on the same silicon chip.
A defining characteristic of the 16-25 generation is their digital identity.
Times, Sunday Times
The string of binary digits that the machine has now produced at the left is the answer to the calculation.
The hope was that the morphogen in the mixture would slowly leak out and specify new digits.
Pictures are scanned into a form of digital information that computers can recognize.
Not that I read any more or make music or write - I just vegetate in front of the myriad digital channels we now have.
Analog to Digital Convertor ( ADC ) simulation complete source code, has been tested.
On the ‘digital’ battlefield there is a real likelihood that brigade commanders will talk directly to sergeants or corporals commanding sections and that intermediate officers will be sidelined.
Chemical photography can capture many more subtleties and gradations of colour and shade than digital.
I'd digitally greet him, applaud him, shake his hand, give him daps, but there's a flaw within the fine print, a question i got to ask—
A poetic response
Personal digital assistants offer everything, from e-mail, word processing and time and billing to reading e-books and playing games.
Digital videodiscs were used rather than CD's, he said, because much more information can be stored on each DVD.
The head of research at a big-time doll maker informs us that a Rubicon has been passed: ‘Dolls are becoming less like toys,’ he says, ‘and more like miniature robots, digital companions.’
Europcar, which has developed the system with UK-based digital agency Fortune Cookie, will equip the system at a number of major outlets elsewhere around Europe from the end of the first half of 2010.
On the net, you're constantly exposed to the best that is available in the digital medium.
Hence Google will be selling e-copies of digital and backlisted texts, and writing about the matter the
Fast Company
Most premium programmers offer a variety of multiplex channels on digital tiers to rotate their movie libraries, at no extra cost to the operator.
Finally, after they had gotten into the double-digits and we still hadn't scored, we decided that it was time to go inside.
These people are experimental and sensorial, no surprise given the centrality of digital and pharmacological media in their lives.
Globe and Mail
On Seventh Avenue, slack-jawed visitors scrambled for digital cameras, and taxicabs actually slowed down for something other than a fare.
Their cursed digital cameras flared out those blinding blue and green lights throughout the concert.
By offering protection, not suffocation, Europe could set an example for the world in the best way to foster digital innovation.
And that desire to foster a copacetic synthesis between carbon-based life forms and artificial devices can be heard in every blip and digitized beat played.
Organized labor is down to less than double digits in representation of the work force.
Color televisions evolve into digital televisions capable of showing several pictures simultaneously; videocassette recorders into camcorders.
The paper proposed a new digitized faceted classification model based on dynamic weight value which is originated from classify faceted classification model.
Another rematch is KY-3 (Louisville), in which Proud Liberal John Yarmuth is up double-digits over Smirky-fellator Anne Northup, whom he upset in 2006.
Polls: Dems Could Sweep House Rematches
We saw digital print as a natural progression from what we were doing in our pre-press environment.
Resolution has rewarded its shareholders with a double-digit increase in the dividend and promised stellar investment returns despite putting acquisitions on hold.
Times, Sunday Times
Digital recording gives excellent sound reproduction.
If bacteria cause the interdigital furunculosis, there may be several nodules with new lesions developing as others resolve.
The principle and application the digital microwave communication synthetic test instrument are introduced in this paper.
The Dolby Digital 1.0 mono sounds much better than the 2.0 faux stereo that carries an unwanted echoic effect.
These digital devices deflate at about 4 mm Hg per second, making them sometimes seem slower to use than auscultatory aneroid devices, but they are more accurate.
Dr. Robbins looked hard at Sissy's preaxial digits, then at his own.
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
Digital technology makes it easier to prevent signal theft and it means better voice quality and longer battery life.
So much of what has been written to date comes from an older generation that have not grown up in a digital universe, or whose exposure has been limited.
Apple packing houses currently rely on digital camera imagery to sort apples by surface appearance only, flagging those that are visibly defective or the wrong size or color.
Enter digitization information period, become big industry and hind the turning point with epoch - making industry.
Some specialise in engineering and technology, while others extend into areas such as creative and digital industries.
Times, Sunday Times
The multilevel digital filter, anti - interference performance is stronger.
Any benefit for middle and higher earners will be offset by a bigger than expected rise in national insurance and a double-digit increase in capital gains tax.
Times, Sunday Times
Bruttia Sicanium circumspicit ora Pelorum? quid primum mediumue canam, quo fine quiescam? auratasne trabis an Mauros undique postis35 an picturata lucentia marmora uena mirer, an emissas per cuncta cubilia nymphas? huc oculis, huc mente trahor. uenerabile dicam lucorum senium? te, quae uada fluminis infra cernis, an ad siluas quae respicis, aula, tacentis, 40 qua tibi tuta quies offensaque turbine nullo nox silet et pigros inuitant murmura somnos? an quae graminea suscepta crepidine fumant balnea et impositum riuis algentibus ignem? quaque uaporiferis iunctus fornacibus amnis45 ridet anhelantis uicino flumine nymphas? uidi artis ueterumque manus uariisque metalla uiua modis. labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas; quicquid et argento primum uel in aere minori50 lusit et enormis manus est experta colossos. dum uagor aspectu uisusque per omnia duco, calcabam necopinus opes. nam splendor ab alto defluus et nitidum referentes aera testae monstrauere solum; uarias ubi picta per artis55 gaudet humus superatque nouis asarota figuris: expauere gradus.
A Villa at Tibur
It was also claimed that the rise reflected an increase in the number of digital cameras used to monitor variable speed limits on stretches of'smart' motorways.
Times, Sunday Times
Within the Design category, there is a Digital Art subcategory which is divided further into Altered Images, Cards, Tags and Other.
BellaOnline - The Voice of Women
The microstructure of these long filaments of papillary horn is very similar in its dermal-epidermal interdigitation to that of baleen in whales.
The categories to which an item could be assigned by the use of this digit are detailed in Table 10, below.
Single fish-eye projectors that cover an entire dome now display digital skies in planetariums in many schools, science centers, and public libraries.
Odiogo is a service that digitizes your blog post into an audio file.
Web 2.0
The digital system is then transmitted along the channel of communication to the distant end.
Was surprised about how complicated is to combine a landline and dsl. first they needed to “digitalize the line” at the switch, then add all kind of filter boxes around the house …
A Dying Landline Business Sounds a Lot Like Static
Subscribing to this feed is the digital equivalent of drinking from a fire-hose.
April 2007
The pictures are scanned, placed in computers, and digitally printed.
These include advanced engineering and metals; food and drink; chemicals, biosciences and digital industries taking in the electronics sector.
But phones, tablets and other gadgets that are used by one person are the unmanned drones of digital retailing.
Times, Sunday Times
But it can be recognised early by periodic blood tests and digital rectal examinations.
The EWP event will run until Saturday, and is set to discuss such topics as the cultural commoditisation of books and literature tailored for mass consumption, as well as how globalisation, the digital era and multiculturalism have affected the conventional boundaries of literature.
VS Naipaul withdraws from Turkish event after row over Islam comments
Digital scan converter (DSC) is an indispensable part in the display equipment of radar, biomedical ultra sound detector, sonar, electronic surface analyzer.
We are bound together in this bloody conflict where the body counts have to break double digits to really get our attention anymore.
It's called "polydactyly" - extra digits - not an uncommon genetic trait, but Bay Area doctors say they've never seen a case so remarkable.
Impact Lab
The digital display is uncomfortably faint to read and often gives incorrect readings.
Times, Sunday Times
One-year mortality was reduced regardless of gender, presence of diabetes mellitus or heart failure, or treatment with diuretics, digitalis, beta blockers or anticoagulants.
Digitas supported the site with traditional brochures, direct mailers and a magazine campaign with a strong direct component.
After manipulating the digital image, Coderre then begins drawing the subject, or picture as he likes to call it, in oil pastel, wiping it away with turps, building up layer upon transparent layer.
Anheuser has posted double-digit profit gains for 20 straight quarters, while its nearest competitors, Coors and Miller, have flatlined.
The audio is sure to give the venue's newly upgraded sound system a thorough breaking-in, while the images transport with a hypnogogic flow of abstract patterns conjured through digital manipulations of a dozen shots of what looks like crumpled aluminum foil.
Sad Sacks and Barrels of Laughs
With the digital addition of a unicorn's horn, the heraldic beast conjoins a singularly aristocratic symbol of Christian purity and England's national enthusiasm for horses.
From this verbal prestidigitator, we imbibe the lesson that both storyteller and con man make us willing victims.
A Small-Town Sorcerer Casts His Spell
The PoGo, which stands for Polaroid-on-the-Go, is an inkless printer that churns out 2x3-inch photos sent to it via Bluetooth devices like cellphones or from plugged-in digital cameras.
Printer Makes a New Kind of Polaroid Magic
No-one can say where the amazing explosion of digital services will take us.
Yet it randomly deleted one digit and credited the money to an account other than the one intended.
Times, Sunday Times
Even before they reach their digital recorders overhead, the reporters tower over Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who must be all of five-foot-four and cannot possibly see any of the gleaming sheetmetal she has come to explore.
2010 Detroit Auto Show: Politicians see "progress" in Motor City
Were your brain appreciably larger, large enough to put the strain on your Princess Grace neck that your loppy preaxial digits put upon your wrists, you conceivably would possess a superior intellect.
Even Cowgirls Get The Blues
O designer Daan van den Berg fez um scan tridimensional a um candeeiro da Ikea, infectou o ficheiro com uma versão digital do virus da Elefantíase e imprimiu o resultado numa impressora 3D.
Archive 2009-05-01
The company has resisted offering a "me-too" product like a digital audio player.
Suppose two adjacent digits, cd, are transposed to dc.
Digitalis from the foxglove plants used by an old woman in Shropshire, England was analyzed and promoted for heart disease by Dr. William Withering in 1785 and was still widely used in herbal form until the 1950's.
In a decimal number, the actual value represented by a digit in that number is determined by the numeral and the position of the numeral within the number.
The cells of this epithelium exhibit many interdigitations with the lens fibers.
Nowadays I use color images from digital cameras as well as scans from slides, and the negatives print much more predictably.
Sometimes, the stunning scenery is digitally enhanced with seamless sophistication.
Digital potentiometer sensitivity adjustment and breakage location.
Your affiant reviewed a digital surveillance video depicting the events at the Safeway; in the video, Judge Roll is seen speaking for several minutes with Mr. Barber.
Did Obama Speech Undercut Federal Case Against Loughner? (No.)
Digital holography is a mix of optical holography, computer technology and electronic imaging technology.
If no single system or solution works best, it is time, in this age of digital reproduction, to revisit the options for original collections.
The vehicles have digital speedometers, are petrol-driven and can travel up to 45 mph.
The limbs are only moderately long, and the feet are narrow, with four main digits and short claws.
And I do hope that other people leave comments so that mine can interdigitate with them.
Learning New Words #2 « Write Anything
If I weren't set up for that and were looking for outside hosting, I'd probably go for something like Meilin Miranda's latest brainstorm, which is a co-hosting site for authors doing crowdsourced fiction: DigitalNovelists. com.
Ceciliatan: Web serial novel: how the experiment is going
Apart from digital zoom, this camera even has flash - perfect for taking pictures in dim places, such as during a social gathering at a pub.
Is this the digital equivalent of shovel-ready?
Times, Sunday Times
They crumbled to our mighty power with our losses barely reaching through the double digits.
With this software, you can capture single digital images, record movies, and perform time-lapse cinemicrography experiments.
The audio is the same Dolby Digital 2.0 mono format as we heard in the previous boxed sets and, for the material at hand, it's fine.
The images of endosperm without an aleurone layer were prepared by tracing cell contours on a transparent sheet from the microphotograph, and were digitized by a scanner and transformed into a binary image.
We presented a continuous, fast-moving stream of single-digit numbers on a computer screen.
Ministers will pledge to invest in digital, energy, construction and transport infrastructure for each region.
Times, Sunday Times
The MADS consists of two separate high-speed, 3-axes digital fluxgate magnetometers.
PSK spread spectrum system that uses the digital correlator is explored and designed.
The Blu-ray is in widescreen (2.35: 1) and in 5.1 Dolby Digital TrueHD.
BOOGIE NIGHTS and MAGNOLIA Blu-ray Reviews –
The rebrand is a bid by BBC management to expand the awareness of its digital stations, with extended versions of Radio 4 favourites such as The Now Show and The News Quiz, and Archers spin-off Ambridge Extra.
Chris Evans loses half a million listeners from Radio 2 breakfast show
Saggitas habent alias ad sagittandum aues bestias et homines inermes ad trium digitorum latitudinem.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The rules of the competition expressly required that every entry "recombine [] and modif [y] existing digital works to create a new transformative work.
Lawrence Lessig: The "Imbecile" and "Moron" Responds: On the Freedoms of Remix Creators
The fledgling cable operators barely registered in the public consciousness and digital satellite broadcasting was years away.
Ubiquitous computing leads to the fusing of the digital and the physical.
Digital listenership continues to rise, whether by radio set, phone, tablet or smart speaker.
Times, Sunday Times
The paper is mainly about digital wave filter used to process real-time collected signals and the algorithm to measure the interval between R-R electrocardiograms .
One of the most powerful is a program called Digital Performer for the Power Macintosh.
As a group, 95% of Super Bowl advertisers appeared on the first page of the nonpaid area of search pages, according to Reprise Media, which has ranked the digital aspects of Super Bowl TV campaigns for the last five years.
How Super Bowl Ads Fared Online
Seachange owns a server system that manages digital video for television and telecommunications companies.
On my first dive with new digital camera housing in South Harbour at the Poor Knights Islands I encounter a striped boarfish with a long-finned boarfish.
The right wing of each male was mounted on a microscope slide and photographed with a digital camera through a stereoscopic microscope at a magnification of 40x.
That is, only 2.7% of phone numbers would even make it possible to accidentally call the police if you miskey at most one digit. Stories / Popular
His 1984 novel "Neuromancer" popularized the term "cyberspace," describing the hacker-scripted fantasies of a shared digital realm.
NYT > Home Page
When it comes to digital textbook adoption, it looks like Florida's turning into a global trendsetter.
The working parts of a digital watch.
Digital modification stands in for genetic, and so the animals are lengthened, spiralled or moved across the picture plane as if a magnetic force - an exterior one - operated.
There are five basic types of automatic and programmable thermostats: electromechanical, digital, hybrid, occupancy, and light sensing.
If Novartis is successful in speeding up vaccine production, analysts said it could grab a larger chunk of the worldwide vaccines market, which according Kalorama Information is expected to grow at nearly double-digit rates over the next few years.
Novartis in Pact to Speed Up Vaccine Production
There are no plans at present to repeat this programme on the BBC terrestrial or digital channels, although I will certainly register your interest for the attention of our schedulers.
Likewise, in most instances, digital documents that are identified as originals, needing to be securely stored for a defined period of time due to regulatory demands, are stored as originals - in other words, the actual original file is transferred to an archive medium such as disk or tape.
CMS Watch Trends and Features
Anthropological theories of virtualism, materiality/immateriality and digitisation.
Culture Matters
In his vision of the future, epigraphists - archaeologists who study inscriptions - will rely instead on digital cameras, specialized computer software, and their dexterity with a mouse.
He can memorise 60 digit numbers in a jiffy and recite them forwards and backwards.
Other forms of art are welcome too (digital, black and white in pencil or pen, or bizarre stuff).
We Need Cover Art « Survival By Storytelling Magazine
They sketched woodland plants and trees and learned how to use a digital camera.
Most of the key components of the digital computing environment exhibit the same unusual economic behaviors that chips do.
Recent shows at Ronnie Scott's saw blistering fretwork augmented by some snazzy digital sounds.
The membrane of a bat's wing is interdigital.
Inside, the cabin gets a digital dashboard, while Renault is claiming that the Grand Scenic has the largest amount of kneeroom (in the second and third rows) in its class.
Auto Express: News
I am also fascinated with the transmutability of digital information; the way that visuals can become sonic material and vice versa.
Are you running into a lot of constraints among operators who are devoting digital bandwidth to multiplexes and additional pay-per-view channels?
Choosing the correct digitization for a beam profiler depends on the application.
The publisher admitted that it would incur a'double digit' rise in newsprint prices.
Times, Sunday Times
Light resulting from the laser excitation of fluorochromed cells is detected by photosensors and converted into a set of digital values.
In fact, it's possible that mobile phone apps would multicast from a carousel - rather like Ceefax or digital TV.
Since I've seen another student spend over a grand on a mobile hard drive/digital camera combo, I've decided to start flashing the cash.
My previous experience suggested that digital photography can damage your sanity.
Times, Sunday Times
THE trusty old doctor's bag is getting a digital makeover with a new generation of high-tech gadgets.
The Sun
Occasionally the fifth digit has only one crease because of a small middle phalanx.
Computer that their entire back catalogue is being digitally remastered for release on the internet, with ringtone sales likely to follow.
Times, Sunday Times
(To do this, you have to break the copy-protection scheme -- an act that is specifically outlawed by the anticonsumer Digital Millennium Copyright Act.)
Info With A Ball And Chain
An analog feedback signal, corresponding to the digital reference signal, is recovered from the tunable optical device.
Several digital receivers capable of HD Radio reception are available to consumers.
Words are slaves, noetic myrmidons laboring to interdigitate bolides of inspiration with cosmeticized complacence.
Learning New Words #2 « Write Anything
Family Copies recreates oil paintings or watercolors by using an image from a digital or photographic source.
The spread between inflation-linked bonds and their nominal counterparts -- known as the breakeven inflation rate -- fell to single digits on the most recent linked bond and into negative territory on older notes, a phenomenon market-watchers said they had never seen before.
Japan bond yields drop
The ad splicer, King said, sells for about $25,000 and supports an entire digital multiplex.
It expects continued double-digit growth across the whole group in both business and consumer banking.
Times, Sunday Times
As well as details of digitisation events, launches and reports, we hope that it will also become a place where those involved in digitisation - at any level - can share information about the challenges they have faced and the lessons they have learnt.
July 2007
Although the media companies harrumph about the dangers of the new technology, they are all well aware of the lesson of the video, and the immense potential profitability of the new digital forms of distribution.
Well, actually, the people who invented the first successful imaging technology using a digital sensor, called a CCD Charge-Coupled Device, have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Your CCD Camera Just Won a Nobel Prize | Universe Today
At the same time, in order to meet the need of fast measurement, pipeline analog-to-digital converter ADS800 is selected to convert analog signal of pressure.
Information resources construction develops toward networking, digitization, ass well as co - operation and sharing.
The forefeet and hindfeet have 3 large digits; the pollex and hallux are reduced in size or absent and the fifth finger is very small.
But we must also acknowledge the significance of computing and digital design.
In this paper, the algorithm of using B spline function for geometric transformation of digital image is presented.
URP is the core solution to the digital campus improvement, and it is the total integration of university information system.
Most of the work here, however, owes something to digitality, is computer generated or designed; was born or lives in a network.
February « 2010 « Squares of Wheat
Digital display board and step - by - step motor make function stability, precision height , consumption of materials fall off.
Another word buzzing around the conference was "immersion" -- as defined by Frank Rose in his fascinating new book, The Art of Immersion: How the Digital Generation Is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the Way We Tell Stories.
Arianna Huffington: On Change, Disruptive Innovation, and the Problem With Paywalls
She notes index number but is one digit out.
Times, Sunday Times
As Digital Media Manager I am inundated with press releases everyday proclaiming that this or that website is the next big thing.
I look at the digital clock, built into the bedside.
The supposed stegosaurian track Deltapodus Whyte & Romano, 1994 (Middle Jurassic of England) is sauropod-like, elongate and plantigrade, but many blunt-toed, digitigrade, large ornithopod-like footprints (including pedal print cast associated with the manus of Stegopodus Lockley & Hunt, 1998) from the Upper Jurassic of Utah, better fit the stegosaurian foot pattern.
Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
The inflorescence consists of spikes, solitary, digitate or fascicled, articulate and fragile; the joints of the floral axis and the pedicels of the pedicelled spikelets are trigonous and hollowed ventrally.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
And then there were the bones-a bear's digit, with the great curved claw still attached; the complete vertebrae of a small snake, articulated and strung on a leather thong, so the whole string flexed in a lifelike manner; an assortment of teeth, ranging from a string of round, peglike things that Jamie said came from a seal, through the high-crowned, scythe-cusped teeth of deer, to something that looked suspiciously like a human molar.
Dragonfly in Amber
Blockchain is the technology underlying digital currencies, such as bitcoin.
Times, Sunday Times
Customers of legal age sign up for a user account, for which they are assigned a unique, 5-digit, hexadecimal PIN.
A Suffolk University survey taken Saturday and Sunday showed Brown with double-digit leads in three communities the poll identified as bellwethers: Gardner, Fitchburg and Peabody. - News
MIDI technology and digital synths have replaced creaky old unreliable analogue methods.
With digital media such work can even look finished and complete.
All spectra were smoothed 10 times using a fixed bandwidth, sharp cutoff, three-point, low-pass linear digital filter.
Bell sounds are messy and not for controlling, they also cause a litany of electronic effects such as phasing and digital delay without ever having gone through a patchbay.
But then Kevin signed an astronomical nine - digit extension, and things got funny.
There is renewed optimism about the potential of the Internet and digital technologies.
Sound is presented in a simple Dolby Digital 2.0 mix and will not rattle sconces from your walls or make the neighbors head for the hills.
So you're interested in turning your PC into a digital video recorder, but the notion of opening your computer to install a TV-tuner card gives you the shakes.
The first spam was sent out by a marketing representative (who else?) for Digital Equipment Corporation, who was a leader in the microcomputer market back in the 1960s and 1970s.
Five Things That Happened On May 3rd | myFiveBest
The multifunction device combines miniaturized versions of a digital camera, PC camera, video recorder and audio recorder.
The definition of the digital TV pictures is excellent.
A surface acoustic wave device includes interdigital transducer electrode and reflectors disposed on a piezoelectric substrate.