

  1. temporary living quarters
  2. an excavation for ore or precious stones or for archaeology

How To Use diggings In A Sentence

  • Continued exploration in the Ontonagon area revealed more of these ancient diggings that contained visible signs of copper, some in large masses.
  • Bored by the duties put upon her by society, her wealth, and widowed blessedness, she had journeyed into the Northland and gone to housekeeping in a cosey cabin on the edge of the diggings. LI-WAN, THE FAIR
  • Indeed, there are long mole-like tunnel diggings criss-crossing everywhere.
  • The pits began to fill with water, making the peat more difficult to extract and eventually the diggings were abandoned.
  • The company operated its first service from Melbourne to the Forest Creek diggings, and subsequently developed a network of routes throughout Victoria.
  • The aspect of the land is diamantiferous; [Footnote: I hear with the greatest pleasure that a syndicate has been formed for working the diamond-diggings of Golconda, a measure advocated by me for many years. To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
  • From their mobile studios, daguerreotypists showed a bleak landscape of rocky boulders, improvised workings and hastily-built shelter, and men in the diggings lined up in rows, usually holding their mining tools.
  • As a third example, descriptions of the technologies that transported miners to the diggings provide the opportunity for deeper musings into the relationship between miners and their environment.
  • Avoid bears by looking for their signs: fresh diggings, bear scats, tracks, and salmon carcasses.
  • A substantial flight of stone steps leads from the river to a skeleton jetty with an attap roof, and near it a number of attap-roofed boats were lying, loaded with slabs of tin from the diggings in the interior, to be transhipped to Pinang. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
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