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How To Use Digging In A Sentence

  • When your bulbs arrive, or you buy them from the garden center, gather everyone together, hand out garden tools and start digging.
  • So do a little digging, and see what else is on at the metroplex other than the big name stinko's. 0%.
  • Well, suddenly without any warning, a couple of weeks ago, men and machines arrived and started digging up the road and pavement and generally causing the usual traffic chaos.
  • In the event, Gabriel got work with a road crew, digging up the streets of north London for cable companies; Andrea, again unable to persuade a bank to give her an interview, took up house- cleaning.
  • I guess digging into a tub of chocolate ice cream will be good.
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  • Quarry workers digging limestone had found bones that they thought were the remains of a bear. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also commented on the depressing state of affairs concerning preservation of blaxploitation pics, with something like 200 of the 270+ films he cataloged from the era being unavailable (at least without some serious digging).
  • Ranging from advice on digging a pond, the importance of the village bobby to controversial political and conservation issues.
  • Anything that the dying republicans can do at this point, including thrashing around and digging up newt from the grave, while their Dear Leader’s days in office disappear after every sundown, they will do. House Republicans Continue Vacation Protest - The Caucus Blog -
  • Union soldiers completed digging a series of ditches that zigzagged forward and reached the abatis.
  • Our Tanzanian accompanier said she was digging for water. Irish Blogs
  • The company bought the land last year and started work on the site by digging into the chalk, creating a white bank which has become a landmark in the town.
  • Each in turns fills a wheelbarrow and then with great effort pushes it to where the other man is digging, and empties it. Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
  • The workers were digging at an abandoned mineshaft that was depleted of commercial reserves.
  • Christine and I came and piled a huge mound of sand for a castle, adding turrets and walls and digging a moat that filled anew with every wave that reached it.
  • The apprehensions of the Health Department are valid if we go for indiscriminate digging in places where there are chances for water stagnation.
  • The battalion went directly to the airport to begin digging in.
  • When you go digging they usually give it. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the time workmen were digging up a nearby road. The Sun
  • In their search for food, most of which is comprised of burrowing rodents, badgers tear up large areas of earth with powerful digging claws on their forefeet.
  • The majority of tench fishing takes place in natural loughs or loughs produced by peat diggings.
  • Is it quite strange being at a lavish party one day and then digging tomatoes the next? The Sun
  • California's was the most male of the rushes, though native women were present in the diggings, and Miwok women, for example, took up mining in order to supplement older subsistence strategies.
  • I thought the gowf wad be easier than digging for coal wi 'a pick. Between You and Me
  • During the First World War, he was a conscientious objector and worked on road-digging and similar tasks.
  • It's also worthwhile surrounding your pots and trays with netting (or prickly holly clippings) to prevent these rodents digging up the seeds.
  • It does the search of the search engines for you, digging through ten search engines to generate your results.
  • Obstacles of every kind abound, and at night each side can hear the enemy driving pickets for entanglements, digging _trous-de-loup_, or working forward by sapping. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol 1, Issue 4, January 23, 1915
  • Farm animals were excluded from these coppices by the digging of ditches and the setting up of hedges of quickthorn grown on banks.
  • “But if she’s clean below, and doesn’t dismast or fall apart under the strain, and if we avoid digging her bow and flipping fore-and-aft — we might just be able to make it in thirty-six hours.” Conqueror's Moon
  • The massive wheels were digging great gouges in the road's surface.
  • An archaeologist was digging in the Negev Desert in Israel when he came upon a casket containing a mummy.
  • The researchers kept digging and uncovered one of the most complete skeletons ever found from this time period, the middle Miocene epoch.
  • Between tearing down walls and digging up floors I was always wrecked.
  • Smith did not care much for loper in any form; the meat was too strongly flavored for his taste-but it, was better than nothing and kept them from digging too deeply into food they had hauled along, Dora did not share her husband's distaste for loper meat; born there aid having eaten it now and then since earliest childhood, it seemed to her a normal food. \par Time Enough For Love
  • The saw is also used as a digging tool to probe in mud and sand in search of crustaceans and other small invertebrates.
  • You may think your home is babyproofed, only to learn the hard way that a crawling 10-month old has zero qualms about digging under a heating vent to find a Cheerio that rolled under there during the Carter administration - and then eating said Cheerio. Meredith Lopez: Adventures of the Tricksy Hobbit
  • The hungry tiger saw a big pig digging in the pigsty.
  • The scream was inside him, he suddenly realized; it was only a memory of Ahira digging its talons into a sleekit 's neck. THE BROKEN GOD
  • You reneged on your end of the deal when you started digging into my past.
  • Digging into management books and business journals, we found three schools of thought about service. Total Customer Service (The Ultimate Weapon)
  • It doesn't take long for the action, adventure, and adrenaline to pull you into the distant valleys with "their spidery networks … of unseen trails" where you will begin to the feel "bandoleers of ammunition digging into" Mellas's neck, and the "mud sucking on his boots. The Book on Vietnam
  • Probably one of the most-used small tools is the trowel, which is ideal for digging small holes for planting and transplanting annuals, vegetables and other smaller plants.
  • Here he became the most recognised of all artists who recorded life on the diggings.
  • I find one incredibly useful for digging planting holes, especially in heavy or stony soils, and would not be without mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Workmen digging up a front garden got a fright when they discovered an unexploded Second World War bomb.
  • It was a regular antheap all the way in, with the miners crawling over the tree-clad slopes, and the ceaseless thump of picks and scrape of shovels and ring of axes, and ramshackle huts and shanties and sluice-boxes everywhere, with dirty bearded fellows in slouch hats and galluses cussing and burrowing, and claim signs all along Sweetheart Mine, Crossbone Diggings, Damyereyes Gulch, and the like. Isabelle
  • This blade can be used to level the machine in uneven terrain and to increase digging depth or dumping height.
  • They've got a whole lot of earth movers here and they're just gently digging away at the edges of that pile of rubble.
  • As a libertarian, I tend to sympathize with this logic without digging too deeply into the facts.
  • But, as you will realise, the act of digging down towards the rabbit creates a lot of disturbance and vibration.
  • They said, after digging around, the photo was a fake.
  • It implores the police to have a third eye when investigating such cases by digging deeper and bringing the culprits to book.
  • Then you discover that the process has all the glamour of digging a ditch.
  • The creature was digging its tiny hands into a burnt log, and its face was covered in black soot.
  • -- after cornhusking was all husked and the oats thrashing all thrashed and the rutabaga digging all dug, I took eight dollars and a half in my inside vest pocket and I went to the hardware store. Rootabaga Stories
  • I ventured that science, research and technology are the only things which will get us out of the hole we're very likely digging even now.
  • Plow land rearrangement in Guanzhong area is divided into three types to analyze their pattern, which are suburb, plain, mountainous areas (foothill and diggings).
  • We met here a small party of Kansas and Delaware Indians, the latter returning from a hunting and trapping expedition on the upper waters of the river; and on the heights above were five or six Kansas women, engaged in digging prairie potatoes, (_psoralea esculenta_.) The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California To which is Added a Description of the Physical Geography of California, with Recent Notices of the Gold Region from the Latest and Most Authentic Sources
  • Each answer can be found by searching on the Web, or digging deep in your mind.
  • His belt buckle was digging into the soft skin of her stomach and she moved agitatedly, unconsciously provocative.
  • From somewhere I found superhuman strength and kept digging in, but the ground kept giving way. Times, Sunday Times
  • Releasing my now trembling hand, she searched through her black purse, digging out a lighter and pack of cigarettes.
  • I've been digging through pictures cursing myself for not documenting my work better, typing the details from my notes then suddenly, I broke the backspace key on my computer.
  • Here too in one of these small hamlets through which we passed Ruskin with a gang of his pupils in flannels started roadmaking, and for days and weeks were to be seen at their arduous task of digging and excavation, toiling and moiling with pick, spade, and barrow, while From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • A circus strongman who specialised in bending steel bars, he found a lucrative alternative career digging out Egyptian antiquities for wealthy patrons. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the producers felt we had seen enough of that, the camera seemlessly segued into another grassy scene: one with prehistoric, upright, hairy Homo habilis digging holes and groping for food, circa two million years ago.
  • Once the digging there has been completed, the land will be levelled and the bypass will be 10 meters below the current ground level.
  • "Understood, " he said while digging through the lint in his pocket for the coins.
  • We are digging for mineral deposits.
  • You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily.
  • I just can't rustle up such fantasies digging into yet another burger or pasta primavera.
  • We were digging for one and a half hours. The Sun
  • WSJ: A lot of musicians claim to never go back and listen to their old material, but you obviously took some joy in digging back into your archives for "Decoded. Just Asking: Decoding Jay-Z
  • Whenever we fished this popular jetty, I got the job of digging up the lugworm on the beach, and then gutting the mackerel when we got home.
  • Don't go digging into your best friend's suitcase and helping yourself to her cashmere cardigan.
  • Now it seems Jindal\'s office is digging its own grave trying to spin the un-spinnable. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Jindal Admits Katrina Story Was A Bold-Faced Lie - Digs Hole With Spin
  • Thieves are digging up corpses in order to steal jewellery and gold teeth.
  • That's a more expensive option, but it would keep above-ground lines or disruptive digging away from the trench that carries the greenway, which is designated a historic district for its series of bridges built to span the rail tracks that once ran though the trench. rss feed
  • More voluntary helpers are needed in Kilconduff cemetery on Saturday mornings at 10 am to help with the digging, cleaning, strimming and weeding.
  • And so we exist peacefully in the garden, they chasing voles and nibbling the nepeta, I digging holes and nibbling the nasturtiums.
  • Claire made a great play of digging into her food, exclaiming on the wonders of charred lasagna. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Others were recklessly digging great holes in the footpath between the poplars, and ramming the earth into bags, or nailing together great pieces of driftwood, fished from the river, to form a screen behind the sandbags on the parapet and hold them against the pressure of the current, while carts kept rumbling in and unloading piles of stone and rubble against the wall and screen. The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
  • A concrete foundation was poured after digging down to firm ground.
  • Before the wells were dug, surveys and seismic testing had to be undertaken using sonar equipment, to find the best site for digging.
  • Archaeologists digging at the ruins of a 12th-century abbey have unearthed a medieval poker chip. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Smith (also a choirman) owned the Clewer Nursery Gardens in Surly Hall Road (now Maidenhead Rd.) and was responsible for the grave-digging and churchyard upkeep.
  • Perhaps this helps to explain why digging for randomness in the flinty soil of physics is such hard work.
  • As Mortimer Wheeler put it 50 years ago, ‘the archaeological excavator is not digging up things, he is digging up people’.
  • They were digging in the tunnel the whole day.
  • He started digging through a disorderly pile of assorted framed pictures, including several that looked like they had been run over by a truck.
  • Rescue teams finally got through to the survivors by digging a tunnel.
  • Students should be prepared for the often hard and dirty work of manhandling nature - removing invasive plants, digging up drainage tile, placing riprap along streambeds.
  • Kenny stabbed the toe of his shoe into the layer of pine needles, digging for the dirt beneath.
  • He then stepped his right foot in front of him, digging it into the earth in front of him.
  • Labourers can earn up to $5 a day digging up and selling fossils, and this has created a massive supply of black-market dino relics.
  • Is it quite strange being at a lavish party one day and then digging tomatoes the next? The Sun
  • We love digging through straw, burrowing tunnels and exploring. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proposal for digging rain pits to store rainwater may look good on paper.
  • We are a side without much individual brilliance but we are capable of digging in. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man with flyaway hair was digging through a desk drawer, scowling.
  • All that digging made me really stiff.
  • February 11, 2009 at 2:46 pm not bad, not bad…not digging the green face, but its only concept art…give me the fuckin dinobts bay…all these other robots are ok, but all i want is grimlock eating at least one robot on the big screen….u say everything u do is awesome, but whats more awesome than a robot t-rex….a robot t-rex that can transform into a sword wielding manbot thats what Devastator Concept Art Hits the Net! | The Movie Blog
  • After digging out a large root system, the machines loaded the reed into a Marooka, a rubber-track transport that hauled the material to a chipper for processing.
  • The most recent piece of legislation in this area was the Telegraph Act of 1863 which had loose restrictions on digging up roads.
  • Gold-digging slappers who haul their knickers up with one hand and phone Max Clifford with the other are hardly the betrayed maidens of 14th-century folksongs! Letters to MediaGuardian
  • The movie ends with a harrowing scene of the father digging up his son's coffin, only to discover a piece of wood inside the box.
  • Tinkering in his blacksmith shop, he created a tool that's half ax, half mattock, and ideal for digging firebreaks.
  • Not entirely unremembered in Alaskan annals is the summer stampede of 1898 from Fort Yukon to the bench diggings of Tarwater Hill. LIKE ARGUS OF THE ANCIENT TIMES
  • In fact, in specific applications a rotating grapple gives you an advantage for digging in that you can dig straight down, where with a backhoe or an excavator you typically have to dig a trench to get a certain depth.
  • The problem is that walking on earth compacts it, causing a need for deep double digging in spring to get the air back in the soil.
  • Currently highways authorities and main services providers are allowed to cause chaos by digging up roads whenever and wherever they wish.
  • The edge of the pond bank was thick with water plants, and I foraged with my digging stick for mallow root and the small, fine-leaved dropwort. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • A process of digging was on view in a remote corner of the Forum, and he presently remarked that if it should please the signori to go and watch it a little they might see something of interest. The Portrait of a Lady
  • In 1851, British archaeologists discovered hundreds of clay tablets while digging in ancient Babylon.
  • When I was a boy and I used to dig in our backyard, half mimicking my dog and half pretending to be an explorer, I used to say I was digging to China.
  • The time has come to stop digging other people holes and dig some for myself.
  • A stone was digging into my heel.
  • Captured princes in torn and draggled finery were put to digging latrine drains and clearing up after the cavalry. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • That's digging back in time sixty years but that kind of pimento cheese is the sort of gourmet treat you never forget. Undefined
  • On the onion bed outdoors deep-digging should be done now, and the soil then allowed to settle.
  • She was a little distance off, digging into her bag.
  • After deciding that all signs of the injury were well hidden she began digging through the closet yet again in search of a shirt.
  • After thus tantalizing me and taking my measure, he called a peon, whom I found to be an easy boss, and I was placed beside himself digging and shoveling, took his gait, which was much more easy than the Southern darkey. The adventures of two Alabama boys,
  • Most mammals employing this behavior are subterranean, rather than simply fossorial; most fossorial mammals are limited to scratch digging.
  • As it was slowing to a stop, the aircraft shuddered and its landing gear collapsed, propellers digging into the runway.
  • Tremendous physical force was required to push the metal burin into the flesh of the copper plate, digging out metal with metal, before ink flowed into the resulting grooves, and the plate was run through a press, and the image transferred onto wet paper. The Art Thief
  • Jinx realized with a shock that he was still in a predatory, feline crouch, lashing his tail agitatedly, the claws on his feet digging into the dirt.
  • They went into overdrive, portraying her as a gold-digging divorcee.
  • They're digging up the road outside to repair the electricity cables.
  • Yesterday they continued the search, digging up the back yard of a police station.
  • I remember him digging the sandpit in the garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • For all the digging and exposing and sharp-witted quipping the film offers, there's not a mean-spirited moment in it.
  • A-Rod digging into a late lunch/early dinner (linner? dunch?) with his lawyer at the Palm on Monday afternoon after the Yankees 'visit to the White House. Hey, isn't that...?: Rosie Perez, A-Rod, Kal Penn, Erica Jong
  • But others complain that foxes are digging up their gardens, fouling their lawns, attacking their pets and ripping open their garbage bags.
  • After the rain stopped, the men went ahead with their work of digging up the street.
  • Workmen were digging a trench beside the road.
  • The hand on her shoulder tightened, each digit digging sharply into her skin.
  • The experts moved on to the site on Monday last week and began digging in search of any historical remains.
  • So the haters can instantly, and once again proclaim this film a complete disaster and doomed to failure, while the fans can start digging around and find anything that can pin him to the possibility of being a great choice, and I think that hope lies firmly in his advertisement work and in his mastery of technology and animation. Filmstalker: Halo gains unknown Director
  • In this paper, the advantages of afforestation by blasting on two sides of highway are outlined, the blasting digging of tree pits, calculation of charge mass and charging structure are expatiated.
  • We love digging through straw, burrowing tunnels and exploring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently she kept digging into the supply of tissues that Lee kept on the marble slab in the kitchen.
  • In other news we have finished digging two flower borders and have planted one up but got some left to do in the shady one.
  • Then the hands of the stocking-masked men were on her, their fingers digging into the tender flesh of her arms.
  • digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico
  • So, in pre-internet days, family research could only be done by travelling to faraway places and digging through records and archives.
  • If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. Will Rogers 
  • Kitchen gardeners are very often thought of as stuffy people, patiently planting seeds into precise rows and endlessly digging.
  • He was put to work digging a quarter-acre section of waist-high grass.
  • No more handling huge cups full of coins, moist towelettes, digging for an appropriate bill to put in, or even searching for your slot club card - it's all automatic online.
  • Rather their women sat in the small dumps and noodled all day with their metal digging sticks.
  • Calis gave orders for a defensive perimeter to be established, and a company began digging a breastwork. SHADOW OF A DARK QUEEN: BOOK ONE OF THE SERPENTWAR SAGA
  • It is populated by a pantheon of upper-middle class aesthetes, running the full gamut from self-indulgence to self-pity, gold-digging doctors and junkie beggars.
  • Four part harmonies, a production quality that worked your stereo into a sweat and enough influences on display to have your average muso digging through their collection meant that the CD was never far away from a play.
  • After a stint at the Victorian diggings he returned more than a pound of gold to his brother Patrick with the first Gold Escort.
  • I come back with an armful of dead birch to find Tony digging films out of a snowdrift near the tent.
  • A lone cottonwood on the plains might mark a hillside seep or a spot where the water table was within digging distance.
  • Removing the larvae by hand by slitting the stem and digging out the grubs with a knife is labor-intensive, but effective.
  • Is it quite strange being at a lavish party one day and then digging tomatoes the next? The Sun
  • ‘Roots are chopped off while digging the ground, which weakens the tree,’ he explained.
  • Ok, I know I'm probably digging too much into this, but given Disney's infamous past, does anyone else think that those helicopters look like giant dicks from the front? Watch 4 Minutes of the Opening of Bolt | /Film
  • When digging out the bed, discard any heavy, tight subsoil and save the topsoil.
  • I don's like to think of either of you digging in your heavy clay.
  • In turn this material is transformed into horticultural tools such as slashers, axes, jembes (local digging tools) and other tools and items such as chisels, bicycle carriers and kitchen utensils.
  • Saleh was quite delighted, but we thought any direction would be good for our map and we still had hopes of digging near Meshed, though we began to have fears that a repulse eastward would strengthen the hands of our enemies westward. Southern Arabia
  • So the developing countries, the main beneficiaries of US largesse, are digging in against other UN reforms unless they get the extra cash.
  • I also know that many golfers have already begun the season, but I'm just digging my clubs out of the garage.
  • They are digging at physics.
  • Digging was suspended April 8 as a precaution at the site in the pricey Spring Valley neighborhood near American University after workers pulled smoking glassware from the pit, project manager Dan Noble said Thursday. The Volokh Conspiracy » Chemical Weapons in my Neighborhood
  • Sometimes I wish that I could make a place on this pastoral land for my old parents to live, digging soil and growing vegetables and fruit.
  • In some places women were employed at the hardest work, such as coaling ships by hand and digging and carrying earth from canals and ditches. The Critic in the Orient
  • He shouts, digging his spikes in, thrusting upward.
  • And to those we think fibbed to us, we will keep on digging. The Sun
  • He was obliged to make his way forward by digging approaches, a lengthy and laborious process. Red Coats and Rebels - the war for America 1770-1781
  • She is digging away at her mathematics lessons.
  • I began digging a hole for the plant.
  • Yes, the indicting magistrate is on the left, but according to the Economist the complainants are members of far right organizations with a vested interest in avoiding digging into the past (figuratively and literally). The Volokh Conspiracy » Judge Baltazar Garzón Indicted
  • It is generally thought that when one is in a hole, one should stop digging. Times, Sunday Times
  • So the developing countries, the main beneficiaries of US largesse, are digging in against other UN reforms unless they get the extra cash.
  • The People was the most assiduous in digging the dirt.
  • The report said the sheer number of people busy digging the earth makes the three graveyards appear to be mines, but what is being dug up are human bones and skeletons of people laid to rest many years ago.
  • A black and white spaniel frolicked in front of them, then began digging at the bank in frantic haste. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • They are digging through the hill to make a tunnel.
  • Archaeologists digging in Jerusalem uncovered a piece of pottery inscribed with the name Goliath.
  • They were followed two years later by large numbers of Chinese men on their way to the Victorian gold diggings.
  • "You might as well throw these in your shredder," she said, digging some papers out of her brief case.
  • She bit her lip, digging her sharp canine into the soft skin, piercing it all the harder as she lapsed into deeper thought.
  • The diggings were exhausted and all the miners had departed to new strikes on Germansen Creek.
  • Newly elected Arkansas House Representative Richard Carroll has wasted no time digging into the archaine "isms" - of Arkansas 'state politics. Arkansas Rep Carroll Attempts to Separate Church and State
  • The tactile sensation of digging into matter with one's fingers, discovering its substance beneath form and color gives one the illusion of touching the very essence of matter.
  • Fond d' Or literally translates as ‘Valley of Gold’ but don't get any ideas about digging for gold, there is no known history of such metals to be found.
  • So by the time the water company was ready to finally start digging, people were elated but jaded.
  • It's also worthwhile surrounding your pots and trays with netting (or prickly holly clippings) to prevent these rodents digging up the seeds.
  • If he had to go there -- if he was that committed to digging deep and pulling up the perfect character to illustrate the blend of inkiness/luckiness that is Obama -- what made Felix so special? David Steele: Felix the Cat
  • More often than not, offensive operations did not consist in digging continuous trench positions and zones disposed in depth.
  • Plot summary: a childless and infertile couple are digging in the garden and find a tree stump that looks like a baby.
  • Noticing a man windlassing gravel in an apple orchard, on inquiry he learned that the man in digging a well had found pay gravel, and it had been his custom to drift from the bottom of his shaft, raise the pay dirt and wash it with a stream of water that he also used for irrigation on his farm and orchard.
  • That includes digging a hole in the ice for those brave or foolhardy enough to take a very chilly dip.
  • They tried digging in a patch just below the cave.

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